MPPIVV%@? CVI_gy=IWC%w= 1L.21W.V1 IV s 4, Stu GIRrofessor Douglas Dean of the Newark ILE College of Vn'-inecring is one of the 'first Western suiclitists to witiles persollaill 4 artlin-, new experillients Ill iopt SP now LUV 40 Q conducted by Soviet rese arche 14, Sent by The ENQUIRER to Russia for this purpose, Ile has jurst returlIPA -w wi th ne-iis (if amazing advances being made by the Russiall scientists, he dw;cribes here fix the first of two articles. es. Illude Prof. Dean, one of the leading parapsychologists of (he United Stat 5(10110RC hiStOl'.1' Ill 1966 W1101 he (If-.111ollStrated that telepathy call Ile tr@JJJS_ InItted to a person who is not even aware (he transmission is tah-hig, place. As reported Ili tile International Journal ott Nei(ropsychiatry, lie showed with mensuring histrunients that a subject's blood vessels contracted when allotbef "A 0 t I I C, person Ili a room 259 yards away concentrated on a thought eniotioaall Y, Y Meaningful to the subject. AN - PROFESSOR DOUGLAS By DEAN ayear, I was struck by the soph' Russian ESP researchers have ad- cated equipment they use in I ei many ESP laboratories ced so far that they can'now van To aid their research the us i, s R inake coloi otion pictures of the m have computers, lasers, brain re- JOURNEYED TO RUSSIA: Profess,, psychic "aura" (waves of energy) cording machines, holography equip- leading parapsychologists, relaxes surrounding a person's body ment for 3-diniensional pictures, and Russian ESP scientists. ,yhicli are used by medical doctors piezo-crystal devices to measure pulses to diagnose illness! that emanate from the body, partic- fascinatedly as color succeeded color -over in the ach with its owwsigni i aura, e ularly during mind -matter experi SG 1 A This unprecedented feat is only ance as to the state of mind and body nts. one of the amazing accomplishments me By contrast, V.S. researchers into Of the subi ct' of the Russian ESP scientists, now ESP have no official recognition very Red in the aura indicates anxiety. goill a g All-out to explore and harness little equipment and no nione@, My Blue is the color of health and st bility. psychic force. They call also: own equipment, for example, has to Other colors tell whether tile subj c et Show that plants "kniow" when be.borrowed most of the tinie. is organically ill. The astounding color ri rain is corning - hours in advance. iovies of the - So accurate and definite atc these Demonstrate that when part of an human aura tile Russians have made pictures that Soviet doctors actililly organism is cut away, 'its show how far they have already gone use them for medical diag iosis. P, hy red by sici6ns, watching.the films, find hidi- and in Kirlian photography, pionce mains in eerie phantom form they have photographed the phantom! scientists Semyon Kirlian and his wife cationg of what. is wrong with patients Make pictures of the energy lines Valentina. and how to treat them. Different parts between people whp'are in telepathic Psychics have alw, ays talked about of the body are photographed for their eve tile communication with each other. the aura they see emanating from pco- particular adras, pinpointing wh 3.@ The plain fact is that the Soviets are ple, and the Western world has known medical problem is. X., q are now also years ahead of the U.S. in research on for some time that the Soviets have Strikingly, the Russian, ESP. been able to take still pictures of this abl" to demonstrate that not only does They are as far ahcad of us in psy- aura. a plant give off all aura which can be chic science ,ts we Are Ahead of the I myself have recently succeeded in shown in Kirlian photographs bi t uniLlerdevelol)c(i.eottiitries,in manufac- taking still photos of it,using Kirlian that when a piece of the plant is cut. turing technology, techniques, away, the missing part shows its own In the flel& of mind-over-matter But I gasped in astonishment when I traces of energy on filin! phenomena and telepathy, they are al- was shown the spectacular films made - Soviet scientist Dr. V.M. lny'ushin ready so far in advance-of us that we by the Russians - a marvel beyond believes th. at there is a special energy may never catc1l'up, the wildest dreams and abilities of produced by living things that is I I am certain the Russians will be V.S. researchers. present in inanimate objects. He UiIIS 7 -@4 tile first to put ESP to everyday prac- There was the human aura, as the it the bio-plasma. tical Use, a. I -if psychics have described it, before my They showed me pictures' of . C, 2 Top scientists, incredible laborator- eyes - flowing from the body of a its aura all around it, the leaf les and amazing equipment are being subject, in wave after wave of 'vivid bing with its bio-plasma. A - -'. I IL'L'i used in Russian E SP research, color. Then they showed )lie pictures o f A full Soviet government program It emanated especially from 'the the leaf cut, a part Of it 1-niSging s behind it - to the tunc of $20 million areas of the back and neck, I gazed the part cut away still showed 111111011111 Hill 11111111111114111 111111 1111HIM Ill 111111111 Jill 11111111111 lill"Willil Jill W -A% We, P J, A 4, :, I S 4KI: e'r". vje@ 4'12" X" T LIFE 11M@`!@, EVE ONfE ACCEPTE k Sl@ ij '. @, @@, _Q-'; -k `A, 4. ;;, @A A T V 3 W, - :1v Aj. 3/09/10 CIA-RDP96-00787ROO0400030058-4 S4. Nr 11"Is josa retill,11N @gV a lillitedStates, Imd(' piltli-*' Cal Sion is tahing P iyed ltltry, fie, 8110, (tilt clilotiollally d For Release 2003/09/10 CIA-RDP96-00787ROO040 A, -,truck bN' tile 80phistl , I - I -I 1 -1 t jilt they USE! in their res(l.arch tile nOssiall'i Pr brain re- JOURNEYED T6 RUSSIA: ofessor -ling parapsychologists, relaxes liolography cquip- leac -',jot,ai pictures, and ientists. Russian ESP sc vices to nicasUIT pulses lale'll" co From tbe.body, partic- t 11 as color succeeded color 1 tind-over-inatter experl- in the aul@a, each with its own signifi- cance as 0 the state of mind and body I V.S8, reI@cIare of the. subject. ,hers into ci, nvol !it the @aura W(itcates anxiety. Ifi qI recognition, very Mile is the color of health and stability. and no molley. Nly Other colors tell whether the Subject I for example, has to It of tile time. is organically ill, -lo r ing color movies of tile So accurate and definite are these ne ItussiDtis have made pieWres that Soviet doctors actually Wey havo already gotic use them for medical diagnosis. Phy- Ao g ians, watching the f i1irns, f ind indi- i iphy, pioneered by sic yet- an and his wife Cations of what is wrong with patients KiV14 and ho* to treat them. Different parts ve olway@ alked about of the @ody ire photographed for their s U ice elliallatin -particular aifras, pinpointing where the g from poo -iest as known me in is. cra world h. !dical proble ill, Soviets have Russians are now also at tile Strikln@ly, the e take still pictures of this able to demonstrate that not only does a plant give off an aura which can be ve rocently succeeded in shown in Kirlian. photographs - but liotos of Lt using Kirlian that, when a piece of the plant is cut iway, the missing part shows its own -( in astonishment when I traces of energy on film! -k' spectac'Lllar films made . Soviet scientist'Dr. V.M. Inyushin -am - a marvel beyond clieves that there is a special energy dreams and abilities of produced by living things that is not escrit in inanimate objects, lie calls pr the human aur-1, as tile It the blo-plasma. edescribed it, before my They showed me pictures of a leaf, i from tile body of a its aura all. around it, the leaf throb-Ilings -@Ii g vave afterivave of vivid bing with its blo-plasma. Then they showed me pictures of -(A especially from the. tile leaf cut, a part of it inissing - and ized. ic part cut away still showed energy and neck. I g, ti ........ , W Vf 41, A Douglas Doan; one of America s -)eeting with at home after his n I 10-pilstrial like a phintorn 11, 1S )f the 1 1 sas if in death it was still 0 w- ' l t 1 t 1 0 i in another dimension, I b, @ 7 pr 5 e i, 1 I ` , Ibelieve tll@jt tllo@. S(@Vict Scientists " 17-1 - phantoill P110 are n,),,,v ble to inake _ [L to,." @jssin@ )1131_asll ,- -I of In as v( 'n oth r research, tlTe-Mlssiahs hours before a rainstorm, 11(l fo lat It I , a unusual act vity in displays i i , I , pl @ I S and leaves. Seemingly, 1 lyi ,- t it @ "knows" - it call "feel" - that rain is on the way. Soviet science is trying to put this remarkable discovery to , work now - in predicting the weather and in switching on autornatic cquip-,@ such as pumps before storms ap- ment . pear. Two more developments are e cially fa scinating. First is that tile Russians now seem able to '"ttine, into" and photograph the aura of any person they choose. 111. lily own experiments I n ot d this nor, I believe, can any 0 c rZearcher in the U.S, al otl r With this ability, tile @qoviet scien- -d - ond advance that F ,., c a sec .na tists have i ering in its implications. '(Tsing t 111,@:@`@,@,: ag Its s lal holography in conjunc- S oil _di on wilh Kirlian photography, they i a 11 able to take pictures of the beel vp Ii , of. energy going between two peo- le who were in telepathic communi- p '' cation with each other! , they are many steps along tile Thus , road to solving tile riddle of telepathy. Dr. Inyushin is also employing laser ffort to be tllc i ve e beams in an intens first to uncover tile secrets of tele. -Ally. p; Russians are miles ahead of us Th e in other aspect's of R'SI-1, rescarell, too. Eill my next article, I'll. describe ado- Vice they have invented that call ac- tually accUl.11111Rte and store psychic - and how I s-aw this device energy Nva Clear Sludge f V T6r -1vi, fore aty eyes!, A li, t @T X, @Tx U X@; N., f r'c f o'A"T'. IItz",J 1-W W t 5 Z X!, -V vz@ iq@ -4 .3 `dA RDP96 -00787ROO0400030058 0