ADDE"Mtj'.wf TO PROPOSAL TO SUIPLF.MFI,'T US GOVERr4MEZIT COh7PACT - Following conversations between the sponsor and cognizant personnel of the was agreed that a shift Of emphasis in the propo2sed pro- ject -,as warrented. The revised orientation of the proposed research will be placed upon the utilization of an electric field by certain species of fresh water fish tO navigate, orient and detect small objects as opposed to the original em- phasts of phylogenetlc comparisons of learning. In recent years, there has been increasing Interest in the sensitivity and 2 response of various organisms to magnetic fields. This has been particularly tcue in the space program, where the effect-s of leaving the Earth's magnetic and gravitational fields on mants behavior and physiological processes may be of great importance. The magrietic field is a form of energy like light, heat, and sound,, to which all Plants and animals are exposed. I2ts Influence on living' systemst however, is subtle and not well understood. One potentially useful approach to studying the effee-@s of magnetic fields upon behavior is through the use of an organism wh:Echpproduces an electrical field and uses it as a detection and navigation mechanism. The electric fish Sternarchus albifrons is such an organism. Impulses are discharged 2from the fish's ---------- tail and received 'by its head, which becomes positive with regard to the tail. This difference creates a field about tho fishve body, permitting it to detect objects through their distortion of the field. The purpose of the present study will be to determine how Sternarchus orients itself, in terms of its own field, --7-------------- W-@- within a magnetic field created by the experimenters, and whe ther this affects its ability to detect ol7jects of varying conductivity. In essence, the primary goal of this effort will be a study of electric fish behavior witi particular reference to: (a) measurement and characterization of the electric fields produced; (b) influence of behavior and electric field by an a,rtifically produced field which interfers with the natural field produced by the fish; and (c) the use of the fishes' electric field for navi4gation, orienta@4 tion, object detection and discrimination. This addendum to the original proposal will not effect the total funds, man- power and equipment required nor will it nullify