Approved For Releaq&20.03/0.9110',,i~C.]A-RPP96-00787ROOqW20003-7 OTS/BAB MEMO #65-76 23 February 1976 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Parapsychology briefing for the U.S. Navy SG1 1 1. On 17 February 1976 1 joinedi of QSI SG1 I SG1 I in briefing r of U.S. Naval Intelligence, on the status of parapsychology. l explained that he wears several hats in direct support of the Secretary of the Navy and that one of these involves the funding and monitoring of all SGIA Joint projects with -the Agency. I subsequently learned that he played a role in F SGAI 2. was particularly interested in our past association with Stanford Research Institute in California because his office is looking into the.possibility of continu- ing this kind of research. He indicated that his office was in the final stages of recommending support to SRI's efforts at somewhere between 100 and 150 thousand dollars, but that he was looking for some measure of Agency interest in the final pro- duct. He stated that if the Agcncy .@rere xilling to provide nominal financial participation and assist in monitoring the project, the Navy would provide the bulk of the funding re- quired and also serve as a cutout for A en-y participation in the event of a flap. In effectl was telling the SG1 I Agency that the Navy was willing to supply the money and the manpower and absorb any unfavorable publicity, if necessary. SGII 3. 1 advisedi that my component of the Agency, as an operating element, did not wish to support research in the field of parapsychology in general or to lend its approval or endorsement of the work done at SRI. I indicated that we are continuing to monitor research in the general area of para- psychology for potential breakthroughs which we can adapt to SG11 our primary concern, which is to uncover information which others wish to keep secret. I 1who briefed = SG1 I SG1 I I on the recent rash of serious boviet research in Para- psycho logy, said he would check with his office to see if they SG11 are interested in cooperating with the Navy on this project. OTS/BAB SG1 I A-P.43P96- 787ROO0200020003-7 Approved For Release 2Q,031,Q911A;.,P0 NAVY -SG review(s) completed.