"'S T P y 10 rl Cc Wa( a i i I S e C M it, in B- la, si Ty B1 Reportedly Has Identified Several Associates oJ'Alled Suspect Associated Press Kahane. They were seeking corre- NEW YORK, March 8-More K% sa r and Sala- spo tween o search warrants, and possibly more meh, the Buffalo News reported. arrest warrants, could be issued Nosair is a cousin of Ibraham El- this week in the World Trade Cen- gabrowny, arrested for allegedly ter bombing investigation, an FBI assaulting two FBI agents when spol,..esmin said today, -R thev raided his Brooklyn apartment. A federal law enforcement KX Salameh listed Elgabrowny's ad- source said investigators also have dress on a rental application for a identified several associates of Mo- van thought to have been used in hammed A. Salameh, 25, being held the bombing. without bail on charges that he w Workers beneath the trade cen- helped to bomb the trade center ter continued to inch into the five- Feb. 'G. ;:J@.. story-deep blast crater. "We hope these people will be able But it will be at least 25 days be- to provide us with information on fore workers remove 2,500 tons of Salameh and perhaps lead us to oth- debris and reach the bottom of the ers as well," said the- who crater, said Gene Fasullo, an engi- spoke on condition of anonymit y . neer with the Port Authority of James Fox, assistant director in 4 SAY :YID A NOSAI@R New York and New Jersey, which charge of the New York FBI office, . documents seized from prison cell owns the trade center, said he expected more search war- n Militant Muslim cleric Omar Ab- rants in(] possibly more arrest war- did Pahman of Jersey C' t y, N.J., rants to be issued. But he would not In other developments: reiterated that lie emphatically con- elaborate. n FBI agents, in a weekend raid, denined the bombing. Salanich's The bo rttIA-RbO9goOC769R6W9OOi2409Q&,,7%enied reports tl@iat, he is g '07h @t id i i ll f S # D l ftO Y " A # , i, n r a c osed e 1 son ce t ca state pr o iyy a follower of Abdu Rahman, ac- the twin I 10-story towers for at A. Nosair, held on charges connected quitted three times of terrorisni-re- REUTER An investigator closely sifts through debris for possible clues at bomb site under the World Trade Center in New York.