7 November 1960- NZMORA.NDU4-M@.-- THE-RECOFO@@@@ SlMjWT@ .@MMTRA, SW*tojeet --7!*7tWPos"f this memorandum is to correct-an-orror made in the ori inal of thi$L2$Op)@oject by amendit!gA@@@ del-eu-the revi in for an accounting I r the-ftt&d-@l-ed to ond ble receipt fdi@@tbose-fund6-@ 2@@- The tt&ffsaotion with v:OlWd hisiagreement to prolud4@@2@idb@vm,@@ a speeific-slibject for the sum Of4l;WO-400 and-&@--@h-represents an agreel@@pr_ice-for a speeif iod@-@@@@@accumulation, ofT6*oAqWf which -an--a@c o@unting could- be -made. 5 TSD/Ret6t"h -BrpAch Date Orig only$ V4$ be ablo to traAW42it tO you t@* follovit4= 4@n th Ohl for 4,11aer-W ot or Thtse:furAg-re esent a contribut@-lwfortbe U"-Of-YO4@!,- director !rA Ing out the v*ry vorumbile re a C"Iry _ of your wganita?'Iouo youfro truly, the n of Dk RI satief"to coi es 161 Nnt Li vu omo*r TAY* 04 NO yo. I eovoring the -4boft-$Vb§rpjiot is ?1#$A"OrnLr4 the cb*A2A to ajiti, TSS/Ch-emia'ai Division,, thro-4b */Mo@(offictro no later tbaa 27 %TVZW 1958. 3- repre"nto tbe-total ammnt-at@MA it 2 11 be ob3J-p-tiid for this-PrOJ*Qtp- patea tbat-matiowl furiwvi wouia not bt elo#od. Ole IVE MMMIOW 5 Chief iagddo&l Division Att4kaMent$ I Uvgioo - &rA Certiti Distributiont oris 2 12 [gel le 4L+ 5 g; 1958 lo JW" :-yxuLTRA-S,j@,alect 85, SUWEOT uypqrt th- 2 so of-Subpro@eet 85 is to 3 I The ilu Of Dr on buwa bloodL-grOUPG. on's Of th,;Iiming-investigatore -od:-@tic stand. 2 on bloodl points. 1 study vill' He Vill survey on-bloodlgroupings from-th-0 forensic inolude.LU@bis suriey2 the I-au-st- inf6mstion groupi4o@i77The-atta&ed proposal gives in detail::@@@@ vork to Wdone-s- @=Z*-total-t"t of tb6-proJect f6-r--6"-ye4r is eatimated-t@-@@ 2 be tl.,00aoo. - TO this -ftm- mu@,&,,@adudle L a f making the B- percent.service charge to total amount $lso4o.001-0- 11 fu4otion 2 ti t]A of OW-p@roject is cover for this-gre4t-- -0-6" ivp""Ig@W beiiig-4uW&ted by a resem@@ grant frcm the ]p=Ution,--Cbar a aliould-be maU against Allotment 9.2502 10 0501 The project cominences-l@ -@1958----- . 4. submit a,(@-umm-ar@) The Fd=Ution-bas requested accounting of monies received-and to return any.unexpended 6;"t,funds at the e@d@@a-the WJect ar. 5. it7-w@-b@utually *g@W- tMt aocumentation-ud aceountin& for travel expenses-v'alch are reimbureablio@@@'Uniytj@iity-oball@ ConfoM v2itkCAb4@A&@ted prwtice-s-of tbatinstitution -Th ix mont%O infcrmopl on the part-@of 7---Dr.@@e cleared throvgb TCP SECEM-4@nd- of the true P4;pqqe of the programi, APPROVED,. ----------- -DiVis on TSS/Cbemical AUME&R 6 GATXON--O?-RJM)S DoLte: L Distribution: Attaebinent,. BLOOD-GROUPRIM--- individuals, PURROSE-. Estab@hin&.-@nd ing "tilue identity' ff either agqp@@ staff, through the medum of 2blood is a ftxed -oli-ar ,me fact of beionging to a definite blood group .Iffio- -- w- lffi hun-Laa being and can be altdted nei - er e lapse of time, blood transfusions., nor intercurrent disease& 13@2ermin@mg the vt6@@ewe of factors in the blood.%-- d - Fuithermore- Wincreas4@ degree of ae ing tl,-e nu rogression ,and2-dertvation Of the chances offspring al f n of our overseas case To&y, because o Y@ft.)Id d reassignJnOnts tLi- 'xn-g- - erifi66"f !§* nets within denied 2 officers, coupi areas for varyi.ng p@@of the question upon tlle exfiltrati" dlib- ag@*0) is_:_ tMa age@t@ftie one we se-,It in It is hoped that this- twe Of identification can be accomplisheo 0*@O@ taeaum of blo2o h- efek6t@cei-7@lf no- filed for-ihit r --ii- e identification What could positivi-- exclusion can be mad,4- if notpos tW 0 a better method @@@g apenceuationt. -an- Liw of inheritance a,,id derivation of off spring h6ldd-.true, the se@ree@ning and identificadomlo@laced per- sons, immigrants, line crossers, or any questlwd individ'ual clM*14tfamillal_ relationships and direct 2 en@ban@cedlhd expedited. TWLEMENrATIO'N-. In order to implement this Ngi-J@@ialized tecludque, a defthitd-@am---- of research is U4id4W that WM-6hdOffTimthe folyow-ing A. A fea2sibiiity-atudy to dadtmijid the worthiness and effectiveness of such a technique@@@be@e 3 d by a cover srady on "the determina- tion of paternity Ys non-@@@ thrwgh blood jeitam:tnations'@ 1, introduai"- - 2 2,, HistoricaLA*ects 3. identfncation of blood .hv&UNIZ.,kTION AND-TH-E-DISCOV'ERY-OF BLOOD GROUI@ SYST&Nts 17 TiEm 2 0 1000 ABO(li) Ai; A2; B;,f@) lo A-. B 0.3-t@22 C., cw;- C C.4@ C; C'-, a more__ D-. W; d-, D 2 6, 0 a E 0.1 -0-SM-, O@31 2 m;x@@ -lot m 8,6 eme ftc& 0 u 139) 2 H,l K 3 X- -0.1- o@09 3- Fy None 2 ]@Yb Mdd 4@ - W--- Vi-tv few o@39 Jkb, 2 (,A*) -3 of Lt, 0, 37 tm%,mn Li@ 2 iE@@ None 'None PQ 2 Hidk-" Low INOIDt@i@ BLOOD CROUP FA-CM- R-3 i.cide.ce of - source of 2 fator in -tntizenic popuutioo ttsted sti-iulu hy ([44,143o4 Ti@ 3- Nbtd--- 3in(Ulr- WMIWA Pma-iiey?-@-- Ulkis. 2 pftt- ad Mb-- 2 of Tikt (143) M@l (Mi") 3 I am* 0,/320 Preg"ncy - @iw U47) B., 3 1 c4" 01143 Tramfusions - Of2 band's blood; 2 pregualley t4"Y 3 None to O/W Tmudus,,Dn 2 &W:@ --- or NIOU4 Non* 01191 Unknoim .%bblna (14,I) 3 NO-6 I C4@A 0/120 Prec-nAncy bftlbk (141D 3 None ease 0,,I-, I - Pmg-r THE.HUMAV-13L4DOD GFTOUP FACTOR8 t8 of 2 dl' $6tir-lu@Im@c Wright WE, V@ne 70 : Tmnduak2e - 10, 3 Tel (149.1 3 None FY69mancf Veil (1426) 3 Oi prig-ay Diego (131)- -- iioolltodcauca- Uukno- v (i2n, 153. 158) - 3 1 bidAw7im netrova& ? 01740 2 3 9 . By 3 None oi5,)o uukwwn 2 3 2i3, C-he (I$Sb) Cht' _ knone I (I -- Ca 3 None Din D@ piwauty? 1(*i,371 "qeg- Rotated tO v (15" Rh.Hr-i@'BWG 2 3 - NOLO NOUI ollwo Am.med, WI a number Of PONI- w,a, - inclu:t*d-tb Bood on 0. @ud B.-i tiving t I bic vndt,,@ b;.-it- 300-. D'@ kw l@rcauding Rens2haw &.a .1 -t-us tsma b .1aty "bibuted very frf4ueutly ir, a "Mistioik wit 4 t*v-au-,, P. L40tmik@A,TION AND TttE DIA-COVL"RY (P BLO"'D "ROL'P,gYSTE" TAWILIU--Mi:N BLOOD IG'AOUPS tmri"tq P. .bl. inconw-atible 2 -ijitt, I"togis -- for these Ant!rAs - acs 13 2 anti p" 1000 births 2 mlt A, D. D reactioat- feuns 2 A; B- 0.3-1.2 ASO(B) A.- Al. B. 0 10 Rh-Hr C-. ew; C". czc-. 2 C.. c7i*7 1) 4.0 E, 41 a 2 B Ns's x 31 0, 37 s@ a 8 8; I cax fteb, 2 its (d. 132) nci-@ - --- -- -- --- -O- I --- N 3 IK-. l@@- IC o@ 09 Duly 3 j@X- -- - - Iks - 2 fi*-. 0.31 'Wi TA"i L4Ahera 2 3 No" None P; C&-. Q@; (P),. (q) ti None Nome Mou on t@w INCIDZN.-IC BLOOI> OROLT-2P FAtIrOR3 i lnci&nc-- of source of factor i a antipn2ic population fc*ted atiiiiululi 3 indir- 5m.,Um Pmgtancy? JAY 014. 14-U. 'b& 3 None - - (Tib)--- "IL 2 Re- pmt- age& 2 9 DUN &It- ti- 2 Ti@ti- mi@ (uh 1 *"a oi320 P"Mncy Smt*,@k (IA7) 2 Do" 011"3 TmnafumiQu4 of hull- 2 band7s blood; 2prttuauey 4DM,b a (140) or 3 None None 01191 vakwwn Jbbbim (Itl,) 3 soze 2 I CAM 0,'I,20 PM-ney 3 emae D"w (141) THZ.HUXAX BLOOD GROVP-PACTOPS -3 Ili277r. prognAW)i Wright (130) W's 3 2 eum "C@., Tmnatua" 3 No" I es" prog-ne I 2 Von (146) V clas. in, 168) I case Verweyst (134) V-.-(Sanw u Nil)% .3 pregnancy 2 '4.lty (t. Pr6gagnay - 9&) - By 3 Nouo C,b,ts (lUb) - Cbe 3 Nano 2no Unknown---- Oitt ID, I?reiiii",'Yf C41"ClerO (]W) C,& 3 qoue ? 2 V (13W V 105,VI Negroes Related to Rla-uf 3 2 pmnaucy (134)- -Ra a None None 0120a Amumed, not actilany ideact 2 Bued on o@e ii "@@d X@-- o Living tiki,@i eht66bid@ U F, f &re lnduded,-tbe number of pooll- btO PUG*-PC$ bl.400 2 an& 02 bay@ gw bwa dftcribed (twi$2). t EK?Jadirg R6h*hiif (M#)F"d HuAter (Hu). Anti-We found vndely distributed very frequeztly in sa&Wiati,,n with artl-E