Approved For Release 2000/r+ . CIA P96 07 0100240002-3 64F 63 cAessa5ilv Strong impressions that purpose was not directed ess ily at a specific site, but at activity/event. One aspect of site or target involved a probable airfield--either military or civilian --including jet aircraft, but strong impression of one particular twin-engine prop a/cft. Two individuals encountered, wearing apparent flight suits. Definite impression of being some sort of aviators. Individuals were professional, and were calculating, determined, didn't count personal costs, yet were also involved for own self -interest--not necessariyl financial, perhaps adventure. Sense almost of "nefarious," or extra-legal involvement. Almost mercenary. Individuals were engaged in planning of routes, involving maps, checklists, checkpoints; "out-bound route" wasn't the same as the return route. They were also "negotiating," in an environment of secrecy/ security /',close hold." Chronic low level danger or threat seemed present. The idea of "can't trust anybody completely." U.S. and non-U.S. people and locations were involved. A sense of tacit/implicit/indemic violence present. People were located outside fringe of large urban area. Also connected in some way was an older, masonry "monolithic" structure /water/land interface with grass, flowers, insects and birds in close proximity; and also a long, curved-over structure suggesting AOL of a corrugated quonset hut. One final, peculiar AOL was of a caked, white, powdery granular substance in a card-board box, seemingly like laundry detergent. Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO0100240002-3