Approved For Release 2QOOjOM-7,;,q1A~RDR%, -00788R000400210001-5 TARGET 8025 "M VIEWERS No. 1 and 8 Not only was there disagreement between the viewers as to the milil a ti.t taki,ng place in the area of UTM CTI' ut they both were in error as to Mum SG1B coordinates 1) .. h e, the locatio0 the activity and as to the mil' SG1B it.-,(-If inasmuch as these coordinate,, involve a SG1 B NOTE Ay&-~t 14V~ -ZIf dA&,r j.A OA OLt boom Z~4 now .-,.!'A xv,"'m -A, Approved For Release 2000/08/07 CIA-RDP96-00788ROO0400210001-5.