Approved For Release 2000/08/08 DAIL .~6 MAY 1993 WSPLY !, A I-TP4 Of 0C SV&ACT; Purchase Request 330/0102Z/93 TO; DT I IT _J10VERNMENT CTWEMP915-00789R6HRAMAt memorandum S-062/OC 1. Subject purchase'request is returned without approval. The justification for other than full and open competition is not acceptable. It cites the authority under the Competition in Contracting Act which allows an exception to the requirement for full and open competition based on the fact that disclosure of the Agency's needs would compromise national security. Use of this exception must be Justified and4 .5., of the justification for paragraph p other than full and open competition ~Fovldes-no justification other than the 'Statement, that disclosure would compromise national security. Justification must be provided. Additionally, the exception cited only permits an excep- tion from the requirement for advertising the need; it does not authorize sole source procurement and the law requires that limited competition among as many sources a 's possible be conducted. There is a separate exception for that which states that only one source can satisfy the government's need. DIAM 44-2 should be consulted for the ndc~ssary justification required to invoke this exemption. 2. if DT desires to resubmit the request with either additional Justification for the exemption cited along wi for limited wi another exem~pti competition; or,. with a nex-justification using ot er exemptio OC will review the revised justificati~wn. R,6 Enclosure PR 330/0102Z/93 (S) I copy LEWIS A. PROMBAIN Comptroller UPON REMOVAL OF ENCLOSURE THIS DOCUMENT BECOMES UNCLAMFIED O"ONAL FORM NO. 10 ~PtEv. V_") *!7A "MR (41 CFR) I VI-1 I's Approved For Release 2000/08/08 CIA-RDP96-00789RO0300020ov"!l SG1G Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO3000200015-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO3000200015-1