r% rolo #NNW-G- PROJECT NUMBER: 8004 DA41E: 14 Februarx 1980 Im I- - 9 13 A - =0077 F V% tm d - CIA L - RDP96 % -20 F R T pprove or - w e -00 I t$t$KUUU;&UUb;&U00 m e . W a s e ASSETS USED KNOWLEDECEPROVIDED TO FEEDBACK TO SOURCE DATES 'KEY RESULTS PROVIDED ~%ALYST SG1 B TARGETING By TI E SOOPCE SESSION JRCE INIfERVIEWER FOLLOWINC SESSION S' FO~WARDEI) IMATERIAL FjR i I LOSIO' UTILIZED I - I SOL I CCC34 #01 UTM Coordinates !25 Mar 80 The source stated there Th~ M&nalyst _ jOnly UTM and the Coordinates. SQ1 B 1knowledqethat they SG1 is a coast line, half looked at the daija B I Norked this representan area in moon bay, isolated. A on this session target ~1 n* at previously ) winding river'some kind1the same time (see CCC-28 he of bridqe, tall trees, !looked at CCC 28. tropical. Looks like ~He provided no fur- y island. Not Ither support or populated. :taskinq on this pro- 1ject. --------------- iSee attached maDs. CLASSIFIED BY01G307- JUL 78 MSG$ HQDA ~DAMI-ISH) DATE PROJECT NUMBER CLOSED: 30 April 1980 TASKING AGENCY: ITAC REVIEW ON: Dec 2001 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788ROO020062OW4-9- t-