Po To: Files 51 and 11 L,xperlinentation (25 Se tember -Subject: +.he writ tetnber 195 L&@ On 25 Sep 2 d Hexperimentation ssubjects- In .0 'ruesdayl ,li or6&f exp V. 4 In view and 2 s decided arm- September 1951 rel@ted ii np-s during to continue expe i along more or less the more Co,,'- Howeverj, prior to actually beginning ith both of 2 this session. post H were worked w eral simple plex experimeni,s, Sev tion, it is. interesting t' hi connec. a le on c@ach test tried the girls participa as 2 to note that wherea as unable to do f ect Dted the des llollld 'he n of producing -cf-f.ergd or this) 1-,u 2 lio explanati 0_ gnd the writer did not, make so on con- f or- the record Ui 'w7@- effor ffr,,ct for these ts to produce the desired e 2 tinuous and seric simple post H tests.@ -et up as The first major e@xperiment of the even lows without pre'vioiis explanation to eitlie co s ere pla2ced in a very, eep r child. Both siibjects w Lie in this-.state, the following instructions were given: wh' ;@wakened, was t ucted that whp-n she 2 M. She was told that while she was t e t roo ndividual ree ephone call from an i ..there, she ly as 11 oe".2 This individucil would en- whom she would know on 1 telephone conversation. During this gage her in a norma conversation, this individual her a code word and the code word would 2 go into adeep upon mentionin r Appdarance with her Si trance s@61ka6i"2@ild be the@ t ld that upon the conclusion eyes open& 2 on, conv rsati of the tele he would procede to the ladies ld meet a girl who was unknown to her. She i@,l room where she wOu .il"was toi 2 d that she-would strike up a conversation with this conversation she would mention the code during the to this other girl who, In turn, would give rd"'New York" or 2 th r'instractions which were to be. carried h r e 3he carried out the out b 4'She was told that after the Operations Itoom, sit on 2 lns.t et ons, a waa@.to return to 4 0 i=edlatel,y lnto,,a deep sleep'state., 0,5ofa and g a ins uc kening, 2 ed@th@it upon awa (D) I 3 -e'she would wait at the r ooce 0 room whei woiild'p 2 Upon-rocelvlng the call,aperson -jk @f or'& tolOphO .0 de. known as' "J la' i V 0 gag bisr.,"Iin normal conversation.,' Durin thisind4ividual would mention the courai of,t code vord'. heard this. a code -world.,. to she would pass into ati SI'tranc,3 sti.te, biit would not close her eyes and remain p,7rfectly normal and continue the telep)ione con- versation. bhe was told that thereafter lil)on conclusion of the telephone conversation., she would then carry out the foll 2 owing lnstruc+.ions: being in a coinplete SI state at this time, w o open her eyes and was shown an electric timing device. She was informed that this tij4ing device was an incen2diary bomb an ructed how to attach and set.the device. Afte tiad indicated that device, she was she had learned how to se@ a Adli't told to retuin to a sleep state and further instructed that upon2 concluding the aforementioned conversation, Shp- would take the timing device which was in a briefcase and procede to the ladies room. In the ladies room, she would be met by a girl whom she had never seen who would identify herself by the c d "New York". After identifying 2 -ode--wo herself s then to stiow this -indivi