Approved For Release 2005/0 DPFNT0B 6d0T@0001-3 ~ r' Y' lr~~1 C E,t~PJ t A1IC;NALS DEPARTMENT Or THE ARMY o m cc Or TV4F AIJSISTANT CNt iP CW STA1VV FOR ON V*U-JOK"M WASHiNGTGN. O.C. 20210 f' o=f`~" 'XOCedure +~q: u ee "t-fie eppttwal. of lnder Secretary o Army in order for Army Intelligence to canttw Its 2. (S/NOFORN) Army INSCOM GRILL FLAME activities meet or exceed, the ant fo P d 3 ure ~4'. ..u.y? . . ow, c.a n rest. roce requirements of Section gence and counterintelligence purposes are served by GRILL FIAW et.'r- imentat:ion. Informed consent of all subjects is obtained in writing and only in accordance with guidelines issued by Department of Health Edueaatt and Welfare netting conditions that safeguard the welfare of the subjaacts.`l 3. (5) Request the Under. Secretary approve our participation in GRILL FLA'1E activities under Procedure 18. DAMI-ISH SAT JCK 1?. X1tJf fi ae , MEMORANDUM 'S111tU VICE CliIfIL - '??~L' - 't'4Y`"' P'~'tt +?1~- FOR U94ER-SKR-1-T CRY--&F-TuF: ANY SUBJECT: GRILL FLAME (1?) --- DCC 1.SION MEMORANDUM E R. TJf 0m O Major General, t, ACofS for Intelligence ARMY review(s) completed. C:;f"L 3. 5 DOC 78 I+' 'W'W C;7:. ...._...._... cLamrIED TT T)1AM Solt 2.3 c DOD 57::i. rR3) 1 p*oved For Release 2005/03/09: CIA-RDP96-00788R001100160001"-3 "- "?" " "