For Relel@41'2bVM%h 6 t:* VA_ W@6(bbl_ftftbM01 50001-2 WASHINGTON, D.C., 20.101 IIFSEARCH ANO KEMRANDUM FOR ASSISTANT !31@'('kETT%Py OF TPE AFMY DEWLOPME.NIV AND ACQUISITION) ASSISTANT SECRETARN OF Th,i, NAVY ENGINEERING AND SYSTEMS) '%SSISTANT 'SIECRETARY 0): T'Ir AIII DEWFLOPMENT AND SVBJECT: GRILL FLAME Act-J.vity (1.1) MAR iseo (RESERACH, (PF:-",FAPCH,, FORCE f.RFSEARCH, (S) This note 'S fo:r tl',e P1.11-POSe Of eSt,-Iblishxnq POUCY With* respect to OUSORF, suppc)rt (if irivestigati(-@)ns irlt-0 pilrilpsyc I y and its potential military applications, ag (S) Based upon the December 1979 report. of tlie GRILL FLAME Sbientific Evaluation conuidt.tve and tipon my Own sanse of . priorities for efforts wi@_bin tho OUSDT@@,, T believe it appropriate that the Recommendations of' Ch.-ipter 3, pagc!,s 10 and 11, ralatjng to OUSDR.S. activities be ImpI&eir:t.,,ntPd. OUSDRE is that it was found to be not approprizite, technology pronram,.3 ainied jIL deinon5traLiorj of' the existence of t,@e subject effects, and tlAat, as a c(Irlsequence future work'at AWSAA and 11%intsvIlle in thope arc@ai not th- orized by USD&i. T_b_e@ like 'OU aW@;, PP (S) Other reeommendations in the report deal. with intelligence related R&D and sugg e I S .;c.,,;t a t,.,oiitintiation of low I C.- v c LffLrt within the INSC*oM. These activiti@7@s Cle,3-L-1,1 @re outsidec the responsibility of OUSI)RE and thprufore- are neithor endorsed r.or denied. When tnt.elligen(A! t",@IzItf-d effort..,; require support by 011ISDRE p-@csunywl or I would likc be advised, but inf-erpos,a- no objertiun i.f' th- --If thLir r requests are not an ai-yrccial)le fraction.,ol" the worl: or the facility involved. (.I;f 'The' iw@7Eih-r_6, -6f tho'r;C fbr)'s -as- they" - i-e' I aite e'.";o@trn I Perry OSD review(s) completed. ;e 200 Approved For ReleaE V, r 01 @D 788R 00150001-2 1 P96-00 r