Durii-i, the period 1963-1968, numerous research and develop- n-icnt proararns were undertaken in sul:@port of the A,-cncy's interest and requirements. The diversity of pro,-rams rc-flected the multi- discipline character of biological sciences as we';.l as the "common use" aidpli::ation of the researth and development product. The follow- ing progriim briefs represent'tlie major programs and achievements of the RL-D effort durinc, the 1963-1968 era. -ANIM.AL STUDIES The state-of-the-art of remotely controllin- animal behavior resided within the animal behavior itudies was funded by thee 2 Division. The feasibility for remote guidance of 'animals in the free environment was demonstrated in 1965 using a as the subject and an. as the auidance cue. This achievement prompted a rnore intensive investi,,ation of other animal species.. In the period 1966 to 19 6s, guidance system waq develope2d using echniques. In late 1968, the. @rogram was advar-ced to the operational and engineerinc, development phase. One of the more notable achievements of the 2Lnimal studies was the demonstration in 1968 that the homing behavior of could be controlled and rnaintained in an @e- nv;roi2ment. Coupled to 2 all animal guidance progra@ns w.Ls the successful training of behavior necessarv Lo amplace, deliver and/or retrieve as well is the dcvclc.)pi-i-ient of the hardware and locistics sul)sys',cn-is to suppc)rt the ").I a S --------------- 9 7@