882:Public Comments ICO Proposed Rule for Part 15 Rewrite FAR Case 95-029
883:Spaceplane Technology and Research (STAR)
885:Depleted Uranium
886:Purchase Orders -Use of DOD funds in Guam School System
888:JS Instruction-Officer Professional Military Education Policy-CJCS 1800.01
890:Single Integrated Operation Plan: SIOP-63
892:Defense Airborne Reconnaissance Office (DARO) Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV)
893:Executive Summary-The Integrated Airborne Reconnaissance Strategy
894:Joint Department of Defense (DOD)/Department of Energy (DOE) Surety Plan
900:Report of the Quadrennial Defense Review
902:Transforming Defense: National Security in the 21st Century-Report of the National Defense Panel
903:Department of Defense (DOD) Privacy Act Systems of Records Notices as of 12/31/1996
904:Proliferation: Threat and Response
905:Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO) Chart and Telephone Directory
906:Joint Military Operations Historical Collection
907:DOD Guide to Marking Classified Documents-DOD 5200.1-PH
908:Index of Department of Defense (DOD) Privacy Act Systems of Records Notices as of 12/31/1997
909:Health Effects of Kuwait Oil Fire Smoke
910:Annual Report on AFRRI Research FY 1992
911:Chinese Assessment of the Superpower Relationship 1972-1974
912:US-PRC-USSR Triangle: An Analysis of Options for Post-Mao China
913:DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms
914:A Recommended Blueprint for the ASD(C31) and CIO in Response to DRI Directive #17-3/11/1998
916:Report of the Department of Defense (DOD) Base Realignment and Closure
918:Department of Defense (DOD) International Armaments Cooperation Policy
919:Report by the J-5 to the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) on Middle East Boundaries
920:Memorandum for Members of the Verification Panel Working Group: SALT Operations
921:Readiness Reports to the Chairman, JCS for FY96/3 APR-JUN 96
923:Operation Tailwind Documents
924:Report on Activities and programs for Countering Proliferation and NBC Terrorism
926:Environmental Exposure Report: Depleted Uranium in the Gulf
928:Report by the J-5 to the Joint Chiefs of Staff on U.S.-China Security Relationship
929:CJCSM 3141.01A Procedures for the Review of Operation Plans
930:Defense Science Board Task FOrce on Satellite Reconnaissance
931:DOD Counterdrug Assistance to Mexico
932:DOD Humanitarian Assistance-FY-1996
933:Assessment of NVA/VC Capabilities in Cambodia
934:DOD Biennial Privacy Act Report-CY 1996 and 1997
935:SECDEF Weinberger's Oct. 1986 trip to India and Pakistan