ol CTn TqT-.-A UT P"@ C-6 4t-T;@@ t@a--q q u tx a- 2 po 7*oq P-1@)-"Ieu"o 10 U@,G@IICLO IDII.- OTCLX-Usl ol-ra 14,i @l T X- vu-I !9rro-vltvd 0-ftv"@L oual,,- Noveiiil)er 17, 1966 Memoranduii for: Cliief-,----TSD/BF- Subject: Dr search Grant c 1. In Ilay 1965$ the roinaiiiing balance of Dr.-O&k-- g,rant, tliaL.@,-id-proviously been adniiii t,ered b th2-- il - Y- LQ-Ammw"ik@i n Dr. eque,-,t. was to cover-typiiig costs oii-his pkoject x4licli it was conipleced. 2. Attached is' a--copy-of-:@tlic@cove@r-ilig letter- and the'.check that w,@s-sent -to- 6t'longer all o s n _o Y une2- and, re, cai)-liot request further accountings. 4. if flirther infori-@tatiofi is desired, we-wil.1 be happy to furnish it. It is herliby certified that $1,56.37--- -vias correctlv pc-Lild to 235 &I' INCORRrCr PLF.^-,V: RE'rWIR-4 2 May 65 156. 37 croer oi 2 Rpm"-- SIG, 41= 6 .. .. . .... .... May 3. 1965 pleace fir., In thO rMIDMIt of t@l'-;6.37 repret-4c-.,nt-. a@nte of grant vade to froc@t this 2 -P, st" o ycvw-Fyo'-rol-6, in Iiin rane for tl-xat %-7ill bt,-iticarred $-VI tile co-,@@plotion of h-@-'c t,@vrk on the grant. '@liav,it2 yoll for your cooperation in thia Wd M-.Ild appxcciatc your 'Zorwarding cft of ^chi.a sm it in sp3nt. &Jim" SUBMITTED BY .-[DATE VOUCHER NO- .21 12 ACCOUNT l@IC By INDIVIDUAL F@R ADVANCE FR 2 0 tructions on Reverse PERIOD: EXPENSES THIS I CA,;h 014 HAND B2EGINNING OF PERIOD v@ll u c H @@R DESCRIPTION AMOUNT NUMSCR 2. OUTSTA IN2G ADVANCES BEGINNING OF PERIOD 3. RECEIPTS THIS PERIODT I ON TOTAL. EXPENSES 2 F PERIOD (Attach listin4) 7. OUTS7ANOING kOVANCES ENO 2 -OR E ADVANCEE 6. CASH ON HAND END OF PERIOD BALANCE DU ACCO(@INTEO FOR 4.2 TCTAL TO ACCO certify that the expenditures isted hereon 2 el pur- l CER $rY FUNI)S ARE AVAILABLE hments were incurred for offici DATE, ''ATURE OF APPR ING OFFICER n 2 any attec of OBLIG.REF, NO- CHARGE FAN ACC U%T NO- o .es of a confidential nature. th3c PsYmemt 2 redit therefor hex notboen received. and the [this account true and 40trect, ER 2 CERTIFt@--o FOR PAYMENT OR CREDIT' NATURE OF CERTIFYkt4- OFFICER CE 2 SP LOW FOR EXCL6SIVE UsS OF OFFICE OF FINAN 67-70 71- so $3-33 4.. - 25 0 42 - .7 OBJECT AMOUNT DC$Citlp'rioN.ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS !?7 COST - 2 Al OBLIG. 4" CA c CLASS 28-33 e REF. NO. PAY 0 R A COUHT S L CODE 2 GENERAL c PER. c LEDGER 61-66 -@-'-@8-70 DESCRIPTION - A L' ACCT. .1--@ 2 0 LIO. S St - t@, .1 : CREDIT E tte DUE 0E a IT ''-@2SVANCE ACCOUNTS 13-27 Me ........ CODE T DATE Ili!@ T D EMP. NO, ........ ... ... ......... 2 DATE leweo by TOTALS F,OR ft, vious 4-65 82 INSTRUCTIONS @,4-ne or Sectior, 1. Enter on line I the amoun-I.- of cash on 'hand at the beginning of the period. 2. Enter on line 2 the amount of outstanding advances made to third part.-A.es, brought forward from 2 the previous accourting period. Enter in this sect.-Lon the. a-poi.irt o-f each receipt during the accounting period showing pertinent data, i.e., method or source of acquis'6.tion and applicable rate of exchange, if indigenous currency. If more space is r2equired to explain receipts, prepare rece-pt form, rumber and attac.li. hereto. In every case, completely 4.de@i'@ify the source of receipts. Er-ter on this line the to be accounted for which shall be the sun of amounts shown in 1, 2, and 5. Each amoun2t listed in this section shall be supported by a voucher consisting of either the receipt obtaired from payee or --n lieu thereof a certification explair@'@ng the lack of a receipt. If the r@umber of entries exceeds the available space they' -aay be consolidated as one entry in section 5 and2 supported by a listing of the individual entries on a separate sheet. 6. Enter on this line the amount of @zny refunds of advances by the advancee indicating whether by cash, check, or noney order. 4- -he a@-col.Lnting IDeriod 2 Advances made to third parties which remain outs,anding at the end of 4@ shall be consol-.dated and the total entered as a sincle ar@,ourt on th@.s line s-LI)ported 'by a listing on a separate sheet. Final credil will rot be given for disbursements which are advances 2to be accounted for. When accountings for advances are obtained, list as expenses or re.+',-,nds of cash L as a-ppro-oriate. Erter on this line the amount of cash on hand, or -if the amount of the disbursements exceeds the amount adva2nced 4@-.Iie balance due the ad,,rancee shall be shown in parenthesis, i.e. and treated as a mini-,z amount in arriving at the "Total Accounted For", l'Ine 9. Reflec+.,on this line the "Total Accounted For" which must agree with the amount 0111 line Total To 7Account Foz,". JON PCX, dt to DrA@@@ p. it in t-r,,,%t v-yi b-a obt@,JA,,od fri:,@m Dr pO Octob@-i lc,45 in the r.c- tre to 6 t -Ux t.-Ill it f:L---c c@@n outz@' to low, ------- ------- - ---- ----- (Wiiei Filled Zn) VOUCHER NO. i,,Finanze use ofily) SVi3miTTEI) BY ACCOLINTI,4G BY :NDIVIDUAL FOR ADVANCE PERIOD OF ACCOUNTING FROM TO 10stf-CCiOns on Reverse 1. 2 D SBURSEY.ENI'S RECEIPTS ON HA-40 BEGINNING Of PERIOD 3. VOUC @E@R DATE DESCRIPTION I. L A.;q N IJPA fl@- R 2RECEIPT DA7 DESCRIPTION C;z 4. REFUNDED HEREWITH 'ASH 5. CASH ON 4AND END OF! PERIOD 2 CCOUNTED FOP@ s "p -,7 @CCOUN'R FOR 70TAL A TOTAL TO APPROVED the expend.itures jisted here I CERT2IFY FUNDS ARE 'AVAILABLE Icertif), that an a d n any attachments were iticurred for offic;ai Pur. OBLIGATION REFERENCE N.-.fT.ARr ALLOTMENT 2NO. DATE SIGNATURE OF APPROVING OFFICER a paymen:-or poses of a confident4al nature, that crvdit therefor has riot been receiv d, .7nd' t@.o I ing is true @erl correct. this account 2 PAYEE DATE SIGNATUki-o@--A-@TH-ORIZING OFFICER CERTIFIED FOR PAYMENT SIGNATURE OF DATE SIGNATURE Of-@Elprl@FIINC OFFICER 2 SPACE BELOW FOR EXCLUSIVE USE OF FINA@iNC@E@!DIVISION REVIEWED BY RED BY VP'OCHER NO. 7-12 40 - 4 2 45- 46 472-$2 53TI4 59 - 6 7 ce 7t-$O 57 23. 20 ALLOT. LEDGER 2 PAY OBLIG AMOUNT DESCRIPTION ALL 071@ER ACCOUNTS XPENOPER. REF, NO Fl GENERAL ACCT. NO. D . ..... LEDGCR ....... r....... . I TEM-2S 13- 3 6 3A-39 Liri, ADVA@CE, y 62-67. OBJECT DESCRIPTION A/P PAYABLE CODF- COD &C.C.T,. 0 @AACCT. NO. i,. -.0 c IKED I 'r 4 @CMP. NO. x vo u . No, CLASS OESCRIPTOON A,VANQE ACCOUNTS 13-24 FORM .@t. !NSTRUO-TIONS If funds, in the form o-@' other than U.S. Dol'ars were on hand, received, or disbu.-sed CLuring the accounting period, all -)ertinent data, IL.e., rate, method of acq@aisition, etc., must be shown. If advan2"-"es r-ave been -oeriod made -x third parties, enter the total of such advances outstand@ng at the beginning of the acc on line la. more space is @-equized to explain receipts, prepare receipt form, number and attach r22ere-,o. In every case, com ,;,'Letely identify the source of receipts. Attach a voucher for each expenditure and assian a ruinbertl.-iereto irriunerical sequerce. The voucher mel.@sbae *,he receipt odtained from the payee. 'wlien a receipt is not obtained, prepare. a certificate and --:@.ttacr voucher. '4ien 5pace on form is not sufficient to I-q Et al@l- vouchers, prepare a listing on a s epara@Lle z-eet and enter the 'rotal. 'under i'@IcTr 3. If advances to third parties are cuts4l-@r;dlng at the close of the Ing pei-iod2, attach an itemized 1-tst and enter the total on line '@',a. Final credit wil',- no'. be given for disbursements @,,hich are advances to be accounted for. 'W'qen accounting for advances are 'obtained, list as P-xl)enditures or refund of cash, as appropriate.' To@wal- receipts eiitered on line "Total to Accour;-t For must agree w-,Lth th-etotal d.-Isbursements entered on the "Total Accounted For." September 12, 1963 De closed please find the iccounL-iiig, -:C-d [,I at old cqo4kr,-Ol lich s ows a 0 balance-. -Th2i-s should c o I have *,irit t@aft to4wOr L@e- last@ 2 a s t.4o praiit to- 6@$30,000 Enclosed is an accou-tititik@o iph I have made-up since I had all his records and ma pay@Tieiits for him. He may use the balance -Lip.- in some small expenditures uliich no t d--rei.Taburse.Tuent for 80 'Pleasc-l-don't reques.te close this one out. Enclosed also is a copy of a lettot. from i-71iich you can put in his file. Ile is still Sp -Out--- grant uioney and i-ion't account until it is all gone. Best Versonal regards. September 12- 1963 Crant to D 19r59@'!,-,i the eitiount of $9,735.00 Expenditures; Equipment $ 2-84.60 Research Assistants 1,566.50 Principal Irivestiaator Fees 7,350.00 Fees for library acce2ss, Supplies and Books. 377.53---- Total Expended to date 9 578 63 B,,zl.ince i,,i iccount -156.37 ove expendibres v7eto made by--the -Fund, only direct payments, hlerdfore, controlled the f-iiinc s - kept the 7 I c--and records of 'D-'%rments. I certify that -these arp true expenditures from.Dr.-W grant. - ------ i.t-i Dat6: 'L')59 .r- t n --tt- 03,,il at t i:.@ 115. 2 i@A.11 bo 0.', to Lk of Irv V, r "3 t t 2 -@xi for bo or t for It 5 all t 1. I t Ct)s*u Account 0I)ject Class Obligations Obligations Date Remarks Ptid References Ineu7rreti T@.iquidated 13altrice Q7.?S. e7o SFP vii'l J735 -W -A 3:, to 6 Oi, C. e k VIA LY 59) gj,735-00 oy ------------ a,, i@@is i;3 1!'IVOiCO G2c"rvlco.3 a d in- -On ir.,@, T.,t bill 10 to No. 1 yt i5 Is Lc:ir,@i R E b@l P@'1! Receipt is hex ackn(yriedged of ttle fol.1c,,.iingG .@e j. of official Cbeek No, G356 -AMON" 6 tat ty 13 t,,:) tle 1-@Y@/Ap -act 9 1, ttL li d t.,i t.@-te 't-a Tos s --B 6 kLi---ust 'L959) qi (> AlLiguat 1559 @04ORkl,'DUM FOR-. M@D,' R",COM SUBJERT @gair.TRk, Sitbproject- 98 2 The@ pii.1-pose of -,c;ubproject, 98-ir, to- ru,,-.Port Dr sear@h York ii-i nass corl7%riersion as oatliiied iii t-b-,e. attached r-roposale I-saterial I)ossess--d by s"t oof 2 and the data at will be inte- grated ir-to oti@,-% docti-ment tying 'Logetlier e'valtiatior.8 Of ebange of attitude, personality c-@nd behavior A 2 -Ii-oject-will b@@d-thkW64- NW-__ or security,a,.,id cover pv)rposc-3 and tie ELceoutAtinps for funds experded-in-it sliall confor2m to the establi.sl-.ed procedures of that orgeijiz2,,ati@on. It is iiot ariticipated that m-ty periw-Nn,.,nt eqviloi.@-.nt-vi,ll-be re(juirecl for the proj ect 'but tsion arise it will pi*arty of the2 LTitiversity should the oce, in lieu of higlier overhem eharf,,rer,.. lihp- total cost of this project for a pericki of tvo yeara 3-' is estilmated to be $9.,735-00 as indii@ati@d i-i-i the 7c-ttac-hed proposal;---- Charges be ntolde ar,,airist AlAotm--nt 0525-1009-lt9O?-. Dgwngradea to: snow 1),@ cx,,itliority of: 187 5 eate: June 1977 Cfj 187473 lio el-ea-,t-ed or witting Ix-,rsons are conceriled vltb the c.ond,iliet of this 1:,roject T,,'-,S/Chemical Division APE-110VFJ) POR OBIIC,4,TIOv OF RYLE@S: Date: Frc@cosal Dir,trJ,butio@n,. Original only--- Do,,vn,,,i,,i@ied to 'ti'll autl,,ol,ity of: 187476 Jilrio 1977 CL BY 187475 CD IIIC)?,)SILL POP conve.--sio-" On f ia 01 tr@-& cp- n be achiovljid a, crg&ive aOix:Lo co2natitut2o e.r. liap.)tt&-Xt t'q4oretiesl pro'llolo,-o. I,o,,Ae or-O Co.-,sit4re Ito direct to&l-,iii od toic@, 84,070).n"I,Y ikiverxi plxnomena, tuch ag ta g;ro,,tpo, the ltbrair.,;rjish!.rcL' of A ior @a, the of rlo@iorti W..,tus soul* 2M--bfi etc, of rA4e cowiernion, it movb-@,,isnt 3, -@ot the colle--'Oive &5p;ictti &Ok@IM3 9@i-a not etaiiai by tfO 2 i,asijia or stct w)aich are @-ft,2a I-old up ap; tlo idoal In Co:icroto coDvei,i3i,@,t, can be ectoatifically, ofig ir&wi-C oa uyail&ble PSYC logic-a! A@a4 Bociolot:ical otudied L-tq@.n,- to t@t3,tidard a@etl--ok* of lytresti-aticli t.,hc),So rolkiva -JA@,2 to ti@'i pro'cl.@att C.'f rtr-sly '@-sezi 2 it ii fii-tt. to extrset towe ,@' thi alre ail availtblu 3,D'!Ona@ to a-PPly t,qun to et-tat7, mQ-tcriE@2Jt -ill,aae-y CO'lect@l. 4@trt from t,,yr@t- i . .@l t@,o basia of r.3,port6 of r.Agt5 phoroL!ot.,c., no pt of Worki,io b c f iv, I t Ai Ih i 6 i;ust ba@,la with &P C-f eor,,version 9.nci of the t;@ ba 2 r this Coneric tyri. workirj ,@; @.efluitioii g-ovqr,,JIZ tho follo ecavidrsion I% P. 2 ba-.i,,- xorfi, ielitl iravc,6-i I,' el, uld i-,)Iox 0!@ej on tht o-i@i r-p@,luireL2-,oit t@i,@jt It bv roli-%@ivsly O'Al 0 to of Ilintoi@lit, Ott-,. whkc-,Ii I'ViN.0 c-crigtiditic b*;au tt@,ke,-l &4 tbo of t@. oxp;5rictice. t. reyie-,f of I-oglov!kat v-ho,al@L to tha defi@,iition and p@irli&pr per-wit e-,(So a ditsti-netiol &kong covere.1 2 & irgcor@ii -1@g to ",N.? t(,0,40: Io a Affftil. in thcau- o-,io It JB riot 0,, 3 t2-, takg In of iri4livi4vA@.1!3 I)rowfA,,Iroa. Ott tlie. co.@--trkry, qfficts are l@4:11@itttl.#@tz.,J. witli throt iiiftirot, t lot@;ic@all.v relatei, ig;buts. Fueli of thea ch@n. bo p,.it t&s & qL,,VfltioL@: 2 (I.) 14b.-D is aliteeptible t (2) Unie,@, what co-l-litiorn are (3) V,'@,at le. ths of th-4 to &6tt-.)inpt 2ut fayntlssic,, i,hQ littrrtire VIat ba fdr &,ny el-u.35 concernin..- tt@@ete tt,,ree j@2 (1) th@a '@ilbere la tbo Istue of vhetyor 2 ecav,-roio.z P@a l@Lts hold, ti@c %:Kittettace of a aib,@- o:tlthf. "itivie-ol" uct'@lf th,,l ey-,Parienco or crizile 2 r,,erely '@ringa to t)@,e forv. Cdn a p,@rnon b@a in 1, ail-ection ,i,nt ir, I.lp-s wit:,-, ii;r@,y , 2 ,,4r'c@.-K.pa Lot be - i ho; x@uka t"-e cxe also co2i(-cin ce_ t --LXP 0 f the 2 FDreonality. to co,--4, i3 n re,--Ctioi prosik-,Iros R.@t. the to tht view, 2 ylan,@cly lack of str,-wn-- w@"-t for P,.g (2) tl@.'s cor@ittions of coivex,elon. ,,rk of tlio vEi@io-,izi 2 kir,'ti5 of probbillrzr, IB prercqui-ito f'o,@ V@l effcc4.-ed. to r,, cb&-iza, -i.e. tLo -preparpt2ion, -,Iiicli prccis@e To bz, th,.) 0-,naz@, to t,,,@o th-- anle t,@to kill of O'Li;ipor2t @hoy to of t'io by a bolt th;,@t ort,,@ C &IV. a'-, ir, tlis xi2cZ@.-ari i3 a of t!,Ie t i 1 1 y I t ou I ,I b p c a,@s I b 1 cor,,,@itior,-4 t,-n-At or t'."--,t li@nit-c. C)@if--AEo @r2@ E@ry Is e-leo whera Of wltathor ic, ti @4a t4L@ Vi@@ 2 'I or d 4; t v I LI aa 1, n @i t t C- r 4 'W'4,,-Vr of-,el Cif Co-Lit'a,&, tl,3e,,r%ra &W-Q 1',('t -L-'oa ra4--,ttof---3 to aQ.-r igaizi A, coA,,'attitent to a C,%Ilza*4 Of &a magariytio?14 of a n3w ro-@f- by ot.q-zra. @@At tIO 2 oryatt-.I'li%ption Of MCI AA Ril-o-ut@-LEkco lo obtio-@@lrzi ii,. t-hic@ (b) 1',ufccticii fro,,n oro ox, r,.%tioA*l &ffill!ttii@@z tc? r@ot be a. now co@@ivitmint be "4.,a as a4 th3 !% ri@%,ttcr of t i- t*r8stR o-, outlcok, wi-letler tk.,iet@n or d,raciatic or 0 -A -. LT.,--ttor to t@te Of & )r,,tttc-r cf foriat of --re gLffactcd. Oco!,v3rtic-r.11 aTa to bcs oyal-,i-atvl in the ii.&Ii-t (if thago 2 of 4L fir@14 ct'- of tt c@,l In to ta rt@,v t-i t..Y.,krKct ti-re",; civz@3tio,o- to ov@@,ntg ty'at provel,ed of tl',* of r.,L'f@ncti-ve irk briw "azic to b,@ tQ tWo (,,Ir@)?itiC!'..,:: t)r on wb.ou tllc@y An -,(!Ott of tl'.') (b) tz'.,z -@lettt'4r-oJ L@10-fillil@@Lticr@ Of affoc:t of Of A roe,,@it Qf nr@,cific 2 .@to. cf *, now roli i!a r..-ta 4)f to by ',o it'@tOr@,)-t4 @v7,"l 7 ill 14 to I;osao coL,!.cioj4 cif r@lli),vztlg -Ani al@l C3 ilralygig of ixl E4 croxip context. Tllo It to to ori tha col.leettva to -'efir.2c ti-,e iolet of orto a.r.0thar wid give i-iss to r@ew l,lolow are pcmo a,,xbie(-t are@to with @L Group tl-.erapy. C'.%znical i:rou,,r.'. tlier-ip.-; &@ &,-,I t4'4 So@-isty of l@eforirc@l- Dr@--r@@@-ardr I!i "L;)i@) IF)!4t)b; York. City 'fcl,@th !card P-etivitlos. 2 (b) Recroitrf,,@@it irto tl,.e active coll or the j)uclo,,@a of t,r4e sclect. I-oilticp-'-. Pid rell.-ioiiz seclvt other (c Grovp P-urin,;, 2 -forced detairiwei@,t. Prinoa4ra of eaa,, cdncentration camp, and the ir@ sideisl erviro.@,@49nt v'Uo to of the -ar witrkl-nt2 in re3porse to a vol-,i-ntary ch&@,neo la his c-altu:rr-,l EL' " . - LI % -i-,' , ltl,,out iiccavrari prior i@lotiv@i@icti to t%b&ndoi I.is old Ct,.vn@@o3 ir, ri@tpoiis-3 to ortniftl,zcd &rd in wbiet4 j3xo rou 2 Pilly spect.%clta, ctc. (f) ?ILrip-5 lortoi of politico.1 in%t-v4'rility lo@ioll clean atl--v@ctui-e 20rid styl-- of r@re alffecteek. Ch&nres In life cor@Citiorke Wtich totp.1 '4001ektV. T',.ia diverap cov4red 2 tho bG derived arf to foe-us or,@ the brsiv, ircblet---iti fol- . LtlIQ & dy cl@c,-c]CL - - -iri f i-@ I nv,3 t I o n 2. To r@-poit. tv el, - ici!t@,i for of the rath-ir er--,L'E- It,)Liii discora @-r*ctiet coaveroton alv.,.qys. .9.3so I2ii hol@ds tl!al-v "ric crit'@cittl citvat@toa r-,Aint a narrot,-Jr.1 of przlive of corfliet rok-ol,t-.tion. Ouch % &tovc. vil, elt@.rlficptio4. FA@r@ally, It I-at% teen CoatereLea tl-,,4t oul.y foi@ A conve@relcrle Ig-rt@.iLyitirica are clf,,n4e.3 in the 2 ,T,@4t ul,@@t tlio r@-IL4@@ire of 3@irh v%ipp(,rt Is aloo might bo c@Ivriflo@l,. A.notl.e'r yrorleri to t@o tolached vpr@n concsirtin t@A.-z of 2 Are cho vai@iout kirds-of 1.-OlJtic@ol, rcit)lv @,qutval@:iitt Ariiit, this -i-,irvoy oiiablo III y, p,_l I 11 4.i..)rp of li,,ve,3ti-.-ktion in rora c@ of 195 'un,ttel.v ttera c.1--ance that cl-ttier 1.@r.440wiik =41mwor I 'c&n icet --.Lty kir.Ci (,f cr re@.',cce4 'ceac@@,JIIC lo&,d r;Li ty,e litter hr @% ,lf of 1959. Durina thit lortoe, rebettreh &soietant (with in 2 (,f a. iv,-olerdi 4eirce) Cot stvi@led with work .4rd of lituritnire. DLil@irk.- ty4r4 r@oxt s%-.seeters, oither 0--qo 3f (oz, 'tot@ti) %fi2ll *Oak 0, h,%If-tiwe tesct,,int-- I.oEte to alort; ptri.o-I is to cor-p"@ate this Stvp*rt of t@lf (cr 2 1, i- to fat rod-actior, of -a 119 loki at por anyv.,M) 3 l'Osc.&rcli yetar 2 at z$5COO ,-Ir &rLiitLlii Tfayt,l to co-rsti@lt e-ourcou an4 lr4ap.-ic,t d,*.ta or coL,.5-clt with 2 500 $ $ 150 lAir,!h&nq of 100 $ 475 ri,@-pir4 of d ri@,f to :To 10 Tqr cent for N CE E t,,.' C E SOUP,C tN ii,4voLVE-.D Z,7