Approved For Release 2Wkv,,arw LMA-lKrJVUb-u0789ROO0300140005-9 I)EFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON. D.C. 20301-6111 S201007/DT-S87 DT-S 15 June 1987 MEMORANDUM FOR ASSISTANT DEPUTY DIRECTOR FOR SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL INTELLIGENCE SUBJECT: operational Report - Project 8702 (U) 1. (S/SK/WNINTEL) Source 101 originally described the target building as a rectangular, ten-story building constructed among two other tall buildings in an area where,4@@ngtxuctioq efforts remain continuing. Openings on top of the building were observed. The structure had a sloping down effect and seemed designed to accommodate a hard, central, core (not further defined). Date of completion for the construction was estimated at two or three years from date. 2. (S/SK/WNINTEL) Source 018 described the target building as one of -'everal large buildings in e p-letion. a,j si com A large open area inside the building along with the:@presence of @@pevgistent bluish light, seemed important. 3. (S/SK/WNINTEL) Source 003 identified the target building as a tall, rectangular, flat-topped, structure made of masonry concrete. Windows were located at the top of the building, but no windows were observed close to the ground. There was a large, open area that seemed to dominate the structure. The building appeared to be-@A -Elated with) the impression of ace". 4. (S/SK/WNINTEL) Source 021 reported the target building as a huge structure located among a cluster of buildings situated in a barren, isolated area. The presence of a building shaped like the letter "H" was also observed in the area. People with !-)right yellow visors and:,vqari g'_protective clothing worked in the target building shaped like a hug-eFaIrp'lane hangar with a domed roof. Small frosted windows were also observed at the top WARNING NOTICE: SENSITIVE INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED HANDLE VIA SKEET CHANNELS ONLY SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED CLASSIFIED BY: DIA, DT DECLASSIFY BY: OADR Approved For Release 2001/0@E_-__L-LA 89ROO0300140005-9 L=121?961- 07 Approved For Release 2001~QE-Z-l~Z-AA~~--ig--OM9ROO0300140005-9 of the building. A dish antenna capable of 0 A-Ir-al--ancV x - console located in a ov6mZ'iM9 was @ctyntrolled bX a room within the target bu=ldl-ng; an-inte light was associated with the antenna. There were indications of a command and control activity with (electronic) consoles-providing' zxbr.a,d lctures-@ The area had' the flavor of a.. 5. S/SK/WNINTEL) Project 8702 was the result of 12 sessionz conducted by four sources. Source 021 appeared to have the best target acquisition in addressing the issue of specific interest. A copy of an Intelligence Evaluation Sheet iB attached for completion at your earliest convenience. SG1J GS 14 Senior Analyst Approved For Release 2001/03ffi:,44-ayo-QrA.-nn789ROO0300140005-9