FIRM CLASF PROCESSING NO. CATION DATE PS CODEVt;U AF ACTIVITY CODES NW T%JIF CHART Cf Ir LOCATION S/TNAME OF INSTALLATION PL. NO. -EkKuTs i6ektAtJ < DATE/INFO DATE/SOURCE PF R DA 0 A M0 YR M0 AD W RV6 YR Ro1PA-(_A:r7 CONTROL NO. SOURCE EVAL L3 Ie IRKUTSK SCIENTIFIC CENTER--A large scientific center is being set.up in Irkutsk for the- Institute.of Terrestrial'Ma net s adio Research and the Ionosphere, of the Siberian Iseetion o e R Academy of Sciences, Sewral scientific GaMP74tep eeft45- @e country's larg;st artificial climate station are already in operation. EMoscow Domestic Service in Russian 2330 GMT 18 Oct 71 Ll 12-,o 326 usE PF-lous ED-loNs. (20)