Dr. Harris Isbell 6 Parc Ch,--teau Ba,-,quet Geneva, Switzerland Dear Farris: It Is desirable that I g-t In cor@tact with you by telephone to discass.,a small matter of -nutual interest. I unrierstand ttiat on are-anvay from Geneva at the prosert time aad will2 be aone ua-.il about 4 December. I will place a telcohome call to You on 7 Deceziiber about 7 o'clock P. N.I. Geneva tirre. la the event you are not available at that tl-ne, leave a forv.-arding address to which tt'2o tolepbloaa call could be transferred. If this is not agreeable, let me kn3ow a time, date. and clace I coald reach you on or about 7 or 8 December. I hope that you are having a profitable and pleasant sabbatical. With kindest personal regards to you and your family, I remala Very truly yours,