Z":- 2.1 E ?,A. 0 RN D lj.%l FO,-Z.: DULLZS C;cn. Cabcll been -tdviz-.cd of tllt sro-o-ed -iction to be I have ju@ taken in t.ic ca--c of @,icssr3. Drum -nd Go2otl:'cb and fccl that in view of r.-y -,-osition -nd re-g,-)onsibilitic-9, it i@- my duty to cxprcsr, an opi.-iion -.n tl-is ri.-itter. I feel tl,.at aforrnal rc,-,ri.-..and in this case would be Z. an injustice sircc rc:)riyn--nds are ao,-)licable to t.10st: guilty of -ncgli-,cnce, dizloyalt-1, or %villful -tct:, d::t.-i:-ncntal to an orzaniza- cr tion, rathcr t@-an to tii:)2e -in diffic-.ilt c:.rcun-.st-ancco caused @jy -,-c-i--ncc or factors 'oe- 0 1. In 2tliis cast, ":-- ;ond o-.i.- c- I bclicvc ti@zlt bol-i rncn conccrn'cd -act,zt! in c--)od f.-iith a.-ad with the desire to acivajice thci.- v.,orl.t. Vt'licther they lac"-%cd tic forrsiBILt or wisdo.-n t--) rr:Ls? all the z-,oosil.)iliti-es tll-.at occur ir,, of course, debatable. 3. If sue.q action Nvcre tzl-.cn in the t:-zd:4tion of the sea. wbere tI.-.c con-.m.-L-ndc.- is auto,-rat,.cally a@, f4-ult i.-i case of f2zilurc, t.%r-n it wo-.ild be in order to apply the -c,,)ri.-nand to both Dr. C;ibbons and inyself. 4. 1 sincerely hode that this ina'ttcr .,rill be a-=ain -cviev.,cd, not only in the irtc:.cst or J-.Isticc, but also fn t:-e interest of -..ain- tainin- tl-.c sDir,.+. of in;.tiativc and c.-.t@iusias,-n si -.eccrsa:-y to our ,W 0 r LE J IS de r 0 Z Res ear.cb Chii.-r:-.an TSSIOC:Idcl/jel (Z February 195,@) t lieno'for Pocord: Orininal returned to 7d',a deflorez on 10 Feb, wlnote iror4 6an Cobell (on the cover sheet) as follo,.vs': "Your' re.quest acceded to."