NMTRA.- b _proj scription Date .Obligations Expendit=es - Balance r 28 Ju3-Y 1955 FOR: WE RECPRI@@@@- ADDEMM TO SUBPROJECTS 8 an&-10 SUB,=T: 1. The purpose of this addendum is to set-forth the mutual oami2nistrative responsibilities of-the contractor arA sponsor.--- 2. The above-subprojects-represent the resea.rc'h prog,@am ilwated at tb fill ' e 'kii@ii-chu-setts, covering-t - of 9 Bos2t@n, he j-u-ni--1953-throueA 15 September 1 955. 3. The I' i%miio I @ouest d the Hospital to submit-t6 UbemL4@@::-@ @@accounting of monies received 2 from t7ne Fmd. Al-s-o-,---tbey-recluested-tbe return of any UnexpendPd----, funds received-under a gr4Rl@:from the Fund@=------- PM -purchase 4. Title to-any-rerr=ent e 2 ent d by fund-c- granted the H661iital s@rtall--be retained by the Hospital in lieu of higher overliead re@,es. 5. It was rrutxial,ly agreed that documentation and-accountin,% for travel exy-ar@@.2As which are-reicibiUY@able 'o'y the mopiwwo A"M,Hoopital ;shall coafom with tne accepted praci@ices-of that Institution. It was agreed tl,.at-teebrical--reports_raf'-ecting the 2 'liall be sub 'tted at progress of the research proiXP4s au mutually acceptable intervals, ---- --- SIDT= LLL,B Chi2ef TSS/Chemical Division APPROM:- 'Distribution: Orig. &- 2 25 septem',-,er 1953 Ito= 4-2524-10 @.BU 1-f LALC OliO.T@ 2bo 2 i-50 -_ivzo 100 r'sin't tO rT. I --tho fqll2o-airz, 11 rot b.-. by u3 for :3 or. sol(I -u.:h use.,., NX I: EMIFICATE March 2@l 1954 is to certify, that I have today recelved This a-aeck-it6. M38328-Of the in the emOunt-Of $26.$333 33 2 2,,- 1954 tify that I bave today recei've'l This-is to cer M138329 01 Cashier's cheek No in the iuount of $526-67. 3 D MEMORANDUM. RECE I PT. FEB 1 8 1954 TO'. DATE FROM: SUBJECT: I hpreby acknowledge C H EC IA// 2 IN RECEIVED. FEB -8-1954 CHECK IN THE:@ -A- RECEIVEC. MC "y@@b FE 8 8-195 Please return .4 CRAIURE OF RECIPIENT TO FORR NO. 36-66 DATE RECEIVED IIAM 1949 -7 VLI.* 'WA t be trz,@. t4* In W-$33-) 33 w-I to 2 f-botila to -,"t to ODIT&@i, t Cox C H E ""T 0 o @,-4i o 1-;! r - 3. 7 ...FEB @D 2 -rHo At'v',OUNT O;r 4 IN CH to Itre0y cartifSvJL tbit Is 1--vd t:,.a witwl a@,.-Oomnt zr-t, Le.A vi.@l joillsom mum t-lid bill2 ia eDd COr%'Oct C-n@i ........... CL, O.?) 3 to r "'It Jr. botdby t.@a*@ i a iv,,O m- 2e4 In c@ ,awco vii', iu eatoa 13 ami 7j3 tL-o 0: no:. of 8 4F AP.C O, sesl 31- Feb. ij, 1954 @l itoooos$26p333*33 PaLympnt due for grant t( 26.67 Service charge of 2% for Milo.1 Au '1953 d ds This tO certify @hat I ha,,Ie chedk I.a33785-0.',' th i4n t,,-,o wrount AuVst 31, 1953 .ithis is day- -to -.ert!Sy-that-to received cashi.er I s6'iieck in typ, amount of '@263.33-. MEMORANDUM RECEIPT 2a iist, 1953 DATE TO: F.RO,'4: Budeat Ofl%cGi TSS -SUBJECT: Tw Checks 2 y ac@nowledge receipt of the Ilowing: I hdreb AO uni of 0263i33 nd obac'k M33785 in the 0 H133786 in the amO a Cb@, t for 2inVoiCo 1, SubprO@,%-ot 8 amount of ')13il66*67 Ss PaYmen Project I=TRA. please raturn..3igned topyties) of this receipt OF RECi?IE'iT TO FORM NO. 36-65 2 MEMORANDUM TO: 28@Au@gust 1953 DATE cR@,4: Budget office. TS$ SUBJECT: T",rO checks I hereby2 acknowledge-receipt-of-the following: Check # @1133786 in the amountt6f -i263i33 and Check MI33785 '-a-th amount of $l3jl66.67-as Pay-nient for invoice 1, Subi.)roject 8 ProjeCt HMTRA.- 2 -T@ Please popy(les) of this receipt RECI PI ENT TO FORM NO. LIAO t$Al cl 45 ce, 4. *31 2 43 ey Ob V.4 t4 2 t-i f-3 fi -14 9 Z, 40 !t C) r3 r s CLRTTE'R, ik'T T,^L"3 tbl"a 1 ki5v@,yiylg to ttat. tcchracol ge.-for.-,Alic by Dub@,ro.@,ect of 2 P.-ojeot I.I@ @n-N e $ - ncc that,t!lt M31 i - @&i lri ..o worl@, acc--,) tl-.a2 L-e.=l a,--,ree=nt rea@--red -.rit:i tlat- 6 bil.1 i-- 5,uat w-i correct ari-I t@,.at pay.-,@OrAt tLeraO,' yet 46 Da rio c ;a/ 2 (2) "It Is boN- itA lay-OiCe r.P,;)1-403 to w@ @v. r o,et. 8 imler Pro lea%-. which -ovei ar@cl Att%,, ti,@"-i 1--d ouf. In accorduee--vith the D-@)/%- Do I 4atic@-I3 19-,s3 cza-t@-4- DO Z to d&,,04 13 APril, 1953 n is cLtitlioric,.P-d req:,;estei. Dai@ -co" t.-e2 2ropr= 8 of tat oi? ba3 ','-,cen a_tTrov--Io Date*. ze Z @,V a,? JIL ProilLIet 1-0-.Tl;wlfx Ivt ttr-x eeel 13 AID@rii 1953 fu.--tber 2 .2ri" f."c4 2 1ID/,-, to t,,@q cw.:Itrou". 3 eo on t!.o cub,'; "a 3 h3alve '-.,eon to tlio JZ4 JUN 1 St 18, 1953 Augu ant -to ..... u..$13$166.67 Paynpnt D-@s- for gr Service Charge of ....... ......... 2 TOTAL... t oTI3 p@430@*00 DMV MEMORANI)LH FOR THE RECORD -Subproject 8 SUWWT: Project NMTRK, .1. Subproject 8 is being-set UP as a means to continue the-- I 2 present work in the-general field-of L.S.D. at 'fmuntil 11 Selottmber 1954 2. This project will-includei a-c6ttinuation of a study of-the clinical@psychiatric biochenical-., neurophysiological@ sociolo2gi@@ aspects of -stucly-of L.S.D. antaeonists and- druas related to L.S.D@j,-sueb as LOA.E.-- A detailed p--ooosal is attached,' '-The principle i,nvestigators-will@-d@6ntihU6@t6 be all 2 The i--.stirated budcret of the 10 cle at 13 is-$39.4500-004 The---';i sei've cut-out an& cover for-this proje t and Vill fui..-Iish the above f a to the %NM2I a 'philanthropic-- grant for medical t6se;r@cl@-. of-the-eatimated------ budget) is to iis service, be paicl to the 2 ject will not:exceed 4. Thus the total cbarges-for-this pro, .$40,290,00 for a p---riod ending September 11. Director o the SECPZ- i-.1 anti are-a%iare of the t2rue hospital) a*re@cl;-ar-ed throu,-,h TOP purpose of the project. AFFROVED-.- 6hie-f mic-a-l- Divisi 2 C on7TSS MO C3 104 C4 1 fn bo l@4 i@.;, FOR GO' I 0!" LIE" PRWLCT llr d-Lir@-PXi,010 ACID Dl,@,TtffLArtIm- Til To@ include Studjr ofr'l;.S.D. .4rit,-,F,,onisto an4 2 'Zolated M-,jf,,s 'uch as Lyser,-ic Acid The pro6pectuo for noxt, year -i3- in genoral a -continuation of -the L.$.D. p"!ject aloe,,, si-allar lin-s tcx that of tUs ye". Each &3..2-o4ct of tho project neuropi-qaiologicaij, sociologuall clinical peyp,,hiatric) to ba co r-.tinued The r-r-imcipal addition iii- t@,e- broad aitoo of study is tlaat of a I reyc-holozrical sectio.-I wl2illi.-h cort6ists oil wolec riot outlined in last-yoar-ts-- -o.- ur 'ie y*a prot-ocol b-at novert.-e'leas b,-te been 7,oin I d in@,, i, -r ar-3 - has broua,,ht fortl'. -vubatalntial finjint,is safficient to point out the n-acce3i-,-,y botb of its contlrrjation &.nd Each scientific as,,,P-et of L@is project has 1&d-to the develop:?.ent OT procediu-,-r, and are no,,t ot2 -oroyea- usefulr-osa in the study of lyaor-6,ic an,.l other-ei:-allar drug-r.,@aetions, It-ij--t.,io-furt-hez!-@application or th@@ft, rot,@;ods waich lave-been tho -c Teyiy @ntation 2 -_past year 1' o, -it focwea of 7mct- tha-@. wiU be ono of the pineioal year 5 w Tt,,oae r4cthoda will be applied-to-@@tudy-of re-lated-ch @m'mls such as L.A.Es OrA wg ot-her drugs utdch rW4* their appearance and to t@,o st@.idy of other drugq in conjumtion vilth L*S*D* witli the goal of ascertii-,uno, Itio would alao like to erpc.-nd the h-ise of tlie c.,cporiment by oop tlese mo*vlho@Js to tho stu@ly of patimt3 with-fvhcti-onal p-ay-choses not only t-e!jt tlio *pi-)Iicabwty attrl',-,utable to &u,?, rr-2-actiorto of the m--t.?,oclo oil a 'Oro-ane-r ba-.-is but will de-tonstrato riore precisev the de@-,ree to t,,.Iiich tt,3 of tho stu(3ics of the lyser@.,io psychosis can be app-liod to undc;rsttkiidi-lit-, sclilkzopt-Lrenia aL%-l otber Pa,notioiial, psychotou. The past year's reee&rch hz3 dealt toa are-at *%tent with a By,-,ptoaz rroducod by-differo.-it dat;a.-,,eti of L-3-D.. an4 the deterainizie th dogr,-o to which GMtoms can be deteznired by Viia oocizl situation in hL-Velr aM by-the basic p,@roonzaity and Social umch tha oubieet f:Lnds ot hL.,solf, F6-,,- tho atti4y of thQ U30 Of Other attributes of Uo subje 2 ontutic eff,,Aot3 it becomos in oonjlm certain ant-ar tion witti L.S.D. to as r to dovolop mors precise measuro--@,ant3 of LOB.D. effot-than-any if,lic'a ro havo ttod ]@.eratofore* T@ds constit-u4.61 an tzoonti@IV nTf -fi-Old-04% uantitativo r,,Oagare@-0-ftts-Of i@, pz&ely tl,,at of dqyvXOi4pg-q aervatio@" of tho 2 rw oixr backgo, nical -,-,nd social ob r and of cl@L lyser?,ic p c@h b a 4,ro been c-art-io,,l cn the past year,,- mre ,Tchosis w, ent will bo dev2olocod alonp,-the. precise a.,i4 objectine instr=mAt;-@@@ ort@e r,,A,ch ss polygrar@h char.,ze3 and set@-gitivity to apzcil'ia phy;aicol sach 2s flashin@i,.IiZht; ob0iol-ic-al me-ast,.re-mert-3 Of r,-rsi3teme,, i-.otivation lac@c distractibility,@ r,-.zlity po,*oeption ----rie'rneas- of a3soolationsj so4cioloAcal 6nd so@o-lal 2 -sue qua tilly of verbal rro-luction @h as Quali n v in slv@rtle@ured social rituationa ouch an prc@ble@,.a t3olvin@p, rroup m,i,i occuratio,-.zl tae.-c situat,4.<@n-2s'; p -deter.-iii%ritions of dicmsoion r@-sutal otatus (w@dch is eszort-ially a contiruation o.@.' t:ne prooent rethod of clinical evaluatio--a). Part 1. studios so studi6es w,,re carilod out ,it t:.-io Diro etors- L,S,r, as a a-trees *.vent uoon the odreri@l cortex,, v 'ju, hosen# On the cOntTol day,) is6re-IY--the uriro3 i'velve .0 -ite-ers were c worg c,)Ilected at Ipre,,daterair.-@.d Pnd --t 3-00 O'clock in tha afternoon., of ",Cills 25 r-2g.y was Po.-. ivity, of an injection "lven to teat the res 0 tho The urir@e vas oxamiped as to' ,Volumos- rate per minate; tndj chemically) as to tha conteat of Greatinine (datereired in estn-s per 24 hour.%)j 17--@:on3o to waard cor4r,,ionir4,,r in terr-3-of thlair ability to tievelop doe-I.-e4 behkv-,ior -arA to eontinuo -8uch behavi(>r ovsr long pokods -of As soou aa ttito hur= laborator,,- 2 is -set -r@p and reliable curve3 of behavior diveloped in r",aayia J-P. collawor-ati6a@wit -n li4immoilmo@- wo -pi to test effect of lysergic e-cid on th-3-be.@wvi-or cux-v-.oi* Part Vs Clinic,-41 (1) Wo vUl contiiz.,,e-as In the at yoor. to r-,*o a clinical psycldl.@,,6,ric PI, tho hel,@ t@of reaetio?-i of a2.U asibjeetsx'l@o-rtcclvc-L.St &-dga :L-i wlt'ti L.S.D. 'A"be goal L-%-thio .,Ppect of ee projec-b is Via ON-alu,-Atio.-t of Wvagordstio- of JPI eats. Ida-&2Uy -to tr %,a On Vs -feel it L""irable@ ako 6everal exterim-on' tto EArie soijecto For o=mplet -&abject iiith LS*DN,410i@@i;bjeot-vi-tli cl2rxo,--- CP vadox, consiclkerati-an alo@tiej ato:ijeclv- -,idth one-half d6@@f LTSID* dragj- tiu,bjeat with :ruli- e@o see o,4,' wU d-.-%,t,, @ial prooablv s-abject-with-ful2. do3a of oro and lialf dose of-tho others ql,hls ideal@@tu4tion ioo 1-ioveyerj, 3-"-qited by, the dc@eire of t-he ut,,bject to have V.-ic onporii,,ont r,,peated on ]illiself &rc.1 part e@TerieD@oo woull i.ndicat-3 t'@kat vez7 fe,,i vubjeot3 woul,@ sul,@,iit to ricro t),an two or t-'nree tosto during. ttc- c@)ixr;3e o.-L" a ym2c-re a re,,;,Alt ttis co:rl.@irLitiorts of drug and L,5.1)o vill be de--Ide;l i@ ez@c'@. imtane^. i.,it:i ra,@Perence to tlo of tho aubject a-d utilizatirn- of eacli individia---,5l -orperirc,-nt. NOR, psychiatrid offocto Of ilitere3W4 in the arp p (3) "I,' 'articuu :ays.U-,lblet --ant' y 2 -c acid ot v,,,, -h L.I,-r,- is Pre V,i varlarits O@ 1yo-orrle with otlwr cl"emic !ante 2IiAtions of-those interest in B-,Iostanes, r SlPnO 0 inistratio2n Of it,,tere3t (4) 1--o bave M'ts riatient$ tonts of L-GS-'C-- to otlier var W,-bimtiO--.' v 2 Of the W(e-t in this asPV v !*.us Vit.11 C-r Tne no is re--Af icatio variationq in ths ul@-&Ch h3s IddO a of b:@re as in taO ,'Pcets ab*" psy&.i-atric pictl="* pictures ar,3 -clinical -a 2 ty of s@,*toms 7m - @l- p 3 mild, tr ,AOT_L or depa t.1 Of L2ri-,sded occoroir.?, to iate"sl. 1 aded on-- a so i if idral Sy=. torl's most L-oderate 80", norral On'- of fo,;r zero V" V- or r epartu..a is @n in.-@t;kn-2ceo cer"..aL t-,Ia case of hu..Iscr libere patl .10t@ avi, cor ot end P-.tll tite miebt be ratod toms 2 ,er,@sonce of appo Of a plus eigne ci,e-as@o in appetite in ;Ln oc 3 o -ind ellrdca 2p ip eritio4 0 nge in t vi-n be imrv-ter dov PI Illy a s t'.-. ocha al beliavior. altered Ci .I2 is eta aity- to f=ction in- v-aried co CZ-biectla ab e3n t,!-,o of relate@l t-40 tt@v in his mntc')l stat'uc detor,,-,ined by ,ir f ar b _Scerit._ -03, so ho,,ir-to-hour eocia! obsorvatio'l 2 t,.v 7r p,sycht atric cv, 0 illtel Ind, ",;t ,@ctsat bee.A v- tzv4e to i-3 rccivired to coj-bin d &a be conti-iric Tlu. toot draj apqrson *kppears to 'be a Particul,-,rly 2 proo it no Part of tho rx.,r ram ut t'he EOJcct'3 ,eU ccneept arA_ 1,As frtxitf,U approach in giving leads abo uttit-ides to-.,ard: otlxors in an in-lirset but D%ea.'2dng-li'ul v4,V o It micht be tech.nir,ue a set of routtne cZuestion3 or - advieable to P-dd to tho more drWIing a& ttie -cubjc@;ct-to ascociate fMel3r to tlis f 17 2 boi drw%m,, This wquld givo he GCT"te idea of r@ich.-,iecs of -3ociation L-n rep,,P-rd to people and in re.-@ard to his as o,in crea-,ior.-s2- Tile T.A.T. r,.%iouid be contiraecl c--nA- argecl to isicludo teii possft>ly ive a-nalyai3 of on-0 c-se ia,!)-sho-in th,-tt A,,I-.ore 2has b@oona deCTOSSL g4 urider LtSiD. in contrist- to in the number of words lased wl' -@dAZ a StOrl tho r -statei tho aubjcct alc-o-ct-ent less-timo .i2-nber of gord3 in the normal on each pio+,;,.ire. V.; ricl-.nesg Of a-z-fOciatiOn co,-@ld be in,7L%vtig.,atL,,d n, o.-o 7, t@kl;s pr -- t *ay Comtirlri the words but ojeetive device by 0.0 thorouc. uc uords (rounz tnd verbs) arA deecrlptiye ipg on on-31yoig ofahe -skeleton t-araaes (atj,,ctives and2 adv'erb3) in tLe two St!-,itos sm tho.by-.othe3is could Uiat stat-o ti,.e.--wzbject, vo@ild bo less und,or the here,.b-e :@o c@reat, rroa_@uctiva 2MA gl@M ldts rioltiess in hi3 stories. ,ed that since only, three of the ten "ilorzcheoh c4-rds It is suueot fA,N-e-n c-@r-d si.-ice the is aDpzLron,@,17 L-oi-ng used in full by 2 a--a beinj ao tli,3'parLioLl "rsctvl-lc-h ani 'wor',4 vitb oth,,-r a,notl,ier groiop t-li.-it 'wo discontiw t@Tes of tests, I'@ is ougeestv tt.-at in placa ot tl-@o @tol2oacbach we uae trio Vigots,%y, T.%o test has$ in the litcrature, a report of t@t(i r@erfon,,arce of cchirophr,enice. "Alhis io oszontially a A%Oezt of %b.^,traction an-I in the a(ilai-iiistrati-on of it tts can c,"ily insist on or Jcva-A Y--rba.1 reports ot +,)@io Ideation and ttis tll-@-t i3 ri@oir.- on while t-i-i4-rig to eo t-he test. ]pp- 2 1 1 lj This pa44cuUr te,3t o'ems to be no which is a e-haup. 0 nze to thoso peo.010 of OW--rior intelligone-a ard i:s one w'cdeli aluo creates-&-oomewhAt -natural stress situation. Bemsa of ttie fonp.Llation and rojeoti(ra of hnotheses whicli io iwlolvod irs-tbe siL%.aaUcn of t'rds test t@4 aabjectts- abiliq to concertr,%to A-zi furetion in a Sitti-atio.-t can be obverved., HiG obiuty to shlft liis thlp,@king and his ab3-lity to re,-spom-1 to the o=--viner %,ho can increase or decre-ase -the stress situation by 2behavior--and-cori@@-,ent-s caa alto be obs@amed#, It seem3 &3 tlou,4 .h tllu's test &nay provide a great wealth of rAtor:Lal i,,,hich eaoultl allo,,i-fo.- 4corr-alation-vith beh,,A,@doral 2 made In other thzln the-tcs@l.,4.rg cittmtiono-- .It wM be -examim-rls-rc.-CporAi---y 5 teot, to,r,,Icces3cuny be an "arzo,,ver" or succ"efally k"b@7t@no subject wozl2zinm wlion @,e can no - Ion-ger th e fA,-ustr-.iti6n c!xri-crionce i-n itself, Sirce this is a rkotor t.ao'cp &,.Sebp-r@-0 of +,I-W-OUL -over,,Ctl2@:@@d be ob6ervpA. rerrent-tio-I d-It-stortion@i muld 0-oo be *,<,cod Omt after the t%-iat is coriplet-ed, -It woum be to ack at Vne end of tUe -t@itt-if t-be-su'ojimdt, could rp-V:Lew his rental procer-cas on tltio2-tatk which is-iAtan_g-,bl6@7ord dhere it is o7ovious-that there is a solx,,tiovt P-mi an Vn,^ti,.or he bl,-e-.es the e-xKr-iylsr-for hiti difficul,',ys bimes htrat.- with.,3n,,wstl o2r ),,ostilitZ iii Gtress end co on coul-I be-o3tim,.ttc-l or-4iyitl@dito-!7i@ore directly,, It is su@7,@ested-tbtt the pro-?,3rbs '6o-diecoptinued in tiito nc.,w e.Tortment. T'@@iis ic, 2 of tho-opparent inability of t,@ic proteat youn,?"V-.r r-t-nerAtion-to dlal ultli prov,-,r%,3 ard their Apparent lack of co.it,not vit',i tfie-m in tlioir everyt.,Iy U,,fingo Since abotmction can 2 to dealt in th-a Vieots!rq both in a vcrbal verbal lc-vel@ it tiotild set@@l ad-el*able that tlio tir,,e which is prol.)nbly ci-U thr-.-Iv tlo i..,Ul be eiven be-devotod W a, n,,oL-o 4 pereept'ual t,,;Ot r.,-,oh no t'--o in th* subject is rmv,,i.-od to rm, ro-luce Boyond drawing of this tea& it YLight be po3siblo also to uso it for ricbness oL- asooclation in i-liat, tlio svbjcct wo@xld be as!Jects *11 t@e given it 2fl-ut VnUii-- under L,,S,,Do wW t"-i havo-thr--ta tz:-co -I.t a second ti--io :Ln Their atato at w'nic;i tir,@s inwensive i-nvesfigation be rade of t7-,eir foolin.,7sj, attitudo3 F-'art Vtl,, %loci a -Studi@,-s Llstn-,T-t',-e IMAUI.5,Y Ca lr@-a as Basic Tool-of P 4@@ell - I>aring tba ,-L5ast year the inteoIA"telories have-been.appl-ied prin,arily at a time wl,,en--d@stortions occttr with:Ln li@dt of social ,sitaxations m-3t o.- soii&t out-by tlio subjoote t"urtiter extension-of the applica- tion of this mrthod are-to includo synpto,-. chang-,os-of ibe-vaxbject as rel@ated to i-nterporoonal rolations.Ups and wider variety of @@oUl situations'#- $oL-,e of tlta sittiitions -in Viieh l'u-rtlior c-tudy i3 -injicated caret 1,, croup-problem-Bolvill,2"-Oituatio-,iao -To@,re;Lo ut@ojcct-o are r.@c@d to .iottA on probleri"f -tddial and otliical naturej, &od their is to b@,,3 .qet.-,ured by, b--,r-h tnstrum2enti as Bales In-teraction Prcecou Ar.,04ais and the Chmro--r,nh in a4cli'-ior., to tzio nine 2. Subjects put to bad stf) given supportive rvarslnp 4 mid rodica! cara. 3- @Aibjccts In p@-4,,jical cports activity,, cu--rterli ---. ,nny t In Con@ufiotiOA 'Witla thCBO stuaies wo t;i.sh to vLp,-,IY the interf-,Iay cateeorica in -3 com.-arativo explontion of trier&Deutic technicu.-a 'With l,irserf,-izod subjects, ^.nd normal psy(,,I2ioties. Ju,4gicg b@r the parq ext-ant inco.-41uoive &nd often contrp-dictory_reports on psycho@ticr,"kieutic techrlques., an intensive study of the poychottioralpautic sitwtioi,, with the aid of tba interplay categ -@d.---- 2Little :ts kncr.-mo for exar-ple., -of how is adoquately or 1-4w closely -L -oistst velf;@@tation o'bout their rolea as thor-iristo are zot in an Moreovrrs with mov,iod.o the of t'42i,,rep-batic attitudes and verbal cord,@.,ct ct,n be e-N:,-,Iomd. stortions - krwj. is of L,,'-',,D, -.id Paychotic j,% tho of -visuL,1-7di-stortior.9 L-1 L.S,.D. cobjecto is plarred-to indItid4 lnvestir,.@,@ of distortiow w,@ich occur in curtl" iT,,v@istiZatiopa -oe;m in.4,icated to dot,*r,.%Lna sladl-2trity., frsqilancy2 of occurrencep an,.I-the and cidstixiz at the tlte ubea-diatortio," -oeclj-r In psfoliotics,.zrd Sue'.h a study is ex-p@e-oted to l@osd t@o-a -m@ch needed uri--4arat@?ndiiig of the n, oardn-, 2 of t' -.eao dist-ortions to Uie - pation@t myl- tleir I.-,portance- in paye@iatric - and 'xtc - of Cor@tiruation -i@iton thods cw@P r-orso s!-,v.A',Li,ation 2 Tho q-o*@rterly Repo.-t -,2) tocusea on t,!Ao do,-Aw,r.t, kind of relatoiriee3l tt%e and the de-roe of 6trea3 exoerieteo M the rLc lloeoplo e-rees.It 'i@re 2 VOOrc3 thO C@'Vality -Of- tl'.O Is lenoral -z,.ilatedness patter,,x in ter.T,3 of It=, ont-anei*.y vs. . cor.-trol" a!ul ;so *Lo,.-th KerArt ii2) & A re@port of Lhe usa of +.he rrofile o,-,d clinic4l &rilyi;is 8will @ ari,ear in A-,bo thix-,i q-.mrt-@-rly rc-po--t. Lvi,@-laat-Loro t.h.2"p-ast y%@ar bave b3on jal behavi co:nparison between tlia basic porsonality' wvi tbO 500 or before arA at the l@eleit of the L.U.D. roactiono -e t7pa of 3nalYsi$ tO t-40 total available r.di.nl -Apart :rrc,:-. ox' datin6l rlorg O:C-t,%is raturp. aro aimod 4t 4eluci rtwqb,or of cases$ fert,@ L.S*D. cubjeotls conduct, on a learly the aiter-@tions 00 tho c p t*2313. it i3 chrot,oloF,Ical hour-by-ilour Pr-rhaps evtn 0 apprale-al of e-r-peete,,' that this proecdure vould givz a mOrO-intO-"3iv ication of these rAotho,4 0 f sr ,3-frm. the apt"l the 1!,ectxere .4ptonse Th6 f cal 2and prfcnoloeic-11 wi.tb, eacla o tno rard itith clir-I vnl be integ,-ated both findiaza. "ntica in L.S.D- A Cc,,--f"rativ-- Stlzdl' Of thO Prr-M@tics; SPUet'es a rA C"@ in vit@-i L4S-ODO- eibjecto crlob difficultv bas been im3 t,,) find words ',?bich a-,'--cuately-comwzl-catO the feQ'li-li' ?s and ia ,ttemrt tl-Ue Vi4Lh- the rcr a of tl e-)Cperience le rjbjeot. -ibig i3 CIIZIAIIY 2 nu-eirdn-i litart-iblen ard ao forth as rtrang@ of -+,he dotDr4-oration of triotp,nt com,xnicate very li,%Lo-tis to a s w'nich is taking place in tho i.-4ivieiliali7- Unidta rooiin@-,$ and MOtiOll-31 PR@COO- mear4pli@-,l botli to t-,r..o are tran3lated i,,ito 2a VDC-P-bu-UrY Of mOtivO the feeli-.I'i orstard 'he ,10 e@ld 4-'O t'113 Ot'nCr tryiw to utd f2 eoli n@7,a., tira ba-crier to ca-,VuuPleatio.,t con%LFLmoo to -e@@LiGt and little aid can bo giien. The tae-;'selv bef6ro us h-,-zro is to iin'orstand wo,,r3 in uhich tr;aee tOO13-r-93 a-a2n be more ,id,-,quatoly en--I oasily describpd ar.-I in4v-erpreted.- To tiiis ecA we proa@ose ti m4@:ta an irtonsi-ra of tl-.,a recordod tiv.,r.;-.pct,tio intel-view -rA-teeAalt -T'eo-approach Is plar.,ic)d to be three-foldi 1. s-is c-r rra-",At-Lcsj th,,Lt is., a ctx.,dy of t)ie into.-Itions.. att-it@icioso aM of Vig exnr.-ssive in@olvcd in Dre or anqst-ic-is O.f tbo 2, -enCtS oie words gnd sent t-d@ of tho ralatiO-ft?,UP t i3t a a tb.- 2 f 11 inaude a stud@, Of the deeroo 0 0 this vi-- t 4ach other the e6leotivitY loosenessi precision occo,@ding to estabUOhO r associstions .flwdbility 0- 9 Of associatiorle) a Study _of co tL A grA3..v3iS dc of tl,4n. 2 of COPtent Thi$ ti -to th stxb3eet@ @tbat- e ar-a event$ c,,ad -P-Cop,13. j t-to the cub tgbout these thi-ligo sp,,!Zes rost Si-,r-Uicen or i,-a,,Y@.ativet t'.hoy be-prosaics c ar.-I t-,Ie e.,eant 2 0 t to bguidod LY la th,,o tYt-0 Of alullyAsJ' cent on -F-le a rE jiter-at,4!;'e On irclivp of Lbrenz in tte 2 $11 bf Dehavior in l@&Pic Jana-ary, 19'i3- in :L,n tha-eectMIIDtion of Ollf f loient St-udIO3 Of thO PA-$t Ye"" Ition th3-3 data ha23 Lvaol.zp,t3-on to con ttyrae sonwl of tho per beeii'gat'-q-,rel on the effect's of t-@.0 end to- 2inere-ase -th,!,@i-r- P-bilitY to und the P-Oitit. of VIC.., Of it;3 capacity hao 70t to t@O hia"e on aid patiertv,. in,, 3 knvaed&,o r@,-J,,od arA hO@f it is ,.;)=t arki ?-Irtd 0 in ,atiO.1t Caro* Sp .,Iiei b, iNo fyrobp e-.xporionoos Pro plarrted for--f'LLrt""er studyi I* Grouo ac-s-gions Asill be 1,.eld uata personn--l wlio have had tha ovi@riewe to dotertino thi@l- extent of the knowlodgo tl,oy h-ive f?,aired-in the of psychotio p-atie,.-itso Them will be group reetings L-i w',Iich versoarel-w-@,o h@ve had L. S.D. and odkt6n.,-,el ulio- hl),,ve net ta.'4en the drug um partleipate$ the -lattar sex-vin,-, a-. ihis io oxpectod to provo uaeful i-n a C-.or.A-ral progr,-,a for poronml in patio-at menatorerto- (DO A, TectddcOl B. P fa"q:giona@l -o 2s5OO- al ewubjcct$ I:hotograp4 2 2004 FepriAt$ 5004 nt T r at-- TOTITL cortinuo 00 Of Tho respor,-3ible ro6-e 7 car- 0 0 ir Auc,@ist 19 -1934 De ar. 'Is' -to Inform you th a r--,y f ormerOOROM mur@bc-r h,;.s been c-li @r Tn is to t"O not try to -redeh me2 at'the old No col-leat c@,lls@Vill 't@@@ted7Wtb-is nir-lber. neerely, Port -.d