25 September 1968 @LE@IORANDLTII FOR: SUBJECT Meeting with Dr. 1. As I mentioned.t.o ygu-earlier this week I had conversations at Mr. .1 frequest with Dr..' Iconcerning-animal training. In going over my notes from the trip, I f2ound some things I didn't mention to you; therefore, I'll-summarize my meeting with him in this memo. 2. As you will recall,. done guided animal work on donkey-j and rats.., He said that in doing his literature search on the project, he came across work done in Sweden in World War II in which seals were trai7ned 2 to attach exvlosives to submarines. He recalled that the harness for @he seal had' been one of the main problem areas, Further, he said dogs had been trained in World War I to go to tanks for a food reward. 3. In his own work w-Lth donkeys and rats, he found the following using electrical stimulation of the brain: a) negative reinfor2cement in'all cases caused panic reaction and was not useful b) an intermediate level@bra-in stimulation was the only useful one (you could overdo the'pleasure reaction) c) with rats the attention s]@an was so short (less than 1 sec.), that you needed to give immediate reinforcement (2less than I sec.). By doing th is you could train the rat in less than 10 minutes. SUBJECT: Nleetina with Dr. d) for guidance he needed a "logical and" in. the circuitry, i.e., the animal must have the right heading and have forward motion e) a maximum response rate ;t 60-100 eps for the donkey f) the animal gives the response you ask 2for and not necessarily what you want or expect, thus your questions to it must be framed very carefully. 4. While preparing to get into the animal work, Dr. spent 2 weeks with' lw'ith a grain 'of sal't' He realizes you must take but while he was at the, was convinced of the following: 2 a) i@@@d found'pleasure centers in the brain land could stimulate them by electrical shodk" - - -------- 5. I'm sure you would find Dr. ivery stimulating. 'The next time he is in town, I hope.that you can find t2ime to have some discussions with him. 2