Approved For Release /(0f9j "j8PR001200030001-6 IAGPA-F-SD 17 May 1984 PP- SUBJECT: Recent Jack Anderson "GRILL FLAME" Articles On 161535 May 1984, William G. Ray of this office reported that Congressman Rose had called Ingo Swann at SRI-I New York, 16 May 1984`. During this phone call, Congressman Rose related that Dale Van Atta, associate of Jack Anderson, and he (Rose) spent approximately one hour together (date unk). During this period of time, Dale Van Atta reportedly told Congressman Rose that although they (presumably Dale Van Attu and Jack Anderson) had recently been under the influence of McRae, that this is no longer the case. Congressman Rose also told Swann that there would be a series of articles (not further identified) out soon and that these articles would be in a favorable vain, i.e., "Why hasn't more been done?" This information is presumably also from Dale Van Atta. SG1J Project Officer FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2004/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001200030001-6