PAGE 11 6TH STORY,of Level.-2,yrinted in KWIC format. Ap p rove0-For-Re lease 2000/0 10 - CIA-RD-P,96700791 R000200230021-9 Copyr(ght 1984 Educational Broadcasting and,.GWETA I - , n19 84 LENGTH: 9398 words November 1 1984, Tuesday Transcript #2382 HEADLINE: Economy in '85: What's Ahead?; Libel: Taking on the Press; Hearts and Minds: Type A Syndrome; Psychic Warfare BODY: ... for a record $7.25 billion, and the United States claimed, and Nicaragua confirmed, the Sandinistas have received helicopters and other arms from the Soviet Union, but no jet fighters. Robin? MacNEIL: Here's our NewsHour rundown tonight. First, the news of the day, then our newsmaker interview with the economist ... ... wants to be a peaceful neighbor. MacNEIL: Nicaragua's Foreign Minister Miguel D'Escoto confirmed today that the recent mystery shipment from the Soviet Union consisted of sophisticated helicopter gunships. And he told an ABC News interviewer that U.S. charges that Nicaragua was building its forces to attack its ... ... for a suspension of U.S. missile shipments to Western Europe as a way of reopening stalled nuclear arms talks with the Soviets. Trudeau was speaking after receiving the Albert Einstein Peace Prize for his diplomatic efforts last year to bring the U.S. and the Soviet Union into a dialogue. PIERRE ELLIOTT TRUDEAU, former Prime Minister of Canada: It is the political leaders in office who ... ... Gault has our next focus section. Charlayne? Psy6hl~j --- warfare I~ CHARLAYNE HUNTER-GAULT: Robin, the debate is over something called Pj;rapsychology or the science of psychic phenomena. It is an open secret that Yoth the United States and the Soviet Union have sponsored research into things like ESP, extrasensory perception, to see if there is any military use for such :henomena. For example, p ... move objects to sabotage the enemy -- for example, jamming their from a safe distance away. And there's also some research into what's known as remote viewing, trying to mentally picture something that's far away, ike detecting where the enemy's missiles are hidden. At a conference of scientists this ... a little uneven. The only true believer to emerge was Martin Ebon, a Oarapsychologist and the author of a book on the Soviet research into the field. He joins us tonight from public station KQED in San Francisco. Mr. Ebon, what dbes it mean to be ... Approved For Release 2000/08/10 CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230021-9 PAGE 12 la84 EEC A pprovedFoMek a s'el ~dMhFi d'~~~7,V-9,6p4'~P-bblbirRobb2ObbbO2l-9 ... two of them are exaggerations. The idea of doing things-drastically by telekinesis is still, I think, in the realm of science fiction. The remote viewing hypothesis, I think that is much more fundamentally correct. And what was the first one on your list? I don't recall. ... it __ HUNTER-GAULT: Looking to telepathy to find submerged submarines and so on. Mr. EDON: That, of course, is something that has interested the Soviet Union particularly, and of course it interests us, too, because they cannot reach submerged submarines by wireless, by radio. But, again, the experiments, such as they have been, I think on both sides of the Atlantic, certainly in the Soviet Union, as far as know, and I concentrate on the Soviet union, have not been -- had any breakthroughs. We'll have to let these exploratory things go on, and then I think we can see whether there is something drastic that has ... ... think -- well, psychic arms race is again one of these exaggerated terms. Parallel psychical research is being done in the Soviet Union under other terms. They, for instance, refer to telepathy as biocommunications. They call psychokinesis psychotronics. And this has been going for 20 years or ... for that matter, phlegmatic. There's a middle ground. HUNTER-GAULT: I understand. You just said that you specifically concentrate on the Soviets. What specifically have they done in this area that might have military applications? Mr. EDON: Well, virtually anything in this field and many ... ... interested in animal experiments and in human experiments. For instance, they have made experiments between Moscow and Leningrad and other Soviet cities using telepathists and trying very hard to do something which I think is very imaginative, but also rather risky, namely, to enhance the telepathic ... ... KURTZ: No, we have an open mind. We believe in continuing inquiry into claims. People are interested in ESP, telepathy, remote viewing, psychokinesis, and we're willing to examine that. We think it should be examined. However, on the basis of our inquiry thus far, we think that has not been proven. There is no ... ... I think, Charlayne, it's very important that there be careful scientific research. We mustn't dismiss any claim to knowledge. And the point about parapsychology, after 100 years it's so full of holes, chicanery and fraud too, that I would urge great caution. HUNTER-GAULT: And you ... Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230021-9