C Rcc!:rd !'C!! 46 Anrils cOnc'2"ir 0,.n tot@h or 2 tave tee?'. active in ar,,ot-rerearr..% 'O ltad c t-le@-oci Ili-,I s ttited tilat 2. 2 -L., as po--si, !a on ..rac,- 16, rc u -Ilio St--Ir;a f%.Ijat sourc-.-r. (=^.re 2 .tj ,he On 0",L:,t -e -0: a d In 2 e3.. ernirg the -Led t' Fe -bo s,,a n=' L 2 u' o'.= in i2@e rrrr-al ct.)w, ;-c- Of $@v takir.c, 8-n7 fu-rther is of "so,,@,,ces Fa",re rcr-u::e a!. ri sc.,,reral '=sr4- corceri.@ii-.Ir erLo-%Ll receLrcl-.es. 116 stated 0-re v-If, 2 ilurl.lier sta'vad e, ror .LI cct was r-B.- Alm resnonvi'b'o rol- 2 a::- Itacl no.- 'a:3cn 'abla t-.) obtl.-':.n as riu-ch ln4-'o,-@.at--on cri'.4zed Y,CS 1,.2c -a' i-c5zrz- -but '..I. rc=-rts on @i t t"-, a .ed wus out of eLa-%Lc. Fe stated. ti;@t i;-. -!:2as a matter- of co@.-.eern to contair t was b@=cd 'i@? or! t.,.zed IVINU= o--',: bc-carse i on reports 1;5,%cy i,.-e.-e corzt =tly il@teresj,'..,d in sa%zas+ ed. -..M P-P c-n an M7 Of' C:,E;ot rcc-cr,,-ch.' told2 tlio intci-c:; to an iiitcrc Z],. ill 4- off. gala tl,.Ia f iel;l 0-1 s'X,; c t - a 2forty In ;.-.e t.-,el@-.nical eciitont o 5 br,6,il,E; scc--cl to sss-,nicr than J. A. t'.he t--,-,@.nical c@.-tcnt of other con-2ersatlons had wi,,h ],.im. Fct baecuc-a 'We we,-e C.-.d zinia uce- of arzot Le, r. J- r- cr-ll-.- --,2 i-.i O.;. 0-4tal. 41 jr.;; 'I -0 'or e-r-7@@t n a' P31@ e"CCtS in J. 0. a -.-.;cli Fvt,.-catrr eetent '.I-..an !,a .!as ir'wcrcsl-14, in -,osz'2ibla u:tc of as a 1=rze df FLe statad w princ4Arle dif,&'ic-uli.Ai-. in usin=- ac.,a-nslv large Z,-cuns was y .1 2 diffic-i!4-,- of it L-i foria ,.C C a liig':-.Iy Aj' of er,-ot u-.i3tablo). 2 C)es;- in o7r,%'al-Lil-ic it.,,u,-.ls L.,.s 1,1-10 L,ncl;, t'rat it is in sL@@o-11 d-7,:-cz cz,,i ea=-.at 1-@e dk;'L-:-2c'u-cd ii@cn V.-.2 st@Pte4 tli--t his intere-t no' only vc-.-*I-.,2d' b--vc wo,., ol'f. w 40 - -=An F .1 -'e 2 cround -',,he e"'or4 'Lo get early infor.-'rat-on of Possil-.L U_!e but alzo by -@-*scar on so '-.au-St lv'ne 'j.,,it2a O@'.a'.cz -.-cula 'b@3 -,.ara2rc-I in ti@at erc-o'6 was dcscr,-",cd wxis ard z@cnas da',.ac'inv v.-osencc oAP trzo4.- d a r ;Iw-- t ri a z t 2t a d as the U-r.,-Jltcd Statcr. -7o*d Dni;c uced a--iintal- in-.!Alcatcr-s 1 4 atil certt4.n otl SUCH &3 -.-2r simrle ,:r6m:; of li',c uhiel, -.-cr7 c,lx.rncl,.z.ri.s'Uic raacl--I-cns w-cn J-.'-oy'kco eve.- @rcl'lozt :!rres. AaC L5 n n-. A. *itt sn ,r .Cd to I d a'," 2 Llctn T' ic CC.-.nC A.IIL. C Pl=cliar.--d sc=e fo- v C tu-. n t2o t 0 if i-,- all it. 1.0 sh ".)o read 2 cancel :equ-,. e- ,Tp SI)r r Ca- ,nat I ii-- 'n fai-c!--. dZS ;I .4 tl,at .-,es -.o lo---.r 3 of L' -?-cc 2 J..$L