SYEAL14 IN THE SUN. When the hooded, right back. Yet it did not shed all of its guard dogs ~,~atchecl menacingly as a batlike jot was rolled out of a top-secret mystery'. Guests were kept 200 feet away_ ' ",band played The unveiling, after eight in California last week, the world screened from seeing the B-2's rear and f "I public interest, had become 'hangar years 0 r I b~M8 test flights will begin stared for ~he fAPOMQldM0FW $Wfts TMOMP681 P(O J~ 0 bomber. And the $500 million plane,, to make the bombel Mar "yinvis 0 to "soon and w ~ be conducted in daylight, lookinq as sir,ister as Darth Vader, stared radar. Lest anyone be tempted closer, Stealth COLO, i be hidden no longer.