August 30, 1973 Dear, Here is the first draft of the Sta+weriients of lfork znd Cost. My secretary put this on i's-.ationary because I forgot to mention to her that I was dictating for ano'L-Iher party. would like to pitch to when he visits 2 late in September. That might be worthwhile if you have a rather complete understanding of how he will address the scaling p-roblem I mentioned and Itave an opportunity to dry run his presentation. Perhaps such a careful exposure. would be good for the project's viability. See you soon. Stay well and happy. Sincerely, 4 E@ IqD AMk PHASE I ESTII,IATITIG TIIE ERFECTIVE@IESS OF -=LE CTP IC FIS[i' III DETECTIIIG FOREIGII OBJECTS AT A DISTAIICE Perform psychophysiological @xperi'Ments using different kinds 2of electric fish in restricted water so as to esti- mate their ability to identify the exis:ence of foreign objects in this water k@aking inlo account ele!ctrica'l dis- continuities in@posed by the boundaries of that water and -the foreign obects placed within it. Specifically, con- Sider the natural fish as a signal cenera2tor and receptor and then Lose of auxiliary signals which replicate the fishes signal@ and otlier si'gnals of specific interest. Compute the expecte4 behavior of such fish in open ocean or fresh waters given typical boundary conditions with depth, topology, inogeneity of thal water, temperature, 2and so forth. Summarize these findings in terms of tiie prospec-,.,ive ability of these fish to identify foreign objects in a harbor or other natural body of water of interest ... foreign objects such as small submarines, torpedoes, scuba divers skin divers, and so forth, 'I-to-re explicitly, deterriiiie the sensory capability of individual electric fish in terms of their ability to'sense the existence of foreian objects as a function of range, fundamental area, volumetric displicenert, dif-11erential @iscontinu'ity, and so forth. In this regard, use a tank of viater ad justed to the temperature and electrolytic conditions of presumed operational conditions. Retain a fish near one point and insert in the %iater various objects, discerning the different beliavior of the fish as these ot)jects are inserted concurrently monitoring the electrical field within the i-iater. From these results. calcijlate the es- timated behavior of such a fish in detecting an object in an infinite iiater dorain and large scale viaters with various boundary conditions. IdaL PIIASE I I DETERIlItlItIG TI[E @'AET)IODS USED BY ELECTRIC FISti FOR RAIIGIIIG AIID LOCA'TIO14 Perform detailed experiments wherein the particular characterist2ics of electric fish are related to their abilities @-iitti respect to ranging and location. Particular attention %iill be focused up-an the use of phased arrays of receptors, the fish's ability to deterniine incremental time lags in the signal, the estimated of the signal, to modify the transmit*ued signal as a reflectio6n of knoiqledge gained from previous receptions, and so'forth. Interpret these findings in terms of specific schematics and data analysis required to synthesize models of the fish's capability, nodels which w-ien reified vtould provide signal advantage over the state of the art with respect to such a target as described above. PHASE III DESIGII OF EQUIPT-IEIIT SYSTERIS SUITABLE FOR REPL!CATII:G ELECTRIC FISH III TER@IS OF TARGETITIG FOREIGII OB%I@CTS Design, fabricate and test experinantal apparatus suitable for replicating the above referenced models. Perform expe?,ir.-ents k6-iith this apparatus so as tD improve its ability in various regards. @lake a specific co-nparison of this capability to that of an electric fish and estimate the utility of such an apparatus- in terms of opqrational situations. STATEIIENT OF COST PHASE I - $ 6 nonths PHASE II year P[IASE III year