Approved For Release 2000/08/09 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO3500390001-1 PROJECT SUN STREAK WARNING NOTim INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHOD91INVOLVED PROJECT NUMBER: 8908 DATE OF SESSIONt 6 MAR 89 S TART - 11.52 METHODOLOGY: CRV /NOFORN SESSION NUMBER: 01 DATE OF REPORT: 8 MAR 89 END: 1,300 VIEWER IDg Oil 1. (S/NF/SK.) MISSION: To access and describe the subject matter- of an activity previously described by other viewers as a "meeting". n .4*.. (S/NF/M") VIEWER TASKING: "The target is a meeting which took place at approximately 1830 hours on 4 April, 19B7. Access the meeting and describe its SUbject matter and purpose." 3. (S/NF/91%'.) COMMENTS: a. Inclemencies. None reported. b. Oil first accessed the target area, then moved to the meeting, itseif. There was high correlation with other viewers, but very little new information. No verbal 4eedback was given in response to any perception, at any time. C.. Summary of information is enclosed. 4. EVALUATI ON: -iry encl: Viewer's summa Session transcript Tasking sheet HANDLE VIA SKEET CHANNELS ONLY .......... ............ ............. .. .. ........ ...... ................. .............___. -ORN . . . . . .NOf CLASSIFIED BY: DIA (DT) DECLASSIFY: OADR NOFORN Approved For Release 2000/08/09 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO3500390001-1 Approved For Release 2000/0u- 96-00789R003500390001 -1 WORKING -PAPER B90306 volt soot SUMMAPY OF INFORMATION THERE. ARE 7Vvc) AGENDAS BEING ADDRESSED AT 71-115 MEETING. ONE is RATHER OPF-%4 ARD ABOVE BC)AIRD, THE OTRER IS VERY SECRET AND mOST BE. KEPT kluDr-N FROPA TIAE PL313L.IC AT LARCF-, THIS HIDDEN NGEND.&, CONSISTS OF A SF-CRETt,.GREEMENT OF COOPER,,NTION 13ET)(xtEEN TWO PARTIES THAT ARE: KNOWt4 To Be IN DPPOI~~tTION 'TO 1EAciA OTHEF,. THESE. -TWO PARTIES ARE Dl\/II)ED BY A WALL OR BPRFZIER OF -C;OME SORT. ALVIrIOUGH 74ERE Mb~Y ACTUALLY 13E A PHYSICAL 7B4,RRIF-P\j T14E T?EAL SF-PARATl()N 13FTWFFN THF-SF- TWO PARTIF-5 IS JIDEOLOG~ICAI,- OR POLITICAL PiFFERF-t-~CeS- TqIS MEF-TING 15 CONDUCTED BY OIGH,~RARKINGr RrpRESENTAT IVES OF EA4z.VA OPPOSINGr PAKTY. WIE RE-5(3LTc3 OF TRIS MEF-TING I OUTWARDLY, APPEAR:~) TO 13F- A STALEMA-M, BUT IN SECRECY BOTH PARTIES AGREE -10 r-OOPE:RATE\BE.~1IN7D-,THE-.ScENE-sl", 50 TO SPE&K- TI-AtS AG1?t-rE:MENT HA5 S61YIETHIKGr TO -DO WITH oppap,&TING WITHIN EAC~Jl OTHER'~3 E30UN0.A\PIF-13 Op, SG\/r--PF-jGN TF-RRITGRIT~) Ct...AW0C-:5TlmE:Ly. TvAls AGREE- MENT MUST NOT FEC6MF- PUBLIC KN0WLJF-0GE:- "Amrx-F- v(A SKEET CHmW~LS ONLY Approved For Release 2000 -:,CLA-RDP96-00789ROO3500390001 -1 P I S -noac V I F-W EP, '0, 0 ~ I Approved For Release 20001P.4/99nCAA*L-RDP96-00789ROO3500390001-1 (0 MARCHt989 suzjar-T meETINrx E~ T AG L 7 54 Y2 -54 V qz;cv% AI-S: !P WA~ dr Approved For Release 2000/08/09 CIA-RDP96-00789ROO3500390001-1 ? Appr:bved For Releasjk~000/08/09: CWRDP96-00789 003500MOG*T4 401- dl Approved For Release 2000/08/09: CIA-RDP96-00789ROO35003900(311-2~t!~4t/00---~e!~~ xx4o~- a-4,te qnnninp EA <) Avroved For I U _aas IA-RDPQ jl~ ~~+ Acr 12219 -4 DOI 71-&Y,41 RaJFEC75 7 6;1~ r"l- AIIII/I d?/ Z5, ~*, A "-OF?"---m789ROO3500390001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/09 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO3500390001-1 e7 cL YeE 7 Approved For Release 2000/08/09 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO3500390001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/09: CIA-RDP96-00789ROO3500390001-1 WORKING PAPER NCIFORN 'rA&-.."ER 6 MAR 89 1. Encrypted Coordinates- 743522/463256. 2. TAsking.- "A meeting took place at approximately IB30 hr-s on 4 April, 1987. Access the meeting and determine the subject matter(s) di9cussed." 3. Required EEI: a. Determine and describe the subject matter of the meeting. b. Describe any other aspects of the meeting which are pertainent to the tasking. OPNOWNDFORN Approved For Release 2000/08/09: CIA-RDP96-00789ROO3500390001-1