LL) PA 00 it 1,1 JiLl@qu 1961@ MIORAD.VLJM FCR : TFCA RECORD SLJBJECT : M,'CMTRA Si@Jett4- 70, 91,, 91@ and 135 Since t-p. co@iplotion of the audit of Project @,2Da!LT.RA for the period 6 a =2=.Li 4@rkii-ary lQ63 @- - cd6qAtinps have beea received fr in t elylount of $93,67T-50. @ T-Us "Amount p aiii-,o to be-accounted-for b @@ at the end of the ati0i", peri3T.- gratitee Subproject 70 incurred direct-costs of $2.$518--34 and $27,872-16 transfer@red frop-@ Subproject 94, for a totti--of-$30,390-50- SubPro-act 2 'Oh inc,,,xroi cr>.pen-303 of $71,,3p4.67;7but7trmst6rrod @4.,165 -71 to St,o.,pro- y ject 91 a-nd (@,27,872,-i6-tb--svbmjqo"oiLl@@ cost of $39,287-oo- 2 'rLt was decidf--d to dive-i-t the-funds-for-Subp-eoject-135 td-Subproj,3ct 91I therefore these costs iiere incllitled in the-accou-nting from Stibpr6ject 91. Inas4,L,cl-@ as: 1) all fotir or-the stib@rojects had the dame basic re- sei@rch go-al in mi@n4, '2) the great lehgt,i of time-tliat has el,-.-@-ed since the grents v.,are w..Rde, and 3) the difficulty in eetting a(@co-Lirtings of al,ly sort fror. thti grantc--, it -is -recommended t'@@ve @@ta-l@ilitate -this mat--- ter by ace for tjie balTnees-a-,-shoim for t,h--se sttbprojects Th., above has been concur--,,ed in Stp-ff. Ollie St's /.3.9 30 3?6,5 Al ;zv Coco -r,li- -ORA4-r tVce>AiEr T-b -r IC FZ I=m 0 'C- O'S 34 7-ID ell 16 - c >61 F F14 114 -r-a 7@6= )i SC> ,R 4(- CIO CL e, c It eL LC f,t ir, - 616gical Screening and Testin December 12-1961 to-JulY-31, Grants Febnip-ry 1., lc,,61 to January 31, 1962 $48,looo.oo Less,, previously reported 4 000.00 2 .:O $3,000.00 February 1, 1962 to july 31., 1962- 24,000.00 Total L2,L-.OOO.00 Accotiiited for, as f(Dllows: Salar-'@e;s $23,131-14 Payroll Taxes 1)400.08 Dnployee Benefits 355-68 Laboratory ZuppU@@ vxpens 3i541.48 Travel 2 569.61 Ot'ner Direct Costs 2,569.17 Indirect Costs-- 36,372-26 Total Costs 72.P 939. 42 - Less, Previously reported---------- L,8o" 4@3 6 36-- 11.0 5.0 Total Accoixnted For L33 .AOW5 @O I certify that service@-7, or lr,-q satisfa torily received 13 ,,we@e. i-neurred on official bitaineodt Februarz 1, 1961 To Novenber 30 Grant Income: kebruaty 1, 1961 to January 31, 1962 48,000.00 Less, Deferred Income -8,000.00 2 40,000.00 Costs - February I 1961-To November-301--1961 83----- Salaries 18,570 a Payroll Taxes and Insurance--- 899,48 2 Employee.31 Hospitalization-at,.d Benefits Ins. 355.68 Laboratory Supplies and Expense- 2 532.91 Travel 426,61 Other Costs 2,569.71 25,354068- 2 Allocation of G and A-Expenses 10 373.97-. 35 728.65 4,271.35 Transfer of Oosts from Project 510 W 4 165.71 Excess of Income 105.64 9 e February 20, 1963 De g.G=@ from --"Unclosed hereih iiiWWJJF.Mllt- f".C td ours en s. '91 Gentlement of th'i a statement of the fund -- -nded in behalf 3 expe 6 -that reen ng t sting* col(>gica@,l -so- and a irt at the prc@jeot on pharma )@O@ par 8030 it ViU be adejuate for@ PO L> PHU@n.@OLCOICAL SCREENING A TR-STING Fel@@- ii 1961- To Januau 31 1962 Grant Inco." 48..000.00 Costs - Feb!-I@i961 To .1aq- 31,_1962 Ularies Payron Taxes an4 ln3t<ide 1,,027-36 416,,19--- Employeast HospitaliiAtion and Benefits In$- Laboratory Supplies and Expense 2 3 999-17 Travel 1:506.12 Other Costs --31847-60 4 34; 265.71 Allocation of G@ard A Expenso 1 .000 48 @00 *ft ZVI ", op@p, 4'k 2 4X. A@. *4 let t-. Z 3 oo iw4 10 November 1961 MEMORANDUM FOR- TF&E RECORD SUBJECT Correction to Project MKULTRA, Sul>project 91, Authorization No, S. dated 27 June 1961. 1. Thereferenced-4g!@projectwasextendedin@,Tune-fOronly----------2--- six months when the intention was to extend for one y4par in tin-Le, but to finance the first six months only at the time of xenewal. 2. In order to clear up this matters Subp"ject 91 is hereby extendedintimeonlyforsixmonthsbeginninglFebruaryl962.------ TSD/Research Bra=n3ch No. 'lied Cost Account A 0 Object Class ObUgations ObUgations1 Unbquidated Date Remarks and References Incurred Liquidated - Balano AUG 196, 3 AUG 1961 1ATEI kutbori&&Uo* tho namorWA" 4AUd 13 AXII M3k tbo authwitr gr6nu4 in tba DCI to the LO/A and tb*-Oxtewim Of-thi@ omtbority la out@- -.0r,eviously 4,VVroyo@i UnUr the 2 v" bas beau authorit-M saz* autbority v.% &Wition*l &= of to conr Via 4K*P"Cto exyaas*ss to ta e-barp-ad aa*InZti 00§t QOn2tOr *moo* MXWSD n,.A COLI(MTICU C? KUNWI I CERTIFY TliAT Ft!qD5 A@.@c A,A;!A3LF- CMAP(-A 102 '-?ING OFFICER AUTilO@ 0--taimi 2 - Atldra"ae T@SD/FASS 2 TSD/FG TSD/EW June 1961 4 A3t&nst 19 MEUORANDUM rOR.- CHUY#-- FDMC; TSD/Budgat C4tlAcor VIA LTRA* Sttbproject 910-- invoice 05 =J=T 2 Anoment ZIZS-13"-3?OZ ring the above subproject to atta4ch" Invvice #S-ews P4YM*At sh*Wd be WAde as fouovfs'. 24, 00011 00 2 CashLores check in-the ilmomt Of $960. 00 V*Y*@40 to-- Ila dr&wa on ]pleas* to-rwara-the -choelm to Cbleft- TSD/Resear4h BrsAeb tblrough TSDtBudge2t OUtt*r bY 21 August 1)6,1. 3. TWo I a (UW invotces However# since it is antiel- pm*4 that'a6UUovAl fwtds will be obugated for tbdo project*- the (do# sh"d not Iti closed. 5 cuef TSD/Rite'arch Branch Attachment&,$ lavdee k cortmeat4ons-- Di*-trtwtion: Orig & A4&eseee I,:. 4 AngUt 1961 uzuoRANDum roju c4akr. rumn VL4. i TSDIBWgot Oiftt" SUBJZCT MXULTP...% SuWroject 91i favoict3 L 2 Payment sh*Wd be toad# t*Uo*s I taAhg-a?vai-ml ot $24i-P".-OO P&Yau 4 _awn Oa $960. 00 paywo to d2rawtt an - 2. Pima* forward the checks to Chief,# %@SI)IROII"Zcb t 19M. Branc@ througk TSD/Budget Offtca-v by 31@@ 3.- This to a plaple it 1# &Attcl2. pood the adhUo*4 fiao v4U be *Wpted for tbdo project* the Wes sbowtl a;ot be -elwed. TSD/R" earctt Brwch I CERTTFY TIAT FL@JDS A@c AVAILABLEI AMcb4ment Ift-?ace & ce2liftmiws (DFFICER Orig 2 - Addressee tY- TSD/FA@SS- TSD/RB TSD/D pk4 Auguif 196ly-- 17 Anvat 1961 -tramn-dt tO Yw th* toU*w'nS We are pleased to be We to fmdjs: Tr u *to avvn "Surer's C 2 $z4. 000. 00, Treajm@ortiLQLck on t for Thtse J=da roprosent a @contribution for the use of your dire@ctors in carryingout the very worthwhuo research goals of your7 obUgaUmat YOUX8 "Y' Attachynerits (2) u4volcE -,444t96OrO,--- CERT-!FiCA:TIONS P' tq to S%,ab=pz,oject N2o@ _,91., t,,.f MKULTRA, .hat th.@t,t igervi@-,e,@s @tre bi.4ng act-omet@ightd in accordance with mutual agree- ti ef thil p@ ment6-4rd V-@iceipts is C"A file- in TSD/RB, that thie, bill Is ju6t x.@,d i@,orreet and th--At therect b-3--3 ncit yet bc-en M;Ad-M. Chief, 'Z) It ii@i hereby cert!,Lte@d tiii,3 lxx%,cic@a Applicii to Subproject project is beink of MXULTRA v+ich % - carried out ia a-ccerelanc.8 %vith MCMQ,-- ittf 13 April 19,53 frcm the DCil to ;hc% DD/A, wind the -At&a4ic;,@n @,3( t'als a-,athority in s-,tbsequent R D-4, i e CONOID@t4TIAL FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER VOUCH@IR NO. 7-12 DATE 2-6 @@IOUCHER NO. 7-JZ 34- 19 43 4 7 - 5 2 so. 6 7 68- 7o 7 I- 80 DESCRIPTION-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS-13-33 STATION 40 42 F ORL I G. "@ 54-57 ALLOT, OR COST I)UE AMOUNT ?1; 3 3 CODE EXPEND U ACCT@ NO. 2 DATE .0. P E Ft . E O@ .- .,,.O... IGENERAL . ...... 6 2: 67 DESCRIPTION- 13-27 C ODE N Li 2A'91"tn'O . CA LEDGER NO. OBJEC7 OEBOT ADVANCE ACCOUNTS ........ D IYFI@ACCT. NO. ......... CI,AG$ C'OCDI T s Cot 2 X REF. NO. C', 7---7 -i-- LI el 2 iw EXPLANATION OF ENTRY TOTALS 2 L------ i- DATE PREPARED OY DATE REVIEWED Sy CERTIFIED FOR PAYMENT 0 1 CATE <14 8 ICER 'i I i FORM (10-49) to-59 606 usF P,@,Evvc 27 June !961 MORANDM FOR*. THE RECORD SUBJECT Continuation of Projttt-KmTRA-Subproject 91 Authorization f5 -this-subproject-is to provide funds to continue 1 The purpose-of 2 the research program vbich furnishes advanced animal screening and prealinical pharmacologic*l-testing required-by-the.progm-on the- development of new ps aleals. The-IrogrW La. providing fundamental Information bearing on tbe_pro@om of structure activity 2 relationships-among-tbese q@@ 2. The research grmk:qqp4oWg the Investigations an exerting their beat'eff0tt"4CIMide the data re(Dilroments. imposed on them. The experimental work-being carried out--txnder this project is oriented and 2 progranuned to meet our planzed-research and development needs. --la order-to- bring I)rog= into alignment with contemplated researebes-*,nd possible modificati:onb that may be dictated tt-64tLeipated result* ft"itbe current research.. this program will be extended for-"ix month period. 3- Tbe-coat of thiii-prOX04jor a period of six months beginn@ng 1 Ausust,1961-is estimated to be $24POW.00. To this sum =t be added $960,,00 representing a four @er cent service eb t ;@bo Vill act cut outp s1o that the total cost of the project ViU-not exceed $24p96OsOO,, Charges-ebould be made algainat Allotaient No-$ 2125-1390.39029- -swab has req@noted that a siimm-r y accounting of funds rece fr that they return any unused funds -remaining at the en2d of 5. It is not anticipated that any permanent-evipment Vil-I be required for this prqgi=@ it b" been agreed that do@cumutatiqu ozd gooo=tlng for-trayel *xpenses vhich are raimbursabl*-shall eceform t2o-the accepted practices,- of the organization conduttiagit4p-researeb. - 7. The-requirewat for a semi-annual informal accounting on-tbe pwrV-=- of the principal inveatig*to@bas 'o@veiftd-o@. 8. All personwl tontected@Vit42@@la@@ monitoring-of -this program possesses-Agency@TOP SECRET a --Tbt-project viU be----- unclassifiid-after it-lt4Y@@ now., TSD/Research Branch 2 APPROVED ?(>R -OBLIGATION OF Date: Attachments: Bu4et and proposal- Distribution.* Original only. L-ROPOSAL It is proposed to continue cart&in tiolog@cal teats of a pharmcologieal nature as directed by the IVOasOr of this project- on chemical materials and extracts to be furnished by the Sponsor@-- Th2ese tests luvolve-sm&ll animal studil*-s and/or clinical work in cortain cases " indicated in eaeb particulw Instance, -The sponsor will r.Ave full coatrel of tbewthods and procedures to be follvied in the vork " it is vnderetood that these vill vary-euring the -cowee of the project-depen4ing UP04 researeb find'LrAge in other facilities vorking in_this saw -general-biologic&l,pr<>gram. In addition,, as time " fAM" all,)@ pilot experlments vill be performed utilizing various knovn substances 2bavin.g-effecto on the - central n4rvous-system in an effort to refine and improve the present capability of detecting and-charseterifiiag such activity in small 84A la 0 Attention vill ciao be givtn to the problem of-"trapo]Ation -U9 of results I>etveen species of Tt is expected that the attacbed budget vil-1 be -required to carry out the progra-m outlined -above for a Wriod of six months* - 7/ - *7 E-4 15 le'browy 1961 vleased to be uble to transvdt to YOu tbls fO'LIO@ri@ fun". drawn *960*009 2 drawn C"bler Cbwk,-XK--2 for U4 These furas represent cOntributiOn fOr the uss Of your dire,^ -out tb* very vortLvUle research 90als 9 torg in carrying of y(ur obUgatiOns- -trui loot -yo (2) No. Cost Account Object Class Obli,gatims UnliquidaW I>ate 5 Remarks and References incurred Liquidated Bala--ice 7 FES 0-3 :,7j lit 2 rel@rJUT 1961 caw lalludg*t officer XOLUA, &ftroj*et 91-m- lnv"co U25@ -3902 Allotmout 1390 2 eat is att&cbo4o a* i4 caferine tbo $boy* M)bPrOJ payomt shou]A to O&W as fOIIO"6@ le YVO 2 Lravu Otk izkoo peq"lb to 20 plew* forvud the abeou Dremb- t Offi6si-by 15 tbav*b 3, 2Thl -in a fiml it is a-atlelp@ated that amitio"l furas ViU be ObU@pted for tbig pmjeatj, the f ilea sboqu not be eloood. Cbief fta7mb AttubffAntot inw-ice t t.4i.. OrU 4,"'. A4dre ssee T Ul ir CONFIDE14TIAL FU14DS POSTING VOUCHER VOUCHER NO. 7-12 VOUCHER NO, 7-12 DATE 2-6 2 SG-67 -DESCRIFITION-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS i3-33 34;3.9. 43 OI)LIG. 53 4 ALL01r. DUE AMOUNT - F STA I .0-.' PAY REF. NO. ACCT. O.- DATE CODE 1.@.IE.0 u N ...... N PER cA 6K. No. 02 E OESIT DESCRIPTION' 0. p NO. 2 Lio YR CCT. 13 27 D .... ADVANCE ACCOUNTS coo Emp s EXPLANAT.ON OW EOITRV 2 TOTALS wow DATE ED BY DATE MNOWSMIMMWFFICER FORM 6076 usz pmewlaus to,Toews. Now mm DRAN P-5 JanusrY 1961- IISMORMUM FOR ThE FZCORD SUBJWT: Project MMTRA, Subproject 91 I,,- The purpose of this s2ubiroject is to provide funds to continA.v-- the research program which furnishes advanced animal sareening and preclinical pharmacological testing required by the program on the development of new payebochemicalso--The-program Is providing fvndawntal information bearing on the 2problem of-structure activity relationships among_these compounds. 2.-Thk:Msearch graip conductiRS the investigations are exert- ing their best efforts to provide the data reqiilrements imposed on theme The-ONp@rimental-work being-carried-out under this project is otiented and litogruted to meet our pl6t@d research and development needs, In order to bring the program-into-alignment with contemplated researches wA pq"ible modifi.-,ations that may be dictated by anti-- sults from the current research will be cipe.ted re 2 program extended for a six montb period. 3- Th6'@t-of this pro6tram for a period of six months beginning I Febrtiary-1961 is estimated to be $24,000-0-00-. To this sum must be added $960.06 ro,*reaenting a four per cent service charc,,e to the 7 will act as cut out, so that the total cost of the-proje t will not excee(I $24,960.00., Charges should be "- e against Allotment No$- lIP-5@1390-39OP- re que a d them a summu7: accounting Of that vnused 'ved fr they, return any 9 recei funds remaining at the end of the grant p2eriod. it is not anticipated that any pe.-vianent equipment will be required for this pro am. It has been agreed that documntation and accounting for travel expenses @,thleh-are-reimbixraeable-shall ccnfom to the accepted--- practice,s of the organization-conducting the research,,- 7. The -requirement fot@-@@-annual informal accounting on the part of the-priLei-pal=@investigator has been waived* 8. All personnel-e6rV*cted with the planning and monitoring of-- this program possessea Agency TOP-SEC.@ST76poOV4!. -Thi'e -project will@@ be unclassified-after it leave APPROVED IOII OF-Fum)s:- TSD/Reseerch Branch- Date Attachmnts: Bu,lget and proposal 3 Dir3tritution,. Original only. P.ROPOSAL. It is proposed to continue certain biological tests of a cological nature as directed by the Sponsor of this project pharma on chemical materials and extracts to be furnished by the Sponsor. These tests involve-small animal studies and/or qlirtical work in 2 certain cases as indicated in each particular instance. - The sponsor------ will have full-control-of the methods and procedi;res-to be followed------ in thp, work and it Is understood that these vill.vary during the course of the project depending upon research findings in-other faciliti2@s working in this-sam general biological program. In addition@@@@@@@, pilot experiments vill be performed utilizing various-known substances having effects on the central nervous system in an effort to refine and improve the present capability of detecting and -baracterlztng such activity in small-- animals. Attention wil8l@@also giv6&:Tt@-7problem of extrapolation of results between various-speciea of animals. It is exoected that the attached-budget will be required to carry out the program outllrea above-for-a period of-six months. BUDGET Salaries $15,000 0-%,erhead (25% of Salaries) 3,750 Travel 600 Services (Analytical etc-.-) 1,400 Supplies and aviateri6lo 1 11000 Animals 2,250 Total- $24j,000 WRMI"---A Testing Amount of Grant - - - $20)000000 Salaries and wagik@--- $460 .50 Materials and Rent and Utilities 8349*22--- Tmvel 8 $73-030 Berv-ices Social See. O"rhead 20,OC;Y.( 20 000-.oo@ Balance ....... anr. 15 Marcbl960 Gentlemen: ansmit to you.the following pleased to be able to tr We are funds: Treasurer's Check NO@-24805'1 drawn on 2 for 00. 0 r $45, 00 These funds represent a contributibn for the use of your director@-to carrying out the very worthwhile research goals- of your organization. 4y6i@@" t"ly. Enclosures (2) 833 a.-ftmrea Pallopinbill so@u-aialou pug sxtoulou *liea 6 suoileoilqo ,r.,mr paispinbi'lua ssioto lag e7- junooov Isoa -ox UTthtoagy 1960 usuoitANDUM VORI COUPTROLLNit Al-ttN-Tlot4 - riN.ANtt DIVLSION MKVLTITA- - s4AFfoloo 291# AtAth*rlsatl" No. 3 Vadot the &utkotity #7&4t#d La the 11 AptU 1953 from.ttto DCI t* tko DD/Alt VW the--wd*Att*A Of 2 SubprpjvA'91 bas this aud*rlty to subst"c-zt mom4rraadao U#4r* appirov*4 #A4 $4-k#QO--00 of tho over-all JARULTRA pr.*Joct be** oblig" to awer the 2oukprojiict "p*aso#. Tble et fou4s isheAI4 %vo eb*,Ig*4 to AU*tmitat O$ZS-1001-4902. Cb TSS/Cb*Wcal Dtvte2i@@7 fOR OD LIOAT ION APPROVED or ru"$.* Oils A44r*s##*- 1,7,Tssloc I-Ilr- TSSII'ASB TSS/CD@@II Feb 60) 8 MMFMWjr f4 MEMORANDUM RECEIPT TO: FROM: SUBJECT: I hereby acknowledge receipt of the following: Pl#ase r#tvrrk (is$ 0 t is receipt -STGKATURE uF §,-E2tiPIENT TO FORM NO EPLA,'ES FO" 36-66 433) ; 752 :HICH MAY BE USED---- I AUG MEMORANDUM RECEIPT 2 @@OCOA T E TO: FROM: SUBJECT: I hereby acknowledge receipt of the-fol lowing: Ploast return- siga#d copy(!*$) of this receipt To FORM NO; IEILACES FORM 36-96 AUG S MICH2 MAY BE USEO. 433) I March 1960 MEMORANDUM FOR; CHIEFi::::YINANCE DlVtsloN VIA i Tsv/Budgot Officer SUBJECT MKULTRA,, Subproject 91, Invoice #3 2 AIIOMG&T OSZS-1009-4902 f 3 c*vorug the abo-rs subproject Is 4",*Choa. Payment sh*uld be mad* &# follows-. @R-ILS art&- a ,payable bAmLr@-A-Ckack la the &-MO 0 payable Wawa *a 2. plo4st forvaid the checks to Cblof, TSD/Chomical Branch thr"gh TSDIB%tdget Officer by 15 Match 1960. 2 Ible to a final Invoice. However. state It is anticipated that additiosal funds will be obligat*d for this project, the files shoold a*t be closed. Chitf TSD/Ch3onvtctl Br",ch lavoic* C*rtifications ORIS Addreasso INVOICE $46,600.00 CERTIFICATIONS I* ktr*by e.$ruflod that this is involco #3 applying to Subproject I @&Uefactory2, that services are 9i of UKULTRA, that performance I as accc=pu$ho4 In aceordaimcs with mutus agroomeate, that a bot dtt&Ued ago"& of the payments and receipts to-i la T$Djf CDP tb%at 2 trafa artd--th--&--t pa-ym - t th t yet been made. this bill to just aia co en or"f has no @@bi-of,-T-SD7cho2mic&l Br @e-h Date; (a) it is hereby c*runed that this Lnvo4c* appllos,to So-bproject 91 "der MXULTRA which was duly approv*d aid hit tho project to b*l*g carried out In accordancewith the mom@@iandum dated 1 13 April 1953 fr*m the DC4 Wthe DP/At and thii4xtenstoa of tble authority in subsequent memoranda. Diritt"- D#Lt o CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER DATE 2-6 VOUCHER No. 7-12 VOUCHER NO. 7-12 3 34;3 49 17-12 2 58 - 6 7 6t$- 70 71-80 DESCRIPTION-ALL OTHER A 40-42 F 0 53 4 ALLOT. OR COST DUE AMOUNT -7 STA I h PAY N A ACCR. NO. DATE 2 2 13 CODE EXPE u PER 6 2. 67 . . .,@; I CA OBJECT DESCRIPTION' L 2 CREDIT ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13-27 co D C YR CCT. N CLASS ........ s 9mr. No. 2 6e) 1 7,2 -.D ko ell EXPLANATION OF ENTRY TOTALS DATE PREPARED Sy DATE REVIEWED BY CERT IF C 'I rOR" roog use Poevious tootooms. DRAFT 11 February 1960 MEMORANDUM, FOR,. THE RECORD SUBJECT Project MKULTRA, Subproject 91 1. The purpose of this subproject is to- provide funds to con nue the research program which furnishes advanced animal screening and-- preclinical2 pharmacological testing reqi@@@the program on the develop- ment of new psychochemicals.-- he program-is provicang fundametital informa- tion bearing or, the problem of structure activity relationships among these compounds. Z. The state of knowledge-in areas'of influencing human behavior- has been steadily improving and the experimental-wor-k being -carr2ied--out under this project is meeting our programmed needs. - The sponsor has obtained and a'ssigaed highly competent technical personnel aild is exerting his best efforts to provide the data requirements imposed on him. 3. The cost of this program for a period of one year beginning 1 February 1960 is estirr-ated to be $45, 000. 00. To this sum2 must be added $1, 800. 00 representing a four per cent service charge t who will act as cut out, so that the total cost of the project will not exceed $46, 800. 00. Charges should be made against Allott'nent No, O5z5-lo,, 49028 4. Th s requested tha2t submit to them a summary accol4titin imeam from and that-they-return-any unused funds remaining at the end of the grant per o 5. It is not anticipated that any permanent equipment will be required for this program. 6. It has been agreed that documentation and accounting for travel expenses which are reimbursable-shall-conform to the -ac4epted practices ot the'organization conducting the research-. 7. The requirement-for a 3emi-annual infornial accounting on the part of the principal investigator has been waived. 8. All personnel connected with the planning and monitoriig of this prograiii possess Ag--ncy TOP SECRET appYo"l-.- Th ct will be unclassified after it leaves 1i TS S APPROVED FOR OBLIGATION APPROVED: OF FUNDS: tor TSS/Chey:nical Division Attach@t-tie.its: Budget and proposal Distribution-. Original only BUDGET Salaries $z8,8oo ? Overhead (251o of Salaries) -70 200 Travel 1, 200 Services (Analytical,--etc.)------ --1,800 Supplies and Materials 4, 200 Animals 1,800 0 Total- 7 $45i-000 December 31,1959 AF" i Grant for Pharmacological screen.ing-and testing Funds received 20, Soo. 00 Expenditiares-:- Wages and salaries 10, 907.60 2 Equipment ---3, 623.-93- Supplies; expendables 1. 303. 41 Animal -1,783. 84 Overhead 2,880 ' -60- 20-499.-38 --,---20, 499. 38 0 Balance .62 tant- /3 .30 September 1959 4p We are pleased to be ablo@-to transmit to you the following funds: dr.a" O@ $800. Trea C k M6@- nt-a contribution for-tbe use of-YOur TI)Ai"-funds represe directors in carrving out the veiy-WttWhile re search goals Of your organization.-- Yours truly, Enclogurea-(2) No. t --e Cost Accoun Object Class Obligations ObUgations Un0liquidated Date RemarksandReferences--- incurred Liquidated Balance Sopt*vAb,*'r 1959 IVIISION UTMORANDUM FORT ciiit;r, FINANCE D VIA ISS/Badtot Offic*r SUBJECT UKULTRA-#-2-Subp3r*ject 91, involeo 2 Allotment 0515-1009-4909. subpirojoct is attacked. 1. lavoico No.- aboio p& out oh*old be m.,tA* as f2ollows' YVA C4 -,6-@ '6APL ravm 0 yable Ca rawn on pteate f2orward the checks to Chief, TSS/Cb:trnlcal Divistori through TSS/lD,!dS*t Otace@W7 ocitobor-1959. 3. This Is a final 14"tce,- Howovers sine* it to anticipated that additional funds will be *bit&-ated fot this project, the ftles, should not be clos*d. Chief Att;achments: Invoice-&-c4rttftca t L;r@ 9 SEP Orig Addr#fso* VI- k' EL- I V INVOICE $ZO,$00.00 $or sorvic*a ................ CERTIFICA 10 It Is hereby Certified that this Is Invoice 2#a applying to_ Subproject 11 of MKULTRA.-tti&tl*f(Ofm&ucs Is ll&t's'&Ctory# that re bola& acc plliihed ick-te"rdance with mutual &&Too- t and receipt@ Is filed inonted tkat a detailed agenda Of thO-P&Ym*n 4 thsr*of in TSS/CD, that this -bill Is Just and correct and that payment bas not yet be** made. 'Chief, TSS/che tcal DIVIS D*to: 2 (Z)lt is hereby cortiftod that this Invoice applies.to Subproject 91------ under MKULT-RA-which was duly approved and that the project to being curried out In accordance-with the mornorandum dated 15 April 1953 from the DCI to the DD/A, and the e8xtension of this authority[* subsequent meraoranda. -A-*-search Director CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER n No. 7- 12 VOUCHER NO. 7-12 DATE 2-4 2 58-67 611,70 71-80 '33 34-39 43 5-4 54;57 ALLOT. OR COST AMOVNT DESCRIPTION-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS t3 STATION 40-42 r PAY R GEN RAL ACCT. NO. D@TE 2 20.33 co XPEND u T/@ @?: . @- PER. CA LEDGER .... CODE N . O'J"C'r@ DEBIT @ P.O2. POO. YR ACCT. NO. DESCRIPTION, LIC iteDiT ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13-27 0 co.i x Be,. NO. 2 EXPLANATION OF ENTRY TOTALS PAYMENT -OR DATE PREPARED SY DATE REVIEWED By CERTIFO 7 D FOI DAT@ FORM wow 606 usr P*cvoous go,-roome. D R A F T 19 September 1959 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE RECORD SUBJECT Supplement to Project MKULTRA, Subproject 91 1. The purpose of this supplement is to provide additional funds to carry out a-a expanded animal screening of selecte2d compounds directly related to the development_ of new chemicals which influence human behavior. The program provides fundamental in.formatiom on structure- activity relationships among new psychochemicals. It will provide an insight into-the activity of chemical compounds o,f possible value for operational application-9. --Tli"tudie-"re-d-irected toward elucidating the relationship between thia parameter and personality structure and mentation. Z. In order to keed abreast of new compounds which have been recently uncovered and synthesized, it becomes. necessary to increase the advanced animal screening. It is-expected that results obtained 3 from the advanced screening will provide basic information required for research into the pharmacodynamice-of new and more effective compounds. The additional funds _required for this program for the year amount to $ZO, 000. 00. To this sum must be added $800. 00 representinjz a four per cent service charge to ho act as cut out, making the total amount $20, 800. 00. otment No. 0525-1009-4902. Charges should.be made against All 3 has requestea th to thcxn a summa.ry accounting of funds received fr-2 and that they return any unused funds remaining at the conclusion of the program. 4. Lt is not anticipated that any permanent equipment will be required for this S. It has been agreed that documentation arA accounting for travel expenses -which-are reimbureable_by shall conform to the accepted practice- of t2hat organization-, 6. TEC-t@ir-ement for a-serni-annual ir.Lformal accounting has_ been waived,---- 7. All personnel connected with the planning and monitoring- of this program possess Agency TOP SECRET -4@"roval. The project will be unclassified after it2 leaves TS Division APPROVED FOR OBLIGATION- OF FUNDS- APPROVED: -He a earcrT.E?Vemcmtko TSS/Cheznical-Division Date- Distribution: Origir.al 5only utmoRANDUM roitt COUPTROL-LER ATTXNTION t FINANCZ DIVISION UQAOT as sialltorttv IT*" Ili the ru#movaedum dat4tA 13 Aptil 1153 (loin the DC4 to the DDIAI--&" tke 6xt4astoa of' tus atthowity ta gubseqgo*A msuora"*. sutprojo.ct tl h" b*oa approved sr-4 $10, $00. 00 of the over-all MKULTRA project (*ad* b4i lb*o4 oblilittd to ciowor the fill@project txpe-aoeo. TM# outtgatios of-tuads sboold be 4b,&-IS*d to Ail*tntest 0515-1009-4901. APPROVEDI'ORODLWATION--- OT FUNDS% ortl I - TSS/OC I - TSS/FASB -2---TSS/CD TSS/ 00. 0 4u .-4 13 no*jm pal FWXS DrfIS VIA co xmlm" &,oiprgj*,Qt 91 rwmt SUB= Allotwnt 9-2-@75-902 t is attwbm. Invace ii eov*ring V* oba" paymat sboum be saft -00 TBS/ChWeal DivifilOn 2. tjoost forvua the &ecke to Cbi cor Febriori 9 - 1959 3. This to a tima invoice. gove"r,#- Since tbig _yrojeetv tbo file# 2 that &Mti%-Al furas viU be 6bUPW fOr &boQ3A mt'be 010"d. TSS/Chmical Division Invoice Certifications oat At.-IOUN-r OF' macs ror Beryl*" too (1) It is boreby_oertified that tU& is InvOiC* #1 sniying to &Jbprojodt 91 of NW=# tt*t ve@@ is -$&Usfaotoryj, that ##ryimo an boing w4ovU*W iA vith mutlml-&gr0s* matep tUt a detailed agenda of the -paymn+.& mA rv*ipts is filed LA TS6/CD,. %Mt -We blU Is jus+. mA wA that peymnt tbanot has not let been a%Ue Wit; TMICumicalL JALY@is on Ditto: (2) it is Mreby cortifiea tbglt this invoice app.Uss to $4bproj"t under manma vbieb w6s--duly 'approved wA- tbat-tbe - yrpjotq"s being carried out in s4*ordanot vith the wwrandus 4Ated 13 Aigll-4@3-frca the DCI to the DO/A &A tboe--extftsion of this outbority is vA"Vmt Ditto CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER YOUCHErt NO. 7- 12 OAT Z. 2 7 I- 60 ALLOT. 117 AMOUNT DES RIPriON-ALL OTHER ACCOOJM"S 13 LEDGER ouc 2 ACCT. NO. SI'ATIOII 211: @3 EXPEND OF PER. ADVAOICE "O OBJECT it;i. ORDER N L. 0. DEBIT CRED I T ri ACCI 7 ACCOUNTS 1: -27 CCT. NO. DESCRIPTION-ADVANCE 2 CLASS CODE t - --------- ------- k@LAt4AT000i OF ENTRY 2 ALS PAYMEN OR CREDIT DATE PREPARED BY DATE REVIEWED By DATE CERTIFIED FOR IXG OFFIC FORM 2-56 606use Pnevious roo-roeois. dna§r 7# CovrwLLU xalmom FM poo@*t OWLTPA &4r*4e*t 91: vai,XT 2 tbo *M*rs-*&U "tO4 *A#r the SUU"ity Vm4W Is 13 ADRU 195 tr4n VW = tO tbt =/Al- VA +,be "twaica tbi$ auvwily in ApAeaq4mt mew6nui, fttvroj*ct 91 two to" mr2o"ap pro,%Ot Maim tudu boa Um of tu Qftt-A-U 0-oliots& to *oV*r the tUboo,)Oet 'S "Ww-a Oa *UMU be OWMA to Anotmt 9-25M-75-W* 5 Ad Ctnp VAT r UMt, AM AY i - Ts$/jBRB 2 - TS$/CD TS$/CDJ Jan 59 DPkrf 15 i=uary 1959 MMORAIT" FOR TER FZCORD Subproject 91 SUBMT: Project MMTRA), 1. The purpose of this subproject Jo to provi2de-funds to carry on the advanced animal screening and cert6th-patts of the pre-clinical pharmacology required by the program on the developme-nt-of new psycho- chemicals. In addition, this phase of the program Vill automatically provide fundamental-information 'oearing on the probl6m of the-structure-- 2 activity relationships a It-vijl also give a better -o@ these compound Insight into the problem of compound selection fot-operational-applica- tions and the relationship betyeenlp4ru,@-- er aLnc-L-the 1)ersonality-structure of the pa2rticula-r-i>erson being studied. 2. Preliminary acre he materials involved in this study has or, t@ /?been carried out a over the past three wumvq yearde During this time the aMTeof k-2nowledge in tblit area-b-as steadily im,oroved so that-it is no lo r possible for the@Vork to be carried out by this contractor.- The type of experimental 5tk-hW required In the program is simp far beyond his -capabllitg@: b6t@@i&-terms- of equipment- and personnel required-for-the J2ob._ For tnis-it&sork@the'rate of expenditure # on this preliminary scree at a - ning work bas.steadiiiy--dropped with time while facilities capable-of7t6Ming out Cia-e-m-or-a advanced-phases-of-t'ae program were being-locate2d@-- The present-vieit is tgt-,dlaL- ILILb"t 2@Lel- lap during this year between these proj@..-, I portion will be pbase@@ at the end of the year tdibe replaced 9 new facility. 3. The exper-imental design-in this subproject is based upon result2s fideriled from subprojecto@22---5-1,-,-7-70. 53, 46 44, 45., the awvork of the past three years, and-p:roj The personnel and consultants- anch 11 Dro,, a of f i%l;o-si one into -areasj, 76@ii@itei.v uiszowd all of-tbese consultepts will maintain a very close but informal surveillance of the raw data as the work progresses so as-- to be 4ble to take advantage of@Mry new development as it comes to light in gu2iding further work In the project, 4. As indicated in the attached proposal, the cost of this program ,,for a period of @@ -year will - ardount to $ -00,i@_To added a 4% service charge to t I M@@ .-E,52 who Vill act as cutout so that treTot-a9i-i@dst Of the@-proje eed DRAFT be made against allotment 9-2502-75-902. $@1,320-00- charges should a requested that The t to them a Otling 2of funds received ining at that they return anY unused fund$ r'eoa - f the co program#. 6, it Is not anticipated that W permwwnt e .Vipment vil.1 be required for this Phase 0-f-t-he Program* coun@-lor travel 7. It bag been agreed that 110ement expenses vhleb are reimbursable b- conform to the accepted practice of that org Q2uirem4nt for a semiannual informal accounting bA$ been-@ 8. The -re vaived,, .ivi-i 9, All persorinel connected vith the planning and-mai-atainil;ng of 2 re suit 9 of tbi a ossess A TOP SEOFET approval,, bovev Pr P tion I own the excep ,gof the persome - . of Goveri t cleared and none vill- vill be unclassified 3after-it cb,@. f TSS/Chemical Division APPROVED FOR OBLIGATION-OF FUNDS:--- Date orig only. Attachment Proposal -PROPOSAL It Is proposed to conduct certain biological tests of a pharma- cological nature as directed by the Sponsor of this project on chemical materials and ext:iacts-to be-furnished by the Sponsor. These teats may involve enzyme preparations, small-animal vork and/or clinical vork in- certain cases as inclicat2ed-in each particular instance. The Sponsor Vill have full control of the methods and procedures-to be folloved intbe vork and it is 'understoocl-that these vill7y6ty-dxirib@ the course-of the-project depending upon research-findibwin-other facilities:working-in this $am general biological progrw,@ 2 In addition,-as time and-funds@all@o"ilot-exmerimente-vill be per- formed utilizing-various knawa@-@ having effects on the central nervous system-in e-n effort to refine and-improve_tbe present capability of detecting and cbaraleterizing-such activit"n-small animals. Attention will also be given -to the 5 en various species-Lof animals. It is expected that the attacbe4 )udget vill be required to carry-out------ the program outliii6d aooVC!for a period of ore_year. BMET $12.,000 Salaries Cverhead (25$-Of Salaries) . . . . . . . 3 It 000 500 lmve2l -ice ical,- etc 1)500 Serv (Analy@., supplies and Materials . . . . . . . . . 3POOO 500 Total@@@ 7 $2Oo5oo PROPCGAL During the past few years a great deal of progress has been xr,ade in relation to the function and riietabolism of various anatomical divisions of the human central nervous system. 'I'his progress has to a great extent been fostered and abetted by the study of the effects of drugs on thi2s very complex system. These drugs have mainly been utilized as tools in attempts to develop the relationships between cerebral metabolic processes and brain functioti as expressed by individual mood and behavioral changes. In general, pharmacologists are just beginning to realize the potentialities of -work in this field and have not as yet adjusted their 2 research goals and techniques to take full advaritage of existing knowledge. The general tendency in this respect is to attempt to apply sit'n ple modifications OfL existing techniques to the study of these-- phenomena. This approach is-useful but entirely inadequate o pro- duce progress consistent with that in other fields of medical research. 2 A further problem of significance in relation to this work is the fact that it has ieveloped to a great extent on the ell.nical side with far too little attention-paid to the general harn-jacology of the drugs concerned. Without such basic work progress will continue only on a pure chance basis with little theoretical background. Therefore, it i2s proposed-to: 1. Design and test methods involving experimental animals L which will discriminate between drug-prq44q@@@ generalized depressed states and generalized excited states of the-central nervous system and those particular and specific states or effects which can eventually-- be related to overt behavioral responses of a sort whic2h entail-some possibility of practical exploitation. In this process-it-would be ex- pected that drugs having a more action than ttiose presently available would be discovered. 2. Discover and test materials having specific effects either in the periphery or the central nervous system which result in the - - distortion of nerv9e impulses in the sensory tracts of the nervous system. 3. Validate the above methods and effects in normal humans and relate them to alterations in mood and behavior in as objective a fashion as possible. A 2 4. Establish and maintain facilities for those general pharmacological proceduress i.e., the relationships of the unknown drugs to the known humoral agents, etc., which are necessary in order to describe intelligently the action of the new drugs for their application in the 9above-mentioned tests. - It is felt on the basis of present knowledge that such a program as that outlined above will go far to bridge the tremendous gap in knowledge which presently_exists between known drug-substrate relationships and the overt manifestations of these drugs. 911- CUR131CULUM -Vl'rAE Borl. Degrees OWE' Academic: Memberships: Society Experimental Biol'09Y Soc2iety- PhA@fiiitcology Cancer-Society Gomm$ Academy of Medicine Research: Conducted intensive research on: endocrine glands, (insulin posterior pituitary, thyroid, anterior pituitar@) chemotherapy, alcohol, -virus and cancer* Pharmacology of -dinitrophetiol