f 1, }~ ;Approved For Release tt,, T;~A ~~ fi~DD~ 88001200060003-1 MEMORANDUM FOR ADCSOPS-HUMINT SUBJECT: OACSI Meeting About GRILL FLAME (U) 13Apr1l 1982 1. (FOUO) On 12 April 1982, from 1200-1430 hours, ,,'meeting took place at Room 2B479, the Pentagon. The primary purpose of the; eeting was to share information, and prepare for upcoming acti6ns with Congress. Attending were: COL THOMAS KENNEDY OACSI (1SH LTC CARL JORDAN OACSI LTC ROBERT JACHIM INSCOI MAJ GERALD FOX OACSI MR. CRAIG MILLER OACSI 2. (FOLIO) The following topics were discussed; Coordination: (1) In a meeting attended by BG Strom, COI. We COL Kennedy, 'MAJ Fox from OACSI and Dr. Vorona and Mr. Hurwitz from DIA, it was decided that Dr. Verona: would be the "point person" in defending the GRILL FLAME Program to Congress. (.2) A briefing for SSCI staffers should be scheduled. The briefing would be a combined Army/DIA presentation at Fort Meade. (3) More frequent meetings and exchange of inforeation between DIA and Army needs to take place. b. Briefings: Following are known/proposed briefings, all to be conTiu " Ft Meade: (1) 21 April: Ms. Annette Smiley, HPSCI staffer. LTC Jordan arranged the brief. (2) 15 April - 15 May: Mr. Herb Kline, Mr. Dan Childs, SSCI staffers and Mr. Angelo Catovila, staffer to a committee member (no further information known). Possibly as many as six staffers will be invited to attend. The date and individuals to be invited to the briefing are being handled by Mr. Marty Hurwitz, Director GRIP Staff. LTC Jordan is OACSI action officer. COL Kennedy feels an Army General Officer should attend. He will try to schedule BG Strom as soon as the date is firm. Q OFtCtML USE ONLY NOT R Big i .(, RATinN&TS Approved For Release 2004/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001200060003-1 Approved For Release MOW 1d ffi:PQR@6~QQ R001200060003-1 Wff (3) Unknown Date(s): Ms. Susan Shackmeyer and Mr. Rhodes, SAC. Arrangements being handled by LTC Jordan in coordination with Mr. Hurwitz, c. (FOUO) The quarterly GRILL FLAME conference is scheduled for 20-22 April. The tentative schedule had participants coming to Ft Meade on 21 April. This will be modified due to the briefing of Ms. Smiley on that date, (Proposed agenda attached. This was first notification of official dates and agenda.) 3. Other general topics were discussed. ROBERT J. .JACHIM LTC, MI RILL FLAME Project Manager 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2004/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001200060003-1 Approved For Release 2004/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001200060003-1 PROPOSED AGENDA FOR MID-YEAR GRILL FLAME MEETING 20 APRIL 1982 ---Pomponio Plaza SG1J 0900 Opening Remarks Dr. Vorona 0930 Status of Grill Flame 1030 Technical Status of Work at SRI 1130 Recent Intelligence Data L U N C H 1300 Open Discussions (For DoD GF Action O:f,ficer only) 1600 Adjourn SG1J 21 APRIL 1982 ---Ft Meade 0930 Opening Remarks 1000 Current Activity and Plans for Army in-house Work 1200 L U N C H 1330 Open Discussion (DoD and SRI Action Officers) 1600 Adjourn 22 APRIL 1982 0900-1630 GRILL FLAME Contract Monitor and SRI Personnel Available for Additional Discussions or meetings. Approved For Release 2004/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001200060003-1