POSS. TUNNEL AT END OF C OMMUNr- AT IONS -Aj*F6V6d For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788ROO0200090002-0 -% -.I PROJECT NUMBER: e-% I- 8002~b) ENTRY DATE: 25 Jan 80 %.j L. R, I N L. ASSETS USED TARGETING KNOWLED~rlE PROVIDED TO FEEDBACK To SOURCE DATES KEY RESULTS PROVIDED ANALYST SESSION SOURCE MATERIAL UTILIZED INTERVIEWER F~R SESSIP-N FOLLOWINS SESSION SESSION FORUARrDEQ BY THE SOURCE COWIENTI: C _C8 1 #11 1 a. TarQet coordinated Same as Viewer. Following analysi 4 Feb 80 17 Mar B01a. Plain, valley or Analyst states ITAI: Analyst, the basin. Surrouaded bv the Qeueral viewer was told other very rugqed mountains. terrain features than qeneral terrain b. Tall building, tare correct but features being 1clock town, white con- !other than that -1A correct there were crete construction. Ithere apparentlv i no other tarqet c. Possibly a rocket is no tam et correlations. or missile stand. n. d. A tracked vehicle. nts e. Herd of elepha Ior buffalo. REPORT DELAYED IN DE`~LIVERY TO ITAC ANALYST' -A IDUE TO EXTENSIVE ANALYST TP SCHEDULE. CLA55IFILD BY051G3047- JUL 78 SG1 B MSG, HQDA ~'DAM -iS11) TASKIINIG AGENCY, REVIEW ON: NUI-IBER CLOSED: 26 Oct 80 (ITACM ESTIMAT DATE PROIEC, ES DIV ISION) Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788ROO0200090002-0 rt Ur -F, 'T 'I'ij