UP0,NRV' '4',kL0;FEN1CL.0SL1rES Approved For Releaise 2000/08/08 :§Iq%At-0017,§ftJ;"A'P01C~W" W.A"A`Es' 1. TPAGE AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION/MODIFICATIION CONTRACT 17 PAGES OF CONTRACT I ID CODE I 1 4 OJECT 2. AMENDMENT/MODIFICATION IVE DATE 4. REQUISITION/PURCHASE NO. NO. 3. EFFECT REQ. NO. (If applicable) P00002 07/17/92 330/025Z/92 7 S. ISSUED BY CODE NH0402 7. ADMINISTERED BY(If other than Item 6) CODE S0514A Virginia Contracting Activity DCMAO SAN SG1J DIEGO P.O. Box 46563 7675 DAGGET STREET Washington, D.C. 20050-6563 SUITE 200-300 SAN DIEGO, CA 92111-2241 S12(202) 373-8388 $.NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR Vendor (X) 9A. AMENDMENT (No., street, county, State ID: OF SOLICITATION and ZIP Code) 00002520 NO. SCIENCE APPLICATIONS 10260 CAMPUS POINT DRIVE 9B. DATED (SEE ITEM 11) INTERNATIONAL CORP 10A. SAN DIEGO CA 92121- MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT/ORDER NO. MDA908-91-C-0037 X 10B. DATED (SEE ITEM 13) 02/01/91 CODE 52302 FACILITY CODE 11. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO AMENDMENTS OF SOUCITATIONS The above numbered solicitation is amended as set forth In Item 14. The hour and date specified for receipt of Offers El Is extended, [] Is not extended. Offers must acknovWedge receipt of this amendment prior to the hour and date specified In the solicitation or as amended, by one of the following methods: (a) By completing Items 8 and 15, and returning copies of the amendment; (b) By acknovAedging receipt of this amendment on each comof the offer submitted; or (c) By separate letter or telegram WWi-cFTrncIudes a reference to the solicitation and amendment numbers. FAILURE OF YOUR AC OWLEDG- MENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. If by virtue of this amendment you desire to change an offer already submitted, such change may be made by telegram or letter, provided each telegram or letter makes reference to the solicitation and this amendment, and Is received prior to the opening hour and date specified. 12. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA(lf required) SEE ATTACHED 13. THIS ITEM APPLIES ONLY TO MODIFICATIONS OF CONTRACTS/ORDERS, IT MODIFIES THE CONTRACTIORDER NO. AS DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14. (X) A. THIS CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED PURSUANT TO: (Specify authority) THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN THE CONTRACT ORDER NO. IN ITEM 10A. B. THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACT/ORDER IS MODIFIED TO REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES (such as changes In paying office, appropriation date, etc.) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14, PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR 43.103 (b~ C. THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANTTO AUTHORITYOF: X FAR 43.103(a) D. OTHER (Specify type of modification and authority) E. IMPORTANT: Contractor [] Is not, is required to sign this document and return copies to the issuing office. 14. DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENT/MODIFICATION (Organized by UCF section headings, Including solicitation/contract subject matter where feasible.) The purpose of this modification is to extend the work and services for CLINs 0001 and 0002 of contract MDA90.8-91-C-0037. Accordingly contract MDA908-91-C-0037 is modified as shown on page 2, 3, and 4 of this modification. SG1J Except as provided herein, all terms and conditions of the document referenced In Item 9A or 10A, as heretofore changed, remains unchanged and In full force and effect. is . C" (Type or print) 16A. NAME AND TITLE OF CONTRACTING OFFICER (Tvpe or print) I ct SIDE T. MA4A6jf4 6F CodTkA&TS 6B. ONTRACTOR/OFFEROR 1 5C. DATE SIGN ED 16B. 0 16C. DATE SIGNED 1 C d aa'~ BY (Signature of person &i 711'~31i' NSN 7540-01-152-8070 STANDARD FORM 30 (IIEV. 10-~3) PREVIOUS EDITION UNUSABLE Prescribed by GSA ,t&R(48 CFR)53.243 Approved For ReleS41110"/08: CIAIMM4073SR0013MUMD, WW THIS DOCUMENT DECONIES UNCLASSIFIER' SGFOIA2 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO3000440001-0 Next 2 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO3000440001-0 MDA908-91-C-0037 e 2000/08/08 CIA Approved For Releis -RDP96-00789ROO3OOd440001 -0 MOD P00002 ATTACHMENT 3 July 1992 Page 1 of 5 SBCFEI! 3324W OF MCIRK FCR 10~~ AND ANUXM 1.0 (SINIF) PUFWM: 7he purpose of this effort is to conduct research and perform select analyses of anomalous phenomena. 2.0 (0) 2. 1 (C) Phenomenological research and analysis as intended bY this contract refers to anomalous phenomena associated with human abilities. Investigationts in this area have sometimes been referred to as Pomote Viewing (RV) Mftrasensory Perception (ESP) and recently Ancmalous Cognition (AC) or Anomalous Phenanena. (AP) . Foreign researchers have also SG113 used the term psychoenergetics to describe .aspects of these areas. 2.4 (SINF) In 1983 a report with project findings was sent to omxgessional intelligence and appropriation cocnittees. The report affirmed the existence of remote viewing phenomenon and TP mr-nded that research for and developing remote viewing as an intelligence collection tool be pursued. Mus reacmwndaticn vas endorsed by a special Sciemm Panel that Mt to review the project findings. Mus panel also affirmed that the contractual research was scientifically sound and urged that basic and applied research in pWdmnergetics be continued, its scope e3qmnded, and that other laboratories be irmolved. classified By: DIAZ Declassify on: OADR =/NOFUM Enclosure 3 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO3000440001-0 2.2 (SINF) Over the past sixteen Years DIA has followed the field Of psychoenergetics for two basic reasom:, MDA908-91-C-0037 Approved For ReleaOse 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO3000440001-0 MOD P00002 ATTACHMENT % 3 July 1992 Page 2 of 5 SECREr 2.5 (SINF) The first cpportLujity to expand this research scope occurred in 1985. The Deparbwzt of the Army's Surgeon Gerleral Office for Research and Developwnt (=9WD) initiated a five year research and development program. mie sGRD program centered an two main aspects: basic anomalous phm)awm understan~ng, and applications-criented research- DIA established close ties with this R/D effort to ensure that applications research would be adequately pursued. 2.6 (SINF) In 1987, it becam apparent that SGM funding might not be available. to carry through to the end of the five year period. Consequentlyl additional fuWjng was saxpt by DIA and acquired Uwough funding transfer action by the Hmse, Appropriations Comittee (BAC). This funding was provided to DIA; NIPR action to the SGRD contract was the most expeditious method of allocating this 2.7 (SINF) Results of this effort yielded several findings of akthrough potential - I follow-on research support was provided to DIA by Congressional for FY91; DIA was identified as the executive agent due to long-standing knowledge and expertise in this area. Both R&D and 0/m funds were allocated for continuing basic and applied research, for applied investigation and for assiSLUXI In - Of relevant foreign research. Additional funds were also, provided by ional action in EY92 to continue this effort and to Start new rw,earch. 3.0 (SIM) CB=MXVE: 7he Objective Of this cOntraCt is tO continue the most promisiM basic and applied research in this area that resulted from the FY 1991 effort. It also includes follow-on to exploratory work in Order to demonstrate statistical significance and identify underlyiM -- 4.0 (s#M scom Basic research, applied research and threat a ;SUMIts will be acomplished for this phenmienological area. 5.0 (SINF) TECRUCMWOHM --- 51 LMMCNS: 5.1 (SINF) All research activities and findings resulting F previous programs in psychoenergetics Shall be brought to bear on this effort. In addition,, expertise in multidisciplinary areas Uwaj*icut SAIC shall be made available as om-oultants or for special st*port as required. 5.2 (U) Spwialized mWcrt, if not available at the contr ctor, can be obtained via consultant or subcontract efforts with prior approval by the cm. Every effort should be madle to insure such Support is F - the rwognized experts in the field. Some of the specific tasks in section 6.0 can be performed in unclassified facilities. 5.3 (sINF) 7his effort will utilize a technical review group (e.g.,, a Scientific oversight committee, a Wman Use Review Panel and a Policy Board) that was established in the previous effort. SB=/N0FUW 2 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO3000440001-0 .1 MDA908-91-C-0037 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO3OOd440001-0 MOD P00002 ATTACHMENT 3 July 1992 SECREr Page 3 of 5 5.4 (SINF) Some of the experiments/irWeStigatiMS reqUired to fulfill this contract ray reT.Are participation of select personnel. All such investigations will be fully planned and coordinated with the OMR and will be under the purviews of the SOC and the Mman Use Review Committee. 5.5 (U) Should unfarseen schedule of other issues arise concerning any of the specific tasks identified in section 6.0, the CDM will be given immediate notice. If necessary, adjustments, to priorities and schedules can be approved by the CUM if there is no cost or othex Impact on the over-all program. 7he OCUR will also review/approve all anticipated research protocols. 5.6 (U) All items in sections 6.0 and 7.0 will be funded from R&D funding provided by this contract, and shall be experded NIZ 18 montbs after contract award. Ac=mting procedures to clearly identify 'the R&D e)penditures shall be inplanented by the contractor. 5.7 (U) 7k--xm of reference and additional task details are On fil8 PY the CUM and will be provided to the contractor to insure adequate task understanding. 7his material is cmtained in DIA publication DII.-S-1007-S, 29 NOV 1990. 6.0 (SINF) SPBCMC WE=: 6.1 (U) Basic Research: 6.1.1 (U) Biophysical Measurements (Follad-m to SOW 6.3.1 in PR 330/012Z/91): (SINF) Determine how magnetDencePhalOgraPh (MB3) measurements correlate with counterpart electrvencephalo7Wph (EB3) data- Miis effort will assist in simplifying over all brain wave activity, will form the initial phases of the larger data base required for establishing statistical significance, and will assist in screening/ selection. (C) Perform refined M data analysis for individuals involved in the previous effort for the purpose of isolating neurophysical parameters that correlate with anomalous 7his analysis will use new/irproved statistical procedures not available in previous efforts - 6.2 (U) Data Patterns/oarrelaticins (Flollow-on to SOW 6.3.2 of PR 330/012Z/91): 6.2.1 (C) Z&m-d analysis of sexider/no sendler analyses to include new statistical evaluation methods involving artificial intelligence procedures for high performance candidates identified during the previous effort. Develop implications regarding target-individual match. SB=/N0FaW 3 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO3000440001-0 MDA908-91-C-0037 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO3000440001-0 MOD P00002 ATTACHMENT'2j 3 July 1992 Page 4 of 5 SE= 6.2.2 (U) Domine all relevant N3DG/EEX; data and worldwide anamalous ooc .pution rc--;e~h to identify performance testing/patterns, and to help isolate key ptWsical/psychological/bicphysical eWs. 6.3 (U) Applied Research (Fbl1o;.#6--on to SOW In PR 330/012Z/91): 6.3.1 (SINF) Conduct long distance anomalous ccmnm at expeximents, that involve leading candidates identif led in previous research. 7he key variable will be location,, and will involve controlled sites selected by the CMR. 6.4 (U) Theoretical Issues (Fbl1o;.v--cn to SOW 6.2.5 in PR 330/012Z/91): 6.4.1 (U) Perform anomalous phenomm experiments in the pr sence of select sensitive instrumentation that may help identify underlying plWsical parameters. Pilot work should include an off-the-shelf Mossbaur device. 6.4.2 (U) Identify ptWsical madmnism models for anomlous cognition and develop protocols for testable experiments using select individuals. 6.5 (U) Research Methodology (Follad-on to SOW 6.4 of PR 330/012Z/91): 6.5.1 (U) Provide appropriate research methodology mWort to include reviews/approvals by the established Scientific oversight Committee, the Policy Board and the Human Use Review Panel for the follad-m activity. 6.5.2 (SINF) Provide appropriate management support and ,appropriate project research support activity to include document preparation, administration, and all project associated travel for contractor personnel, consultants, and other wWarts. Miis task includes research methodology assessment of related worldwide activity to search for new scientif ically-sound approaches. Select conference attendence or sponsorship may also be required to identify new methodologies. 7.0 (U) QUICK FOkCUCK (ORC): 9-p- contractor will maintain a quick response capability and be prepared to respond in less than 24 kxxzs to problems or une)Wected demands for brief technical papers that may be developed during the term of this project. 3UT,/NOFOFV 4 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO3000440001-0 . I Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789RO030140001-0 MDA908-91-C-0037 MOD P00002 ATTACHMENT ;U 3 July 1992 Page 5 of 5 8.0 (U) oF Emmr: r1he level of effort to be applied to each basic task category is shown. in the following paragraphs- 8.1 (U) R & D: Basic Task No. Allocation of Effortl Funding (R&D) 6.1 30 6.2 20 6.3 10 6.4 10 6.5 25 7.0 5 SBCRET/NOMW 5 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 CIA-RDP96-00789ROO3000440001-0 9R0039,0 OMB No. 0 0704-0188 $e ~ftgfinf~ltj " 96 00 C0NTRMfftoW0VW'9 'U V - Public re A.688~11ACT B. C. CATEGORY: LINE EXHIBIT TOP TM ITEM B OTHER NO. x 0. SYSTEM/ I E. CONTRACT/PR F. ITEM NO. CONTRA Phenomeno _.~.~PIO~5Z/92 R I ogica SAIC I Research and-Analysis ' 2. TITLE 3. B001 I OF DATA SUBTITLE ITEM Contractor's I progress, Periodic s Status tatus and Reports manaqement report AL AUTHORITY S. CONTRACT 6. REQUIRING (Data REFERENCE OFFICE Acquisition (S.0 DIA/ODT-S Document W. ) No.) IC.6.19,C.6.2, DI-MGMT-80227 C.6.3, C.6.4 7. DD 9. DIST 10. 12. DATE 14. DISTIUSUTION 250 REQ STATEMENT FREQUENCY OF FIRST REQUIRED SUBMISSION BI-MO 5 DARC b. COPIES IL APP 11. 13. DATE ADDRESSEE final CODE AS OF SUBSEQUENT Draft OF SUBMISSION DATE A 0 . to GT`fflock -2 12: Contractor will rovide draft re ort p p 5 DARP Draft will be returned within 7 workin da s . . y g 15. TOTAL 1. DATA 2. TITLE ITEM OF D ITEM NO.1 3. SUBTITLE B002 Technical Report-Study/Services Interim Technical Reports 4. AUTHORITY S. CONTRACT 6. REQUIRING (Data REFERENCE OFFICE Acquisition ( S . DIA/ODT-S Document 0 . W No.) t-6.1, DI-MISC-80508 C.6.2, C.6.3, C.6.4 7. DO 9. DIST IG.FREQUENCY 12. DATE 14. DISTRIBUTION 250 REQ STATEMENT OF FIRST REQUIRED SUBMISSION 4TIME 5 DARC b. COPIES B. APP,CODE 11. 13. DATE a. ADDRESSEE Final AS OF SUBSEQUENT D OF SUBMISSION ft DATE A 0 ra RegRepro 16. gEM 2 2 e~ItUl QDT-S ock 12 Contractor will ovid d ft t : ra e repor pr 5 DARP D ft ill b d ithi d t ki 7 . ra w e re urne w n wor ays. ng IS. TOTAL 1. DATA 2* TITLE 3. 117EM OF DATA SUBTITLE NO*j ITEM Final B003 . I Technical Report 4. AUTHORITY S. CONTRACT L REQUIRING (Data IiEFERIENCE OFFICE Acquisition (S . DIA/ODT-S Document 0. W. No.) ) DI-MISC-80508 ~.6.1, C.6.2, C.6.3, C.6,4 7. DO 9. DIST 10. 12. DATE 14. DISTRIBunom 250 REQ STATEMENT FREQUENCY OF FIRST - REQUIRED SUBMISSION ONE/R See block b. 16 COPIES & APP 11. 13. DATE ADDRESSEE final CODE AS OF SUBSEQUENT D OF SUBMISSION ft DATE A 0 ra RegRepro 116. REMARKS QDT-S 2 6 Ref Block 12: Contents of this report will encompass A002 plus any remaining contract period. Contractor will provide draft report 5 DARP. Draft , IS. TOTAL 2 6 will b returned within 7 warking days. 1. DATA 2. TITLE 3. ITEM OF DATA SUBTITLE NO. 1 ITEM Special B004 I Report AIL AUTHORITY S. CONTRACT (Data REFERENCE Acquisition 6. REQUIRING Document OFFICE No.) SOW Para DI-MISC-80508 C.6.1 I DIA/ODT-S 7. DO 9. DIST 10. 12. DATE 2SO REQ STATEMENT FREQUENCY OF FIRST REQUIRED 5TIME SUBMISSION DISTRIBUTION SEE BLOCK 16 b. COPIES APP CODE 11. 13. DATE AS OF SUBSEQUENT D Final OF ADDRESSEE ft - DATE SUBMISSION . 0 ra i;;;Repro 7 IL REMARKS Z 4 Ref Block 12: COR will advise contractor on ODT-S specific date for this congressional support item. - SG1J I& TOTAL Z H. DATE 4 i 9 Xa J. ~-Cjr DATE IR C-1 v4 C-aac _%L-~TL A.WWW1 M Vul, 9 31 17. PRICE GROUP I& ESTIMATED TOTAL PRICE 17. PRICE GROUP 18. ESTIMATED TOTAL PRICE -------------- 17. PRICE GROUP ~GRO 'TE Up 18. ESTIMATED _D TOTAL PRICE PRICE 17. PRICE GROUP 19. ESTIMATED TOTAL PRICE SG1J DD Form 1423, JUM 90 Previou of I Pages 1161/183 - Enclosure 9 03 Approved For 051se (See DoD 5010. 12-M for detailed instructions.) - Cl FOR GOVERNMENT PERSONNEL Item A. Self-explanatory. Itern B. Self-explanatory. Item C Mark (X) appropriate category: TDP - Technical Data Package; TM -Technical Manual; Other- other category of data,such as 'Provisioning.' 'Configuration Management'. etc. Item D. Enter name of systernfitern being acquired that data will support. Item E. Self-explanatory (to be filled in after contract award). Item F. Self-explanatory (to be filled in after contract award). item Ca. Signature of preparer of CDRL. Item H. Date CDRL was prepared. - Item L Signature of CDRL approval authority. Item J. Date CDRL was approved. Item 1. See DoD FAR Supplement Subpart 4.71 for proper numbering. Item2. Enter title as it appears on data acquisition document cited in Item 4. Item 3. Enter subtitle of data item for further definition of data item (optional entry). item 4. Enter Data Item Description (DID) number, military specification number, or military standard number listed in DoD 5010.12-1. (AMSDQ, or one-time DID number, that defines data content and format requirements. Item S. Enter reference to tasking in contract that generates requirement for the data item (e.g., Statement of work paragraph number). Item 6. Enter technical office responsible for ensuring adequacy of the data item. item 7. Specify requirement for inspection/acceptance of the data item by the Government. Item B. Specify requirement for apl5roval of a draft before preparation of the final data item. Item 9. For technical data, specify requirement for contractor to mark the appropriate distribution statement on the data (ref. DoDD 5230.24). ftemlO. Specify number of times data items are to be delivered. Iterrill. Specify as-of date of data item, when applicable. ftem12. Specify when first submittal is required. item 13. Specify when subsequent submittals are required, when applicable. Item 14. Enter addressees and number of drafttfinal copies to be delivered to each addressee. Explain reproducible copies in Item 16. IternIS. Enter total number of draft1f inal copies to be delivered. Item% Use for additional/clarifying information for items 1 through 15. Examples are: Tailoring of documents cited in Item 4; Clarification of submittal dates in Items 12 and 13; Explanation of rep.-oducible copies in Item 14.; Desired medium for delivery of the data item. FOR THE CONTRACTOR Item 17. Specify appropriate price group from one of the following groups of effort in developing estimated prices for each data item listed on the DD Form 1423. a. Groupl. Definition -Data which is not otherwise essential to the contractor's performance of the primary contracted effort (production, development, testing, and administration) but which is required by DD Form 1423. Estimated Price - Costs to be included under Group I are those applicable to preparing and assembling the data item in conformance with Government requirements, and the administration and other expenses related to reproducing and delivering such data items to the Government b. Group It. Definition - Data which is essential to the performance of the primary contracted effort but the contractor is required to perform additional work to conform to Government requirements with regard to depth of content, format, frequency of submittal, preparation, control, or quality of the data item. Estimated Price - Costs to be included under Group 11 are those Incurred over and above the cost of the essential data item without conforming to Government requirements, and the administrative and other expenses related to reproducing and delivering such data item to the Government. c. Group 111. Definition - Data which the contractor must develop for his internal use in performance of the. primary contracted effort and does not require any substantial change to conform to Government requirements with regard to depth of content, format. frequency of submittal, preparation, control, and quality of the data item. Estimated Price - Costs to be included under Group III are the administrative and other expenses related to reproducing and delivering such data item to the.Governm ent. d. Group IV. Definition -~'Data which is developed by the contractor as part of his normal operating procedures and his effort in supplying these data tothe Government is minimal. Estimated Price - Group IV items should normally be shown on the Do Form 1423 at no cost. Item 18. For each data item, enter an amount equal to that portion of the total price which is estimated to be attributable to the production or development for the Government of that item of data. These estimated data prices shall be developed only from those costs which will be incurred as a direct result of the requiremeritto supply the data, over and above those costs which would otherwise be incurred in performance of the contract if no data were required. The estimated data prices shall not include any amount for rights in data. The Government's right to use the data shall be governed by the pertinent provisions of the contract. ,:ID Form 1423 Appeomd MOO% lease 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO3000440001 -0 Ar. Any of reporting date; 1. Persou-boure expended for-the Any trips and significant 00 Form 1664, FE8 95 sn' ':A0p`rdV'ed.For Release 2000/08/08 % Annrnwarl I:nr Pimlimmoza ~nnninAinA - ria-PnPQA-nn7RQpnn-,innnAAnnni-n FormApproved DATA ITEM DESCRIPTION omeno. 0704-0188 &P. Cite: Jun 30.1986 1. TITLE 2. IDENTIP UMBER ICATION N Contractor's Progress, Status and Management Report DI-MGMT-80227 3. OESCRIPTIONMURPOSE 3.1 The Contractor Is Progress, Status and Management Repo~t indicates the progress Of ' work and the status of the prograr; and of the assigned tasks, reports costs$ and informs of existing or potential problem areas. 4. APPROVAL DATES. OFfICE OF PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITYEa. DTIC 6b. GIDFe (OPR) REQUIRED REQUIRED (yyMM0D) W/SPAWAR 860905 7. APPLICATION I INTERRELATIONSHIP 7.1 This Data Item Description (DID) contains the format and content preparation instructions for the data produci.geuerated by the specific and discrete task .requirement for this data included in th e contract. 7.2 This DID may be applied in any-contract and during any program phase. 7.3 This DID supersedes DI-A-2090A, DI-A-3025A, UDI-A-22050B, UDI-A-22052A, UDI-A-23960, DI-A-30024, and DI-A-30606. (co'nt. on page 2) APPROVAL LIMITATION 9a. APPLICABLE FORMS 9b. AMSC NUMBER IN3947 10. PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS 10.1 Contract - This data item is genqrated by the contract which contains a specific and. WL~screte work task to develop this data product. 10.2 Format - This report shall be -typewritten on standard size (e.g. 8 -1/2" by 41") white paper, and securely stapled' Pages shall be sequentially uumbeie&* All 43ttacbmente shall be identified and reierenced in the text of the report. The report shall be prepared in the contractor*s format and shall be legible and suitable for reproduction. 10.3 Content - The report shall include: a. A front cover sheet which includes the contractor's name and address* the contract number, the nomenclature of the system or programi the date of the report. the period covered by the report. the title of the reporte either the .serial number of the report or the Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL) -sequence number, the security classification, and the name of the issuing Cove eat activity; b Description of the progress made against milestones during the reporting "riodi c. Results, positive or negative. obtained related to previodsly-Identified Problem areas, with conclusions and recommendationol do Any significant changes to the contractor's organization or method of operations to the project management networks or to the milestone chartl eo- Problem areas affecting technical or acbedullug elements, vith-background and any recommendations for solutions beyond the' scope of the contractj Ions r f. Problem areas affecting cost elements, with background and any-recomendations solutions beyond the scope of the contracti go Cost =rv~-.s aboving actual and projected conditions throughout the c0utr8ctl cost Incurred for the reporting period and total conir&ctu&l expenditures as. h. reporting period and cumulatively for the cOntract9 resultst (cont.-on page 2) W.Wooow__~_ 9-4 CIA-PDP96-00789ROO3000440001-6~ Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO3000440001 -0 DI-HGHT- 80227 7. APPLIcATION/INTERRELATIOVSHIP (Cont'd) 7.4 Paragraphs 10.3.f, 10.3.g, and 10.3.h herein should be tailored on DD Form 1423 when such cost data is already submitted through a sophisticated cost reporting system under the contract.. 10. PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS (Cont'd) k. Record of all significant telephone calls and any commitments made by telephone; 1. Summary of Engineering Change Proposal (ECP) status, including identification of proposed ECPs, approved ECPs, and implemented ECPs; m. Contract schedule status; n. Plans for activities during the following reporting period; o. Name and telephone number of preparer of the report; p. Appendixes for any necessary tables, refereni:es, photographs, illustrations, and charts. *U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1996-704-037/50176 A15r Fe-t s ke 44UUU1- jW,id 9p r Rj _3W0/0Jffii6&WT1F5lTyb"00 Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 2. TITLE 1. IDENTIFICATION NUMBER Technical Report DI-MISC-80508 - Study/Services 3. DESCRIPTION/PURPOSE 3.1 A technical report provides fully documented results of studies or analyses performed. 4e',"APPROVAL DATE 5. OFFICE OF PRIMARY 6a.DTI& 6b.GIDEP (YYMMDD) RESPONSIBILITY(OPR) APPLICABLE APPLICABLE 880115 G/T2137 X 7. APPLICATION/INTERRELATIONSHIP 7.1 This data item description contains the format and content preparation instructions for the data product generated by the specific and discrete task requirement as delineated in the contract. 7.2 This DID supersedes DI-A-5029. 7.3 Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC), Cameron Station, Alexandria, VA 22314. e. APPROVAL LIMITATION 9a. APPLICABLE 9b. FORMS AMSC NUMBER G4291 10. PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS 10.1 Format. (a) The report and all attachments shall be typewrittenp or otherwise clearly lettered, and shall be duplicated using non-fading ink. (b) Text shall be prepared on standard letter size paper (e 1/211 X 1111). (c) When attachments are included, they shall be fully identified, referenced in the. textg and folded to conform to the size ; paper used in the report. . (d) Security classification and distribution markings shall conform to the requirements of the contract, purchase description and security requirements checklists as applicable. 10.2 Content. (a) Title Page - Identifies the report by providing contract number, project name or purchase description title, task numbers and reporting period. (continued on page 2) 11. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public releasel distribution is unlimited. Fare 1664, JON 86 (FAMINILE) Previous editions are obsolete. Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO30004400POI-V 'I "of -2 Pages Approved For Releas'e 2000/08/08 CIA-RDP96-00789ROO3000~40001-0 DI-MOMT-80508 Block 10. Preparat ion Instructions (Continued) (b) Tabib of Contents (c) Section I - Includes the 4.01lowings '(1)' Introduction (2) Summary - A brief statement of results obtained from the analytic effort. (3) Conclusions and their condensed technical substantiations. j (d) Section II - A complete and detailed description of the analytic results which led to the conclusions st,attrq in Section I above. Page 2 of 2 Pages Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO3000440001-0