I Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO3400540001-5 PROJECT SUN STREAK WAR14ING NOTICE, SENSITIVE INTELLIGENCE' CoURCES A 14 D 11 ETH 0 D'~' INVOLVED pizojECT NUMBER: S8.13 SESSION NUMBER: 01 DATE OF SIES)SION: 881025 START: 1030 DATE OF RE'PokT: 881026 END: 1145 METHODOLOGY: WRV VIEWER IDENTIFIER: 079 -------------------------------------------------------------- S) / N F / SK) MISSION: The miEsion is topical search. 2. (S)INFISK) VIEWER TASKING: --)arae as above. 3. . COMMENTS: No inclerue-r-cies noted. The topical sc-i-jr-ch is being col-Iciucted. on a 1--jroad basis in arc2as of interest. W1-,,:,,n an events comes closer in time anL'A- there is an intelligence the viewer then, can then pursue 4-1-je subject on a more i r, t. C. re~- S t t I J~-z,tailed basis. The-,~e searches are recorded and filed with the Project Manager. P4- cl-~ (SINFISK) EVALUATION, _Y~TA_ 'SKEET CHANINELS ONLY HANDLE <:1 ACCESS REQUIRED SPECIAL NOFORN CLASSIFIED BY: DIA (DT) DECLASSIFY BY: OADR Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO3400540001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/08: CIA-RDP96-00789ROO3400540001-5 C"OL Po' 8,98 1025 079 OF INFORMATION There is wide -spread hunger among -the poor of Malaysia and because of new rules and regulations of other countries, the poor will have the opportunity to migrate to other countries for work (factory work). There is going to be an earthquake there any time from December through March. Sumatra is another hot spot. There will be an establishment of a new political power base that is more liberal. The c,oastline area is vulnerable from outside enemies coming up from the South. They are Communist supported. Namibia experiences a drought. Rebels will be fighting and stealing in the months ahead. Namibia could cease to exist as a country. Qouth Korea will be experiencing a military coup in December. It is an internal military coup. There will be bloodshed and the military come in and take over, putting a "hard nose" in power. The name "SOWERS" (phonetic spelling) came up in connection with the coup. Approved For Release 200"017~. IREIP96-00789ROO3400540001-5