Approved For Release 200=PZRDP96-00788 "UNTRIANE DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT CHIEF OF STAFF FOR INTELLIGENCE WASHINGTON, DC 20310 REPLY TO ATTENTION OF DAMI-ISH 10 SEP 1984 SUBJECT; INSCOM CENTER LANE Project (U) Commander USA Intelligence and Security Command Arlington Hall Station Arlington, VA 22211 1. (U) Reference memorandum, INSCOM, IACG, 17 Jul 84, subject; INSCOM CENTER LANE Project (U) , (SI CL-3/NOFORN). 2. (S/CL-1/NOFORN) The Secretary of the Army has approved ending the Intelligence and Security Command's (INSCOM) involve- ment with psychoenergetic research and operations. A copy of the OACSI, DA memorandum to the Secretary on the subject, with his noted approval, is enclosed. 3. (S/CL-3/NOFORN) You are authorized to coordinate directly with CIA, DIA, NSA, and the Army Medical R&D Command regarding transfer of CENTER LANE operations and research. Any transfer of project personnel, files, equipment, contracts, etc, should be covered by a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA). Any such MOA should be provided for review by the ACSI prior to implemen- tation. 4. (S/CL-1/NOFORN) The CENTER LANE Special Access Program (SAP) should be terminated or transferred, as appropriate, once INSCOM involvement is discontinued. a. (S / CL- 3 INOFO RN) If the Medical R&D Command becomes involved and desires SAP protection, the project name should be changed and the Secretary of the Army duly notified. b. (S/CL-2/NOFORN) If a non-Army ject functions, the SAP should be terminated. desires SAP protection and support for should be provided under a new name. 1 Encl as agency assumes the pro- If that agency an interim period this 'T@ @Sw Rrigadier General, USA Acting ACof S f or intelligence CLOSE HOLD/HAND CARRY Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-007ff@gypaO 0049-5 CUSSIFIED BY_C*4,,1A15CdM D NOT R 1566-90 ".,'.-.',(,'LASS,1FY ON: CAVIR PrIR r 7 FOREIGN NATIONALS