NON-LETHAL PERSONNEL BEI-IAVIORAL CONTROL General Considerations: l.' Possiblecontract..fora-year-ormorebutmay-be.,,..,-,',-,-, supported by increments. 2. In essence, the' effort would be primarily concerned with providing biological-ps2ychological scientific advice and guidance to support behavioral control systems being fabricated and tested by other concerns and/or to recommend the development or abandonment of plans to undertake R&D concerned with potential behavioral -control systems. 3. The above may include, but not be limited to: (a) 2 Evaluation of status and progress of on-going projects. For instance, (a) the use of h;lgh intensity lial-it, with minimum- r.Ls-k-of -perman-ent-r.,--tLnal Aama e,,-as-a.,behdvioral-control.-.....---,-,- 9 2 either in isolation or in - system, and (b) use of combination with _Jfor tempor@ary individual restraint, the system being activated from a distance. (b) Evaluation of currently available literature, and research project@s underway to determine the feasibility of developing 2 a -ithat would meet the incapacitation requirements. (c) To conduct scientific "ar-rnchair"eval-Liations of potential incapacitation systems, i.e.,(. electrical c-Lirrent, etc. (d) To undertake supporting laboratory studies as6 appropriate.