41 I..'@. 5 WAY 1063 A. :@WRDP964VJ 500@36080 /4@UR For F%pase 200/1ffA6 197ROO 70W m3/62/002/006/M S/ A160/A1O1 9/ Mi'shih, V. M., Nayden'Ova, N- Ya., Platonov, M. L. 'AUTHORS:@ bability 0 The diurn 1 variation of the pro fthe appearance of the TITLE: a ods and the ends of magnetic storms commencements, the active peri PERIODICAL: Geomagnetizm i aeronomiya, v. 2, no. 6, 196@p 1107 1i12. TEXT: The authors investigate the probabi:lity of the appearance of the- commencements, the active periods and the ends of magnetic storms on the basis of@the Irkutsk Storms Catalog for 1905 - 1917 and 1925 1959. The catalog A total of 539 of them are storms with a gradual commence.- i describes 820 storms. ment. Figure 1 presdnts the curver. SH6 (nb),@San (ap),-and Sa for Irkutsk. Or- dinates,in durvel represent the frequencies of the commencement of the G-storms' nnb, in curve 2 - the frequencies of the active hours napil and incurve 3 -,the ly equivalent amplitudes R Similar distinctions between Sa,and Snb were also. observed at all 6ther stations, These data, characterizing the phases oi:the maximum of the'first harmonic of Sa and Snb, araWesented in a table, The authors explain these.,results.by proposing that.snb may,be,considered as'a re- Card i/3 S/2O3/6P_/OOP_/OO6/010/026.- The diurnal variation of the...,7 !A160/A1O1 sult of Sa. It is followed that the p robability of a'cbntact of the corpuscular, flux with the Earth does not def5end on the time Of the day. This-concludion is. ..:,confirmed by the fact that, according to the mentioned catalog, the diurnal variation of the frequency of sc practically does notpexist. The authors then investigate the total of all st9m days and introduce,,the following'four hypo- theqes..:'.j) The probability that there is a contact between Ithe flux and-the I..Earthj..causing the storm is equal-for all hours of a day. 2) The magnetic ac- tivity duringthe hour of the commencement of the storm A is not lower than:that during an average.storm T : A 3) The values,of A during the initial hours Of the atoms are determined by Sa on the basis Of the perturbed days,, 4) The, length of each atom is :? -12 hours. The distribution Of the probabilities f 0 the dommencement,of the storms ovor the hours of the,day P (T) will bea6 f. 1: lOwss P 0 in two 6 -hour. inter@rals T 4- ak 900 and'T > 06k + 900 (Figure -21'' > (I 1Xk + 900 750,4 ='l 24 ha@ching),..p . 1/24.in the 11 -hour Aterval O&k .3/ in one hour containing the momen't'T =o6 - goo. Sucb'@ k - k a distribution of :the ty P (T), has the f orm, of ' a try probabili -square shown On!Figure 2, The @authpl@s 1) It was dAemined that the -commencements. of make the following conclusions. the atoms, (recorded at-the givpn,@stati6n)' are generalljk shifted to the side iof Ca@rd .2/3 The diurnal variation Of the... 8/203/6Voo2/oo6/010/020 delay A1601Alo! as regards the mom Inequality of t of the contact of the flux with the E 'rnb G-storms have a .