MKULTRA Briefing Book Containing brief summaries of each of the 149 MKULTRA subprojects I January 1976* 399 pages (including cover sheet) Note: Document is undated. This is 5an estimated publication date. RMEA Proj 1 2SUB-PRO-"CT NO. I UD rmu@;t PRINCIPAL RESEARCHER AND LOCATION: Princeton University OBJECTIVL' AND DETAILS OF WORK: To isolate and characterize the alkaloids of impomea sidaolia choisy (rivea corymbosa); to 2 L@ I I L identi-i"y and charac"-erize the a-cen s affecting the central nervous system of human beings. as to perform a literature search, chemically examine the seeds and their extracts ['or alkaloidal ma-@@-erials, and to determine specilzic methods for the isolation and pur2ification of those alkaloids. APPROXI,',IA,TE TIME SPA,"": 1953-i954 SIGNIFICANT ASPECTS: None noted FUNDING: COVER TIECF]ANISM: Notional APPROXit4ATE TOTAL: $1,300 in Sterile Cashier Check RESEARCH PARTICIPANT: - Witting 2 LTIEII, had a Mr Fellowship at PrinceLon during the time frame of this project. There is no indication in the file that was associated with or aware of Agency participation'. NAMES OF CIA 40NITOR@: Robert V. Lashbrook APPROVERS: Sidney Gottlieb Willis A. Gibbons 6 Luis deflorez E2 It BY I -7) 2 i - i 0 2 C-1. I ' 2 1 r\.) i v r 7 1. 3 SUB-P,ROJECT @io. 2 (See also tics. 124 and 140) PRINCIPAL RESEARCHER AND LOCATION: OBJECTIVE AND DETAILS OF WORK: To do miscellaneous research and testing services in behavioral modification. Only tiio specific project proposals are contained in the file: The l'irsi'- is a pro- posal to study the poss2ible synergistic action of drugs which may be appropriate for use in abolishing consciousness through animal experimentation, and, the second is a prooosal for a survey of methods 'Lo enable the administration of drucs to patients without their knowledge. There is no record of projecl activity or results. Served as a contact and cut-out for projects in this 2 field, primarily in the Also monil-ored selected projects located in -the area and served as a general consultant and adviser. In addition,@@ acted as medical adviser and consultant to t-'ioroan Hall. APPROXIMATE TIME SPAN: 1953-1958 SIGNIFICANT ASPECTS:2. Animal testing is indicated in project proposals as a prec3ndition to human testing. Human 'Les'Ling implied but money,only requested for animal testing. File does not indicate whether human @Lesting occurred or whether it was to be on volunteers or non-volun'@.eers. As Morgan Hall believed 4 E2 It, T o@e B y4mm@@ .0? SIGNIFICANT ASPECTS: (Continued) to have been doing testing on unwitting subjects, i' is likely that was on call l'or problems encountered by Hall. FUNDING: COVER MECHANISM: None APPROXIMATE TOTAL: $20,000 paid by check, both Treasury and Cashiers. 2 RESEARCH PARTICIPANT: cleared TOP SECRET, and on a contract basis Wit-Ling. OTHER SPONSORS: None indicated NAMES OF CIA MONITORS: Robert V. Lashbrook APPROVERS: Sidney Gottlieb Willis A. Gibbons C. V. S.--Roosevelt 4 2 n L-y aulilcri"y W-- dalke 1-@;77 1-1 Au,-6-ust 1955 MEM,MAMN, Fa:Z: TEE Project M=i;L"'A, Sabproject Z& Z 12. Si-,bproject 2;@', is being initiated to zrov-ide a secure and efficient r-ean3 oL' ey-nloi'wirg dOMINWw-ith r@egai-d to the '.@ELTL7@U progr--:.-. 2. is a nr--C,,.icing ps7chi@atrist in and a faculty =--mber of Ste=ford Ysclical School. He has been of value in the general I@Nui@Mk project, serving as Pn advisor and consultant, cont-acti=.,-, In,947iduals in the 2 area and car-- out his c-,.m rese@----ch program. 3. Subproj ect 2;f would i--cl-udi3 the f ol I owin,-: (a) 14iscel lq-eo,-,s research and testing serv-ices in the general f @ eld 2of (b) Services as a contact and cutout for projects in the ITULTRA field, those locat,5d in the area. (e) lionitorin,,a, of selec+,ed projects in the YXUL'OA field, v@--en locall2ed in the 4600@ area. (d) Services as .a general cons-i-l-tant and advi--or in the @r:L-UL'CzU f ield. (e) Ee would e-c'-,. as medic--I erl-visor and consul' .an'@ to Mr. 1,1.or2gan Ea2.l and establ 4 sh- .,mt. be rei=:,,t=:3ed for 'n.9 services and em)..--nses u-ca receidt of = im-7oice at interva--L.s. 1,4he.,i travel e@menges are. throLzhL use2 of a. c=on ca=-i-er, they will 'De e-oLn---n'ked a--d reimbursed in the usu--l :-.o-nr.9r; is, ccr-si3t--"t With stard--rd Gover--=ent allcr;.-a=ces. f, n E 312-- Ev I Do-,-;ngrac!cd to TIA by aut.@orit date 1-@7 7 5. The ',.Otal cost of this Drojec*. is not to exceed $2000.CO for a period of one a-s=c-e3 should be made against Allotmer.. 6-2502-10,'-101. 2 .6. is Cleared thro,,iEhL TOP SE=. TSS/C"--emical Divi3io-- AP.@-'ROVED: ef, TSS/C,-.@--ical- Divisioa APP,R=- FM MLIG2ATTOZ4 C,, FIPZ)S: Res arch Di--.cTor Date: Distribution: Original C'-al-y da',e Do@vngrad@-d to TIA L by authority of cf ate @P @@R O@L ObJec"ive: To study ",he Pcssi-cle synergis-Ic action cf dru-3 vhi-c'-- r-ay '-.e a?prozria'@le L'cr use in abolish4-nc- Si'Lu--'.ion: T",,ere is reason to beli-e7e @@'wc cr =c.-e drue;s, used in combira@"ion, are Tcre effective tha,-i s4-ngl--- dru@;s. The @--.-,-7oined ef@-'ec@@, of some drugs, sucn@ as cc='--4---aticas c-? oa.-o4.-'@ura'@es are @-7.cwn. With other ccm7oi----"'@ons, zhe deE@7ce o+' s- .:--ergism is not know.-.. if considerable sy-erE;i@m is fc@:nd -oossi---ilit4es'.-e considered: to exist ;o per',icalarly useful may "-,-e found, end (2) tha@@ 2 =ay ---e hazardous beca,-,se c@-' its e,',-ec@, on re or some other vital To minimize hazards a r-i-=al ex-.erimen-@@-s should 'orec--de hi,- a exuer',"-en',s. Pi-o-cosal:2 "llcca,@-ion o' t!000 'or ani7pi exze-4---'s, e d:-a-.-,a -on as needed. T'na"- exz)eri---e--ts ',-e conducted a@' Sta.--ford wi--@@-hou'@ a s7-oecifi-c grar,@., and aznrcrr4La"e cove,-. I D ',LT CL [Af I\IT IL@ O@qF!DL- c 0 Do@vrgraded tc by authority date PROPOS."L Obj-ec' To s'@udy --e"lhods for -IL-,he c-@' drugs 'withoul. '6'ie krcwledge of 'L..I-e ua',ient. Prer@a@--a@2li-on of a man-1. Method: A survey of r-e'uhods have been used by cri-minpis for su@r-renti'Llious admini-s"lra'@i-on of dz-u-s. t'@@--lysi-s of '@'ne psyc'--od:,rr-a.-ics of si'8-u--@.i-ons of r-a'@u:,:e. Pro-pcsal: That T!GCO be alloca@@eci -'Or this @ur-zcse, -@'unds to be recues'@ed as r-eeded. Do 10 by of :7 -a I I c I C-,. 0 ! w i I 0 SUB-PR@JECT NO. 3 (See a.1so Nos. 16, 42 and 149) PRINCIPAL RESL@ARCHER AND LOCATIONS: New York City and San Francisco OBJECTIVE AND DETAILS OF @IORK: Realistic field testing of R&D itens of interest to TSS/CD. APPROXIMATr' TIME SPAN: 1953-1956 2 SIGNIFICANT ASPECTS: This is the project that started t@.e unwitting testing in New York. ,FUNDING: $3,875 approved Play 1953. Total: $8,875 in Cashier-'s Checks. RESEARCH PARTICIPA@IT: George White, aka Morgan Hall (alias) Ila seaman." OTHER SPONSORS: None indicated. NAMES OF CIA MONITORS: Sidney Gottlieb Robert V. Lashbrook APPR-OVERS: Willia A. Gibbons C.V.S. Roosevelt E2 li'l BY I -o i -S I C) 12, SUB-PROJECTS NUTIBERS 4, 15, ATID 19 PRINCIPA) RF@PaPrN@'D API!D LOCATIO@,,- OBJEC'TIVE AND DETAILS OF WORK: All three of these Projects are to fund the contractor, a'magician, to write a manual on @Lhe various aspects of the in2gicians' ar2t which could be useful in LI covert operations. One aspecl of @Lh4ts project was to develop skills which could be used by the working field case 0'fficer to surreptitiously place a pill or other item in an ilem to be consumed by a target personaliil.-Y -- for example, a drinker. 2 A contractor was employed under Sub-Project tio. 34 'Lo prepare a paper on magic4jans...techniques for the covert corrT,-,uni- cation of information. APPROXTMATP TTM@' COAII. 1953-1954 SIGNTFTRANT AqD@:rTc- One of the skills to be developed was the covert-admini2stration of drugs. FUNDING: COVER MECHANISM: None APPROXIMATE TOTAL: $5,500, paid by sterile checks RESEARCH PARTICIPANT: John Mulholland. Nowhere in the file does it specify tha('--.he is cleared and witting -- however, the deduction that he was completely witting is inescaoable. 6 OTHER SPONSORS: None indic;-:@--ed E2 IM BY NAMES OF CIA t,',ONITORS: Sidney Gottlieb Robert V. Lashbrook APPROVERS: Sidney Gottlieb Willis A. Gibbons C. V. S. Roosevel',. James H. Drum Luis deflorez 29 ,el I I I 2 a ) C-. I 1 i 6-1 I I i --- ---- --- It@ SyfT SUB-PROJECT NO. 5 PRINCIPAL RESEARCHER AND LOCATION: University of Plinneso-a, L Later the University of2 Denver OBJECTIVE AND DETn'ILS OF 1,40RK: @-lork apparently began with a demonstration in a hotel designed 'Lo "dermnstrate potentialities of hypnosis a s a tool of the clandestine services". Following the successful demonstration this.eventually evolved in-Lo Sub-Project No. 5. Research in 2 hypnosis was to determine it--: hypnosis could be used as a memory enhancer, a learning aid, a polygraph deceiver, etc. Also, research into susceptibility'.of certain personality types to hypnosis. APPROXIT,IATE TIME SPr'%N:- 1953-1956 SIGNIFICANT ASPECTS: None FUNDING: COVER MECHANISM: Gesch8ickter Fund APPROXI[,LATE TOTAL: $12,000 per year RESEARCH PARTICIPANT: None OTHER SPONSORS: None NAMES OF CIA MONITORS: APPROVERS: Sidney dottlieb E2 IMP y -1 . 0 8 C-. C) @7 SUB-PROJECT NO. 6 PRINCIPAL RESEARCHERS AND LOCATIO@IS: Eli Lilly Conoany, Indianapolis, Indiana OBJECTIV@"7S AND DETAILS OF WORK: 1. To develop reliable source of LSD within +,he United States. 2. To assist in the search for additional natural hypnotic 2 products. AP-PROvAItIATE TITIE SPAN: 1953-1955 SIGNIFICATIT ASPECTS: Probably none. Object was to develop a domestic source for LSD. No testing was done. FUNDIT@G: COVER MECHANISM: None APPROXI.MATE TOTAL: $5,000 was approved but no"- expended as Eli Lilly Company did n2ot charge for this- work. RESEARCH PARTICIPANT: (Eli Lilly Company) witting. OTHER SPONSOR: None NAMES OF CIA MONITORS: Sidney Gottlieb Robert V. Lashbrook APPROVERS: Willis A. Gibbons C.V.S. Roosevelt Luis de Florez 8 E I .1 I ) 0 2 1 C-. --4 6 kI SUB-PROJECTS NUMBERS 7, 27 and 40 1 TO@IS: PRINCIPAL R SEARC,@ER Atio LOCf'%T@Ull..; Dr. @@larold A. Abramson, who sponsored work locations: OBJECTIVES AND 2D@CTAILS Cl:: ',40RK: This work started prior to MKULTRA with RO-37 in and was carried forward with Sub-Proj5ec4i--s 7, 1953-1 954; 27, and 40, 1956. These proje--'@s seem to be the nucleus of the LSD program and -the three were done at 2 both locations- Or. Abra,-,,son, as 4ell as doing work he 'i@'f r s subcontracted research t'c o'@er specia7is-s. T' vears' work seemed aimed aL- Characterizing the various 2 s c -i;z I" 5 D with the aim of ul@L";ima'Lely producing a manual ,':or field use. During Sub-Projec@L No. 7, money was oroilded @o su-b-c,@nr-rac@ L work in 'the lz'ields of brain enzyme and nerve 2 As an indication 0-ic the scoce: ""no-her p-sych-:--,z7;s- will inde- r% L I - LI L. pendently analyze the verbatim recordings in over 100 expe-4rrents L 27 in which LSO-25 h2as"already been given." Sub-Projec's t,c. continued the earliel- emphasis to understand the total ef 1--a-r-ts of LSD by studying "tissue Tietpbol ism" and LSD influence on embryological development. in addition, work was under-Lak-nn to look t;7or LSD antido@@es and @7,ocl&,ina agents. Sub-Proi-c@ 'I@c). 40 continued the previous work and added aerosol -@@elivery studies. Basic documents on each o-z -,@e three projec@'s are attached. E2 Y APPROXIT4@TE TIME SPAN: 1952-1956 SIGNIFICANT ASPECTS: The work appears to be the necessary basic research on a drug whose impact on society was just beginning. The studies included the use of LSD in therapy. As far as is known, subjects in this experimentation were witting. Funds are 2 -Project No. 7's included for the payment of subjects. Sub proposal contains the following quotation: "One of the difficulties of deter,-nining explicitly of the drug itself is that the subject the effec4L. L and the observer are both conscious of the fac2t an experiment is being performed. It is hoped tha',--,, in the next year, subjects on the who are essentially normal a psychiatric point of view, will be given unwitting dosesoi' the drug for psychotherapeutic purposes. In this way more valuable experiments will probably be carried out 2 in spite of hospital condiL@ions." It is not known whether unwitting, in this case, meant fully unwitting or unwitting as to timing. It is also unknown whether unwitting doses were actually given. FUNDING: COVER Foundation for Medical Resea-?t'@ //? APPROXIMATI@7 TOTAL: SZDS-;000 CD 2 E2 RESEARCH PARTICIPANTS: Dr. Harold A. Abramson, W4'ting. Dr. Abramson, Witting. Unknown if Witting- Unknown Wil"Ling. 2 Unknown if Witting. Unknown if Witting. Unknown if Witting. Other names, believed to be clerical, were included. Money went to the institutions from whom the researchers drew salaries. As the funding was contributed through a 2cuL--Out, i- minis*Lra-l.ors as a group is unlikely that the institu-ions' ad knew that the CIA was its ultimate source. OTHER SPONSORS: lic Health Service, Pub and Unknown if Wittin3g- NAMES OF CIA MONITORS: Sidney Gottlieb APPROVERS: Luis deflorez Willis A. Gibbons C.V.S. Roosevialt 3 HAROLD A. ABRAMSON, M. C). June !2, 1956 Dear May T tha-nlc you -,-'or the interest shovin by your Comza-ny in the nrojec," a',, should li-lend-;= of 2.nfor.--a',i-on c,-l "hi-s subject that will resemble an operational field =.a,--u,@l as =uch as mossible. All CD/TSS zrojec@@ data that has a bep---ing on subject will be used in the mre-carat4-on of the =aziual. 3.2 The sum of money lisled under Dr. Ab--a..-.scials budget includes work i-a the fields of b-@pin enzyme work and nez-ie me@-a@bolism to be subcont.-acteci to othei@- crga.-.i-zat'lior-s. 4. The fu--cls inclt,.de-$45,650 ,Po2r the nroject e-t@ "?L39,500 foi@ Dr. Xora=soals awa project'., and a 2@p service &I charge for the Gesct'Lce":,_@Ller Fou-nda-Llion amoun'ir-9 to $1703-00. Therefo e., the total cos' of 'his inves@iga2tio,". will -iot-ecceed $86,v3.C>O for tre -oez-i-od@ JulY 5, @1'953 to July 41 l@c54. T-D@:EY G -=--=B 0 7' Chiel authorit_y of 1 Che=L-:cal Divisi-c,,n T-SS y fnfornia@'ion PRCGRA@L Socuri-@Y lnl;'ornia'Li 0 11 by ',iate PROGM.1 A-T)P,ROVL-D APP----70V---D .@-OR OELIr-A,7,TCDI -D RECO,-:7-2@,TED: A-N 2 OF Researc'- Re3earc.@2 Director Da'Lle: DP /L 2 At'ue-ch,--ent: I)ro-oosa,L -2- T rl L by j@at CL 8 Securi-L@1; Informa'Lion HAROT 0 A. ABRAMSON. M. 0. r C 7 SECURITY U. by June 8, 1953 C! W, -,077 Charles F. Geschi-ckter, M. D. 2Gesch.ick@.e.- z-'u--d ' r Medi-cpl 't@-search, Lo 18')4'Cc.=ecticut @'venue, N. W. Washi-mg@ton 9, D. C. Dea-- Dr. Geschic@--ter: Yay I ac@-c-wiedge thanics2 'he sL,--z)ort of your F c u-n di o nfor 'Lh-- -crev-ious year's -reseex--h on LSM-)5. 1 should like to '@ake '@@,4s on-ao--tu@-ii@'y to a-c-aly @'or su-c-oort for 'he fiscal- Year July 5, 1953 2@10 July 4, l@054 to con',4-nue the researc@-- I)rojec'@ on @lhe ef-f'ect of ESI)25 on no---al adults. The rrog--am for follo-;,-L-ig year is --Dl-r!-ed as follcvs: Content analysis of the 'Cresent data v4-ll be a@-,-'.-e=rted by t-.-o -Dsychia'@r-i-sts. Cme of '@h--se nsyc',--I-atz,4-s"s -.-ill be -@1--c psych-ia"6-i-ist assigned to tle rz-ojec'w itself. Th-rs psych-etri-st 2 has obse--ved the phenoT-.Pnp. Anot.'-,---r vsycn4a'@z-ist v-f-11 analyze verbe@,ltr iecordings in over 100 ex-mez-i=e,.its in vh-fch LSD25 has already beer- given. A co=-.arisc2n of '@lie ',-vo surveys -@rill be -de to evaluate not only ',,-he effects of '@.he drug but the -@lechni-cue of the exme--im--r@-,al mroced=es. T'ae analysis of ".he data -.-ill first car-cern itself the ra-w =8i.--teri-al and. the sigT:il'icance of ind-rvid- ual and &--oT--p,reapenses based on 'he -aw as nreser,-L@ed by co@ TI IL -2- by au4iior't the verbatim recordings. 2 ate @ECURITY l@i'FO,", Simultaneou-s 'vi'Llh 'llh-e scrutiny c@. the -a@.; ma@@eripl further ex-2oerim,-nts on ild-,:v'Ldual st.,bjec'@s will be ca--.ied out by luhe, psyc',-,olo,-,is'Ll v,',-o, using both projective and non-nroJec@@i-,@re m--d4-a, forces ecte--n,-Iiza'.ion of 'uh-- attitudes end conflicts of '@he 'o--rsonali'.y,jo@-- v.e,_ The cuarti'@la,ive and cuaill.'ua,ive aralysis of 2 the test data vill be cor--el -'led v-i-'Lh '@,h-- Dsychia'Llrist's study of the ra-w data to ascertain iL' ",he si=le intervie-w 'Leci@--i4-aue out- lined to you in rZ,, report -oC of Y-ay 28, 10.53 a--e su-D-Dlez-,entecl or contradicted by our battery of 'tests: (1) The Wec',-,sler-Bellevue ln:',elligence Scple (2) T2r-,i-- Bend--z--,---es-@.-al@ ree-Person Test (3) Tne Hcuse-T" (4) Tne Rorsch-2-ch (5) Woz-d Association Test (6) Ca--ds 1, 2, 3BF of the Tne=at-;-c Ao erce-o@ion Tes4- T-ntei-,7a'@ing 'khe -,;ork oL' the -osychi-a'@ri-st who, as I h,---@,e mentioned, is conce--ned wi'.h 'Uhe rav data e=d the 0--P the 2 psyc'--Ol-cgist -,@o is concerned vi@'wh "he -oz-o4ecl"ive ana non-Drojec@'li-,re testing -w-ill be the coordina7@',ir-g ac'6iv-'-t-;-es of the neu--o-chjsiologis@.. 2 He v-ill be studying the effect of the drug c.-. -oerceution and on motor activities. Trae s'Lleadiness 'Les'@ heretofore desc--i-bed, eye- hand coorriina@@icn., reac'@i-on '@i-e to lig'-rrt and sound vi.-Il be stud..,Ied toge-'-.-'-,--:- i@,-'th the ,:-a--i-ables descr-;-bed on -"--e attached cue---"io=,ai-re as a function of '. 4 rp - Plar-s are be4-ng m--de to D o L,! T L by autiio 5 date -3- D by 'date 107 QU@3i- u@ -9 2 attac: eo'ion--airc data so that the s4-@;nif:@g may be =re closely delineated. n-ese ecrer4-pr-ts P-re vel-y 7@@rc=is4-- and I believe that ',,he of t',,-@ 2 mo@-e @-han a 'Llheore'L,--;c,-! sl@lructare to cur I'@, ha,-. i be!4-e-;-e, Provi-d.L-d us v@,.th best t@7e o'L gui(2.e for 'U',--- s'Llur@y of 'U@-p- effect 2 of the d--,ag s a 'u-nct4cn of a-'Uer :LTiEes'lion th--.'. cou'T-d hp-,:e been devise One of of e--@--LIici'Llly the ef L'e--'. of the 2 i-'@lse2--,' i-s th--t ',,he sL@cJec'. and o'osez,;er are c is be4--g 7cer'Lo=--d. both consclou-- -@lie -f'ac'@ an !'LI is hozed in ",he year t2hat st,.ojecl"s on the who are essen.-.ial-1-y nor.-zi a Dsychia'6ri-c =-7-nt o--F' be give-,,- doses c@' :r@ for Ir- '@his -;.,m mcre e:,-.7,erir-ents iril-i brobr-'oly be carried c-"-@. hospi-l'al cora,,-,u4-ons. Atter-D-.s are bdi---G =P-de m--ese--'@ to sc-@@- u-o rrojec',s w7ith colla7co:7a-;-U-ir-g o--gani-za'L,,-cns on the eflect of LSD25 cr- bra-rn mete@'ooli-sm, on -@he r--e-Labo44-c of me:-,res and on enz,--e react4.ors. 2 are bud@,ets both to be by me b-at Lr.CLez- ser,@@r::@'@e acco-,;nl"s for e-,se o--@' adr-,inisl@rak@ion. Bud,-,e'@s labelled @@@rem--escn'@s the an'Llic2'L-ca+---d costs of the -crojec'L. at label led is the bed,@;et wl,-ich will c,-re of a --cccnci an enz,=e -crojec'@, and P- rLeu--o7c--Is -ol og--c1r I projec@@ O@--ectly v,--d6r. to Do@,;ngri IC ul i Do@yngracj(2d to by autliorit stra'klive policie-- r- p i-11" al ---oiecl@'2s =c'@.abolism ard neu--o-rhysio!oMr to be cc=i-ed out under the ausn@ices oi' or,:@aniza'Llions other than are e:cclu@l-eC,th-is ir,'Il reduce budr _et 1-be'lled $9,000.00. s@-- I 1 be ver- u ; glaa to d-fscuss the &-,ta-',I.s of -riis project and hore that I sIL--!' h--ve the rleaz,,i--e o4L' yol2-ir continued su-opor-,,. Wi@ -uh best ne--sor-al reeards, I am.7 YO s si-mcerely, Litr 3A-o--a=on, M. HAA)M L by au liz)rt' a,e .c Februzr- 2'@'v 195-. ',r-ane-- f or c z IRes---rzch, Irze. 183K, C o n n c- C"'C c ui2@'venue T%z@s h ing:t on C-. -r-r- De -ledpre @i th t h P- r:r- sthe' --i-,ppo:71 --rou hr-ire r-t PZST -@LV.-O yL-zr--. v-nd -@.-L:I::e teis opr.,o=,tunitr, c> e--:scuss 411111M.:L'O- :ti2C rith you: the.- posrib ty o":' obtzir--@ng 'oz- Pr oj @e: c t. 2 z ,70r- .-tG, lS55 Pr-eviouFly.. v.@--il'undez-' P r ----It - hF-s been P-- olexsur-e -;4-2--o. dizectli.- -oa--- re c-entz@L ilres vao cave EIQ'ed. ir- !eF:-;en'-:nC tize =Eny ;zspect@t oi@-1, z.:p tbe- pzogz-zr-.- 2 hcyever hr-ve beer- P@ccumulz-@.:L3tg vez-Tr th---t- '-be *ezson- SL-@ =-C-L-:Ld ;-s ---he F-. ccuic-, !F-t i2' on O-r nel of-.- $-Jae r=-ciect j:-re co='rorted rith the se--;ouz probieu-i o" 'zac progrr-T-. -f-'or 19-13-11-154.- zi)d 'r.-i'Ling un --hc progrv-.r-. cave=--'-nc 4'or gz,ztjs- ticz I-. @-s per'L'ori*ecZ during tL@' first fisczl Yez-z-. o:C. it'ne progzzjc.; I rr-hould 1 to .20se -%-.hzt 'the'GescL-i-cl:@e"-' terr.,;; nz-,:- g---F-r-t for for the fo2.lo-rim- P,--zposes: -To cor-oci@e the p@p-pers thz- re2r6 beg7un 'u=ing tlac perlod 2: -To caicuizte P-nr3 to cow-p-@-le th'e catz ecreenit@-d du---inr- To D;zjze con-4-ent r-ncl-si-s o 2 .,r-oz sc7c-ertc-C. au .:-i. 7- 4,., 'I 0bc- nren;:-m-ec. -cc- 2.ssay uni@narrl sa*-terlz:Lc. 5- To con,2.n;-,e tz-Ce SeZ:7Ch fC-- Z SU'-2tZble @Lnt-.idote- To cuznti-ta'L-Lvely de-LezEine pEycholog,@-c.;--Ilr zad. ptysic- lo-ic-L7-llv rtz@l. happens dur4-n- rzpid desens; t i ic" 5 follor-ir-- hir,,t dosc--- r-i LSD'5- bud-et i-c to be only zt S r:-- t,,'S 1 T: -LLiC-ci',:CE Decein7c)er 28 '54 STAT---,krL-'I@TT OF ACCOLTN'T LNEP.OIC GP-e,'T: GESC--@--C@73@-R FOU,','DATION, DiC- WPS-=TGTOI!, D.C- F'-RO@l-ITULY 4TE 1953 TO T--TLY 3PD 1054 !:,- SeDtember 2,. lc"53 2 01. 4i2.5 "' - Decetilner 14, lIC53 2 ii; 41 5. 5 0 @w.arch 30, 1954 4! -P .50-. M--Y 18, 1954 2 111412.50,: ii:.--e 21, 1954 3,000-00 JLily 2 1, 1 4 6oo.oo Dece,riher 29, 1954 2 11000.00 TOTP-L R.EC'-:'I---,T-S $50,25"- s AL@@-Z@ i@s 2 Terminated !Iii/53 $1,793-00 Social Security Tax o/o Cor-,@Lemsp-ti-or- Tax 20.8o 2 A.FL.S. 6.4o I v820.20 7/4/53 1-10 7/3/54 8.,o2o4.og Social Sec,,--ity Ta:c gg.oo Comt)easatiom Tax 7,6.72 3,179-81 7/4/53 to 7/3/54 2 4,225-71 Soci- e c,,L- i- L,-x 69.68 Comnensation Te--. 48.ii W- 2 Vaca 'Oa PaY - 1053 - 350-00 4-693-50 7/L'/53 -@c) 7/3/54 3,o68.,jo Soci-a Secu--4--@-,y Tax 2 54.IP Com.-ensal--ion Tax 35-52 A.H.S. i4.4o 3,172.04 /4'/53 to 5/54 2 'T.86o oo ated @lay/54@' Social Secuz--;-ti Tax 33-00 CoT-npemsatior- Ta-- 2 21-50 1,914-50 7/4 3 to 2/11/54 11157-72 ermir-ate,-; 2/11/54) Socip! Secu--ily Tax 19-30 2 -7 cy@.--4-7c 'Oupensa:-@ior- Tax-''- 13-58 z - A .5 a en-sa-'@,ior, Tax 21 -25, 97@ -7 llL53 to 7/3/54 ljC24.50 Socia-I Securi-6y Tax 19-57 2 Co=en3 a@' ,ion Ta--- A"S. 6 9. Vacation PaY IQ54 0. 2 3 .29 ,O@Q5 2/51, to bc>ci-al 3ecuri-@tly Tay- ljl2l' 72 2 22.43 Co=ensef-@on Tax 12-56 1.6o 1..158-31 2/54 to 7/3/54' 739-10 2 S70ci@P-1 @Seclari'y Ts--, 14-78 Co-mpensa.-'.ion Tax 8.28 A.H.S. 770-16 2 656.25 Social f TP-X 13-12 COmoensation Tax 7.35 A.H.S. 1.6o 2678--@2 (inc ua-es recordir-a_ equiomen-, =a--hime etc.) '5,199.4-o cor-sur,,able Sui)z)li -es (incluces E;Iass,-7p-:,e o@-i-ice sL,-ooli-e-q, 2 @ests., ec.) 4.1201.90 Trp-,veling Fy-,)er-ses e=enses foi- s,-ib4@e-,,@s Dr. Ab r a --- o a, and 1.1872.86 mis-lellaneo-.2.zs P.,.T)e,,lses k inc il=es r;zY f or slabjec@6s casual le-'oo-r e@ 7,lc)o.o4 Overhea.d Paid to 4.11510-00 Totp-I salaries and ex-nendi--'@-ures 4 9) lialance on hand as of DecemDer 28, 1954 in ---urd 81-151 $ 70.- 3 I-,e--chL 1954 FE@-ORD SuBi-EC-: 'Clroj '4. e C 'I=,- L:rA, Sub-i-@cJec4' 2.7 I. subDZ-OJec@ 27@: 0- PrOA,@@c- 'ic beLaE me eme C.- prcvidą2!8 funds @-or e- gre--@ to Dr. ErrOl"- son and the C) PrOF-rEZI O-L reeeaxch on lvsergic az@-d die-@hyip--,Lde. r-rhe =oney -tc to -- used du.-,-2,G -h 11 b- .4._ 11 . C Period July,4, 1054 to July 4,, 1055. Tri3e fun,@r- 2 @-n -I'. cO---@ uc to be disbuzze@' 'cy the C@es6hick-,em- ---L,.-d' 'Lo!- Yed-ical Research, for cover puz-poses. 2- A considcrable voiu,-c c.,- d-"e- h@"I L 'PPr-"- tvo years thz &c,@uel dz-ug Du.-- :LnE the th@ira y,,.Er 0- tht p@-C.@ jec', F-11 0- data be cc=Diled End F-neayzed. .1-!Eo .7 be con"-inued ricar, several lines voz-k on io"emtial ez'iciol-es, 'he desene:t'-'=F-"on 2reac- tion to Ls:) 4. 'hc testąn;E; Of 'me-'-eriEls s@--uc",zxal-!Y re"-F-'ed -0 LSD, End several bF- s c -Lnv e c '@ iF- t --f o ='s 0 n t h e r. od e o.@ ac 4-@- i o = o @- L c-2:',D 3. The bUA-7e, covere vork '.o be done in @'-vo ple-ces map !'he e-, - tf--hled oro-oos.-I inafc-e-,@es 'he coe@1-1 b:-r=e-kdc-.-n Of2 the e6tima-'--ed The funds includc $@2;460.00 @-or vork F-",. -d $30,2ao.oo @cr 0 end a se--v--fce c h--:,ge L-o:- the 2 .1. ical Resee--ch, ,@iLLiS to @i2,5c)',';.40. T-mere-rore @@h-- -otal cost c- inves-igatlon y not excee--4 -@75,166.4o -@he D--riod fzcm July 5y 2lc54 'o July 4j, 1955. -3 SID Chemical D'ii-ision TSS ":RCG2F f,-vPRO"ED A_FPRO'= FC)R O'Z7 IC-,'@T-Toll A-T 'D REC O.:- F -J I \-,D S C- C Rese3arch T@- ;@@-L -' - . Dpte: --te C--igimr-I 0--ly :77- r -I > rj 0 I'@l 0C%- ti C) 0 Id t-i 0 2t-6 LI) CD W ri (Z: P tj, t-+ CD 0 ti0 0 2 D;:, 1-i ut @j 2 W U' @4. (El 0 ti C) ti to' 0 Vii v P C') 2 c3 fl tj ri- (1) t.) 1-4 4 @j ti lo I o W P H 0 2 tzl I- 0 0 (v i-3 ri 2 t L@j Li @liti VI . 4 2 ) W I C,- 1-4. 6.' o v-4 P VD I ui Cl) 2 t-t- ti (,. P. r) 0 o P v 2 r_ll H (U ci Vr tS- J-14. lci 0 cj@ P W (b @d ii o &I U 0 t@ t I it ti P 2 0) U'. ri 10 t) ri. 0 2 $U t-,@ t-i- H 0 CD LI (D Id CL $L) a; 0 0 '2IO 1-i (D d 1-i O. ttj 1--i 2 0 .1-4 0 W LI vo LO C4. P c t-@ 0 2 I J. IC) ID k-L (f) -4 (jq Lb W 2 Li O' 0 Ix W , t, v P- ol (4 14- b.) W U (1, ( P 2 . .. - C) Ui 0 2 - P I I -' -P. P. P l@ U, tY L) C) 1-4 2 (A i0 (O C 1. 0 t-r iri- 0 i,4 ti 0) 0 ii 2 U U I V-J- 0 2 ti- tJ L:r 14 P 14' 14. P .. . I 2 V) ri U, tq rt 2 ri- 14- + 2 ; OQ ri, U, 2 IL4 0 11 tJ 0 '-4 II r- 0 (10 @-i ii V4. 0 2 4 1-4 0 LI t) U') Li U) 1.4- 09 0 2 LO 2 L4 o U' 0, 0 0 U) ti 0 P F4 t'i0 @-4 -t2 t C+ cn (ii uil 2 V ti- Uti 0 tA 10 t rct, U) i-I 2 1.,. Fk r-7, C) C) C),. 0 0 C.) 2 0 0 C) 0 ti0 e.. (J P) O' t 2 (A 14- Ij i-L P Li P LI) o U- V) 2 V L Cl. C)' C!) 2 V. I -L@l C) 0 (it C:) (ii (ii Ul 2 :1 t) C-r IL4 0 ti it. t.@ to li' 0 di o o 2 C:) (I 4L4 (P 10 [2I 00 P $-L 1-4 < cl) 1-4 0 W 0 0 v 4 ri Wct ici co o (ii a 0 @-3 id LA 2 0 Ld (O Ij A,' Vj t:j 0 2 16 ii 4j 14 2 0 La t:r 0 2 ij Ui' V-J ul (D C+ 2 fi, ti fi. i--i o 2 IL) ti (4 Li P P Vi (t) 6'i CL Id0 W w C) 2 U; d Id ri L-I' i 1-i I-, t-4 @c (v 0 2 tiD 10 10 ti v 0 0 L) tj ri o a P. 2 .:.v) CU P) L9 'L4 @i %v 4,1 2 F-I '44 ri r-4 tj. 1 2 Lr UJ Ul L) 2 uq. 0 b' C) 2 ii 0 H 'd ttJ O 2 La 0 Ul v-- 0i-J'I (A o 140P 2 LU ul (J) U) tv 2 0 tj 0-ti @t 10 L2i t:),00 PO ti- )4 (1) 2 C C) Ln C ut k 0 2 cii ol 0 0 It (D 0 C) 0 0 20 ia CA 0 C) 0 O 5 0 Ci 2 - - - - t -v 2 i -1 0 C-. 5 . .1 co I 5c@ ri ET SUB-PROJECT NO. 8 (Also see Nos. 10, 63 and 66) PRINCIPAL RESEARCH--@R AND LOCATION: .OBJECTIVE AND Dr-TAILS OF WORK: This was a study of the bio- chemical, neurophysiological, sociological, and clinical psychiatric aspects of LSD, and also a study of LSD antagonists 2and drugs related to LSD, such as L.A.E. (Lysergic Acid Ethylamide). Twelve volun@'.eers at the were tested to determine the clinical effects of LSD on the adrenal cor@Lex. In another experimen-@.-, it was observed that there were autonomic (involunt'ary nervous sys'::-@'M) disl-urbances 2 following the administration of LSD. Other experiments were conducted to make clinical psychiatric evaluations of the reactions of all subjects who received LSD and of the effect other drugs had when administered in combination with LSD. The psychological experiments administered tests to individuals while under the influence of LSD; the results sho0wed lowered abilities. The files.-indicate tha'L. the testing was done on volunteers. APPROXI.'@tATE TIME SPAN.: 1953-1955 SIGNIFICANT ASPECTS: Testing upon human volunteers E2 I FUNDING: COVER i@Ir'_CHANISM: Geschickter Foundation for tledical Research A@PROXI@'-IATE TOTAL: $40,OCO RESEARCH PARTICIPRA%NTS: Witting Unknown if Witting Unknown if Witting 2 Unknown if wi!L@'ting OTHr'_R SPOTISORS: None indicated NAMES OF CIRA% MOtlITORS: Dr. Robert V. Lashbrook APPROVERS: Sidney Gottlieb Willis A. Gibbons Luis deflorez C. V. S. Ro2osevell.. 2 Security IntormaL'ion D 0 -,-V by authority c 1100 'date - c I 9 ju--ie 19 3 MRICRA@iDLP4 FO-R T"77 RECOR3 S=--CT: P-.:-ojec'@ 2 1. su7onrolec", 8 is being se@ -;"he j " , up as a to continue r,rese,.ill work 4@-- '@he general @liel.A o+-' L.S.D. at un'@4-1- 11 Se-D@@e=::)er 'i-954. 2 -2. This -oroject w-i-11 @---clu.-le a o@-' a study o-:-' biochemical neuro-or-ysi-ologi-cal, SCC4-01cgical, =,Cl cl'-:iical as,cects o@-' L.S.D., and also a study o--7 L.S.D. ='.agoni-s".s and. d--Ia@,3 related to L.S.D., sucn e-s L.A.-7. A -ZrC-MCS--i is e-t-l-@ached. The mrinci-ole i-.nves@Lisators v@: "-I ccr@tin,-,e 3. The o@' -crojec-" a'@ is t39,500-00. T@--e Gesc',-4-c'-c@,er ser-@,-e as a cut-ou'@ end co-@-er for @@his -Drojec@@ =A- -.;-ill -lu=i-s@, aoo,.-e f-,:=as to the as P- medical reseazch. Aserv-ice ch,-2--ge o---@' $7,00.00 (2% ol' '@he esti-1:@ted 'oua@sel.) is '@.o be raicq ',o '@l"e Gesc,ilckte-- @@.ion -'o:- ser-v4-ce. -Ees -@-'c r s-oro'ec' 4 Thus the to-'2,a! c@,a 11 no' exceed j $1,0,290.00 for a -Deric,4- e--Lding Se-i'@e=er 11, 1051" 5. are clea 1,-ough TOP ;--i(i are a7.-a:-e o--' '%-,he true 2 red I)u=ose of the Drojec'Ll. V. LkS=-@OOK Cher4cal Di-v-'-sion/TSS co I)owngrid-c.-@ to by authori0 e7 c Cal -date lQ77 00, Yom" 'O Security Information SUB-PROJECT NO. 9 PRINCTPAI - PP7,@cac?rwrl)(z AtiD LOCATIOI-IS: n versity of Illinois OBJECTIVE ATID DETAILS OF @IORK: To study various depressant drugs which may more adequa'l--ely control the maniacal psychotic patient, and test drugs that may help alc2oholics and schizophrenics. Also to compare the threshold of various sternutatory (sneezing) drugs in schizophrenic and normal persons. APP@OXIMATE TiM 1954-1955 E@SPA SIGNIFICANT ASPECTS: None FUNDING: 'COVER MLCCHAIIISM: Geschicki@-er Fund APPROXI,'@tATE TOTAL: $212,000 RESEARCH PARTICIPANTS: - witting witting witting University of Illin is) witting psychologist unwitting2 unwitting OTHER SPONSORS: Dr. Charles F. Geschickter NAMES_GF CIA MOli!TORS: Sidney Gottlieb E2 I By APPROVERS: Willis A. Gibbons C.V.S. Roosevelt Luis deflo@ez 2 )41 I I t -0 2 -I I 0 C-. 4 C:) q @ SUB-P'.ROjECT 1,19. IO @('-zee a I so i@ies8 63 and 66) PRI@ICIP,,-ILL OR LOC.'@@TIC@l: OBJc@'CTIV@L' Dc"'TM' !LS OP, 'eiC-RK: -ihis s-LUd'I t2s@Le2d and evalua@zd the e-@t'-I;'ect o-l' LSD and alcohol when adr-,4in4tsi--ered to indi,iidu;:-;Is fallina under various oersonality ca@Ler,.ories. The r,-,e@uhods o-i@ analysis were in'Lervie@,.,,, observation, and o2sychological 'LesL'inc. All viere done on hu.-,ian subj4ec@Ls mnd in contrcl'leli' 4;-i@Lup'Lions. The Agency's interest was to ex.gloi@L 'zec",ni'ques de,/eloped :--or predicting LSD e-l@-l-ec'Ls. 2 APP,ROXT@. "Tc' Ti'-I'l qP!@l lc5271957 S i C-,N I F 1 C.'"@ @l T5 P @z r-'T SP, u,-,. a nf-esting on volunteers under controlled conditions. F U N'D 1 '4 G 2 C-eschick@.---,- il:ounda-Lion -1@or @edical Resear-..h APPROXIi'-",'TL:-' TOTrl@'-: 3150,000 RLcSC'ARC"@, PARTiTCT@P,@NTS: WILting 2 Wit--tina OTHER SPOt'4SCRS: @ione indicated NAi',IE S 0 r'_ _C I-A- k!Oi,'! TOP SDr. Sidney.Got'Llieb Dr. Robert V. Lashb,-ook Louis del9@7lorez APPROVZ-R: Will-is A- Gibbons 2 -I. Ur C-.l D fu VI- tj0 2 0 ci- fD fu a l@ 0 2 c In ' (D - 2 (D F- IJ P- -2 Id 2 P, 10 LA) C) VI 0Et 2 tl' r) cf- rj (D oo 2 (A r. tz) to, d 2 (D (D (D It (D i- 0L4 11 r). o 2 c. I- (ID (D (D o (D (D' 2 et0 r) 0 0 1.3' (D 2 (D (D 0 (D0cf- cf, < 2 LJ (D '(J f. 2 I I(D ri 0 IU II-,.0 2 LA 0 L) t@. (D. (D 0 0A cf- LJ L4 (A I,. 2 PLA fit. (A (D c@ (,U 0 Et 3. 2 I s I " r 3. cf. C) 0c rf)It:j cl, 2 if, C) In 2 ID 01 2 t 0 r)'o 0 r), 2 I)i o c 2 0(J) ik) D -I. o l(b 2 cf I-, o IN 2 It U I),o Cf- iD 2 0 0 In C) t-J %Ji f- 0 t,3 2 0. 11 (D 0 C-, D 2 LA (D tA (D c-t 2 Ul cli cv tA 0(D 2 Li I r) ol 0 2 tn (A L4 I) I cf 2 I,. U 11 C)' :3' 2 (U (D tAo 2 I LA Cj' (n El- I 2 0 (A C), cf 2 tA LA (ID 2 (A ocf- LA 2 I t 01 ID o I-, Id 2 LA I 0 2 ('D. Ito L4 I , 2 0 Lj Li 7 LY) PR OS'-,D EC -I- ]US Co,-iclusio-i o-i LSD Szuciy-. In the bast -@-ou.- @,ep--s oC resea.-c@-@ @vi'@, LSD-2- .,/e ha-,-e S 'un 2 rl a develooed reli-al)te r--e",io-.4s o.- (a) ana',,vzi-s- tio. s rd,-is; (b) desc:-;.oing soci-a',. ad-L, me,-t, a.-id (c:) @-zocial and Soc@'-@'L e r s'c n a :7eCZS 07 types to the soec;--fic e -SD. -'-is it has been pcss'lble to so--ne i.-.n2or-Lanz cC ciru@; e_f-;-ec@Ls %v@iic"ll have not 1--ee.,i2 or-evioi-,sl,/ co:-,s"L(@er--d L-i sEuci'Les of LSD-2z-). W,Iiiie we have :.-a,-4e cc,-,iziderabita pz-o,@---ess sys@lemT-ti- c.-Ily s-'udyi.-i= tliese a 2 c dal'a analvsls L still rerrai.,-is to be co:noLe'@-.--d @t.-e a et e inL n, s c LSD-23 el"Lect on"ual cases can be r e a bL sta-ed. There-;ore, 2 oclec:,.,@,e C@ :.-,I; -L.nal 3hase o-L- the project is to cor.-):)Iete $.he analysis c-i or, ail OLr subjecti; in order to defi-:,,- t!-..e e,@::-en@, *"-a: di-L-."arer,,zes @.n certain ei:,i'ec-L s 2 can be a ccourted -For b,; l@he above-menl.,'.one,-4 A second o;,-.-Ijeclive it; @.o co::n-@ter.e re-c:--,s or. scr--e studLEs ccr,,duc@.--d Scro'ls@',. a,-d ce:-zai.n ot--- 4 IZ,:; 7'@ 2 - -A thir,@ obiec@,.,,.re Ls @o -cc,,ice orooress recorts suor--@;-t',ed dUrL:l@,' 7 a final rez)or-,. Bud@Eet: Personal 500 2 Eauio=e-,nt Supplies and ce-@v-Lces 5 00 Cont'in--;encies, *.--a-@,el 5 00 TOT-,@ L @5, 500. 00 0 T 6 s -c 3 . I i . i I . I.,! i 0 t - L SUB-PRO'U'ECT 11,0. 11 PRINCIP"L RcS7@:RCHER A:,D LCC'TTO,! OBJC@CTIVE AliD 0,--TAILS--Cic: WORK: To identii@Y and oroducn in 2 L I sufficient quantity for experi.,ren@Lat@on he ac":Ile ingredien@Ls in cerlain seeds and Plan@Ls. This efi@ort ,qas 'Lo result-. in the L preparation of a SUPPIY Of the toxic Protein, abr4,n, which is 2 i L the sarre class 0';: substance as r@cin and bohulinus I-oxin. APPROXItIAT7- TI@-i'@: 1953-i955 SIGNIFICANT ASP!-Cl@S: Develooing and S'@ockoiling 'oxins FUNDING: 2 COVER Si'-I: None A APPROXT.'-IAT@c TOTr%L-: S:-;,000 in Treasurers Chec,@ RESEARCH PARTICIPL.'L T : OTHER SPONSORS: None identified NAM@CS OF CIA -!-O,',ITCRS: Sidney Got -L] i e Robert V. Lashbrook APPROVc@-RS: C. V. S. Roosevell@- Willis A. Gibbons Luis deflorez E 9 I cI: ,7._ I I SUB-PRO,l@c'C-T 1'10. 1 2 PR ItiC I PF"IL R'@-S fl.@"ID LOC@.T Toi'l OBJECTIVE@ 'r'@ND D@-ITLS 0- To isolate and investi(-:a@-2- the L L I -ic i chemicals responsibli -@7@r @@he L'@ioloolical activities o i-2a'erials present in 'the bark ot" Piscidia eryt'hrina ,'iillsp. Ex@Lracts from 'the bark have been used as a narcotic, a fish poison and an analgesic. X T APPR2O Li'-AT'c SP".,',': 1953-19@JA SIGNIr@IC"-.IIIT ASP-@"CTS: r;one noted FUNDING: N T S.1.1 COV@"'R MECHr'k I Notional 2 APPROXI,'@'r'%T.c TO-!'ML: 31.0,000 ;in Cashiers Checks RESEA'DICH P.14IRTICIPIMNTS: W"Iing 2 -M I L OTH;-701 SPOIISO-PS: None indicated NAMES OF -C-I.-I,,-,ITTOPS: Sidney Gottlieb APPROV@CRS: C. V. S. Roosevel'@2. Robert V. Lashbrook Willis A. Gibbons James H. Dru,-,i Luis de,::'10-=7 4 F2 li'IPDET cil BY c@ -. C-. 2 w I 6 u z 7 T S;GKL SUB-PROJ-l@7CT ti'O. 13 (SEe also P.-ojec@L i'@o. ')O) PRIN%RTP"L RcSE'@RCu:R 'l,;D LOCATT@O@@: 2 Detrick, i'ld. OBJECT'IVE DE7,'ILS OF To es---ablish a pet-_,; cash -@und L at Agency ac-'-i,/'Ity at F-L. De('-rick, tlaryland. The pur.,ose and use of -the -1"und w2as (1) 'Lo support activities where unusual security consideral-lons r;a, SUB-PROJECT ti'O. 51 PRINCIPAL RESEARCHER AIID LOCATIO,I: OBJECTIVE AND D@"-TAILS OF WORK: To isolate, characterize and identify naturally occurring compounds with psychogenic pro- Perties. Much of this work was done with mushrooms. Also studied were ne2w types o-i@ heterocyclic compounds which could be useful in.elucida@Ling the actions of known chemicals liaving cen- tral nervous system eficects. These compounds were related to LSD. APPROXIMATE TI@I-@@ SPAN: 1955 1962 SIGNIFICANT A.S.,Pc.',CiTSI: None 2FUNDING: COVER MECHANISM: Not indicated APPROXIMATE TOTAL: $117,000 RESEARCH PARTICIPAi'@iTS: witting Research fellows: unknown if witting unknown if witti2ng unknown if witting unknown if witting unknown if witting OTHER SPONSORS: None indicated NAMES OF CIA MONITORS: Dr. Sidney Gottlieb E2 IMP 7 BY@@ NAMES OF CIA MONITORS: (Continued) Ray Treichler APPROVERS: Willis A. Gibbons C.V.S. Roosevelt 2 I - I 4 0 : I C-1., 4 I ' : C"l. i rIj '. I @-Z SUB-PROJECT NO. 52 PRINCIPAL RESEARCHER At!D LOCATION: OBJECTIVE AND DETAILS OF WORK: Provided consulting services on procurement and preparation o-s@ chemicals for Technical Services Division. Procured botanical specimens, primarily mushrooms, on field trios. SIGNIFICATIT ASPECTS: Non2e FUNDING: COVER Mr'_CHANISM: Geschickter Fund APPROXIT-IATE TOTAL: $52,000 RESEARCH PARTICIPANT: OTHER SPONSORS: None NAMES OF CIA MOtilTORS: Ray Treichler APPROVERS: Sidney Gottlieb Robert V.1 Lashbrook Willis A. Gibbons E2 P-UE T sur-ET B 1.@ -s 0 2 C-. (1-1t w f 1 16( SUB-PROJECT NO. 53 PRINCIPAL RRSEARCHER AND LOCAT!Ot'l: L- OBJECTIVE AND DETAILS OF WORK: Review overt Russian and American pharmacological literaL--.ure wi"-h respect to the problems of Technical Services Division. Evaluate the reliability and validity or 2proposed and completed research project§-. APPROXIMATE TIME SPAN: FY 10,55 - FY 1960 SIGNIFICANT ASPECTS: None FUNDING: COVER MECHANISM: Sterile check APPROXIMATE TOTrl%L: $60,000 RESEARCH PARTICIPANTS: None OTHER SPONSORS: None NAMES OF CIA MON3ITORS: Sidney Gottlieb Robert Lashbrook Dr. Raymond Treichler APPROVERS: Willis A. Gibbons E2 IM c y --j I 2 I , . 0 -. 1 I - 16 O? ------------------ SUB-PROJECT NO. 54 PRINCIPAL -Rr'_SE'hRCHER AND LOCATION: OBJECTIVE AND DETAILS OF WORK: To study the mechanism of brain concussion. APPROXIMATE TIMr'_ SPAN: 1955 SIGNIFICANT ASPECTS: It was proposed that CIA carry on a 2 program funded the previous year by the Office of Naval Research. The work was not funded by CIA. Research was to include physical trauma to human cadavers. FUNDIt,'G: COVER MECHANISM: Geschickter Fund APPROXIMATE TOTAL: $60,000 proposed Project cancelled RESEARCH PARTICIPANT: 4 OTHER SPONSORS: None NAMES OF CIA MONITORS: Sidney Gottlieb APPROVERS: Not approved E2 BYtiloR 00 i i i I -. LL,) ( :-4 1 : 0 1 i &- C- I. ....... . : i SUB-PROJECT 55 PR[t,'CIPAL RSSr'ARCHER At@'D LOCATIO,'I: Professor of Pharmacology, OBJECTIVE Ai'ID DETAILS OF t-.IOR.K: The purpose of the study was to discover the pharmacological effect's of certai2n grouos of con.- pounds prepared by and associates of the Depart- ment cf Pathology. Animal tests were conducted. APPROXTt'ATc TitlE SPA.'I: 1956 SIGNIr@ICAtIT ASPECTS: ',II o i-i e FUIND I tIG: COVER M'LCHA2NISM: Geschickter Fund for Medical Research APPROXI,'4,"Tr@- TOTAL: S2800 RESEARCH PARTICIPA.,4T: (witting) Research Ass't. (unknown if witting) 2 Research Ass't. (unknown if witting OTHER SPONSORS: None t4AME OF CIA i'-10@IITORS: Dr. Sidney Gottl.ieb Mr. Robert Lashbrook APPROVERS: Dr. Sidney Goi'tlieb 2 Mr. Willis A. Gibbons E2 im L I I -1 2 I 0 s C-. I I . 2 I Cil ; i c-'-e.l. 2 acts in the canac:.zv o-@' a co,.,e:- The cost O.-- tlie :)--017.-:I:n f o r t.i;- e a.:- w;- LI 'o e $ 20 5 2. 3 3 C@=:-7ts be i---ade allot:-,ient 8-?5,)?-10-0012. 4 . The Soc,-z-1 -o-z t@-- 7nVeSt.C,.,;C)- or 7'Col 1.,ic. %;,-.11 :-ec-,@est zo co a su:n.-.21a:-v acccun:;-:-.,, of r.--o,-iies :-ece,-ved -::-or--i the Sociecy. They :-ec--,es', o@ ;In,,, ur.e--c-oe.-ided :-ece:.-.,ed unde:- tlie Sac,'---zy. 2 Rec:uize:---e:i'6 loi- a S,-.,c :nont!i account--i,- on t.'ie Dart of tL".e rinc::;al is wai,.red. p 6. TitI.e to2 any -ourc.@iase@@ bv fu-,ids a--,-,ited t,ie4li@@will be b y t @L e n o IZP h;-gl-ie:- ove.-head :-Ptes. 7. It .was a-z:-eed2 tha, re.:-,o:,"s the procress o-- the :-esea:7c"ll :)ZO,7:,a-:-. W;1-1- be 0 - m accept--'t)le L s to: to: 77 6 u 7 - 11 r. 2 -t iiiaiiiiisom ------- --- c'@ e e C P 3'-7' C 7-' _:--pROV7D -@-OR OBT T@'TC. -.D o,., e d: 2 TSS I)ate: Pro---)osaL! 0:-igina-1 Oa'-"f C 7'. -77 y 400@ 4 ":77 C, -77 :3'1 29 t'uE-'st l@c5@ SUI,Jz-ZT: sti,@--;:-olect 60' 1. Sub-)rojecl@- 66 is be4Lm.3 as P --z--2-s 'lo su-o-ooz-t a resea--ch t):-czr-= in "."Ae - ge-erp' of d---L3 to be undertaken at the t'-= d-':-ection of Pzo;=--- '@e --?cz- a -:;e:-ic< -I -1 C::) (f) n -u C:) G-) 2 (1) rt- 0 CD -0 :@t: -0 -I_- . . -3 C') =3 :3 2 C: -:@: :1@ C- C:) ;@ii rTi t LA (D fti V.- F Ft 2 C-) ::z C:) @o In 2 tlq >< Ft- < CD 0 2 ;@ii :-: ::3 (ZD V) :7@: 2 C:) LA 2 -zi rii 2 ro --3 tLa CA co LA F t, 2 C.') C:) ru (.f) .0 2 In C- 0 2 < cir 2 CA ID 0 r) =3 Ft 2 >< n) r@ (I, Ft, ru 0 2 (I) Ft@ n L/) =3 C:3 LA (1) n 2C-) (1) ID -1, n Ul ni ci N 2 (D n to -1 ru LA Lf) -1 CD Cu 2 I Ft -< V) ID LA C:) r) LA U) - Ln ni 2 CL -1. -1. (') 0 0 F t 2 < ili n -Ft :3- n Dit) f D 0 2 cli -I -I ---) F t Ft, fD C!- < 2 n r. - -I- 0 u M- . -_ I' cir LA (t) C- 2 c: CA L'i ID C) 2 :3 ID 0 2 :XI C-t (1) LA < n L/I (D 2 ru ID _n [-_ -1. ru C) LA L'i C:: (D- Ft- 2 I: ,(II VI ID C) 2 (ii I u Ft- Li) 01 -1 C) ID 2 fil -I C- < ':I n n 2 o t D (') -o :1, Zj' 2 n LA ::3 1 D (D V. ::3 f, - . Ft- L/I 2 -1 0 LA :1 (D 0 1 :3 C_- 2 Ft Ft, r) ()i =1 2 L/) 0 0 N - --,- - . 0 CL LA I- 2 - VU < ru Ft- ft) -I in 2 Ft- w Ln L/) L/') 'I -I -I 2 -0 C I- U) u-I gii L/) :3 0 fu 2 ro tA ryi LA F t, -n L3' L/) < :3 LA 2 r\) t-D - - . :@j 2 CY' ri@ n (D 2 0 (D zi 9 t, :D- LA C3% Sidney Willis A. C--:Ibbons C.V.S. Roosevel@u -0 -I - 2 a : C-. , = 7' 0 co : ---Z- SUB-PROJECT t@10. 80u- TO@ PRINCIPAL RC@SEARCHER @.ND LOC.AT. 1: Prince"-on UniversiLy OBJECTIVE ATID DETTAILS OF WORK: To develop a training packace which would assisl case officer2 to understand his and other cultures in order to enhance his agen@L-handling capabilities. APPROXI@IATE T-It-ic.' SP.4i'l: 194-8-1959 SIG,NIFICAtiT--AS-Pc"CTS: tione FUNDING: Cashiers Checks COVER MEC.HANIS,'-I: Society for Inves@Lica'Lion of Human Ecology APPROXit4ATE TOT,",L: 'j5,000 RC@SEARCH PARTICIPANT: - Unwitting Princeton University OTHER SPONSOR: None tiAiMES OF CIA MO.@ll-iORS: APPROVERS: Willis Gib2bons E2 I S 'i;:T 4@e e,, i - ' C) ' C-1.. 2 co : I @.0 L /@ @-- I 8 c @) 4 SUB-P.ROJI"'CT @i'O. 89 PRINCIPAL R:.'S[-:.,'@RCHER LnUC.:'%@l 1011: an experienced ps,/chiatric case e,,ork. O2BJECTT.VE--/I%t-10 D'@'TnilLS- Cl@:' 1.4,OPK: To d,2t,2r,-.iine 't-.he -t@ac@Lors leading to the critical decision oi-- certain Hungar-lan re-icugees in the United States to re'urn to Hunaary. 2 L L APPROXIi'-IATC' TI@l": SP'niq: 1958-1960 SIGNIFICANT AMSPP-CTS: None FUNDING: COVC'R Socie'y --or the Inves@igation o-@@ Lur,@an Ecology APPP,O-X2lt,V,TC@@ -IOT'Mf@: SC'),900 RESEARCH PA.RTTCIPA@IT: i t'-ing OTHER SPONSOR: None NA@IES OF CIA %',Otq!TOPS: APPROVERS: Willis A. Gibbons 7 p E 2 1 m -o I . , 1 2 0 - %.o 2 CD ' I 2 1 1 2 ,R5 3 SUB-PROJECT @,'O. 90 PRINCIPAL RESr-ALCR"CLtHict-R@ @Akii'I'DU LLOUCAT!Oi@@ MIT Center for International S'Ludies OBJECTIVE AND D@.'TAIL2S OF T-IORK: To study the scientist i n Me to produce a descrio'ive model of 'he type likely 'Lo cor,-.e in conL'ac'L. with Americans and develod strategies for evalua,'ing and influencing such scientists. APPROXI,'.IATE Tl,"',2-@- SPAIN: 'i958-1959 SIGNIFICAINIT! A@_S;,P-@.CTS: None FUNDING: COVER MEC-A@IISM: Society -1@or 'Lhe investigation of Human Ecology APPROXIF@.ATE TOTAL: S12,000 2 RESEARCH PARTICTPANT: (MIT) Unwi@L@Ling OTHER SPONSOR: NAMES 01' CIA ik'tO.Il!TORS: APPROVCRS: C. V. S. Roosevel,'- The Massachusetts Institute of Technology has asked the CIA to clarify its 2 involvement with CIA dru- and behavior modification research: The research performed at MIT A-as conducted by an independent researcher. The purpose of the research was to obtain a better understandinc, of the personalities and motivations of scientists of a particular forei-n country who were likelv to come into contact with American scientists. The project 7 was neither administered nor funded throu-h MIT. -z -I 0 t-13 5 C:@ @ SUB-PROJECT NO. 91 PRINCIPAL R-:Sc-ARC,-,EP, ATIO LOCr'%T!O'l OBJ'-CTIVE AIID DETAILS OF lelO@RK: To per-:ror,-,l pre-clinical Pha a- cology studies required to develoo 2neyi psychochemicals and to test the promisina drugs (not speci-t@ied) on animals. APPROXI'rt@TE Tli'-,: SPAN: 1959-1962 SIGiNIFIC'n'lliT ASPC.CTS: None. FUINDING: COVER MECHANIS..',',: Medical Sciences Research Foundation, Inc. 2 APPROXIT,I.ATLC TO-IAL: 5110,000 RESEARCH PARTlClPlI4TS: Witting. Isbell,'I@ @, GeschickLer, and From this -1@ile' 2 unkno,..tri i-1: wit@Ling buL all believed "-o have been wi@LL'ing. OTHER SPO@ISORS: None indicaf'-ed. CIA Mo@Ill NA,"IES OF TORS: Ray Treichler APPROVERS: Willis A. Gibbons C.V6.S. Roosevel@L E2 1'rl BY .000;z, I -j , 2 -I . L-. 9 t.C . rll: ' c@ s 7 IE SUB-PRO@ECT NO. 92 PRINCIPAL RESE'RCH:R AND LOCATIOi@l: Harvard University OBJECTIVE AND D--@TrANILS OF WORK: Research into the feasibility oil adapting teaching machines to foreign language training. 2 APPROXI@IATE Tli'-IE SPAN: 1959-1960 SIGNIFICATIT ASPr'_CTS: None FUNDING: COVER @IECH.'@NISM: Human Ecology Foundation APPROXI,',',,r'%Tr@- TOTAL: S23,000 RESEARCH PARTICIP-,rl%@4T: None 5 OTHER SPONSOR: NAMES OF CIA @lO@IITORS: APPROVr'RS: Willis Gibbons E2 I - - --- ------- ---- -- ---- --- ", - -Z) ; 2 -1 , a - ,-. I 2 t-0 I w : 9 8 "'A c 5@ SUB-PPIOJECT NO. 93 PRINCIPAL RESEARCHR A@10 LOCITIO,@!: Unknown r r% OBJECTIVE AND Dr'TAT-LS OF WORK: Unknown. No indicat-ion in file of purpose of sub-projec,'. APPROXIT-IATE TIME SPA,11: FY-190'2 SIGNIFICANT ASPECTS: Unknown FUNDING- COVER Mc@CHANIStl: Medical Sciences Research Foundation APPROXI@IATE TOT'r'%L:- $15,080 RLCSEARCH PARTICIPrl%NT: Unknown OTHr'_R SPONSOR:- Unknown NAt4ES OF CIA MOtilTORS: APPROVERS: Mr. C. V. S. Roosevelt Dr. Sidney Gott@lieb E2 IM S I -Z, 1 2 -1 . C-. 2 C, I %@D .=. I 2 i I 9 c@ (9 ) oe SUB-PROJECT NO. 9'-' R AND LOCATION: Initial resea PRINCIPAL RES@-:ARCHE OBJECTIVE AND DETAILS OF WORK: "Investigations of the remote directional control of activities of selected species of animals." Ultimate purpose was operational use of2 animals in delivery systems. Systems unspecified - could have included audio and/ or photo devices. (Implantation of miniaturized stimulating electrodes in specific braid center areas of animals - rats, burros, dogs.) APPROXIT-'LATE TIME SPAN: 1959-1962 SIGNIFICANT ASPECTS: None FUNDING: 2 COVER MECHANIS,'-I: '-Iedical Sciences Research Foundation Later - Geschickter Fund, D.C. APPROXIMATE TOTAL: $124,231 RESEARCH PARTICIPANT: None OTHER SPONSORS: None NAMES OF CIA MONITORS: APPROVERS: C. V. S. Roosevelt 9 Sidney Gottlieb E2 @ (@ @f i - I-, . : U-) ;m I i - I ' . , 0 . S- I C- i I 6 -C SUB-PROJECT NO. 95 PRINCIPAL RESEARC@HER AND LOCA-11@Ol""@ University of Illinois OBJECTIVE AND DETLILS.OF 14.OR'K. Research in -icield 0-1@ cross- cultural meaning systems (emdhasis-on semantics and communi- 2 cations) in support of agenu handling problems and in technical supported political activities. APPROXIMATE TIMr'_ SPA@L: 1959-1962 SIGNIFICANTI rA%Si[PLcCTS: None FUTIDING: COVER MECHINISM: Society -icor the Investigation of Human 2 Ecology APPROXIVATE FU@IDI@IG: S155,000 RLCSEARCH PARTICIPANT: Witting Many others at University oil Illinois All Unwitting OTHER SPONSOR: None NAMES OF CIA t,'@O@IITORS: APPROVERS: C. V. S. Roosevelt I B S E;Z 4:;, 9 'C ! %.,o 3 c@ 4 c -) I i'O' .: S- 0 C- t I I I I-0-,- 11-1-1 ... ... ------ SUB-PROJECT @10. 96 PRINCIPAL RESEARCuc7D ",'ID LOCATION: Professor Psychology Ohio State University OBJECTIVE AND DETAILS OF WORK: To secure data on European re- search attitudes and personality information on researchers. 2 The problem of understanding human behavior. APPROXIi'4ATE TIME SPAIII: 1959 SIGNIFICANT ASPECTS: None FUNDING: COVER Mr'LCrHir'%NIS@'i: The Society I-or the Investigation of Human c.cology, Inc. APPROXIMTE TOTAL: $34,4'05 5 RESEARCH PARTICIPA@IT: Research Assis%@ant OTHER SPONSORS: None NAMES OF CIA MONITORS: APPROVr"'RS: C.V.S. Roosevelt E2 I p -- ; I -, C) .. 2 i c-.L I ' I ..O .1 . k--:- i-l' 2 "@ @ 7 c SUB-PROJECT NO. 97 PRINCIPAL RESEARCHER A,1'10 LOCATIOil: University of Wisconsin OBJECTIVE A.ND Dr'_TAILS OF WORK: Process o-,,@ personality change during psychotherapy. Focus upon schizophrenicswith a control composed of normal individuals. To 2provide cerlain 'Lechniques of influencing hu,-,ian behavior 'that night have significance 'Lo the Agency. APPROXIMATE TIME SPA,'4: 1959- SIGNIFICANT ASPECTS: None FUNDING: COVER MECHANISt'-I: Human Ecology Fund APPROXI@%ATE TOTAL: 2SIS,000 RESEARCH PARTICIP"@ITS: Approximately seven psychotherapists at University ol' Wisconsin participated in project. OTHER SPONSORS: None NAMES OF CIA MONITORS: APPROVERS: C.V.S. Roosevelt 5 E2 M y 63 T i . -,o 6 " C-.i 1 . i- @-o, CO - Q & @ SUB-PROJECT NO. 98 PRINCIPAL REScARC'ri'c@@R AND LOCATION: Queen's College New York, New York OBJECTIVE M'ND DETr'%ILS OF WORK: "Proposal for Research on Some Aspects oil Mass Conversion". A study into the mass psy- 2 chology involved in brainwashing, mass defection, etc. APPROXIMATE TIM'-' SPr',@'.@' 1959 1960 SIGNIFICAP4T ASPECTS: None FUNDING: COVER MECHANISM: Society for inves@Ligat.ion of Human Ecology APPROXIMATE TOTAL: S9,375 RESEARCH PARTICI6PAIIT: OTHER SPONSORS: None indicated NAMES OF CIA t."O@IITORS: APPROVERS: C.V.S. Roosevelt Sidney Gottlieb E2 I BY - ----- - t i , 2 -I- 0 C-.. 2 I . I..O @o. C - 2--- d,, @) SUB-PROJECT t,'O. 9Q, ITIO@Q: PRINCIPML RcS,"ARC-'@O A"ID LOC,, r% Pennsy vania Sta@l--- UniversiLy OBJECTIVE--Ati'D Oc.'-IA'LLS Or' ',.,IORK: Services rela'L.-2d 'Lo cerlain physical sludies which are required 'Lo develop e-l@-1--ective materials which will in$-'Iuence the central nervous sysleri. Project also supported studies on the optical ro'La'Lory pow=-r o-i@7 solid and 2 liquid crystals -@l@or a period o-l" six monlhs APPROXI@',ATc@ ITII.'-.17@ August 13,59 - tiove7,ber 1961 SIGNIFICAPQT ?6%SP7@CTS: None FUNDING: COVr'_R MECHrl.@IIIS.'-l: '-'tedical Sciences Research Foundation APP ROX I;4r-%TE 17OTr'%L 524,000 paid by sterile checks RESEARCH P'r'%RTICIPA,,TS: Various co-workers -4ho were un,4it'Ling. OT'R"ER SPOTISORS: tione 7 NAMES Or' CIA @IO."IITOPS: 7APPROVC@RS: C.V.S. Roosevelt E2 BY r -- - I -s - 0 . 2 C-.; I ' I - C:) 8 I C:)- L --- "'@ -? 3 c SUB-PROJR@CT @10. 100 I PRI-NCIPAL RESEARCX':O AND LOC,,',TIO@l: L IL Pennsylvania State University OBJECTIVE AND Dc.TaTLS 0-" WOOK: Investigations into soil micro- 2 L organisms and methods by which maximum infor-,iation could be ob- tained from samples of soil. Purpose - detection of APPROXI,%',,",Tr'_ TI,'-'L- 1Q,59 1961? SIGNIFICANT ASPC.CTS: None FUNDING: COVER Mc-CHr'%N!S,2'@l: Medical Sciences Research Foundation Geschick'Ler Fund APPROXlt4ATE TOTAL: 5226,000 C T P Rc@S'tARCH Prm%RT! 1. r'..IITS: Various r,-,embers of the OTHER SPO@ISORS: None identified 4 NAMES OF CIA ROIIITORS: APPROVERS: C.V.S. Roosevelt Ray Treichler E2 Eli BY@@ p -1. 0 1 c.-. L 2 @ -@ 5"" SUB-PPOJECT @10. 101 PRINCIPAL RI@'SEARC"-'@R @,,4D LOC',Ti-O,'I: Ohio State University OBJECTIVE AIID DETr'%T.LS OF WORK: For consultative services on the biophysics of 'the central nervous system; probably on2 the storage and transfer of energy in organic systems. APPROXI@IATE Tlt,,,r'_ SPrl%.',I: 1959 SIGNIFICANT ASPr'_CTS: None FUNDING: COVLC-P, lone APPROXIMATC' TOTtl%L: 52,000 RESEARCH PARTICIPrl%NT: witting OTHER SPONSORS: None NAMES Or' CIA ",O@IITORS: Robert Lashbrook C.V.S. Roosevelt'- APPROVERS: C.V.S. Roosevelt E 2 I@ P@- 6 oerOB y I t --c I . 2 0 : C-. 2 I E), . I ..! 4 o@, -@ 7 L SUB-PROJECT NO. 102 OCA PRINCIPAL-RESE'n'RCu.,@-R AND L R%TION: Professor of Psychology University of Oklahoma OBJECTIVE AND DETRATLS OF WORK: Behavior of naturally form2ed groups of adolescent boys in Texas and Oklahoma as a func- tion of group membership and environment. APPROXI,',IATE TI,'.I@@' qP'l,: 1959 1960 SIGNIFICATIT ASPECTS: None FUNDING: COVER MECHANIS.M: Socie"-y for the Inves@Liga@t.-ion of Human 2 Ecology APPROXIMATE TOTR.L: S5,7-;O RESEARCH PARTICIPrl%,IIT: OTHER SPONSORS: NAMES OF CIA @lO@IITORS: APPROVERS: C.V.S. Roosevelt E 2 O;Io@M@@ 6 .00.-eL BY @ @,e . r) ;CD I :.1: -0 -. C:" ( I I--- I,--- SUB-PROJECT t-110. 103 PRI@ICIPI,IL R-7SE,RCH@R Ai@@D LOCATT I T@ International Board of Directors 2 Children's International Villages, Inc. Cincinna@Li, Ohio OBJECTIVE AND DETAILS OF WORK: Study in non-verbal communication -- to asses s communications between 16-year old children at a reunion of those who 2had attended a Children's InLernational Summer Village at age 11. APPROXI@'LATE TIME SPAN: 19:)9 SIGNIFICATIT ASPECTS: (1) Our interest in the Children's Inter- L L -t'--ional Suimer Villages, irc L L. 2 na (2) Our sated purpose to assist a humanitarian and international understanding, while enhancing the cover of the Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology; and (3) Our interest in assessing these teenagers for possible Agency usage. FUNDING: COVER MECHANISi4: Cashier's check Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology APPROXI@IAT'T TOTAL: $1,900 RESEARCH PARTICIPANT: unwitting OTHER SPONSORS: None identified NAMES OF CIA MOtilTORS: APPROVERS: C.V.S. 2Roisevelt The Children's International Sununer Villages, Inc., has asked the CIA to clarify that the institution received an unwittin- -rant for research from the CIA 8 and that the CIA did not participate in any manner in the design and execution of the research. -111, ---I I -2z . s t 0 2 c-,.7 . i t 2 C:) ' @- i -Z 9 I 0 0 SUB-PROJECT -,,'0.104 PRINCIPLE RESEARCHER A@10 Lor ,ATIO;'-l University of Hous@Lon OBJECTIVE A:ID DC@TAILS OF @IORK: The study of the relation- ships between the t,, ;o principal classes of micro-organisms involved in the delerioration of petroleum products for possible use in petroleum sabot'-age. APPROXIMATE TIIIE SPA@L: Jan 1960 - March 1961 SIG-'iIr'ICAtIT ASPECTS: tlo.-ie FU,'iDI@,G: COVER MECHAT@IS2M: fiedical Sciences Rese.arch Foundation, Inc. APPROXI@IATr'_ TOTAL: sio,ooo RESEARCH PARTICIPA,'IT: OTH-.R SPORISOR: None NA@ic"S OF CIA i'10.','ITORS: APPROVERS: C.V.S. Roosevelt 4 E2 It.I y r I I 2 a C-. i 2. i 8 i I , i 0 293 SUB-PROJECT 10:') PRIt',ICIP'r'%L RESEAPC.L',-ZR LOC,"@TIO@,l Professor of Bacteriology, University of Wisconsin 2 OBJr'CTIVc.' A--',ID DETAILS OF i.-i'ORK: To study virulent and non- virulent s@Laphylococci, the varieties of toxins produced by the various staphylococci as well as the intensity will be de'Ler.-.Iined as sub areas in this s'Ludy. II'- is exoecl'-ed that the eventual 2goal of this investigation will be biochemical tests which will iden'Lify the organisms of interest. APPROX!t@,nTE TIki@r SPa.'4: 1960-1961 SIG,.IIIFICAtl-l ASP---CTS: None apparent FUt,'DIi'!G: COVER MC'CPAtIlS,'-!: Medical Sciences Research Foundation APPROXI-i'@AT'- TOTAL: S4,000 RESr'_ARCH_PrA%RTICIPA,'4T: Wi'L.L-ing OTHER SPO.@ISORS: None indicated 4 tiA@'ic@'S OF CIA @.'O;.IITORS: APPROVc-'RS: C.V.S. Roosevelt E2 I ET 11 L ;, 2. z C:) C' , 6 -i.. . -z @S15 SUB-PROJECT No. 106 P-RI@ICIPAL RESEARC@j,@-D, AND LOCAT[Csl: OBJECTIV'C AND DC@TAILS 017 WORK: To study biological systems with particular reference to quantifying 'he relation- L 2 ships between a stimulus and the biological response to that simulus. APPROXIT-'LATE TItl@-' SPAN: 1959-1960 SIGNIFICAIIIT ASPC@CTS: ti'o n e FUT@DING: COVER Mc"CHr'%NIS.M: Medical Scienc2e Research Foundation APPROXI@I.AT' TOTAL: S3:'),000 I L I U I "IL RESEARCH PARTICIPrl%i'IT: OTHER SPOTISORS: None identified. ti'AtIES OF CIA MO.'IITORS: Ray7,-.ond Treichler 9 APPROVERS: C.V.S. Roosevelt E 2 I@m@@ /'B Y -1 t CD 2 C-. - CD : i I 0 0 SUB-PROJECT t,,'O. 107 PRINCIPAL RESE.4P'U.ulc-.R rl%,','D LOCAI-IO.N: A:-.erica-i Psychological Association A OBJECTIVE Ai'.ID D'@@Tr%,-LLS OF ?,!ORK: Gra-it to A-nerican Psycho- logical Association to support 'ravel of selected psychologists L L L to the Purpose to establish contact with psychologists and learn state of the art ofmo 2 research. SIGIIIFICANT RA%SPECTS: None FUt'ID I ti'G: COVER M-@Cuk',ITS:Jl: Society for the Investigation of L Human Ecology APPROXIt4AT'@' TOTAL: $15,000 RESEARCH PARTICIPr'%.'i'-[: None OTHER SPO@;SOR: None NAtlr'S OF CIA t-',Oi,l!TO.RS: APPROVERS: Office of Scientific 2 telligence C.V.S. Roosevelt E2 T By --- 11.1.11--l---,----,--- ,-7i 2 -S ', C) : 2 C-. 4 - i 2 CD 1 co - 6 ,; 21 SUB-PROJECT @,'O. 103 PRI@ICIPAL RESc@ARCLic@.R A,'I:D LO@'r'%@l 10.,'4: (U nwi ti ng) OBJECTIVE A@ID D-@T.AILS Oiz- T?IORK: Recruitment 0-imas source on by using his study of behaviora2l characteristics of4@ Grant awarded 4L-o getfftto become actively interested in establishing sources of information dW L APPROXIT--IATE Tli%l'L SPP'%,'4: 1959-1961 SIGI@'IFICANT ASPECTS: tl o n -2 FUNDING: 2 COVER MI@"CHr'%,'IISM: Society for 'the Investigation of Hunan Ecology APPROXIi".ATr'_ TOTAL: $8,100 RESEARCH PARTICIPA.'iTS: tlone OTHER SPOTISORS: NAMES OF CIA @IOIIIITORS1: APPROVERS: C.V-S. Roosevelt E2 IMPOCT @Y' Ci I... 11-----,--"-, I I @ I -1 0 C-. . I 7 1 8 @ 1-11 1 SUB-PROJECT 109 PRI@@CIPAL -RES"'ARCH,7_,D r'%":D LOCA,TIO,@i': OBJECTIVE ATID DETATIS OF ',-!OR,<: S @Ludy of potential psycho- pharmacological agents directed @Lo 'Lhe evaluation 0-1@@ inter- relationships between m2olecular constitution and biological response. Purpose is to obtain data on biochemical characteristics of certain substance o-i@ interest'- 'Lo Technical Services Division. APPROXI!,TATE TI@'it' S-P.-',,'!: 1960-1965 SIGt;Ir@ICANT ASPECTS: 'ione 2 FUNDING: COVER VECHA'IIS@'-,,: Fund for Medical Research APPROXIt-',ATE TOT.@'-%L:J'30,000 RESEARCH-PARTICIPt"%,','T: [lone OTH---.Dl SPOi'@SOR: None indicated ti'A,'-2I'z@S OF C-It"@ MO@IITORS: Ray Treichler APPROVERS: C.V.S. Roosevelt Sidney Go@Ltlieb E BY "4; - ------- ---- -- --j : 2 -1 0 i 2 (L-. : C:) I 4 P,9 3 SUB-pp,ojc@'C@@ I 10 P R I N C I P 'r% L RA RC H E RL 0 C7 0 i'l xotic BJCCTIV;: AtiD D@:'T"ILS O@ WORK: To provide 0 0 2 a source pathocens and a capability @-o incorporate @'-he@-ii in el,--ctive delivery systems. Establish a production capabili,' -y and a suf-'I'icien@L. supply oi-- iiia-Lerial t-o be r.,ai2n@Lained in a ready s 'L-a@Le to r,-@e e 'L. anLicipat-=-d reQu-ire-7,,enzs. APPROX,,'.'@."%T"L- TT.'.IE SP@@'i': 19@@0-lc--61 SIGNl,-@TC.-"IT ASPc-'CTS: This was a continuing pro,,jrlzm. 2The fac4i- lity and procra,-.i were already in a service posture on a limited basis. It was to -2ach its projected capability by 1962. F U t,'D I,',, C- COVED MEC',11.@NIS,',',: ,'I o @@- s ', a APPROXI.'LL2I,T7" TOTR%L: S270,000, paid by Cashier's checks RESCARCH PARTICIP'.IT: Not stated. OTH---R SPO@ISORS: tione. NAMZ-@S OF CIA MONITORS: Ray Treichler APPROV--@PS: Sidney Go-t6-t@.lieb 4 ET 400 @ @)f i - ..4 . c . I ..- I I SUB-Pc)OJ':CT i'@o. 1'1'i PRI@,'CIPAL LOC.AT,@0-."": '@TLS 0- motivation OBJ',@CTIV--- Al'iD D@-:T@, To s2tudy levels o - .. - r-. I L L as related 'Lo certain personal iLy charact@eristics and contribue L to Technical Services Division's long -Lern, interest in indirec'.. assessment One c-l@' the -1@actors in making 'this crant was "to lend prestige to the Society -,or the Investigation o-i@ Ecology, Inc., as a world-,,,,,ide -1@L;.-iding oroaniza',ion." APPROXI,N',.AT'@:' Tlill':@ 1960-1961 SIGNIFICA-IT ASPC.CTS: None FUNDING: COVER .1-1@-C," I S M Society -1@or 'the Investigation o-1;7 Human Ecology 2 APPROXI."@'@T@-' TOT'ML $33,000 Unwittin RESEARCH P%RTT-CTP.A.'iT: 9. OTHc":'R SPO@ISORS: 'lone iden'Li-i@ied. 0 NA,'-!ES OF CTA -!O',IITORS: APPROVERS: C.V.S. Roosevelt E2 I T -u: Ii 0 L@ 7 . i - i @@ i c@ 9 @ SUB-PPOAECT i,i'O. 112 PRILICIPAL RESC@ARCIL@:-'R I"n,','D LOCI"nTIO,.'i: Assistant Prol"essor Indiana Universi(@y 2 OBJECTIVE AND DETAILS Or' ',.i'OP'\: Children's Conceptions of Occupational Roles and Status. Grant awarded to support Society for Investigation oil Human Ecology's cover. CIA interest was in its application to selection of technical and scienti-i@ic careers. APPROXIT@AT@ Tlf-IE SP2.Ai'@: None SIG@IIFICAIIT ASPECTS: "lone FL'i'(D I t,G: COVER M'@@CFAI'IIS,'-.: Society for the Inves@Lica@Lion oil Human Ecology APPROXIi'iAT': CUNDING: S'0,056.00 RESEARCH PARTICIPA,'IT: tione OTHER SPOilSOR: t4one t4At.IES OF CIA ','tOi'lITORS: APPROVERS: C.V.S. Roosevelt 0 E2 I DET I I L I f 3 ol @ @ SUB-PROIJECT '10. 113 PRINCIPAL RESE@,R,'@c'R A-" D LO-CA-'IO@,: ssocia'Lion and Location not' indicated in files.) OBJECTIVE A,','D DCT@,ILS OF ',-,'ORK: Exceri,-,,entatio2n related 'Lo LI' Lrl - I LI@ll " I design, manufacture and formulation o-c devices and syseris I L utilizing gas propelled sprays and aerosols. APPROXIf,'ATr'_ Tli',",-7 SPAill: 19:-:0-21963 SIG@IIFIC,A@..' iT ASP 1- CT S-,,o n e FUT-IDING: cov-@@R DirecL payri-en@L 'Lo by Cashier's check drawn on a local bank. APPROXI@IATE TOTAL: 55,000 RESEA2RCH PARTICIP.A;IIT: OTHER SPOI!SORS: o n e NN4":S OF CIA t'-1,0,1-,'I-,OP.S: Raymond Treichler APPROVERS: Sidney Gottlieb C.V.S. Roosevelt 8 2 I I D Ooo,@By am - ;a 4z@, I !A I 1 :501 SUB-P,RO'-@T ,'O. 11" U 6 PRINCIP,@L BuLler Health Cent@-er Provid--rca-, Rhode Island OBJ-@RCTIVE r'%,IID 0'-'TAILS OF To continue Dr. York's study 2 uring social alcohol (and pos- on predictability O-- behavior d sibly LSD) dri.riking and lo develop bahavi L- - oral ra'Lina scales which relate direclly L@o the underlying motiva'Lion in human behavior. 2 APPROX!i'!AT@c Tli%:'-; SP@'-.,Il: 1960-19c')l SIG,'4!FIC",'IT "SP@CTS: 'lone apparen'. (tio in-or,-.,ation avaiiable under exa,.iination by@@ re makeup of *the subjeci's FU,'l D 1 t,2G COV;-:R Society to Investigate Hu,-,an ';-cologv Cahsier's checks. APPROXImAT@t TOTAL: S3,000, paid by Rc-7SEARCH P6,RTTCIP'.'IT: - witing. L 2 OTHER SPONSORS: i'lone NA,@'i'@:S OF CIA I-'O.'.ITTORS: APPROVERS: C.V.S. Roosevelt Sidney Gottlieb E2 ET 0#10COL BY@@ 102 I -- ' c - ) C--. :- 1 1 (.7-,' I ---' - I @63 SUC')-PROJ-c7CT @iO. 11 5. PRI@lr!PAL LO@- r% OBJECTIVE Ai'!D Dc"T.@a.ILS 01@:' '!OR',: Study o-i' @Lhe interaction 2 between -.he nen'L:--Ilv disturbed and 'LiLleir environ.-,.ent. To gain further insight into additional -1@ac-Lors which may in-l@luence h-jr,-an behavior and -Lo achieve -1@urther de,/eloDr-tent ol' the ,.;orld-wide 2 act'.ivi ties of '-he @l,uman r'-olccv --und APPROXII"'..ATC@ TI@'IE SPr'%,',I: 1 96,3 SIG@l'IFICAt'IT ASPECTS: -ii'cne F U t,D I -'I C- COVER [.2I'z"CHANIS,'-i: Society -1@or 'the investigation of uuran Ecology APPROXII,'ATc@' I-OT.'%L: 5-1,000 R c@ S RC H P A R T I C I P T OTHER SPO@,ISORS: None iden'Lil--ied @IA,",7-S OF CIA '-10.'IITORS: Sidney Go,'-,'.lieb APPROVc@'RS: C.V.S. Roose,lell@- 1 E2 I@t BY i I 2 i 0 - C-. I I . . 2 I - :, I - ' I C) : 5 00, 0; f) 5 SUB-PROJ:":'r,T No. 116 PRI,'4CIPAL AND LOC@'N%TT.O@l: OBJECTIVE 'r%tid DETr'%ILS OF WORK: To u'Lilize the services o-ic or Cover+, procur2m2ent oz special biolooically active chenicals and other oroduc@Ls. f@ur,Lher @LO arrange -1@or 'the Covert produc'ion o'@ soecial sens4@iv e organic conpounds. L i L 2 A P P R 0 vA I ; .u, T @@' T IS P.@,@,l S I G 11 I I F I CT r,',, S P :-'C T S tlore FU,"i'D I t4G: COVr'_,R MECH.Ai'i!Si',!,: '%one 2 APPROXI,"IATE TOT"NL: S206,000, paid d.irec*Lly 1-0 @@by check dra,,;,i o ri a oca an RC.SE"MRCH Pr'%RTIC!Pr'%@IT: e,@oloyees OTHc",D, SPG.I;SORS: @@one Nlr'%@IES 0= CIA .10.','ITORS: Ray,-nond Treichler APPROVERS: C.V.S. Roosevel@' 5 E2 I L ,ioK I -- si . 2 I C) C-. I . 2 I -- ' j -- 5 30@ SUB-P,ROj-CT i','O. 117 PRIi','CIPAC @,'.iD LOC."%T!C,,: Cornell University (OS! source on OBJECTIVE@2 A':D 0-@,TITLS O@:' T-IORK: Cross-culi'-ural studies of family s-Lruc'Lure and personal I @Ll/ development. APPROXI@',ATI@-Tl'r!7@ 1960 SIGtIlFICA.@IT ASP---CTS: t,'Cie 2 FU@!D I @,"u: C 0 V E DI f-I @- C,@ S -'.I Societv -i@or the investigation o-1;7 Hur,an Ecology APPROv^I,',',ATZ- TOTAL: S 7 .O 3 RCSEARCH Pl,n.201TTCIPA@iT: OTH-@"10% SPOti'SOR: Na@Lional institute o-i@ Nlr'%I.17@-S, Or' CIA-.@@0,','TTORS: APPROV---RS: C.V.S. Roosevelt 6 Sidney Gottlieb E2 Itl NNW I -I 0 - C-. co 9 7 ---- -@ o@ SUB-PP,OJC@CT @@10. 113 PRI@ICIPAL RcSC'4RC-' ",tiD LOC-"T!O,@l: ennsylvania S'La'Le Universi@Ly OBJ'TCTIVE Ai'@D D'LTr"%ILS OF WOPK: To provide the consul-Ling services 2 of a microbiologist for the Biological War,--a,-e/Che.-,.ical Warfare detection. progra,-,i. APPROXIi'-lATC- Tli'!': 1960 S I G@il I FI Cn' l'IT 'ml SP@@:CTS ti'o n e F Ul I D I ',G C 0 V E R t2-I -@- C H ' 'i' TS'Lerile Cashier Checks APPROXI,-AT@- TO-IAL: S5,000 RESEARCH PARTIrIP.-',,',T: (Pennsylvania S'La'Le University) wiLlt4ing OTHr'_R SPOI@ISORS: tione ident2'i-i@ied NAT-"ES OF Cl,'m i,'O@ITTORS: RayTond Tre4ichler APPROVERS: C.V.S. Roosevel@L E2 IM y 9 rtrn I I - I i -S ' 2 0 :. I L-. I I . ,.o t 7 I 3\k , SUB-PROJECT ,'O. 119 PR I iN C IPAL R "@S i','D LOCl"nT Oi'; Texas Christian Uni,@ersit-Y Unwi,L 'Ling OBJECTIVE At,'D Dc_Trn%ILS OF l@IOR',<: Im' critical re,@iev, of literature and scientific developments related lo the recording, analysis L L and interpretation of bioelec'Lric sicnal l-rom the human organism and activation of human behavior by remote means. APPROXIMATE Tli',',E S2PA@L: 1960 SIGNIFICAt4T ASPECTS: None FUNDI@IG: COVER Mc-C.'@A,,,'!S,'-I: None APPROXIMATE TOTr'tL: S6,000 Hu,-.,an Ecology Fund RESEARCH PrA%RTIC-lPrm%NT: OTHER SPONSORS3: NAMES OF CIA @10t,'ITORS: Sidney Gottlieb APPROVERS: C. V. S. Roosevelt E2 It- B --j- -I : 0 - 2 f-I .1. - I r,i1 CD , 1 i -3 t5 SUB-PROJc@'CT @10. 120 PRINCIPAL RESE"OCHCR AND LOCAT!Oikl: OBJECTIVE AND DETAILS OF @-IORK: Establish laboratory procedures for testing the effects of drugs on the central nervous systems of animals. APPROXIt.'tATE Tli'.Ic, 2SPATN: 1960-190'6 SIGNIFICANT ASPECTS: None. No human testing involved. FUNDING: COVER MECHAIIIIS,',',: Cashiers Checks APPROXIT-IATE TOTAL: S22,000 RESEARCH PARTICIPA@IT: Witting OTHER SPONSOR: None NAMES OF CI3A MONITORS: Ray Treichler APPROVERS: Sidney Gottlieb E2 I 3k@ I ---, -'C! -1 i 2 . o I C-,.; . i 2 r,j( -1 I I 6 I I 3 1.@e SUB-PROJCRCT @iO. 121 17 T PRINCIP'r'IL LOCt"@i Professor o-ic Psychial@-ry OBJECTIVr'_ AND 0-r-TAILS OF WORK: Purpose: -Rec-ru4t-promi-s-ing--young APPROXII-IATE Tli'.',E SPAN: 1960-1963 SIGNIFICANT r'%SPECTS: FUNDlt,'G: COVER Sccie'Ly for Investigation of Human Ecology APPROXI;.'ATE TOT4.L: 513,850. RESEARCH P6mRTICIPr"%,','T: OTHER SPOTISORS: NAMES OF CIRN ',',O@IITORS: Sidney Gottlieb APPROVERS: C. V. S. Roosevelt Sidney Gottlieb I I I "I 'l""Ill.,@'ll""I' ," --- ... "I'll, I -@- r- 2 -i i I . 0 2 C-. . I ;@ I 6 r\j 31 @ SUB-PROJECT NO. 122 PRINCIPAL RESEARC-HR@R At-,D LOCAT-!O;',': OBJECTIVE AND DETAILS OF 1..IORK: To prepare and characterize highly purified NEUROKININ. Neurokin4.n is presumed to be a major medicator in the stress reaction. Further to study the physiological and pathol2ogical significance of neurokinin. APPROXI@IATE Tltlr'_ SPAN: FY-1960 SIGNIFICANT ASPECTS: None FUNDING: COVER MECHA@IISM: Society for the Investigation oil Human Ecology APPROXIT-IATE TOTrl%L: $2,000 RESEARCH PARTICIPANT: 0 OTHER SPOt4SOR: None RAMr'_S OF CIA MO@IITORS: Sidney Gottlieb APPROVERS: C. V. S. Roosevelt E2 IM y @12 I rn . -@j 1-1) 0 i 'C- I I 6 I SUB-PROJ-@"CT NO. 123 PRINCIP@NL R'-:S7.ARCH:-:'R Ai@i'D LO C,'%T IO@l: Columbia University OBJECTIVE AND O@TTAILS OF WORK: Investigation of Emerging images. Study expected 'Lo add 'Lo our knowledge of how 2 in different social stra'La are reacting to various stages of independence. APPROXIMAT'T TI,'.IE SPA@L: 1960-1961 SIGNIFICATIT ASPECTS: None FUNDING: COVCL.R t4.'":CHAt41S.11: Society -lor the Investigation of Human 2 Ecology APPROXI,@-'LATE TOTAL: 520,000 RESEARCH PARTICIPAPIT: Unknown OTHC"'R SPONSOR: Unknown NAMES OF CIA MOtilTORS: APPROVERS: C. V. S. Roosevelt E2 I DET 5 dow I C) , I C-. i 0 I - i I -z; i 3ak j SUB-PROJECT @10. 12@l (See also Ncs. 2 and 140) PRITICIPAL "@ND LOC.",T-t-O:i: OBJECTIVE AikiD DCT'TLS 0-@ WOOK: T,e objective was -o develop a L 2 =re sodhisticated methodology for rreasuring carbon dioxide ten- sion, "L-he pH of body fluids, and 'Lo study relationships between blood pH and psychcphysiological variables. The acid-base equi- librium of psychiatric patients was to be surveyed. Then, the feasibility of al@Lering the acid-base equilibrium, and thereby their mental con2dition, by carbon dioxide inhalation was 'Lo be investica'Led. The duration of psychophysiologic alteration after such inhalation was also -Lo be studied on normal volunteer patients. 'The apparent CIA inLeresL eias to iivestiga'Le the possibility of in- ducing a drug-like state through the simple expedient of carbon 2 dioxide inhalation. APPROXIMATE TIM'Z- 1960 - 1965 SIGNIFICA@i'T ASP:.CTS: Testina on hunan volunteers. FUNDING: COVER i'@',EC;iA@IIS.'-I: Human c"cology Fund APPROXIT.'ATE TOTr"%L: $6,500 RESEARCH PAIDITICTP,-'..'I-IS: unknown if witting Witting unknown if witting E M T -T ru 4-) C\i u 2 (ii > 4-) tn 4-). 0 0 0 2 E7- (,A!: (D C)@ >1 CD VI u CD < V) 2 t--q u C) V) CL Li; w CD Cil- V) C:) 4 IIJ LLJ cr_l CL C) 15 T 1. is @-ecues@ea ti-a- be to s o r re s e a r c'-- o i n cc:-- 2 the rei---L@es c-- Carocn 2 is to cur S: L!a;s y r-ar'-cz "Lias 2 as -well as 0= of so= 0- -,Le blcc.-4- -ZE a:,d cer@la-,Ln a7:)' es -e='4 C:le:i i:l thle c@ '--ill be soc@-ty fc- t@:e c@, 7coic@;y, TI-c. -@'c:- cover 0 s a s7:: e or to proced@u---as of to P-y c@' cha----es. C> 4. T:--e ccs'@ o-e @,h4-s '2-rcr six =0-,I@-s is es'i- in Chaz-es 'o be $ 500 as i-""4cs-terl sacu-Id be r;=de ez- rs l@'-5-1000-1c:02. A--iy u=-,:sed -2@,---ds 11 'be 2 to @'-e Soc4ey e.@ @'-e co=-ole---'.c:i o--:' zro4ec'-. vi to: by dpt 1977 6 CL 3',-' 2 p- @i hps ciez- L=@C e r 0 Consul-,.an, .o -@cr a .,-e Soci-t2Y. sr,o.r-sorsm-@-'O- O@ Chie"L" TSD/-R-zsea--ch 3r---7,cH A t a c'-- Pro-Dosp 0 0-f Resea--c'-- Do O.- B't -s 0 2 C-.' r\): 9 (I I 3 @, 6 - - - ----- -------- - - ---- .. ... SUB-P.ROJr-@r;T NO. 125 PRINCIPAL Rc@Sr',m-.,DCHER a.NO LOCI'-IT-TON: Veterans Adr@iinisi--ration Center 2t@art@insburc, WesL Virgin-.a OBJECTIV5.' AIID DETAILS OF WORV.: This project partially sup- ported an on-going study at' 'Lhe Veterans Administration Center in Martinsburg, West Virginia, studying differential e-l"-i@ec'Ls of drugs on behavior. -he eriohasis was on th2e placebo ef-i@ect and the interaction be'L,.qeen placebo and drugs. The drug .qas d-amphet- amine and the dose level was 10 The study aL'Ler.-ioted 'Lo isolate subtle e-l@-i@ec@Ls which, aL 'L-ha-L time, were highly pertinent @Lo evalua- ting results from 'Lhe r2'Ngency's -iore general work w-'I"L-h psychcoh--rma- colocical agenL-S. AP P RO X I %IA-Tc@ T I i'@icr Si FP 'Mi@i 1960-1963 SIC-IIFIC'r'u'IT ASPECTS: Four croup r,-,erbers of %'he Domiciliary at 4L-he Veterans Ad,-.iinist'-raLion Center, Martinsburg, Wes*, Virginia were involved in @Lhe "-es'Ls: 'Lhose receivinq drugs, -Lhose receiving placebos, @Lhose who were not ay:are 'Lhey were receiving drugs, and those receiving nothing. T,,io published articles resulted from these studies. FUNDING: 2 COVER Mc"CHr'%i'IIS,'-I: Society for 'L-he Inves'Ligat'.ion of Human Ecology, Irc. TOTAL: S12,000 'T E2 I 9 doom CD roi Fri Pi 2 C:) kl 2 L/) LA C:) L/) 2 DL> CD C-) Ln r-L 2 CD r.,) 0 0 :r_ 2 C/I 0 rt CA rt, 2 c_- cr cj rt 2 c rt rt- rt, rt- 2 Cl- La ::3 2 LA tA 2 rt (D rt, rt. =1 LA 2 rt (D rt =1 -1. ru rt to --3 ul LA t' rt, 2 ri- Ul 2 Ln LID Ln rt La 7 Z3 rt, :3 (Xi -u .t I 0 1 C-.. 2 . I I I I r,,;! 1 - Ol - 'ZJQ 9 SUB-PROJECT @i'O. 126 PRINCIPAL RESEARCHCR '.,t,D LOr,ATTrj'l: uniyersity of Florida OBJECTIVE AND DETAILS OF Ix'ORK: Hu@-ian adaptation to Hisaster: response-to stress and crisis. Results could 2 'increase sophistication of CIA's n. t. r% missio APPROXIV.ATE TI,@-11-c SPr%iq: 1960 SIGTIIFICANT ,SPECTS: .,lo n e FUTIDING: C 0 V E12R@- iMi 2;"I I S M '@ociet'-y -iror the Investiga@Lion of Hur.zn Ecology APPROXIi@AT@@' TOTAL: S4,225.00 RESEARCH PARTICIP'r%tiT: (Wit-Ling) Universi@, of F or a 2 OTHER SPONSOR: NAi'-Ic"S OF CIA t-!Ot,'ITORS: APPROVERS: C.V.S. Roosevelt E2 I@ By -e-0 0: - r- 'O -1 0 - 2 C-1. rli 5 -i 2-1. 3 @ SUB-PROJ7-CT t",O. 127 P R I C P "r@@ L R C P A;@ D L 0 C T 1 0 OBJECTIVr'- A'@;D DAT@TLS O@ t,-!O-PK: A s-,-udv o-@ the open voting records oil a selec' gr2oup o'l@@ voters over a 50 year period. .Anticipated results could con",-r'lbu'Le 6MPPROvAlt'iAT:. Ti@l.:' SP'.'!: 19'00-190-2 S I G'-l 1 F 1 CA!4TS @-'C 5 FU.'@2ID I i'@G: COVER Society -1@or investigation o-l- Ecology APPROXI,'!I.a.T:-' TOT"@L S7,-nOO.00 RES7@."I,D,C.u2l P.AnRTICIPA:IT: Un kno,.ir, OTHER SPO,%ISOR: Un'&,riown OF Cl."% @iO@!ITORS: Robert' Lashbrook APPROIIERS: C.V.S. Roosev1el'@ 7 I 2 CD C-. rli I 0 I = 3 33 ' SUB-PROJECT ilio. 12OU PRI,."IC location not IPAL RF-S:.LRC-'@D A@..@iD LOC'@TIO!l 2 known OBJr'CTIVc.' Al'ID 0,'_Tr'.ILS OF ',-,IOR,vl: To test a method of raoid I hypnotic induc'ion in simula'ed 2and real operational se@tings. L I- L. L APPROXI,',tA-,E SP'M'@,1: 1960-1961 SIGNIFICANT ASP--@r-TS: ti@one FUNDING: C 0 V @@:R 1"17-C T S 11-i Not indicated APPRO'A' 1 T :"' T 0 --I A L S9,000.00 RESER%RCH PARTT'!P"@',IT 2 (unkno,4n wi'Li@-ing) OTH'@-R SPO:@ISOR: Unknown NAMC@'S OF CIA I@10,'@IITORS: APPROVC.RS: C2.V.S. Roosevelt E2 t-4 BY 7 Li I 2 C) - k@3 2 3 3 -@@ SUB-PROJ rCT .','o. 129 PRItiCIPAL R-:Sc-ARC.uc-',o A@:D LOCATIO.':: OBJECTIVE At4D DRTAILS OF r4ORK: Computer analysis of bio- LL r"' LI U@@ electric response patterns: s2ignilicance for polygraph. APPROvAli-tATE TI@IE SPAt4: 1960-10,61 SIGNIFICA.'4T ASPECTS: tlone FU.@iDItIG: COVER i'IECLI"i'I[Si',I: Society for t'he Investigation of Human 2 Etology APPROXIt-LAT-@@ TOTAL: S2,505.00 RESEARCH PARTICIPr'%tlT: tlone OTHC.R SPO-@!SOR: USAF Office of Sc'ien't-.if'ic Research Funded $27,500. T!AMES OF CIA i,'iO,',IITORS: APPROVERS: C.V.S. Roosevelt E2 I T I I c c L 1 . c I I I 3 -3,7 SUB-PROJECT @@O. 130 PRI@ICIPAL RESEARCH'AD, AND LOCATIO@L: Columbia Univers OBJECTIVE A@4'D DETAILS OF WORK: Investigation of Personality Theory on patients wil-.h diff2rent symptoms: in direct assessment. 2 APPROXIT-IATE Tlt'-!E SPA.N: 1961 1962 SIGNIFICA,IIT ASP@CCTS: None FUTIDI@IG: COVER @IECHA!IISI.I: Society for the Investigation of Ecology APPRO/v%It',ATc@' TOTAL: $13,570.020 RESEARCH PARTICIPAMITIT: OTHER SPONSOR: Columbia University NA@ic@S OF CIA V-.ONITORS: APPROVERS: C.V.S. Roosevelt E2 IM BY 7 @3S --------- - I--------- "I-- I 2 i I 2 --o I 2 s , 0 1 2 . I f 7 i @ 311 SUB-PROJECT NO. 131 PRINCIPAL RESEARCHER A,4D LOCATIO.',': OBJECTIVE A@ID D'TAILS OF @IORK: Pay sal'aries, travel and other expenses of deep cover staff agent in APPROXIMATE TIT,!E SPA@L: 19,01 SIGNIFICANT ASPr'_CTS: tione 2 FUi'4DIiNG: COVER t.'ir'_C HA @i 1 Si'4: Society for 'the Investigation o-ic Human Ecology APPROXIMATr' FU.'IDft@IG: S15,000 (funds' from Division) RESEARCH Participant: Unknown OTHER SPONS2OR: Unknown NAt.1c@S OF CIA MO.'IITORS: APPROVERS: C.V.S. Roosevelt Sidney Gottlieb El I 00@M @'T 9 BY@@ t 1 -0 2 ; -S . 0 2 I -C-. I i . I Z- 2 ; 't i r) I 4 . -- - t r s @ SUB-PROJCCT NO. 132 PRI@ICIP@-.L RcS-,,@C-'::7R Ai@.9 LOC.-.TTOINS: @iew York and Chicago OBJECTIVE r.i'ID D@cTr'.ILS OF ',.ICIIIIK: "Realis@Lic tests of certain 2 R&D iterr6 of ini.eres4l-- to TSD/CB (Technical Services Di,iision/ Chemical Branch), including a facility and oersonnel for the operational testing with complete non-a@LL'ributability of sponsors." APPROX!t,!AT--@ -TI,',"c SP.Aill: 1961 - 190'4 2 SIG@ITF!CrANi'l-i ASD'-7CTS: Aooears thal' followed ','@organ Hall. File has nothing con,rovers'lal in it. FUTIOING: COVER M-C'CHA@IISM: tio'L,. stated APPROXI,'4ATE TOTAL: 326,000 Sterile Checks R2C-SEARCH PARTICIPA.111@: "a public relations consultant in New York City witting OTHER SPOI@ISORS: ',lone indicaf'-ed NA,',IES OF CIA MONITORS: Sidney Gott'-lieb Ray Treichler APPROVERS: C.V.S. Roos6evelt E2 BYIINW I .. . I - - 2 ) -I 'I- C :- L@. '. 2 c r . ; -@j :. 2 I w . L--@ 9 3 Li 3 SUB-PROJ",CT i'40. 133 PRINCIPA@-RrS7@rlIRCHc@7R .AND LOCATT ON OBJECTIVE AND DETAILS OF WORK: (1) Information on the micro- L biological participation in mineral transformation: mineral 2 transforming microorgan4isms. (2) Grant reneeied to resea-rch for ne,,q and unique approaches to energy production and 'Lrans-'I'orma- tion (bio-batteries). APPROXI@IATE Tli'-!E SPAN: 1961 1963 SIGNIFICANT ASPECTS: None FUN D I t,G COVER 2@',ECPr',@"ISM: Geschick'Ler Foundation, Washington, 0. C. APPROXIMATE TOTAL: $28,000 RESEARCH PARTICIPr4%PITS: - technician gradUaLe student undergraduale student OTHER SPONSORS: Non2e NAMES OF CIA t-',ONITORS: Ray Treichler E2 I BY 4-1 r_ C\i 0 02 4-) 4-J cr_l C::) I- 11; C:) u U- 7 C:) LL) V) C:) cl@ < I -1; I . ' 0 - C-.- 2 'I. I -1 I % Li, 3Lk0 (o Si SUB-PROJr'_CT NO. 134 1. PRINCIPAL RESEARCHER AtiD LOCATIO": Unwitting OBJECTIVE AND DETAILS OF WORK: Study of relationships between body type and temperament (personality charac*Leristics). Purpose: 2 clandestine indirect assessment. APPROXIMATE TIME SPA@,': 1961 1963 SIGNIFICANT ASPECTS: None FUNDING: COVER MECHANISM: Human Ecology Fund- APPROXIMATE TOTAL: $22,000 RESEARCH PARTICIPANT: Con.sultan,- witting Human Ecology Fund OTHER 8SPONSORS: None NAMES OF CIA MONITORS: APPROVERS: C.V.S. Rooseveli'- Dr. Sidney Gottlieb E2 I DET ! -,o 2 -1 . C) 2 C-. w 0 L;,l '3 SUB-PROJECT NO. 1--,5 PRINCIP""L OBJECTIVE Ai'4D DET.",ILS OF ',,IOPK: The purpose of this project was to fund a research program involving the clinical testing of biologically active materials, which could be administered transdermally (Lhroug2h the skin) using human volunteer subjecl-s. This project was cancelled be-lore it got underviay and monies authorized were 'Lransl'erred 'Lo Sub-Project 91. APPRO'A'I.'IAT=@- TI@ll' SPr'%Pf: 1961 SIGINIFICA"IT ASP-@-CTS: In'Lz- nL' 'Lo tes2t human volunteer subjects. FUt4DIt@G: COV,--R MECHAtITS@-1: illedical Sciences Research Founda'ion L APPROXIM-AT--- "i'01-r'%L: S25,000 RESEARCH PARTICIPr'%,4T: I'i'o n 3e OTHER SPOTISORS: None NAMES OF CIA MOt,'ITGRS: APPROVc"'RS: C.V.S. Roose,.,elt' E2 I I j I 2 0 C-. . I w ! 6 3_1;@- D nrn SUB-PROJECT @10. 136 PRINCIPAL RESEARCHER ""D LOCATIO@L: OBJECTIVE AND OR@TAILS Or' WORK: Experimental analysis of extra- sensory percept@,ion. To evaluate the possibility of using extra- sensory perCep@Lion in 'Lhe inlelligence field. 2 APPROXIMATE-TI@lc@' -qPl@i'i: FY 1961 SIGNIFICANT ASPE@CTS: None FUNDING: - COVER MECHr"%NISM: '4uman Ecology. Fund APPROXII.I.ATE TOTAL: 58,579 RESEARCH PARTICIP'm',IT: Unwitting OTHER SPOT;SORS: 5 None identified NAMr'_S OF CIA @',ONITORS: Sidney Gottlieb APPROVERS: C.V.S. Roosevel't. E2 I@M@T *@B y I - I 2 I 0 C-. i . 2 w -4 2 1, 1 3 5@ :@ SUB-PROJECT @10. '137 PRINCIPAL RES'LARCHC@R @@@D LOCATIO-'4: OBJECTIVE A.,ND DETAILS OF lelORK: To complete an illustrated Ps.ycho-lexicon of writing and 'the written word. (This study on graphol'ogy was then 80/00 complete, and was later published 2 with acknowledgement of the Society for Invesigation of L I Human Ecology support. APPROXIi','.-",TE Tli'-!-@ SP",: 1961 -.1963 SIGtilFICANT ASPECTS: None apparent FUNDING: COVER MECHANISM: Society 't@'or Inves@Liga@3Lion of Human Ecology APPROXIVATE TOT'r'%L: $2,000 R@CSEARCH PARTICIPA,'IT: OTHER SPOI@ISORS: None NAMES OF CIA i'@',O,'IITORS: APPROVERS: Sidney GoL@Llieb E2 IMP F---- I p 2 I i C-- I = I 8 3-5 @ SUB-PROJI-CT NO. 133 PRINCIPAL Rr'_Sc@ARC',i'@-@:), @,,4D LOCf"ITIO@,l University ol" Texas OBJECTIVr' DR@-TAILS OF WORK: Research on bic,..-,edical instrur.,en'La- 2 tion. To develop a capability for remo@e testing (Polygraph, L L L EKG, etc.) for use in indirecl psychoioaical ar,@, medical assess- rnents. APPROX!t,IATc-' Tlt,l@-- SPr'%.-'I: 1961 1962 SIGNIFICA,IIT 2'r%SP--@CTS: @,o n e F U t,D I tl G COVER Geschick-Ler Fund ,',',edical Science Research :ounda@@.ion APPROXIMAT7@ TOTAL: $36,000 RESEARCH Prl%RTICIPn,"!T: OTHER SPO@ISORS: None identified NT"%MES OF CIA @lo@ITTORS: Ray Treichler Sidney Gottlieb APPROVERS: C.V.S. Roosevelt I - . t - ' i C)L 2 . C-. I - - I - ; 6 I w : 4. -0 3 @- (c S U B-- P RO J'C-'C -1 ti 0 I 9 PRIINICIPAL R@S='aC@'::70 @.,iD LOC;-T!Ok: Pennsyl,iania State U:liversil'-y 2 Witting OBJECTIVE-9-@,'D Drr-TAILS OF Role of avian vec@--ors in trans- ntission of disease. Purpose: Support 'acili,@y for APPRr.'XT,',!"T@7 1951 - 1965 SI G@i I cI CA.@IT ASPC.CTS: tlone FUIIDI r,"G: COVLc-'.D Geschickter Fund f-'@edical Science Research Founda@'-ici 2 A P PR 0 X I "-.T T 0 T L S'0,000 Rr@-SEARU, P@-,.RTICIP,I,@'IT: - Pennsylvan4la State University OT2HER SPO@ISORS:- t,one indicated riA-,'.Ic-'S OF CIA t.',O.IIITORS: Ray Treichler APPP,OVCRS: Sidney Gottlieb 3 E2 y -o t 2 i -I t O.i 2 (-I. @ . i 2 - I - I --7P I i :5 @ e? SLIS-PROJECT iklo. 140 (S,-e also i@los. 2 and 12') PRItICIPAL.RESLc,@,RC,@-,Dl ID LOCI",Tioll@: OBJr@-CTIVE'-Ai'@ID rC'-Trl%TLS OF WORK: Undpr cover of "Thyroid Research" the project was to design 2and conduct controlled experiments in- volving pharmacological and clinical tests on human volunteers. was provided 2 grams of Cyto,-@.el Sodiur@i by the Agency. A report states that test facilities are established, a source of volunteers is assured, and a cover program has been initiated. Completed were preliminary phases of st'udies involving marking and idenlifying individuals and doing the clinical 'Les@Ls of be- havioral control materials. Programs were designed -Lo carry -Lhe investigation furl@-her. In September 190'5, this project was terminated and another projecl- approved. APPROXI,@I2ATE TIj',IE SPr.11: 19'02 - 1965 SIG,NIFICAI'IT ASPECTS: Tes'Ling on human volunleers FU@4D!,,'IG: COVER i"IECHA,"IISL',I: Payment'- by sterile Chasier's Check until 1964, then transferred 'Lo the Geschickter 5 Fund. APPROXIMATE TOTAL: $63,000 RESEARCH PilIRTICIPANTS: unknown if witting only a bill of services, is in @Lhe file. E2 T 0 4-) 4-) u r- q) u a) 2 LLJ u u L-ii C\i 4J 2 V) 4J c ru 0 u >1 CD ru -0 4-) 2 4-i (1) V) 0 c CIL-, ul 0 CD 2 u C:) C:) < C:) V) 0- LL- C)C@ L/)2 C:) LLJ ct@ <1: (Y- Lr) C:) LAJ Lli ui C),@ L/,-) a: 7-- 0 Cl- C:) Branc@ Cate,c:. Project Titl-e- 7-@' s -t Item Class,"ica,;o ;O Cr-)-r)@o Class:"--ca'@, Project C rY P'O R-LAY ri@,i 2 Project Eng;ree!, Branch P-,ojec@ 'Llr.o.- Contractor@@ 1-3 Tasl%- ',",'O. Contract No e -.7@ Date I-iit@@a,el Tvme of Cort--act 2 C, 17: 2 C) Co,-nDlet;oi D a Cos' Purpose: TO design a--@d condjct cozt@-ollod e-,-,oerą"-cnts o---' c32. ests in-vo:Lv4 co L. z, 2 in ell Status: s-ablis:aed. So',lrcc Of 6cer!3 Tc!3t faci';_i',ies are c is assized and a cover Dxo-= has L-@!cn Dhases of st-Ldies in-;olvin- mar'2--ing and identification of izd4-,@idtal@- @-estinc-I of beh- and clinical 4 =vioral con'6rci =aterials have bee-,i co-- ple'Led. Prog.--,--s have been desi-ned to carry the investi-atio--.s further. Intc3rn-al"@1y n TSD.. I I -@', I 0 . 0 c.-.i T - t I 3L@ SUB-PROJECT NO. larl PRINCIPAL Rt'SEARCHER r'NtID LOCATIOIN: Dr. Geschickter Washington, D.C. OBJECTIVE AND DETAILS OF WORK: Not specified; possibly for accumulated research expenses. APPROXIMATE TI@IE SP,-'%N: 1962 SIGNIFICANT ASPECTS:2' Unknown FUNDING: COVER MECHA@IlStl: Geschickter Fund for Medical Resc-arch APPROXIMTE TOTAL: $40,000 RESEARCH PARTICIPA,'IT: Dr. Geschickter OTHER SPONSORS: None NAMES OF CIA t,!O@IITORS: Ray Treichler APPROVERS: C.V.S. Roosevelt 7 E2 IMP T y I 1.111.1---..'@, . .... . ............. ........ .2 2 I - . 2 I 2 i C) !' 2 L@. 2 Z. 2 rli .1 2 I 0 @6@ SUB-P"DIOJ@ECT @10. 142 PRINCIP@.L RcSEARC-":R t'llo LOCATT n epen n ntractor in OBJECTIVE ATID DET.@ILS OF @i'ORK: A quote from the original proposal: "It is proposed 'Lo carry out certain biological studies involving 2 electrical brain stimulation of cold-blooded animals. In addi- tion to the various theoretical reasons for such studies, it ap- pears that certain prac@Lical guidance'systeris involving more de- tailed behavioral control of both positive and negative sorts ray be possible Lhan are pres=-n'L 1 y :-- @L t'ainable in war,-,i-blooded animals being inves'Liga@Led." The final report was enL i 'Lled: "r'% Study of .Comparative Anatomy". APPROXI@IATE SP'i',I: 1963-1965 SIGNIFICANT ASPECTS: i4e:,,orandu@-.1 -'for the Record to justi,--y the funding of this rather basic research s'LaLes: "Some of the uses proposed -icor 'these par@Licular animals would involve possible delivery systems for 'DW/CW agents or for direct executive action- type operations as distinguished from 'the eavesdroppina applica- tion 2 -FUNDING:- COVER @IECHAiN!S-.',!: Human Ecology Fund r'%P P RO X IE TOT -r'%L S7,@-@00 E2 I T '3 RESEARCH PI.D-IICTPAP@-.,S: cleared -1@or TOP S@.COI@-:'T, and believed to have been 4i'Lting Unkno@-in if witting Unknown if witting 8 OTHER SPONSORS: Executive-Director of 'that NAMES OF CIA @,,ONITORS: APPROVERS: Sidney Gottlieb C.'i.S. Roosevelt -2 --o -- . -5 . .C) - 5 C-.! - t Ci . @3@ @' %d 'IL. SUB-PROJECT i'10. 143 C A PRINCIPAL-RESEA,RCH.ER A.,'@D LO r%TIO,@l: Associae Professor of Biology L University ol@ Hous@Lon, Texas 2 OBJECTIVE AND DETAILS Or@ WORK: To deter-mine ill the growth of microorganisms in pelroleun, products can be markedly increased by the addition of substalic concentrations of anti-microbial agents. May have wide application 'Lo all areas of biological sabotage. APPROXIteLATE TIt-1c"7 SPAN: January 1963 - December 1964 2 SIC-..NIFICANT ASPECTS: Biological Sabotage FUND I tIG: COVER MECHANISM: Geshickter Fund l-or Medical Research APPROXIt,tATE TOTAL: $41,500 RESEARCH PARTICIPANT: Research assislani'.s unwitting OTHER SPONSORS: None identified NAMES OF CIA MONITORS: 6 Raymond Trelchler- Sidney Gottlieb APPROVERS: E2 IMPDET C 4plw- -c i. -1 2 t 0.1 I - i s - I 5 I -1 3 61 SUB-PROJECT -'iO. 144 PRIT,CIPAL RES@:ARCHED AITD LOCATIO@T: I Unknown OBJECTIVE ATID DETAILS OF @!CRK: Unknown APPROXIt-l@,T't Tlillr'_ SPA-'I: 1963 2 SIGNIFICA,'@T ASP:CTS Unknown FU,qDltlG: COVER t.IECHA-'-IIIS-',I: APPROXlrA-IrE TOTAL: $26,000 RESEARCH PARTICIPAI;T: No details OTHER SPO,.','SORS: Unknown tIAMc-'S OF CIA MOIIITORS: Ray Treichler APPROVERS: Sidney Gottlieb E2 BY40mm 1 . ... . ............ SUB-PROJECT i4o. 145 PRINCIPAL RESEARC,tjlc-.D A@'D LOCrn%TlOtl: Unknown OBJECTIVE A.-'ID DCTAILS OF WORvl: Unknown APPROvAlKATE Tit-!E_Slc"r%@l: 1963 SIGtilFICA.NIT ASPEC-2IS: Unknown FU,'40I@IG: COVER @ir@7CHAi@IIS@l: APPROXI@TATE TOTAL: $15,500 RESEARCH PARTICIPAT@T: Unknown OTHER SPO@ISORS: Unknown tiAME7S OF CIA MONITORS: Ray Treichler APPROV'TRS: Sidney Go@L'Llieb E2 BY 4**PM . -u @ t -1 ,- 2 ! c :. C-. 111.I i - t C) ! 3-7 3 SUB-PP,OJECT NO-. 1,16 PRI,NCIPAL A.,ND LOC'n@iioti: -his projec@ was OBJECTIVLc' Ail(D DCTAILS OF WORK: The purpose o, to provide the services of a plant'- Pathologist'- @Lo assist in 2 L re. develoding a philosophy of limited an,@icrop war A study was made of sugar cane crop vulnerabilities, on a world-wide basis. APPROXIMATE TI@!@E SPt'4i: 1963 - 1964 SIGNIFICAP4T ASP.ICTS: Po'Len4i-.ial ham to hu2man beings by des'Lroying food crops. FUNDlt4G.- COVER MEC.w,AtIIS,'4: None APPROXIMATE TOTAL: $7,500, paid by sterile Cashier's checks R.LCSEARCH PARTICIPrl@j'ITS: wi'L -Ling OTHER SPONSORS: unwittin9g NA,'IES OF CIA MO@IITO.RS: APPROVC-RS: Sidney Gottlieb E2 IMPD'T I --j 4 2 -1 I 0 2 - C-. . I 2 I I -,j ; 7 .I- -@ -L2 SUB-PROJ'-7CT @10. 147 PRINCIP,r'%L RESE.ARCHER A@10 LOCITlOii: Dr. Harris Isbell OBJECTIV@ A@,D F,,-@-TAILS OF WORK: "Cross-tolerance between psychon,im.etic drug." APPROXI,',IATE Tli'-2',':, SPA,'I: 1963 - 196,lt SIG.'41FIC,-@.t'IT "S--:CTS: Unknown FUNDING: COVER Not indl'caled APPROXIMr"%T:" TOTAL: S8,806 RESC@ARCH PARTTCTPANT: Dr. Harris Isbell OTHER3 SPO@ISORS: Unknown NAMX--S OF CIA ',',Ot'IITORS: Ray==:;@-Treichler APPROVC.RS: No'L. indicated T SL i -v I 2 -1 , 0 L,. 2 i . C:) @ L. 2 I I I 37 7 SUB-PROJI.--'CT t,'O. 148 PRINCIP'r'%L RESc,7ARCHER AND LOCATION: OBJECTIVE Af4D DETAILS OF WORK: To provide a mechanism to utilize the services of a recognized authority in the field of toxicology and pharmacology in support of Technical 2 Services Division activi'Ly concerned with influencing animal and human behavior. APPROXIt@,11,T't Tli%lc@ SPA.'I: IQ,63 1961? SIGNIr'ICANT ASPECTS: None FUNDING: COVr'_R ME,,CHr"NISM: None 2 APPROXIt-!ATL' FU,','Dli',C-: S5,000 - sterile check RES--"ARCH PARTICIPA,'IT: Unknown OTHER SPONSOR: Unknown NAMZ'S OF CIA '!OtllTORS: Ray Treichler APPROVERS: Sidney Gottlieb 6 T CL BY@@ T-1 I- -- I 2 ;.-o C-. I 8 I - t - %.O 3'-7 @' '- SUB-PROJECT NO. 149 (See also Nos. 3, 16 and 42) PRINCIPAL Rc@S'CARC.wlc@R Alli'D LOCATIOti': New York City OBJECTIV'@" A."ID DETrl%ILS Olc WORK: The file contains no projecl description bu@' states: "To supporl- coverl and realistic field 2 t-osts on certain R&D i'Lens of in$'-erest to Technical Services Division/Biological Branch". AP P RO X 1 '-LATE Tl,'-!:' SP'n,'I: January 1964 March 1965 SIGiNIFIC.!11'@T ASP;-:CTS: i'lone FUNDI@IG: COVER @2'LECIJa@IIS."I: Sterile Checks APPROXI,'@AT--- TOTAL: $103000 R-CSEARCH PARTICIP@'%IIIT: OTHER SPOT;SORS: None indicated NAMES OF CIA i',',Oli!TORS: Ray Treichler APPROVER: Sidney Gottlieb 9 ATTAC.1-Ii.'IEI@T: Adriiral Turner's EYES OTILY E2 I SEE) i%Ly NO T'-: Ad.7,iral Turner E?ESoO,'ILY T@is file appears in all respects 'o be a duplicate L of the Morgan Hall (alias).File, Sub-Project tlo. 3. It ri-ay 8 have been a continuation of Hall's work in New York City afler he went to the West CoasL, (Sub-Project' tlo. 42). 331 CD rD 0r (D -Sa 8 CD c:E -Conten@Ls of The attached lis'Li'ng @,ias recovered t-iith the @r-a'Leripl con-L,3ired in the seven boxes of i-i.(3 o@) IA L jovp,- Sub-Project Activity Researcher institution and/or Technical Service 14 0. Location t-ifiere Division Officc-r vihc Research Occurred Monitored Activity 2 40 A c(intinuation of Dr. Harold Abramson Ne%.i Yorl,, City Lashbroo)t Subproject 27 41 To provide paytiierit-for the Pedlo%q-Nease Co. Pedlovi-Nease Chemical C6., Lashbrook s iithesis of rare organic 2 Inc., Lock liaven, Pa. y che!nicals that are not co!ti:i-,crcially availil)le 42 To 1)rovide capability for @Ir. iklorgan liall San Francisco, Ca'lif. Treichler co@,L-rt aiid realistic field 2trials of cei,taiii rl-search an6 developinent 11-erirs of ititci-est to TSD and niaihtain facilities for such trials 43 A study of disassociated Univ.. of Okla. @ledical states School, Ok2lahoma City,. Okla. 44 An !Z&D pi-og)-ain oii the Univ. of 111. School of phat-niacological evalua- Medicine, Chicago, 111, tioil of hydrogenated aroi:iatic aiiiines 45 Bicclier2iiical investigation Dr. Ge@chickter Geschickter Fund of cut-are-lil,,e effect of cei,tain ttiiols, the prepara- tioii of liyd)-ogena-ted quitiolines and indole all-.aloids, and the continued StLI(ly of dipl0ionolic coiiipounds C* it: "t"T iP, L L S UL)- P I-oj c c t Acti vi ty Researcher Institution and/or Teclinical Service Division Offi(;or @iih( 2 Location ',-!here -ored 'lc4- I Research Occurred 1.'oni i ty 46 LI-@D and related coiipounds 47 SI2L-.u,j'y of drugs affecting Dr. Carl Pfeif for Emory Univ. Iledical School Ti-eichle-., tl-.c central i,,ervous Sy S'L cill 48 E@.-.ploiting operational-. Human Ecology ccicri-16-ific reth2ods arl.' Viio%,ilL@dge tliit can be L ut-ilized iii cilter-itig thought processes, and beii:ivior p@,-tt@-rns of igeilt person@el 49 H,:@,ilos i s 2 Univ. of Denver' 50 Cancelled 51 A prograin.of isolation and e@.r@IL:ation of i)atut-al PI-'G(;LlCtS from botanicals 52 A for the collection of ;--otLtiicals of interes2t to CD 53 A survey of the 'piiai-niacolo- g,cv,l literature for itiate),ial of int2rest to CD 54 1.'icc!,.,lnisin'of brain con- CLI',SiOri Pi', a 1-ii, 'acologic(il evalu5- l@W@l L Sub-Project Activity Researcher Institution and/or Technical Service Location 1-iliere Division Off icet- vi 2 Research Occurred I-lonitored Activity 56 Sttidies it) alcohol Stiiiford Univ. l,iL, d i - cil Scliool 57 Studies in sloop and 2 II s oiliii i I I'-Iusl))-Ooin collection Netq York Cit y p t-0 9 )-Li 5 0, Testing and evaluation Univ. of @laryland 2 of pliariiiicological Medical School iiiaterials 60 Cut-out and funding or'gan liumcin Ecology Fund 61 Bt-ain Studies Cornell Uiiiv. School of 2 @ledicine 62 Study of effects of tlIH clectrostiock in animals 63 Coiisultition, operational reports, training exer- cises 64 Compensation Dr:-.Char. Geschickter @lashington, D.C. 65 2 Cultural studies Cornell Univ. l@led. Sch. 66 Alcohol studies 67 Operational aspects of niv. of Indiana u riox 68 Studies and effects of Dr. D. Et-icn Cameron I-IcCiill Univ., @iontreal ),cpctitiorl signals AL Sub-Project Activity Researcher Institution and/or Teclin i c,a'1 Se@vice flo. Location 1-.'here Division Offic(-@r @-,-Iio 2 Research Occuri,ed Il;oiiitored Activity 69 liungarian studies Rutgers Univ. 70 K pi-obleiii Stanfoi-d Univ @ied. Scli. 71 2 Coiisultation and per- Sa)i- Francisco, Calif. sorial services 72 Cc-iitral tici@vous system' Stanfo)-d Univ. @icd. Scii. aiitagonists 73 COISLiltation and services in the2 field of I)ypnosis 74 Fui)ds for financial Human Ecology Fund deficiency 75 Sti-ess Analysis Dr. Cliar. Geschicktcr I.-lashington, D.C.- 76 Resistance to Coercive tiuman Ecology Fund 8 Authority Study 77 effi@rect Assessment Huinari Ecology Fund 78 Bacteriological systems Troicliler 79 Cut-out for purpose of Rand Development Corp funding L Sub-Pi-@)ject Activity Researcher Institution and/or Toclinictil Service Location I-Ihere Division Officet- %.,,I 2 Research Occurred. l-@onitoi-ed Act4.vity 80 Exti-,.iction and identification Ti-eiciiier tecliiiiqties of drugs, toxics ati(I biological entities from 11LI!I..aii tissues. 81 Follo%.i-up StLidy of the @lungarian Cornell Univ. i,e'l'ugees examined by Coriiell lluf!ijtl Lcology p)-oject 82 Huiiiat) Ecology Fund 83 itaiiclytriting Study liuman Ecology Fund 84 Study of induction of high' ilarvard Univ. motivation in individLIalS moo by means of the development of -Jpccific interpersonal 2 i-elitioilsliips 85 Blood gi-ouping Standford Univ. Treicliler 86 Polygraph equipment and Standford Univ. pi-ecedures 87 Research %.iot-k on allergens 2 Johns llopkins Univ. Treicliler 88 Culture Appraisal' Princeton, N.J. MEW 89 lfut!garian redefection study Ilunian Ecology Fund 90 Study of 4@@Scientists IIIT 10000 .r .4 Sub-P)- c t Activity Reseii,ciier Institution an6lor Tec'iinica .,!r2vi@e f",o Location I-Ihere Di vi s i on, k! i@'f i cc@r viflo Research Occut-red 1-ionitored Activity 91 Psyciloclientical s 2 Stanford Uriiv. Ti,eicliler 92 Foreigii Language Traiiiing IlLiiiian Ecology 93 Screening of Fungal Toxins Ti-eicliler 94 Aniiiiil study 2 Ty,eicliler PI 95 Cross CLI I LUI'fl I ific ing Uiiiv. of Illinois Sys tel,.is 96 Psycliology of personal 2 Oliio State Uiliv. colisti,ucts 97 The 'fherapeutic Process in Univ of I-lisconsin Schizophrenics and Noriiials 98 I-,ass conversion Queens College, N.Y. 99 Pi)ysical I-leasui,eiiient2 on Penn State Univ Laslibi-ook Biologically active 1.1,atet,ials (Oi-g,3nic sci-,ii-coiiductors) 100 Exaiiiination of soil saiiiples Penn State Utiiv. Treic hler 101 Ph2ysical Studies on biological Ohio State Univ. Laslibrook I-latei- i a I s 102 Research on Natural Groups Univ.'of Oklahoma mum C) 5 c Researcher Institution and/or Tec Iiii i C, Sr, I'v @i 4,0 Sub-Pr-oject Activity Location 14iict,e Division Officet' '@lll( 2 Research 0,-CLIt,i,@ed i/,oiiitoi,ed Activity IIL)Inar) rCOlogy Fund 103 CI)ildi@ens International Sunvi,c.2r villages, Inc. study of deterioration of Univ. of lioust0l) 104 Poti,C.ILIUIII Pi.oducts Urliv. of t4iscotisin Treic2liler ()Otcl;lllill,ltits of Virulence 105 III S-@apilyiococci 1016 StLId-es of Neut'OPIIYsiological Tr-ei clil er 1.1--c2li,ini siiis 107 11) S(i ort of Scientists Aniericaii Psychological Assoc. 1,)asil, D.C. Ti- i 1) Stud), of Characteristics 2 liuniaii.Ecology Fund 108 I 09 Potential Psycliophiriiiacological AgeiiLs 110 Research on Stability of Gomm Selected f-iici,oorgin2isitis Stu(iies of the I-leasurenient llunian Ecology Fund of 1.'otivatioti 112 Children Conceptions of. Indiana Univ. Occu@),itional [Zoles,and Status 113 Aero2,,-ol Foi-iiiulation 114 Resc-arcii on alcohol and LSD Providence, R..I. #Now., 115 Irit(!i-action bet%.icon nienta I ly 0 liunian Eco @,N logy disttit-bed 6 titllr L Sul)-pi-Dject Ac'Livity Researclier Institution and/or Teclinicii Ser\,ice 11,0. Location l@lici-e Divisioii Office2t, Vill, Research Occurred '-',oriitoreci Activity 116 tiecessary Research to produce spl,cial c'tieiiiicals of TSD interest 117 Ci-oss-Cultural Studies of Cornell Uiii.v. 2 Faiiii ly Belia,/ior 118 Utilization of Penn State Univ. 119 Litei,ature and scientific Texas Christian Univ. developments relating to Ft. llot@th, Texas bioelect),ic signals 120 2 Opei-ant coriditioriing in iiiice Boston Univ. 121 Phyciiiati,ic Disturbances by Pi'actitioners -ition of Cornell Uiiiv, 122 Prel) t, Cliat-actei-iz, PL.'I@ i fi e(i t,eu2rol, i ii i n 123 Investigation of Einei-ging lluiiian Ecology Fund d@@ linages 124 Psyl)liysiological Correlates of Carboil Dioxide Eilvironniont 125 Placobo Effect liunuin Ecology Fund 126 D4isaster Study Univ,. of Florida 127 -votiiig Records 440 128 liypt6,'s'l' -Mnd al 1 i ed f i el ds liarvard Univ. Gottlibb Researcher Institution and/or Technical Sr-.-.-,/ice, Sub-P)-o.ject Activity Location '.-Ihere Division Officer vjho tlo. Research Occurred @ionitored Activ2ity 129., Coml)uter Analysis of Bio- electric Response Patterns 130 Iiivestigations of Columbia Univ. Pei-sonality Tlleory in Patients %qitti Different Syilip toins 1 31 Div. through SIIIE Internal' 2 Ciottlieb 'k Treichler 132" Covert. and Real is tic Ne%v Yor Ci tY'' Field Trials fiineral Transforming 133 Microorganisms. tiological2-Studies liuman Ecolo'y Fund 134 Psyc 9 Utilization 'of. Human Treichler 135 Volunteer Subjects. 136 Psi Phenomena 137 Hand%.iriting Study2 138 Remote Biophysical Univ. of.Texas @leasurements 139.. Avian vectors in'the Trans- Penn State Univ. .State College, Pa. mission of viral infdctibns 0 F VITI StiL ect Activity Researcii, Institutiori and/or Tecl-.ri. e c Location I-Ihei,e Divisic@n Offi.ce), %q No. Researcii Occui@red 2 1,'ioiiito)-od Activity Treichlei@ 140 Investigational progratils -involving utilization of hlil'iin volunteer subjects 141 Prograin to obtain a feasible Dr. Geschickter I-lasliington, D.C. Treichler and practicable capability to influence and control liuiiiaii beliavioi, 142 Electrical- b)@ain stiinulation involving sonie tievi apl))-OICIICS 143 Stii,.-.ulation of Petroleuin Uni'v.- of Hou's.t6n Product Detoi-ioration .11ouston- Texas 144 145 146 147 Dr..Isbell 143 149 14e%.i York City C 0 -;el'iTli@L