Approved For Release 20CSFOI;;"i?AT-RDP96-00788ROO1200230027-6 DEPARTNIEN'T OF THE AIR FORICE IiEADQUARTERS UNITM STATES AIR FORCE WASHINGTON, D.C. FEB 1900 - DEFENSC`- MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRINCIPAL DEPUTY UNDERSECRETARY OF FOR RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING SUBJECT: GRILL FLAME (U) - INFORMATION MEMORANDUM (U) Concur with your draft memorandum concerning GRILL FLAME Activity. (S) The Scientific Evaluation Committee descript.ion of my attitude is iTiisleadinq in its brevity and tone. I agree that assessment of foreign work must continue. In my view, previous investigations to determine utility or use of the actual -techniques from a "blue" standpoint have been totally inconclusive. If further work is proposed, a meticulous review must be made to judge if the result is believable, useful, and worth the spending of any more money. JAMES L. Con, Asst Chief oll ;Straff', in te, o cc: Director, DIA ACS/I, USA cul-13131FIED BY ACS/1, HQ USAF DrctkSSIFY ON RUSUR: 2-301-C_z__ Approved For Release 2003/09/10 CIA-RDP96-00788ROO1200230027-6