Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200030004-0 W,_t_ " ct <- ____ MEMORANDUM FOR: Senior Contracts Administrator SG1 I FROM: I Director of Research and Development SUBJECT: Proposed Declassification of SRI's Association With CIA: Remote Viewing Investigations G? 1. CIA's Office of Research and Development has been tasked by Congress to review and declassify a twenty-year-old research program which SRI conducted under contract to CIA. This program involved investigations into the use of paranormal phenomena to collect foreign intelligence. We believe that the association between SRI and CIA was classified SECRET during the contract period which lasted from about 1972 to 1976. The purpose of this letter is to inquire as to whether SRI has any specific objections to declassification of this association, or to the declassification of the identity of the investigators involved in the research. 2. There are several reasons why we recommend declassification of the SRI association with CIA. CIA would like to conduct a Congressionally directed review of all past remote viewing efforts in an unclassified forum using uncleared expert behavioral and social scientists. These scientists are already familiar with SRI's work during the early 1970s and cannot possibly avoid concluding that CIA sponsored SRI to perform this work. Attempts to prevent such a conclusion would be futile and possibly counterproductive in managing the reviewers. Three of the primary SRI employee-investigators have published widely in the open literature on their efforts in this area (Hal Puthoff, Russell Targ, and Edwin May). Therefore, SRI's investigations involving the paranormal are well documented in the open literature. 3. CIA is now responding to an inquiry under the Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts from a former SRI employee and project investigator, Russell Targ, about his own work performed for CIA while he was at SRI. We would like to release the requested information but cannot do so without implicating SRI's previously classified association. 4. it also may be worth considering that CIA has several current contracts with SRI in which the association is unclassified. At least one of these is with the office of Research and Development, with whom the original paranormal investigations were performed. Therefore, we do not see that any equities in our association will be compromised. 5. Finally, Congress has asked requested CIA to declassify this program work to facilitate the establishment of cooperative efforts with international investigators. When overall program declassification takes place, we believe that all interested parties will realize the early CIA efforts had to have been conducted at SRI. It would be cumbersome indeed for to SRI to have to continually deny the obvious speculation about this former association. Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200030004-0 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200030004-0 SUBJECT: Proposed Declassification of SRI's Association with CIA: Remote Viewing Investigations 6. Please advise us as to your concerns, if any, regarding our declassification of your paranormal research efforts with CIA. For further information regarding this and other related issues, please contact 1 :1 SG11 SG1 B in ORDF- He will be managing the declassificarion and review. SG1 I Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200030004-0 J, Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200030004-0 SUBJECT: Proposed Deciassification of SRI's Association with CIA: Remote Viewing Investigations Distribution: Orig. - Addressee I - Front office ORD Chrono SG1 I IEPG/ORD Isc Ames SG1 I DST/OR@ (17 May 1995) 3 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200030004-0 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200030004-0 CLASSIFIED OWN DATE: EMERGING FROM: CIAIORDIEPG co @-L ROGRANS 846 AME,5 BUILDING GROUP -- F SGIO C) TOT S E CRET OCONF,-DENT[AL 0 FOUO SG1 B TO: FAX NUMBER--C-:::@ FROM: SG1 I SUB-YECT- _0 JS C) M 4 PLEASE NMFY THE ABOVE NAMED PER50N OF T511S ARRfVAL AT #: Room #: NUMBER OF PAGES: (Including Cover Page) REMARX51COMMENTS D Approved For Release 200f/0L4V/"@11ZRDP96-00791 R000200030004-0