Approved Fo'r Release 20-61/03126: CIA-RDP96-00787ROO0200080001-3 I'AS L@y '@A Cki: There is no question that there is an unseen world, The problemis, how far is it from midto-,%,n and how late Is 11 opcn? Unexplainable everits occur constandy. One man will see spirits. Anot@er wili hear voices. A third wili v@ake up and find himself runni.,,g in the Preakness. How niany of us have not at one time or another felt an ice-cold hand on the back of our neck whilc we were home alone? (Not me, thank God, but sonic have.) What is behind these 6xPeri- ences? Or in front of them, for that niatter? Is it true that some men can foresee the futu-c or com-inunicatc with ghosts? And after death is it still possible to take sh(-)-@vcrs? Fortunately, these questions about psychic phenoinena are answered in a soon to be published @ook, Bo,,)!, by Dr. Osgood Nlulford Twe"gc, the noted parapsychologist and professor of ectoplasm at Colunibia University. Dr. '1'wcl,,,e has assembled a remarkable history of supernatural inci- dents that covers the whole ran c of psychic phenom ena, from thought trars;'crence-to the bizarre experience of two brothers on opposite parts of the globe, one of whom took a bath while the other suddenly got clean. What follows Is but Approved For Releasb-2001/03/26 CIA-RbP96-00787ROO0200080001-3 .ychic Phenomena 9 Without Feathers Examining Ps Approved For Release 2001103126 CIA-RbP96-00787ROO0200080001-3 a sampling of Dr. 1%velge s most celebrated cases, with his comments. SPIRIT DEIPARTURL APPARITIONS-5 . . . . . . . . On March 16, 1882, Mr. J. C. Dubbs awoke in the middle ofthe night and saw his brother Amos, who had been dead for fourteen years, sitting at the foot of his bed flicking chickens. Dubbs asked his brother what he was doing there, arid his, brother said not to worry, he was dead and was only in town for the weekend. Dubbs asked his brother what it was like in "the other world," and his brother said it was not unlike Cleveland. He said he had returned to give Dubbs a message, which was that a dark-blue suit and Argyle socks are a big mistake. At that point, Dubbs's servant girl entered and saw Dubbs talking to "a shapeless, milky haze," which she said reminded her of-Arnos Dubbs but was a little better-lo,,@king. Finally, the ghost asked Dubbs to join him in an aria from Eaus,l which the two sang with great fervor. As dawn rose, the ghost walked through the wall, and Dubbs, trying to follow, broke his nose. This appears to be a classic case of the apparition pherionienon, arid if Dubbs is to be believed, the ghost returned again and caused Mrs. Dubbs to rise out of a chair and hover over the dinner fable for twenty minutes until she dropped into'sonic aravy, It isintere:@Llng to note that spirits have a tendency to be mischievous, which A. F. Childe, the Brit;sh inystic, attributes to a marked fteling of inferiority they have over being dead. "Apparitions" are often associ- ated with individualsxho have suffered an unusual demise. Amos Dubbs, f'or instance', had died under mvsterious 6rcurnstances @,vhcn a f'arnicr accidentally planLLd him along with sorlic tL11111PS. Mr. Albert Sykes reports the following experience: "I was sitting having biscuits with some friends when I felt inv spirit leave my body and go make a telephone call. FoT* some reason, it called the Moscowi,tz Fiber Glass Comparly. My spirit then returned to niy body and sat for arlothcr twenty minutes or so, hoping nobody would suggest cha rades. When the conversation turned to mutual funds,it'lefi again and began wandering around the city. I am con vinced that it visited the Statuc of Liberty and'thcn saw the stacre show at Radio City Music Hall. Following that, it b went to Benny's Steak House and ran up a fab of sixty-cight dollars. My spirit then decided to return to my body, but I, was impossible to get a cab. Finally, it walked up F' ft 'I I Avenue arid reJoined mcjust in tinic to catch the late ric%%S. I could tell that it was reentering my body, becau@,,c I felt a sudden chill, and a voice said, 'I'm back. You v,,ant to pass me those raisins?' "This phenomenon has happened to me severall tinics since. Once, my spirit went to Miami for a wcckcrid, and once it was, arrested for trying to leave Macy's -,N,I[hout paying for a tic. The fourth time, it was actually my bodly that left my spirit., although all it did was get a rubdowi di and conic right back." Spirit departure was very common around igio, whcri many "spirits" were reported wandering airrilessly around 1.) 1 India searching for the American Consulatc.Thc phenonic- non is quite similar to transubstantiation, the process whereby a person will suddenly dematerialize and reniaterl- a lize somewhere else in the ivorld. This is not a bad way to tra%',cl, although there is usually a half-hour wait for lu-,age. The most astonishing case or transubstantiatiOll Approved For Release 2001103126 CIA-RDP96-00787ROO0200080001-3 10 TVithoul Feathers Exmrinii@q PVclic Phenomma v.w, [hat (d @@Ir Artlhm- Nurnt.y, who vwilshcd Willi -in audible p(I) wlidc fie xas taking a bath and su(Jdcnly appcarcd In the, s(rinc', scction of the Victina Symphony Orchestra. Fic siaycd on as the first violinist for twenty Q Q seven years, althou-h he could only play "Three Blind 00 C) CD Xl'cc," and vanished abruptly one day during Mozart's CD Jupiter Symphony, turning up in b@d with Winston C*4 CD Churchill. CD CD W I- 00 I- C) C) PRECOGNITION . . . . . . . . . . IL 0 Mr. Fenton' Al len tuck describes the following precognitive drcana: "I went to sleep at midnight and drearned that I was playing whist with a plate of chives. Suddenly the dream shifted, and I saw my grandfather about to be run cD over by a truck in the middle of the street, where, he was C*4 waltzing with a clothing durnmy. I tried to scream, but D . C -,-hen I opened my mouth the only sound that came out was - chimes, and ny grandfatrier Was run over. CD 0 CD "I awoke in a sweat and ran to I ny grandfather's house C*4 and asked lilin if fie had plans to go waltzing with a 0 U) clothing durnnny. Fie said of course not, although he had M CD contemplated posing as a shepherd to fool this encmies. CI) Relieved, I @valked honie, but learned later that the old W L_ man had slipped on a chicken-salad sandwich and fallen off 0 LL the Chrysifer Building;" 'a CD 0 Preco itive drearris arc too common to be dismiss--d as gni CLP-,Ire coincidence. Here a man dreams of a relative's death, CL and it occurs. Not vvervone *,,, so lucky. J. Martinez, of K-Incl),,inkport. M;iinv, dwanwd he %vori the Irish S-)vcep W@"vn lic av-kc, kis 1,cd lt,A 0(micd oul to sea. TRANCES CO I . . . . . . V_ Q Q Sir Hugh Swiggles, the skeptic, reports an interesting scajoe 00 experience: CD CD CD We attended the home of Madame Revnaud, the nAN@ I;;)-- 1=14 mediuni, where we were all told to sit around the,table. S, join hands. Mr. Weeks couldn't stop giggling, and MadaWc Reynaud smashed him on *,he head with a Ouija boa;-d. 1W llights were turned out, and I'viadame Reynaud atteniptcct3p contact Mrs. Marple's husband, who had died at the OT-JR@L when his beard caught fire. The following is an eX& transcript: MRS, MARPLE: What do you see? MED;um: I see a man with blue eyes and a pinwheel h5. MRS. MARPLE: That's my husband! MEDIUM: His name is . . . Robert. No . . . Richard MRS. MARPLE: Quincy. C*4 M MEDIUM: Quincy! Yes, that's it! CD MRS. MARPLE: What else about him? MEDu% CD t: He is bald but usually keeps some. leaves on C*4 head so nobody will notice. 0 MRS. MARPLE: Yes! Exactly! U) M MEDIUM: For some reason' he has an object a lloi,1151' pork. Cl) W MRS. MARPLE: My anniversary present to him! Can yau 0 make him speak? LL MEDIUM: Speak, spirit. Speak. 'a QUINCY: Claire, this Ais Quincy. CD MRS. MAR?LE: Oh, Quincy! Quincy! 0 QuiNcy: How long do you keep the chicken in wl@er. you, trying to broll it? MRS. MA%PLE: That voice! It's hirn! 1,4,1-.DILM: E.verybodly concentratc. Q Q Q 00 Q CD CD C*4 CD Q Q W I- 00 t-Z CD Q c6 a) [L 0 115 < 0 w C*4 CO CD T_ CD CD C*4 (1) U) M (D 77D W 0 U- > 0 L_ CL CL 12 Without Feathers NIRS. NIARPTX,: Qitinuy. ;I?-(- flic), freating you okay? Qvmcv: Not bad, except it takes four days to get your cleanin- back. MRS. NIARVI.F.: liTICY, (10 Voll Miss Me? QUINCY: Huh? 01i, er, Sure. Sure, kid. I got to be going. . . . Nimnum: I'm losing It. fie's fading. . . . I found this s6ance to pass the most stringent tests of credulity, with the minor exception of a phonograph, which was found under Madame Reynaud's dress. There is rio doubt that ccrtain events recorded at s6ances arc genuine. Who does not recall the famous incident at Sybil Seretsky's, when her goldfish sang "I Got Rhythm"- a favorite tune of lier recently deceased nephew? But contacting the dead is at best difficult, since most deceased are reluctant to speak up, and those .that do seem to hem and haw before getting to the point. The author has actuailv seen a table rise, and Dr@. Joshua FliEagle, of Harvard, aucnded a s@ance in which a table not only rose but excused itself and went upstairs to sleep. CLAIRVOYANCE . . . . . . . . . ("tic of the most astounding cases of clairvoyance is that of the noted Greek psychic, Achille 1-ondos. Londos realized he had "imusual powers" by the age of ten, when he could lic in bed and, by concentrating, make his father's false teeth jump out o@ his mouth. After a neighbors husband had been missing for three weeks, Londos told them to look in the stove, where the man was found knitting. Londos could concentrate on a person's face and force the image to come out on a roil of' oi-chnary Kodak film, although he could 11cver sucin togcl anybody to sn,.ile. Examiniqq P.!ycAic Phenomena In @964, he was call"I in to ii'd Pol; "151 @Tw I we !11 caq)illll Msseldorf Strangler, a fiend who alwavs left a hakod Alaska on the chests of his vicurns. N14crely by snifI11111" ;I handkerchief Lonclos. k-d policc. to Slegfi-led Lcnz, h.nid,) - man at a school for deaf turkeys, who said he wasc?ic strangler and could he-please have his liandkcrehielf bTC'D"k-. Q Q Londos is just one of many people with psychic p-)II&S, C@ N. jerome, the psychic, of Newport, Rhode IsIgd. claims 'tic can guess any card bcIng thOUght of by a @cgl F_ rel. Q Q 00 PROGNOSTICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . Q Q Finally, we come to Aristonidis, the sixteen th-century cqdVIL whose predictions continue to dazzle and perplex even @1(1 most skeptical. Typical examples are: . W "Two nations w iill go to war, but only one will win."' (Experts feel this probably refers to the Russo-japaosc War OF 1904-05-an astounding feat of prognosUcatroll, to considering the fact that it was rnade in 1540.) C*4 "A man in Istanbul will have his hat blocked, and it 0,11 CD be ruined." T_ (In i 86o, Abu Hamid, Ottoman warrior, sent his capt& - t to be cleaned, and it came back with spots.) C*4 T J. see a great pcrson, who one day -,%I )r invent a mankind a garment to be worn over his trousers gor protection while cooking. It will be called an 'abron7Fpr aprone."' (Aristonidis meant the apron, of course.) 0 "A leader will emerge in France. He will be very sMort '0 and will cause great calamity." (D (This is a reference 0aither to Napoleon or to Magel Lumet, an eighteentli-century nildget who instigated a T@pt to rub b@arnaisc sauce on Voltaire.) CL Approved For Release 2001/03/26 CIA-RDP96-00787ROO0200080001-3 iY Approved For Release 2001/03/26 CIA-RDP96-00787ROO0200080001-3