TO: File SUBJECT: SI and H Experimentation, 17 November 1953. On Tuosday, T7 November 1953, SI a d H experimentation was car in Buildi ssrs. isse In view of the fact th8t Mis only worked a f ew. times previously and this was first attendance, d to act as 0 both-of these girls @ere aske e;vers only during ethe first two tests. The first test consisted of an experiment involving the mem2orizing sage and the transmittal of same us r Mi s first tried test with M using the ni nduction. @i I in a. deep, hypnotic condition and then told tZ open her eyes while as @2@@cal pasga ge from a book given to her b two or three minutes) memor the passag ile still under hypnosis was given instruc- tions that she was to leave the room, proceed from that room to room #3 in the Polygraph Section where she would enter 2and sit down. She was told there would be people in the room and that under no ciraimnstances woudl she recall the memoreized passage except if the code word "Medicine" was used. When and if the code word "Ilpdicinell was used, she was at once to writ,e the inemorai7ed-passage and go into a deep hypnotic sleep2 i -ter these instructions were g-' M thereafter. Af Lven i Ln, @ypnotic state, was sent to Room YY3 by -@,&hd the two observers present e rro- ses, threats, etc. to get 2 @ii-" reveal the @,,,@.@@zed_passa7c which she woilld not dQ,-O.L.C n 0. r. en gav,-- the code word to l@li wrote the fairly long passagealmost w an pasged into. a deep hypnotic state. lien 2toolc control of 14i d made her open her eyes and walk from room c 0 e operations room and upon.entering @hat room Fro to the s wn nnd pasq at one'e-into a dcep sleep. Subsequently, M Ds awakenf@,d and for matter of record,2 it should- be noted, 3 otal amnesia for the entire performance. Th s@-' amnesia was one of the main i@lements of the test and Mi d received instructions all along the way in attaining a, esia. . . . ........ 4 p I After Hi 04ipleted the test, m as run on a s using a different passage and code word. m zm-@nainsteed of being handled entirely u2ae:Lr h )nosis was run on l@Le s@ 2in a po6t-hypnotic state. Wh I.- i ten M eached.Room3i in a post-hypnotic state, she was questioned L @l . ., and the observers anlhano memory whatsoever of the m rizect pas- .sage2* Then L:Iave her the code word "neithO!r"@ concealed in a sentence and His ote the memori ]2as a ge and passed $P into a deep lee en sent M2i ek to the operations'- e e went into a deep slee the sofa as had Hi t should be noted that Mi ad no.recol-, lection wha the entire activity. Th e-Mi" test of the evening w 2 in using Hi a7n dHi as the principalt. ook His 0 Room 31riMp aced her in a deep hypno He t en caused her to open her eyes and gave her instructions that she,'wOI114 mM&L;6as2leep but carry- r instructions in a "normal" manner. lixz en gave @lizi e which he informed her contai n envelop confiden ia ma er and aa.iiii@o conceal this paper very carefullyt PI" 2 on her person. e told he had concealed the paper,' to carry it to e ladies room and go before the mirror and fix her hair.' She was instructed that another girl she did not know would iild 2 enter and at some moment while in is room, this person wo e ? LssAaw .,.:ask, "Do you happen to know wh re !Ibff ice is 11 IIJ was instructed that when this code w he was to tak2e this envelope from her person and hand it to the person i=ediate .,leave the ladies room, return to Room 3, sit in the chair where she had been sitting and go into a decp sleep with a complete amnesia for this entire activity. 2 ng w ith 11 in the operations roolp, place@'geor E@ deep sleep and ge.v@ e"r @e following instructions: she was to open her eyes a-nd act normal, but remain deep asleep during, 2 the activity and was told to go to the ladies room) go to the mirror and fix her hair. She was told she would note a 7irl there whom she 'wa-g@ told to say to did not know who would also be fixing herhair. 2 ?11 the other girl, "Do you happen to know where Y, 0 ce s She was told the girl would give her an enve o nt. She was 1 2 told she was to take the envelope and -iery carefully conceal it on her person. After she had concealed it, she was told to leave the ladies room and go to Room 23. She was told there would be a man she would not know in.Room 23 and she was to engage him in conversation2 and if he asked her anything about a paper or envelope she would not b@c able to give any answer in t tion but she was told if anyone asked her, "Do you know she was to ask that person to go with her to the o erat o 4rough the side door and after taking P. this person into the operati.ons room f3he w@is to (le].i.ver the I)np(,I, to liiiii, go to the sofa, lie down and go to sloop an(I have toltil. (iiiin(-oJ.nfor@ LliJ.a entire activity. After the ti '2shad been arranged, the entire a me ctivity wtif; 8et in motion and was carried o t b i rlo without anp hitch. The two rd',' observe dre placwl in the ladies room 2 and sui- eu@-,T3 (s e ce of the concealed document witr from 14 or, who was in room 23 tried to it obtain in ?3rmatiQn f om sh2e entered @he room, asking her many questions and fece onsense answers or general answers but was unable to obtain possession of the e facts t HO pertaini riter asked 14 Do lito 6". 2 you know f@t once asked the writer to accompany. -her to the oper s roo i4 ere she gave the en to the writer and completed the, irB tructions given to her by 11 It should be noted that both of the above mentioned tests were not discussed until approximately one hour later a2nd at this pointy the writer e 1 the test to both girls. Even with details of the d no memory of the action in its entirety and actio mi o n ],,f remember very vaguelycertain minor incidents. After the conclusion of the writtr explain2ed briefly some of the problems of the work to I %Md si-_u er first ce at these sessions, th @@,!d an e 1 r a run ?4iss T ii some simple su'2c, -t-es-ts . he ried a @,g @s ow-induction with @liss btained a good sleep state and c ce at this time it was approximately.9L he writer concluded the evening's work2.