Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO0800280002-2 TIPPLED/NOFORN PROJECT SUN STREAK WARNING NOTICE: INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED ---------------------------------------------------------------- PROJECT NUMBER: 9048 SESSION NUMBER: 001 DATE OF SESSION: 7 Aug 90 START: U/K DATE OF REPORT: 10 Aug 90 END: U/K METHODOLOGY: ERV VIEWER IDENTIFIER: 079 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1. (SINFISTD) MISSION: Determine if the bulk cargo vessel SGlA11111111111111111111111111111111" is smuggling contraband narcotics, and if so, where and how it is stored aboard, what other cargo item(s) might be colocated with the contraband, who will receive it, and if any crew members are carrying it. 2. (S/NF/STD) VIEWER TASKING: Name of vessel was initially provided, followed upon viewer's request by a copy of the tasking sheet with EEI. 3. (S/NF/STD) COMMENTS: No PI's reported. Answer to initial question was "no." Project manager was tasked to function as monitor for 079. Viewer requested 20 minutes of ERV time to start off, after which viewer was to notify monitor it was time to continue session. Instead, viewer handed in atached sheet with phrases "not at this time" and "this vessel is big and white," then indicated that the session was completed. 4. (SINFISTD) EVALUATION: 5. (S/NF/STD) SEARCH EVALUATION: PM: 003 HA-NPLE VIA SKEET CHANNELS ONLY "ReWEEP/STIPPLED/NOFORN CLASSIFIED BY: HQDA DECLASSIFY: OADR Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO0800280002-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 CIA-RDP96-00789ROO0800280002-2 STIPPLED NOFORN SPECIAL ACCESS REQIRED WORKING PAPER 7 Aug 90 TASKER 1. (S/sTD) PROJECT: 9048 2. (S/STD) ENCRYPTED COORDINATES: 464420/374177 3. (S/STD) PROBLEM: The vessel it is suspected of carrying narcotics. 4. (S/STD) ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF INFORMATION: a. Is th carrying narcotics contraband? q. a-\~, b. If the is'carrying contraband: ft 1. Describe the contraband. 2. Determine where and how the contraband is hidden aboard the vessel. 3. Identify items on the vessel's manifest that may be co-located with the contraband. 4. Provide information as to who will receive the shipment of contraband. 5. Are any members of the crew carrying contraband in the form of illegal drugs? STIPPLED NOFORN SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED Handle Via Skeet Channels Only Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO0800280002-2