Otftce Y- lnoi@la Iri-EED STATES GC, Z-RNMENT TO Chief, Security Resdarch Staff FILE DATE: 30 Julie 1953 FROM Chief, Technical Branch SUDJECT:' one of the outstanding pharmacolo-ist in the United States tod He his- J)r honored for his wor2l< in ,been wide @l m .6 T)enicillin and ismommmim asfar as this Office has een a e 0 ascertain, is -itizen althouffh he has resided in t e 0 United St9ates r T'-gr'eat number of years. 2. Sin olities'are unl,,novnl.and his citizenship apparentl-.,- i s been determined that too great a security risk wo@dd be invol-7.ed in contactin[; him in regard to the ARTICHOKE work.