Abducted Genneral's Wife Goes Home" VERONA, fWy -The wife of kidnaped U.S. Army Brig. Gen. James L.' Dozier returned to her home guarded by policemen armed with submachine guns, and police said the kidnap drama could go on for weeks. -Dozier, 50, was kidnaped by the, Red Brigades last Thursday, and since then his wife, Judith, 47, had been staying at NATO , regional headquarters, where her husband was the highest ranking American officer. She was accompanied home by her daUghter Cherl, 22, and son - Scott, 25. Police maintained roadblocks throughout northern Italy and searched abandoned farm houses in the -region. Police said the descrip. tions'of two of the kidnapers given by, Judith ~ Dozier and an unidenti- fied eyewitness matched those of Red Brigades niernbers Remo Pan- ceUi,' 30, snd Antonio Sevasta, 25, who are wanted for a kidnaginj and -RDP96-00788ROO01 00270008-5 a muAOPMWed EMP, e ease 2000/08/07 CIA Associsted Press photos Ita lian Police released photos of Antonio Sevasta, left, and Remo PanceK who are suspects in kidnaping of Gea James Dozier.