Approved For.Release 2003/05/15 :.CIA-RDP96-00789ROO3401000004-0 ir "6j64,E,,T/NOFORN - HANDLE. VIA SKEE-T.-CHANNELS, ONLY PROJECT SUN STREAK (U) WARNING NOTICE: INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED 'PROJECT NUMBER: 8808 S'ESSION NUMBER: JDATE OF SESSION: 17 MAR 88 DATE OF REPORT: 18 MAR 38 TART: 1 130 6 END: 1410 IIET H ODOL OGY: (1@ @_10c) VIEWER IDENTIFIER: 003 SG1 B Determi SG1 B ne which recorded location, if any, is that of LTC Higgins at the time of the SG1 B 2. (S/NF/SK) VIEWER TASKING: View each tape in a quiet, undi;turbed environment. Record the numbers of those segments/frames (from' the VCR's tape footage counter) which feel psychically relevant to the tasking. Review these frames later and summarize the descriptive data Orid other impres,-ions, if any. I _.). (S/NF/.'K) COMMENTS: 003 found it extremely difficult to attend to the task at hand, the pull of the target's pr(@sent location being just I I-oo strong to work through. SG1J CPT, UF)A T/NOFORN - SKEET CHANNELS ONLY Approved For Release 2003/05/15 : Cl C@o 1N T fi@-@"A@i40 W4-0 App@ovecl For Release 2003/05/15 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO3401000004-0 17 cm I c:I J. ITI -j r" CI C.-? t L I C" SG1 B SG1B "T !--I 1 1:"., J. .. .... ... .. . .... 1:1) r- c", -:t c I..t sl y Dy ir) 1:3, ut -i ut cl C' IA r, C: k c., fn c--@ c.) F 1"] i.2 k-t v y @.j j..t f nri L)i V f. I i o od-I I.-Icr. k...' I I IA-'c:!C11:1.11@-::. C-1-1 -I. V c] t c@ kj; ji :1- G'I Cl 11.. raDt. t'. c) C.) Z'H.@u ff@ f-f - a ci r.I x c.- (J Cl J.. c." i in 1::- c c) J, r c- c) r-I cl I..t cl -1 p J. c-, V I f r-orn t-%11--ier-e mi g I t e i c: c.) s J. !m!' th I I 14: !::i c J-D -t-@ c) I-- 1::@ ci uk r cl 41.@ 1, 1::) r- r c., c.) z--k y c I d 1:@) c i'5 t. i I .-I cl I.... I .-I cl t c.) I V I.-I i (i) @.-A c rI (J ff c r - c:@ c-, r ff - c: c-'.. a ri ci u1i 1!:) 1. 1 t I-i c-':'. iiii I-) y I i I-I g-i c: c.) ut I c.1 ge...' t f-fif-Dre Approved For Release 2003/05/15 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO3401000004-0