7 0.--to'ber-1959. KMPANDUM FORI-- THE MOF07@@@-@@ Ecbeiule of Grant PaYments WULM-M 87 SU?ITWT September 1959 to Augue,t 1960 8 paid--let tvo qtrs-(Sttt 16,-1959)----- 1, - 925-(O Due @hr 1 1960 9P-5 .00 TML OPA-IT 4WAW I II I-IVAN* pro@eat XWLTAko, Subyroject 8T Date Uiti&ted: I November 1958 1)&te xvires: I Augmt 1962 2 Funds-current years $4,,ooo.oo 7urposes yurify a@d chexacterize &LUrgen mterinao extremel,,v BIZU pote@ ;i-icb sholv pr@ae o@c 'greate@ pot@ @bave a i2smatar ettont in Prpg=Ls 1.@vo@@zkg studies rea @Adaptat:Lon Perforom @c 'lauti-M ser%,@ces *a status Lcal structure of samit-..zing t @nvolvlag determination ot yrote portion of so oubstwee am bau co*lete. me 7. (When Filled In) DATE VOUC"IE(T NO- Z'lk 2 submiyyco By ect ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTING BY INDIVIDUAL PERIOD OF -14(524,25 r@FBZOb7 FOR ADVANCE FROM 1. CASH 00 HAND SEG#"MihG or PERSOO S. EXPENSES THIS PERIOD% DATE DESCRIPTIO2N AMOUNT -2a OUTSTANDING ADVANCES BEG$ r4lNG OF PERIOD 86tt*A:bed S. RECEIPTS THIS PERIODS DESCRIPTION DATE 2 TOTAL EXPENSES OUT$ A@O@@G ADVANCIES END OF FIEROOD (Attach fixtA"O) c 2 CHO @ r PERIOD ei 4AX@AMCF OUC@,AOVXNCOE 9. AL, OCOUNT ACCOUP4T FOR I TOTAL TO 2 LtL@ @l-i list d hereon and I CEI E @-i, APPROVED el puor@ 2 AP F@ i a Cuero for offic -CHANG TF S that avows @oi ACCOUNT NO. P tiol7n@t;, . i at so c the o::@ved ad that t i coo Ond@epe 2 l@N@7 ;U: 243 a rA A AUTHOR 6 OFFICCR C RTIFIED FOR PAYMENT OR CRED T 2 ISIONATOJOEIOF CERTIFYING P OCER SPACE BELOW FOR EXCLUSIVL U@>t 01- OFFICE OF FINANCE 11'21;,70 3A.39 &Z.A7 48- so A 55.66 so OPLOG. As CA COST - FAFO CI.ASS AmouiT 2 "5 CCSCROPT$900-Ak.L OTHER ACCOUNTS 13-33 la-$$ STATION PAY OR ACCOVOT SYMOOL CODE c N . :.IE*AL 2 x PER C LEOGER so-70 AD S r: I." no PIPTION - atc.a@pr. P o "CCVA"e:. ACCT. "O- 2 $IN$ P. Doe. $Mo. IE T, N CREDO,( F)uc *EDIT QCOUPOTS 13-27 ................ ........ CODE T v:2.. DATE cr P. f#O, No. 40S V;07i 1 0 DATE REVIEWED eV IPR!PAREO Oy TOTALS OATS. 2:B2 CDITO 0"S 4-6'3 INSTRUCT'ONS' Line or Section 1. Enter on line 1 the amount of cash on band at the beginning of the period. 2. Enter on line 2 the amount of outstanding advances made to third parties, brought forward from 2 the previous accounting period. 3-- Enter Jn -this section the amount of each receipt during the accountiag-period showing pertinent data, i.e., thod or soure . . ....... lsition aad 2 applicable ratl, of hange, if iridigenous curren s tp expl @;s; prep C!iP@ and "Y tt@ch beret in eve a t I :L 4. 2 Eriter the amidu Pt d 2, Each sted I.T@ t, se@ n J recel from ceipt. 2 Tf T, n@@b r e:n@i, s cc @a in se@t a 5 Ise -Entetion this r E- jai id @el@ 2 by cash, enc ol ac. es made wh@ the 8 on t J. i@@ne 6 p orted b-y is or @isb rseme a@s icia@are t. 'ad for. re I a edl, list e'xper -,es En2ter on this line the amount of cash on or If the aniount of the disburse nts exceeds the amount adv-anced@the balance due the ee sba be s@o@@ :L@ S@ i. and treated as a minus amount in @rriv@in Ile To 9.@ A,@ox@5@ie 9 ]Re le ton thi line the@'Total Acco d St e II @@Total. cour) r... -bay* ro"ivad--an-accomting fro* n"A to ctrg;y:tbati I for tho period 31 &out lgwi*30 being retalh44 LnitbO- TM/W- fw-4nw cortU@@:th7at by the acco%@ ila@ tftd n to tb4 bea"-- my kimovl6d&o- the funds ad*6bced-ve" OITS> 3 1967. ANN, lk 3 por t 0 ire @trac Arant. -1" 2 .9(j6 or a t@eL Oct ti obii@@ ntst re P. '44 2 9 @6 #have r @pa th rjre.c 'V 6 ti rig 4A- C lntrol t Eoo os u re Oki"' -00 iL loin, oc - 00 ___oolvgs 3 O,t ',i rc- A!j f Wiftb-lt 1966 D*sr Or Thts-it@:@tif tillat out reqUestifor--- 30@-@-@has been granted an This extension viiyfbe@lel2 on bVe unexpead"--- of '$123.69, as littikted - 1*7YO@@Ot@ter Of- Jthiiiiiii7o 10 196r;i Tlio @6f i it4 has been notified of::@thiAL*xtO T a -you verv@@54cb.- D P4tLod ---196S D*ttin@31#- -1.463 1 1256 00 March 24# 1%4 - 3A375.00 $0042.0-6--- Ss rL*#---- 3#345 1106-64 SOT*Lcea 2$t-00-@:@.301 so August 31@-1%4-- 74041 -Were Inedi@ied c-i of'1 April 22D-1966----- ?Our latze 21, 1966 -we -are e-nclosivig a d,&t"l CC',3y, of y,3u,.-,-ist%'e: (iglted Mar2ch 10;7:190@@in-which you ha-ve gi-@Lell-us permissioq -20-Ift@idditi6h to-Dt,.--@ pc4P ae A t to use the ,inexpended t- 418-. a --Jv@iC30, 1966. 8 gront, ter%in&tiog v otiir s - ,low i P! I-QC ics,.-Z@t yarch:10, 1966 r Yr. Dea letter of recent date, this expe -Dr. will autborize@@@u t"dd the $18.20 un nded balAi@2.c4-on grent@@to-Lth4j@@rLde@d bal f Vt-41[ lWs pre-sent grant ($123.69)@ malpino at $141 9@@@ a tot of .8 Please-ad@ise Dr. of this action4. When-6--- the funds have-been expended,@@shalWc.6ipvp'i*e@ciate very iruc receiving the final@@Accounting@-@ ThAnk@yQu ver much. 0 6 January 1966 MORMUJ Fort Chief TSD/BT;;:@@@@ SUBJECT --Deli ent-Accounting,@2MTRA-&t@@@@@- i.: The records-of-TSD/B&F-indicate-that a final acco=ttn& 2 is now past due@@@@om last accounting received from @iK@V@@fOr th@l, 'leri4lvvo@W3,L/64. - it -d -the -and forward--- ted thal--your office obtain -past-dU@@@i@@@ng same to TM/BV 2 2 @@t accountin find a differenit@of-$I&--20@@Subject reports a bc-lance of-$74o.48 as of 813 correct::bolance sh6uld be--$'158.68. -Thet accountlng for-the-pe 3v6-2 2reflects a balante'of $18.20 vnich was not c rried foi@@d-to the-next gra."ar4@@ie-- a oversi&t--should-te-@@ the-atte-,ation-of the-- ief Distribution;--1--- Original -1-- Addresse- All 40 UT wnvt 77ZO-- 14 Now 04tgl@or- 12$ 1144 I=tYnl so-- 1962 btsduut)awst 2 06." AAIANCIT AU t 3 1963 ALOA I Ce-rtj fy t@ @l@ sa-tis-ac toril-Y D8ate, 1 Aiv (When Filled-In)' 143 4125-1390 3902 Cost Atcount Objfkt Class 0 ObligaUons Obligations unuquidated Date Lricurred@ Liquidated Balance 4,68ooo-7@ 4,680.00 Sub 87