'JAC @@ri-nt Fiii@ial Statement JiLne 30, 1958 id July 1959--- Fi@ids received 43,052.00 F.xpe,nditures 2 18,864.68 Equ men 194@-14 supplies ---422452 Subj6" -testir@V- 800. 00 2 38 OWthead Apparatus -3 units 9 90. o@o Total expenditures . 43 110.72 Balance July 1, I 59 Defleit ($ 58. 5 co.untan July 2,1959 At OD 2 Scope*. This proposal covers-the design develottent-and fabridi%ti6b@@Of three- .direct writing--three-channeJL-reeordere.displAying respect 1. proseure-ehapgas ibduced-in--a-pne@matic-o 2 .@ the upp!qvarm-of a 2. cbea+. x@@@movements detected by.a rugged transducer strapped around -the- chest -,with a- slip-proof- buckle,,.-@ '3. ,*in re3i-s+.ance changes detecte.2,l by a7n electrode device furnished@V@6@pur Specifications, aenereli@Th67unit wil -be-Wtable weighing--ikpproximately 30 lba.j and will biO@ housed-in@-a,-hand@@@fibreglase-unbreakable 2 carrying case- idi - ---t Ball point-pens AV-s orage -dizien@-ions of tely 9 x be used. Cverall s -case will be approxima inches. P6ver required7viU be 115 volts 60 cycl2es.- QuaLi@@-f materials---------'- and workmanship wiULb""ocordance with b@@at matid6t* Specifications, Detail& a singl"ll of paper Chart Papere.--3--s6pArate grids will- be-- used 2 ld6ntifYing nomenolitiie"l-l appear upon-eio'h-gr@d*----- of 2 inches video 100 Chart Speed.--Fijt6d,,--6 lnches@-or-iminute,, Controls: Adeqtiate - controlt--thd@@libration means will be provided In accordande with tbod engineering 44sign, Operating In3truotiorsy--Maiut,6n@6-nde--e(nd operati@g7ibbtruotions will be provided.;: Construction: ChAssis wilill*2:r##" removnbl6 And vill have'loa"-air vents and will be hold in place-by magnetic fe,stenere@ Delivery,. One single ChAhdbl-unit--t@lete with case and transduceres operating in accordance with the above-specific.sti2ons vill-be delivered A&-04",tt within 33 days from the contract avardi@@Thi#@filrat model will be a @ff returned totim upon delivery of the first of-three recorders ultbin koe;p 45 days from"w@contract-avard. Delivery of the remaining-two recorders- viU be effected wit3hin 90 days. August@8, -195o D Dear I PROP-OSALILL@@ Ti-tree@@(31 Biol-o-gicai--!,@esponse -Recorders-with- 3 0 2 - -------- pen f---6" Der-:@minute-- cor@plete -tilth-pen-motors7i;;@7 n and-chart paper rol S, Total:7@itt@-,-. ...@19 940 00 casn w Term@s; 71000900--- it2i;@@er@---Balanoe.on- ;a -de t coeptance of Ive (Molete@@ ianits@ ent on de livery Delivery:-- Oht@W6tkabl6 61bglo-- ohanrel. instrument 2 which-will d6M6nstrat@6@@prov"h prinolpl6@@@hb-@@it"ithin 45 days after-recelpt-of@Lorder.---Co-m-olete--order--- within 45 to--90-days-after receipt of order, - Gene'rai i-7anager r cc to ,To r YOU DATE OF-INQuiity---9-16-58 'ItMi-30 DAYS-WU. 1% 10 DAYS.--------- 2 L An -EXTES -CATALOG NO. 0 E S C It-UP T I 0 N QUAt4YIIY@ UNIT PRICU7 e@cial PLASTIC Y.OLDED HAND ELECTRODE ASMMLY@: 2 @3 es. let 50.00 SY Pbysiological--R" onlys With leid@7@onneotors DATE PR)CESSUSJEC'TYOCHA.NGE 2 September 22, 1958 SHI.PWNIS WILL BE MA.DE F,O,L Dea-tiniktion SHIPF;NG CHARGES WILL 8 YOI)lt PREFERENCE ON YOUR ORDER) COLLECL" ORDER WILL Di SHIPPED TrLid,,c 2 SHIPMENT WILL BE MADE At'time of delivery-o corders AFTER RECEIPT OF YOUR ORDER. PLLkSe STATE WHEYHEit TAXA05.f OR NONTAXABLE THANK YOU I July 1958 we gn --t6--tr&asmit to you the follo@ri@ -plea"d-wte abid fwiiet dravn 00 7 Tbo@e@furvb--represent-&-dWtribution-for the-use-of your, duvetorsti-7Wrying out the very wo-rtbvblli@@arch-goelt@- of your orgaiii d@ruly 'kip ko = 'Do- 3 t 00 4k 17 4ure 10 th* D"-t6-l" 4nd the "TWMW a 2,3 AVil! 103 t*4@t tbit mAb-Dri 2 approved tbio v"r-O bm 'bwo Chioti As OBUGkTi@., CF-Fmt 2 1 CKTIFY THAT A.R-,, AVAtLA5LEI O;LIC-ATiCtl! CHARG,' TO ALLOTK.' T A!JTilO Orig 8; 2 i -Tssl2w 20 j@Ans 1"0 -DVM.00 /&Ida vu Us WjW= ot No-l- -=LTmi-- @86# Twol ab2o" attaobodi be =40 follva I the-oz"t of $%2A= (4Wa the *Momt 2% Division, @@@-Tee/bAot Offi"rv no lat-s-r than xon&v- 30 June 2 04 repm"A tb4 total awamt -*=*Atly autboritid@@@odbl"jot@@@@j, sino6 it@is antici-O Patel that sautio--ml twA* vill be obliosted-foo this piojoct 2 i - famuld not be-olo"d Cbitf TS$ Att&cbmiits I A N--I, Distrib4ions Orig 2 09" 4 C zwoicl yor "rvlot$, 4b la w mb 10 CoomaTIONS, subproj*,*+. $676t7*=PA- ttiat -portotranoo- 2Is- "tiste4toryp that bg A"400 -mutual -rvioes-an bel ItibM In e4.40ed&" vith that a to -WA TW/Col;;tbat-thiO b:Lll@W44V*47w"ot OrAth&t D&YMU#4 tbersor hu not yet been mail -tbat-thle lh*adt applico--@ (2) lt;lCbti*by:o#)t@itied to 86 of HmTak -wah -V"--fuly 4i@4@@mA that the -WQmt Is being fm tbt-DCII-to the DD/A,--RA--tbs extension of.thit-@@ty, In sub4-@@- ?Ase&vth Director DRUV - SUBJECT NMTPA 8 -t to the Department-of 14edicine.-,---N6urolbkY-Divi of Me4ici to support PH&WII @of --the and p,2-ocedures--u-ndertakea @by@/CD ty. of aminiatur-e-recordib&:U4@@@@@eensiLigunitb-@@----- now in use--.-:b"fica--of- a 2.ces-a re identical-with@@@t nov:pr ine.2 Tlae b-uild--UnA- ires and subjec*.iniz them to atio!a re(raired-to seze -th, vill coatinue as during- ,se I -to time, porsonnel of A project Pb,,o 2 perform feasibility and bie@@@@ Phaze@IIT program.; am-wd-:-envisions------ the prodxicti ich more reliable@46tifttco of the stress reacti@d-in-bumeLn beings if any s5uch ters-can-Wfdun 2- - Dr-- Associate cl@inical-P of YAacine-(Neiimlogy) rect .1@l moai@tor. a@nd participate in this project as Vr@@pal idv-eatiga@or-withiii- the School of Medicine) The tot-of tbid7@@@@:j6f one year----- is estimAted-at-$42 052.000 -To-this sum must be addedL$1,682. r f nt-seryice-charge to epresen@ing a: our Ing t@,,q total 2amount $43io734-08@--iti P6tmdation vill-functi,6n-A@"tout@:704 76ti6t- for this grant, The cover title-of the Mject is, I n supported by 7A7@- 2A& research gr=V@ftbd "it 5 - The Aotal t@ will not exceed $43-,T34:,@08. ebdt&o@:@@@d,-.-against-Al tment------- 8-2502-10-001. 64- Th- has requested the2 b@n-iversity to submit-a- suwtary accounting of and to return - einy-unexpended@@--- grant fuade-at the -end of -the projOWy@k@@ 7. Title anyv*@@t@#@to@ntpurchasedbyfunds granted to the -UniVd3"ity7aall be retained by them in lieu -of higher overhead rates& It i,,as - mutually@ OL@@@@tion and accounting - - - for travel expenses-vbich t@tt reimbilweabld@by the University shall conform vith ttk-- accepted praztices-of that institution.- r-a-six--mo-ntm, ihfort6 ace ng on the part of the I i 1- in@,e6tigator -is vaived.- lo.- Dr.@ is-cleared thrmgb TOP SECRET@"d-it-i ARM he basAgm20@AO of the trueF@@-Qf the VpWgi. @l_ comply vith@-:@@t*ments-of@@6-Meind@@ of grq;kmen e TSS/ 1 D Sion 9 -L -ON- APPROM FOR.OBL GATI OF se De tA Attachment: Distribution: %,IMF 2SAoil 1958 Gentlemen: We are desirous of lb@b rtain-a@@@- of our pr,e@ent activities in the screenidkud Odlditing of new tranquilizers wit2hin the N,@uro@hysiolo'gic-al lf-Neu@l rsity School of MecUcLae Of -f6@@arcli 7be scope the ls----o--utl-m@efin th.e-attached-t@@h proposal. Out laboratorles-hAti@@en equl2 d@@@d- actively engqgi@@@- As a nucli@-u@@ for neurophysiolo" r6search for a @@@le period of times rea the present ptoNW,_-th@l_laborat with an 8 channel Grass -Model2 polygrapb,-3 BEG@@@ @@ h%ditton EMG It is our proposal to conduct investig4tloo$:41og the following Iiii@ in order to produce a simple,-- rapid;@@:@oNi@ttive-tes--t-fdtt-dteehing and e-valuating new "tranquilizers". 1. Dest-engineer and construct two (2) prot typ ".Polygraphs with @ir iaherent--A&"tW$. 2. Evaluate-and standAtdV" prototype, -@-dom and select populations. 3. Compare the effacacy@@ oxototypes vs-existing-polygraphs in measuring 2 physiological i-e-sponses in man quantitatiwly. 4. l@tte rmine the degride of variation and the-ext#ht of accuracy between the prototypes and our present screening techniques. 'Me follovang Is the proposed arly bu o- ..Neuroph (M 1/2 time 400O.-O Fellow i-@-teurQp4yg*& (PhD) ftffl time 70 Technlcl 2 (1/2 time) 2 000. Tecbnician -electronic (1/3 time) 1, 7 W-4 l@@ Subjects, eiww 630. Totalsalarte@@and--w-a-g--"------- 19,800.00 2 University overbead-14% SWI@total 22,152-S-00 Equipment and apparatus (incl 2 prototypes) 19,200.00-- Supplies 7W- Total 4p, 052. 00 2 la view of the fact tMt depift6iental req4lto#@@@d budvtary allowancesmustbe@@@@-bVj#@(@l--195;7f6tti@@@academicyear,------------ an early reply.by-y**Ul*-googy4 la-t-ed.--- 2 e ..... . ... May 20 1958. Li This Is a be added to the,- assigned t An additio suppld-n--ten-t of th-e-ab6ve-amoun2t *biad obtain polygraphs instead of tWb@@ bF @,i&W@of th ruction of- tbb@three units total $ 19 990. 0(t- whereas the-tb@@t of tWb@@its-is relatively the @dihe- it is definitely to our advanta to h4Vit@@dditional imit mad1e Your immed@Late attentic&to@the-AbdV@Crequ&A-will-be extremely helpful in finalizing our terms with the manufacturer. cretiry@@Treasurer low METYIOHANDTJNI FO-.R-.@-THE-BECOIID SuBjEc@T. Discussion with M of the Office -of the Gen ral-C@6@ 1. On7MWI957-Ihadadiscussionwith-Mrsii9mil 2 of the General Counsel's Office @lbout llly ng as a -consultant for the Agency afte' mySg;4gnation an r 44 receiving compensation f6"rofe-ssi6iiAl--s-ervices-rendered in that------ ould in any way be- a violation-o n . f- 2 capacity w a the -so@.@ill4d fie confli't-of -interests statutes. mr.@@@. stated that c could not see how such activity n- @w -Violation of ou )@-e-a the conflict.of-interest statutes in any-way@@. NEL ,Distributiori:- Orti & I - -TSS/CD-- TSS/C (8 Ma@ 19 7) MEMORANDUM-FO-R.- THE-RECORD SUBJVC ---',@@Aut oritit R@6-fer-e-n-c-e---r--e--q-u-e-st- fr----o----, 22 May 195b..- za to- d--b,----- refere nced I 2 Authori t' n requeste a ove- et ran ed----- 3 -195 by tc-,Iep4one- 0 M@@ 8 May 22,1958...,--,- De view Of tti6@@@ rsity School of Medicine isAMOOk-l@@ fro first part of the-coming yeai, ifi6ie 2i @Wil "nd curtailment of activities in all departments. ,NloreoVer, with the consolidatioa of adftiiAifttdtW&-p@&@@ and'sections, the------ question of security and c6ver-b@6@iiie"ttOt VVON@@@ With the above hindra--n-- it.,W2dUld be more advanta Sim t( pl@;Lce the tggea=h outside labo IlUties has bd-e-n- by the- Univers With your concurrence - - the n the development of polygraph Lr University Seb dicine- -and Room 1 ect-si@mld fulfill the reouireinents specified by you. Phase I S'n.cerg4ziy--yQurs PROPOSAI,@@ A..considerable amount of planning and designing has been expended by the undersigned on specifi-c---Pj@Olems in B@r--an-ch TSS/CD. In order to maintain a continuity of direction and effort-, it- is ther4fo--r-e prof@04ed thatAhi@L@erv7ices-o-f tht undersigned be utilized on a continuing basis in the folld*iiit@areas: A nd d rec researcl"nd-development of a graph. B. Design new and more refined physioloizical-me asurements- for 2the-dC&t@cti6"f--decej@@(",--infra.red if"diati6"-,--- 'tes analysis)--- voice-halrmon C Cdhsolid table information fo ..ELep ion D. Monitdi-, direct an d/or activ@qy parti2cipate fr'om the' stand- point gf TSS C -in tti-e--t@arch-@@ducted within Subprojects-- -56 and No-,-- -72 N6@ E. At-the specific -re--q-u-e's-t of -TSS/Crl@-,-n will evaluate the rellabilit-y-and --V-alidit" mpleted research proj". F. c6f"il@- spia6i,f te probl6t@i@7at the- f@@oest of - TSS / CD. G . Report on-general scientific and niidtcal meetings attended. H. Act as medical consu2ltant, and whenever feasible and mutually -p4t46 in- TSS - agreeable, 'actively /PD operations and support functions.-- 'Arrangements have been made for the aopointment of,-the undersigned as an-_Assistant Clinical Profes'sor'of kiedi N&U"IORY 8 Divisi U fversity School of Iviedieine, 2 The following- i6@an -estimate of funds needed to cover the program outlined above- f or- a period of -one year: Professiona@Lser-vices 0 00 -@@ 6, 00 Secretarial'services 5 2, 500-00-------- Consultant fees 500.00 Supplies, ex-pendable 600. 00 .$9, 600. 00- A W, rl9 13 25 AprU 1958 Dear 'Me attached project- response to your'@@'rrent requirements used in -for - 2 the detection of deception Specifications @q@-pglygraph wtH be@@@dance with -those- sugpsted in the attached memorandum entitl Due to the necessity and stan purpqq@@-@@- research proposal was subiherged in academic and medic4,.,tip;r-mi;iology-and 9 form. I hope that this proposal wLU fulfill-6" your fti4hy press requirements. Slik SI cret asurer 7 PROJECR: HNTROD(JCTION: Today, anxlety and stre- ss- are- recozaized as a concommitant Put -of -ey!@@--- day living. Simply for the sake of discussion --and *011-i@&cognizing the existihg dispute over the meaning-of- ety;IW"a-n consider anxie, -as-essentiauy a function because it is associated with delayed action, choice of action self reflection of motivation - and &ke capacity for projection of the-self -into the future. T'ho-- concept of sttes.- revolves around the arousal of anxiety2. In general- iety can anx be ELroused by any conditidii@cti threatens the integrity of the organism.- -M any stimulus may in principle. arouse an-aivxiety response because -of-the particular meaning of threat ft may@h4ve. acquired-for the Da-rticular ind2ividual involved. How- ever, we can dis"-A-sh a class-of stimuli which is more lik I-Ar to-produce e -a dis- turbance in most tndividual,3-,,-the term "stress" can I-,e applied to this-clasi§@bf conditions. Recently,, there, has ap2ooared a grolip of dru --- Imown as "tranquilizers" gs that have establi,.,@,hed their effdaty@ in Ow@matment of anxiety and stress pro-- - blems. The term "tranquilizers' Is awan@@ to describe. the peculiar type of -ypnotic, eff@ects-evoked hich -sedative and h -b@administration of these drugs v differ from those produced by-known-substances such as barbitux@ates-w" their heavy central inn--bito actMty.-- Characteristically, these "tranquilizers" pro- ry duce hypotens2ion with bradymrdia.-hypothermia, respiratory inhibition, - and a redu-cl,ion of activity of the sympaLT)etic re&Wating centers..; 'hemical syntheses have-pro&ced such an al,arojog 4btmdance of these new medications that'accurate clinical app-raisals becotii6 a_ physical impossibility from 4 the sheer force of numbers. @A semple, rapid, objective te,.4t that will demonstrate trt man a pharn),icological effect confirmatory of animal experiments and chat will evaluate the comparative effectiveness and safety of the new drug when used in pla^-e of accepted medications Is certainly ln&&Wdi@@ PROPOSAL -illerefore it is our proposal to conduct investigations along the following lines in order to produce a-simple, rapid.- and objective test fo-r@tcreentag-=C-- evaluating ne,,y "tranquilizers" .7q 1. Design,, engineer and con2struct two (2) prototype o@oo k&WoolygraPhg with their inherent advantag@@ 2. Fvaluate and standardize the prototypes on random-and feli@dc pulations. 3. Conipate the ef4d@@@f t"ototypes vs existing polygraphs la measuring 2 physioloee,@@nses In man_V@@itatively. 4. Determine-the degree of VAtiation-and the extent of accuracy between prototypes -and our present screenjng tecbniques.; 713e above proposal is- only an attempt to answer c pressing need.- it must be kept in mind that there Is still an -ex7ist better sensifiv reliability in quantitating physiological responses in man. - Definitive steps can I)P- --Liken to modify and refint the present methods of ph stological m asurements 0 y -2- NffNATURE POLYGRAPH There exists within the Agency a continuinii recmirement from the Division of Security for improvements and refinements of the current lnstrumentatiorlused- - - in the detection of "tion. Dtf-@@@ better -methods for-1h"t& changes ia emotional stw are sou2ght. currently, t-v-41i@rl-l-Lraph Is utilized by The instrument is ne e Its Inherent weaknesses-md faults, Revisions and refinements of theVt&@@@in-- strument ire critically an.dttgeng ded@7'lbe folldwiii"roposal is2 an attempt to meet this ur -gent need and ig based on the Yariuiis criticisms-and suggestions of the polygraph operators- in the field. Ilidie-@- this Project is designed to answer some of the cur-tent operational probl6die@@-- PROPOSAL It is iherefore----- d propq@@ 2 a ex s ygraph by transistor,izing@all component ed wirin b. Incorporate-a# new recordift4@ s@s-t--e- -mc iii I fth4- -)-d- 2tin ink---- p ace o., ee s g writers. Repackager e c@l !ppoii nts into one or two units, effectively disguised a.9 items use e.g. radt6@@ling ba -etc, 2 gs The a to be t;i@4@d by the he,*-model a-r-e-- a. II&L weigtt and easy portability b. Capable of Vithgtahding U- se and se due to ru dness and compactness. c. Ease of disguise and-conce d. N-- loss of evaluative proztdure due M id--ntleal tracings. e. Minimize wearing parts - f. Simplification of function to minimize operator errors, carelessness, and instrument failure. Minimize the failure of expendabld OftiO@S to offset "chali, reactioif' failures. h. Ease of field ieoairsr through cative screws, plug@i-a assemblies And-- A components, removeabld-@ls bhd A&6ssi2ble check points i. Easy assembly, - adjustm,-nt, -disassen-Lbly, --niainlftance and repair.- Built in calibrati6-n--with automatic standardization k. Perma-nent-operating til@t-ons-attached t6-the instrument. 'ne above 2proposal-is onlTA"ttempt to answer--t-pressing need. It--mu-st be kept in mind that there is still --a--n--existWg)*@@@@ish better sensitivity and reliability in quantitating physiological'ii6tpO"es in-- -man-, e@ methods 2 Definitive steps can l@e taken to -modify --- d -of g. util lieu of the physiological n,.easurenients, e. eu b e pneurrvatle chest tube;-amd)" f the sphygmogr@p4@L----- 1 place 6 -Vol Furthermore,@.@-y-provacative sil stions have been raised @hat warrp ,,,ims@ption MEMORANDUM FOR- THE RECORD-@@-; SUBJF,CT Establisbi*g-aiid substantiating the "bona fides": of agent and/or@staffpersonnelthrouglitecbniques-andmethods other than int- 1. BACKGROUND,. 'Me life blood of inte2ul e Is information@@ Collection of tnfb@tWis-@--- - Characteristic Aaivi@@@@@@sinesse--Accordi-ngly--- the @most an intelligence orgp@@Ation X Cannot exist until It does @i broad and s--- tematid@- 2 YS job of collecting. But in this very task lie-iftdthodol6kical-@problems-which-aro:ao-- tough as to be almost lnsolvable and in theft-WidblVdd state-are a Dp=ewd source of inefficeneyi A certain important fracd" t2he knowledize which intelligence must produce is collected through bi erein begins P@@s the major methodological probldiW@6f did-@eddon stage of the intelligence process,' It begins with the c-orog44pl@qptation of the clandestine services This com- 2 p@rmentation-is dictated by@ft established necessity of secrecy@@ absolute min- i@mum of people must know,"anything" about the operation @ and the greatest amount -biU@§tattendits@@n@ove -Butunlese.the-clandestine of caution and dissimulation services watc2h sharply it can become Its own worst oaoniy, For if it AU6wtVid mechanisms of security topu@@@toite of the most sigtdffcant lines of guid- ance,, ft destro-is its own reason for existence,- - - - -- I With a high W@@M of Impenetrable secrecy, ft is constantl in danger of coucet- 2 y the wrong infdrmAd&VW not-coROW4@j"gbr@L@s danger Is-intensified bytheyerywaytheelandestine-servlcga-@@. Itinvolveshighlycomplicated "tradecraft" techniques - cland6gtih6-@@@tment @nd harL&ing,- nets 2 and sub- nets, security and reliability of communications, and so on,@ - Isolated btil@o sooritv barrier, the @erfecting of these technl(@*s sometimes threatens to become an end To concern ourselves@ with a specific problem, then, how can the "bona Rdes" of an agent or staff Individual be established-? Today, because of r9apid changes - and re@ua!alents EliggiiiVtse -a- s case officers and the.continuing operations -of - al@en ong per ds of time, the -Paramount question arises upon "b&@ifide) is he the same person we s=ed witit ? tf Aorst yet ting net, Rhas the coas' p ati6n agent substituted for Any means by which we can increase to the maximum degree -the -element of identificatioa wfll-2in turn enhwce the acc-eptibility-and reliabilit@(@the information obtained.- 2. MLEUZNTAT Im order to increase- the maxi-mum deo@o@ of Identification, the following techniques and methods -are suggested: Ak. Polygraph On a current basis., thepoly2grap@,h is used extensively in @ attempts to es - tahlish "bona fidi@C " 'Me roblems of_ utU#lp4 the polygr4o"poi44yjk7777 overseas areas. are -numerous -- Ir, an effdftlo @@ and improve the resent polygraphic techniques..- a three pt -ase research p -r -ogram is proposed2 1. MihaWrize and koo4ekA-ge -@h&-existing@oolygrapblc equipment W. the advantages of -c-,omp@4@t;.. 11 e -bOti@k concealment simp ity &tn Ss 36 iic o2f operation and maintenanef,, and rugg@@-. --('s6d'dtkh6d al 2 ModW and refine the Dresent methods of tologicalmeasurements-@ phys -ii&ain in lieu of the cumbersome pneumatic 2 eg utilizing a small tube; utilizing i@oWog-&-UytoOOce@loi@mograph in place of the sphy&Tftoappb@@@@@@-- 3. Detecting and develo-ping--n--e--w--a-nd b@&@---m- e- a--surements of emotional stresse-efgo thtta-@,@@@4#*000;7#iyOlOgraph B. Ideal bto d@fd& A systematic and methodical @d6@l!dd"f @dd@t wiU render maximum support in'cases -of questioned id6htily@--- Uy ac 2 I Dactyiogrgp@y@@o@@.z has been universa cept-e-d -W- proven*- Howeyexlt in clandd&Uh@@@-on-s.- it ta'at -times impossible to obtain finger p@@@@ for future- reference. A -W,,cati 2. Anthropometry or BerttUon'i@@@ @ en,, -vn Is based on the descriptive data',and exact physical measurements of the human body,@ However,,-- the chief diradvantage lies in the inaccuracies of measurements produc:ed by hdn-i@ error i2 Ancillary to the above is the "protralt parle" a method for the scientifi -0- 'ftltfi7g bf the ddii@@@ of indexiug certain facial acteristics of individuals. -2- 3 Blood groupings i -Me- fact of belonging to a definite blood is fixed character of eve humaix being and can be dtered neither by the lapse of time, transfusi6G bbt by intercurreat disease From the pre- es sence of oth2er factors b the blood,-- e. g, -Rh and Rh sub typ the degree of accuiacy in identification Is greatly inereased.@ X-imm be remembered, however,, that blood groupings can-only positively@ exclude, but cannot posi- timy identifyi 4 Group gans, body fluids ihd saliva The 2 substances- in the or principles hivolved4±@@-"sentiaUy-those pertainli@g to-the blood groups-*-- MendeliWi@ L;i" Inheritance and dedvation of offspring holds true for group-specific gub6t&ddd@@ ( para 3 and 4 above ) On this basis the2n, screening and identification of displaced persons ants and line immigr e-rossers-claimingfamilialrelationships and direct linage can expeditedi C. Artificial Means -of establishing on I 1. Radio-isoto2pes, with predetermined haff lives, can be selectively implanted and/or Injected. 2. Radiolde@6@@dqiid- foreign bodies selectively lmi)lanted and/of-- Injected into pretietermined sites in the lidiiimi body. 3. Spec roduced 2by-selective antigen r>ensitiz 3. CON'CLUSION It appears that with the development of more specialfted and refined methods-- and techniques of identification- the substantiatiWaAd establishment of "b6bA7ftde6" can be greatly ivT;qyo@@ If@@@ly utlliidd these2 methods and techniques repre- serxt a tremendous as g whole, Keeping in mind the considerations-of pii&it"me financial sqpport anci availability of qualified personnel, a definitive program of r--e-sdtrch shouldbe iffvemented. 7 Millis -3- /Yll TIec c