. I ~... Is - - Sov'iets` Announce Mol r 90RAO -01OUt ; ygpj #78 Approved Fqpf~bLq~kse2000/08/08 C Reuter reaching unilateral troop cuts in MOSCOW, March .7-The Europe and Asia. Soviet saidtoday it is.withdrawing Western experts saw the move as 75 percent of its a concession to China, troops from Mon- which has gohayJn-an, ~ap.pale~n, long urged the withdrawal ~,!,~poncession, of all ,,to , Moscow's forces from , Mongolia, a Chi fia oa &`bWof ay s , inet6 Soviet summit. sparsely populated area as big as Foreign,- * Ministry,- the whole of Western spokesman Europe sand- Gennadi Gerasimov wiched between the said the cut two communist was ihaddition,to , an announcement giants. " ' ' by'Wngolialhi~w6 The troops were sent ifiat to Mon- itwoW d - J ' r u its lia at the request ed ce arme I of its Soviet- d fdic6g by 9 13 000 and trim its,militaryA backed government budget by 11 in 1966 at a percent. golia, although recenttime when once-close 141n, agreem.ent WithWestern es- Sino-Soviet the M6ngo- lian government we timates pat the figurerelations had been are bringing at about soured by ideo- back to the-motherland50,000, grouped into logical and foreign three-quar- four divisions. policy disputes. ters; Qt8oviet troopsSoviet President MikhailAmid signs of an improvement based there," Gorba- in ' GerAim'ov`said~'at chev promised ffi these ties, the Soviet a news confer- A speech to the Union an- ence. "All 'airborne United Nations in Decembernounced in 1987 that detachments ' to it was pulling will be withdrawn bring home a "major out some of the troops. and disbanded." part" of Soviet Western Gerasimov did not troops from Mo iblia, experts said 8,000 detail the total without giv- to 11,000 sol- number of Soviet soldiersing more details, as diers were withdrawn, in Mon- part of. far- Approved For Release 2000108108: CIA-RDP96-00789ROO0600840001-3