CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00787ROO0200020040-6 ORD-0733-86 16 July 1986 MEMORANDUM TO: Director of Research and Development SG1 I FROM : I ACS/ORD SUBJECT : SRI/DIA Request for Parapsychological Data Attached is a request for copies of data derived from several experiments sponsored by the Agency over a decade ago with the alleged psychic, Pat Price. I have a copy of one of the requested documen S., a negative analysis of Pat's statements about the URDF-3 SG11 Soviet I iLas Alamos, 1976). The other requested data has been destro)ed or has receeded into the mists of OTS archives. After a brief discussion with S ggest we respond by providing SRI-International withi Ireview and note the other data has been destroyed or dfurliven. toet-_ Attached draft for your consideration). Background SG1J Approximately a month ago, (DIA) called to request a meeting about an "Old Contract'. Knowing-Jim's involvement with GRILLFLAME, DIA's unclassified designator for parapsychological research,.I knew generally what he wanted to discuss. We arranged for a meeting which occurred on 12 June in my office. The meeting included Ms. Beverly Humphey, SRI - International's principle investigator on the DIA funded parapsychology research project. The main objective of the meeting was to inform me they have not made significant progress in understanding "remote viewing" and therefore, wanted to review the best subject from past experiments, Pat Price. Since Pat died in 1977, and I had personally worked with him, they wanted to debrief me on my recollections of him and his procedures as well as locate primary data records on orginal analysis which they could review and re-analyze. I discussed my personal recollections of various personal methods and idiosyncrasies of Pat's and noted I no longer had access to most of the primary data (transcripts, drawings, and audio tapes) from Pat Price. I further suggested, that if they sent a request for the data, I would route it to the appropriate part of the CIA. SG11 SG11 CL. BY SG1 I DECL OADR DERIVED FROM '@O Approved For Release 2003/~%%~SWMRt6-00787ROOD20002004"-.---,-----_ CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00787ROO0200020040-6 SUBJECT: SRI/DIA Request for Parapsychological Data alled After receiving the attached letter, I called Ito SG11 explain the situation and get his guidance. said he was SG11 indifferent to the DIA research and would ii e o avoid the effort of searchi g for the old data files, which may or may not exist. I SG11 told I would request your approval to send the single document whic and we would not bother him further with the matter. SG1 I Attachment: as stated Approved For Release 2003/0~6R~f-d~giq~A9L6-00787ROO0200020040-6