30 Noveuber ID5-i DCI ..-iiid DDCI: discus@-ion of the Olsei case. It was agreed - -i -t @- u b Li 1. that llbuston ind I wotild make a 2 thorouz;l invesliration xiLl our reco=z,.endations to the Director. 30 liovember IIOUSTO.1, ED4ARDS, FIELDS AIID SCOTT: discuss--?an of 'the oisan case. Scott and Fields will take steps to @see tliai the files arc 2 sent up here and the drug.impounded. caber 1.95> Dec d'isciplinary GIBBO"IS: came i'a to mal-e a strong plea that no2 action -6e taken on the Olsen case. 2 Ijecembe.- DC! and DDCI: discussed the Olsen case-with t li cm. 2 Der-ember 195-i WIS',;ER 'discussed the-Olsen case. 'He stated that neit,%er 2 he -aor Hdlms lne,7 anyth.Lug aboi-,t the intention to make this ex-erir,.ent. Ee'@ointea' ou-t that Helms had held a staff meeting in Ilay at whicli Drum and Gibboris were present and liad indicated that @he drue, @ias dynam;-te and that he should be advised 2 at all t-'6nes whe-.i it was- inte-.idea to use A memora,-iclu= on -this was later sent'to-the D v3.s2.o= and TSS -,;hich advised that the-re wotild be no usi@-, -,7-?-thout Wisre@-- s permiSS4-on. 2 3 December !L953 EAPOLI) C 0 0 talked to hii:h about his reaction to LSD. Ee stated trp-t be thouaht 'application on an utlwitti-i- basis was very bad. 3 December -1953 2 GCTTL7TB: advised that Dr. Abramson wduld be here tbmo@-r @w and would I 'Want to see'him. Told him that I would arrange it throu,-,h Eouston.. 3. December 19 5 3' DE FLORVZ: came in to say that he .'thought any repiimands in the Olsen case would be most unfortunate. 'b ncd a f orable ruling on IIOUSTo,.,: rr-porte- that-he liad ol)L@'i the Olsen case froli TIFC, 2 10 11 December 1953 tlld Olsen case discussed IIOUSTO',I: 2.7 Decembez 195' reviewed the Olsen case and advised 2 I would s ub,-Ii t it DD'Cl' to him f OL- discipl inary 5a 17 December 19 2 Cle2Lred Drum to advise that Gottleib had GIBBQNS: CA=e w't 4ef TSS. i t h Diu=, whp was acting Ch 3,8 Decembez 1953 and C2.kDW:'L'L: advised me that Stanley Lovell@bad EDWARDS -?derabla -6nfor=ation about tli e Olsen case. 2 2 D e c L- ub e r - 1 9 5 2 asked him for PaPers On 'Olsen case. HOUSTON: '1954 --ry 2 12 Janu@ a-.Ii s e a ii o u SZ 0 N 'o4 com=enl.'s in GOTTL7LB's files on LSD.-' A. 25 Janu@r3r 3-9 5 4 "ABELL, WISNZR, 'L S 1:@T case. -Xeeting with L 1-1 So r, 0 I -Februar3r 1954 Discussion with DCI and DDClion TSS -repri=ands and fSS me-etin-'. -rez, Dru=, 9 Gibbons, Gottleib, Helms, Houston,, EI-wards, Cabc3.3- (devlo and Dulles). L A