18 September 1951 1.,I-;ISMMIPI TO THE FILF, MTBJECT:. Conversation ifit @aiid 13 September 1951 1-diklill-glillil0bat-Pd lie felt the problems ,iere s' pmpl 2 0 ja ex that a time schedule wzis out-o-r--t-iie question at. the present time. 2. ointed out ttie need for initiatinr, some research of ol.= own ion of the people ivho O' to I-leep tli%e cmoope=rapt -viere serious'emugh about it to.'be actually maintaining projects. .'dered as a -iposia was -coiiz;-L 3. The immediate use of the oDr3 meetinc s3n means of obtaining a concenstis of qu4ified opinion which -,2Tould also su[;rest specifi.c projects. c problem of t S- of livpno-sis it -was ar-reed that d tall k to o obtain the namcs of qualified o might be a e C e question. As a result of'their interest in.liypnosis. 5 - It -@as @a,-r-eed tli ght be a person fuv" w C....ap-proach should a qzialific psy ogist be sought for a stwveye 6. 11 ""Mr.-aid he thought we should, in the early stages, use C..Ip-oycholoC@is-:E,@-ii-tYi@-3@ tha'n psvchiatrist-s as they usually2 were more at hbme in the use of controlled and reproduceable conditions. at th 'Affiig#Ag*W$IqP-WAV" ua,ted he knew *ago.-& i@'fho was a great expert on autonomic r 0 T Of t oject an t) i- iect to be initiated a uld2 consilier Icing tv rat-a future date. B. Both gentlemen reiterated the fact tlia as rreatl.y interes't,--d in botl) hn,.nosis and interrogation an@@@@d t having.many specific project suwestions. 9. -is i.ntprested to hear of but raised -uestic)n 2 or not lie coui TnaJte the pliar-n",i opot-,icoal survey froin the point of view of beint,, viell enourrh knoim in America to be Iccc ted as a p rofessional colleat,,ue. p 1 d no suggestions relative to the research project chart 4 -wliich dertalce. Now was nentioned as aii e-.(peri.-netiLor intnroz;te Ine3Ca:LJ.ne. Ile waq th@)ii&, t Lo have certain traits wliicli'mi!-ht limit his us 12.10110111$1$*clt in the physiological and psychol-ogical lines of 2 activity-;,--ie coiild narrow the problen to five major problems: a. A thoroueh study of' interview techniques and methods. b. The boundaries of liyi)notic phenomena. (see above). c. Evaluation of deception detectinr, devices. -(See 7. above). d. Evaluation of bas2ic physiological studit@s relatine to the project'' The author-hi-ma,.@ rht be'considerr-,AW d be E,@,eone to do thi author of is on leave 2 n evaluation of his v(ork would be '@raluabl might be too individualisti-6..) laip z, cop.T of Uie report of' the of n)@,wFzrs ti,idy -Che report and c ft -Lng the lc2i)oivledge developed in the last five years about thq,.13LT, off, tis. -,tiod C)4, 11 co- V,-Iuablp sunplemen aterial is th Ilia I 13 s glad to hear he could ii 2 stated @h rience in interrogation i to yield valuable m 1h. c ane aiva@,, v,-ith the impression thal.- the breadth of the proble--l will make ary for full- time persoiinel on the proble,-n to take an active Ar part in outlininc the actiial scientific p2roble-,n to be investigated evident throur-h othe facts that the situation chart to be prepared @y office r,-ill probably represent many uncontrolled conditions. Tlie-ba to establish.foreign 'capabilities ivM have to be based on controlled conditions which have to W chosen fro-n the great variety of-specific situations whicli are 0 actually encountered in practice. -inn 2 - ro 18 September 1951 110,',ORANDU.1 TO TIM FILF, eptei0mr 1951, in SUI,3JECT: on with C- L@AiVed that setting upaprogrxn of investigation in -t vch sychologic aspecti of the problem vias of first inportance. 0 schedule.shouid I)e developed for settin& u program* aid that could not be done that afternoon vi -;rorme, liat at the meeting of I AuCust the 2. a anel f e -tWb- or thr ee hi2t-,hly@'TK"iTl@ed- persons should be hired on a tempor,%ry p but full-timebasis to collect all the significant irlfomation relatin! to ttie L major aspects of the problem. These were thought to be three- hypnosis physiology 1 use of drugs in psychological treatment ated the need for 2'=ediate short-term problems as the,,se experts co readily Iiired and ivould not produce project outlines until their reports.were in, which would mean about six monthp delay. WPM 3-6 A-lil-li Ur, i-n pr,,rz;Lln 1,,ui.. fcr.,I.-, tli.-iii V@(-rr@ :!.!7, T)O-i -,Toitl(l or Ili.-, iri:7it.. 77 @13t 19"1 visit to risitccl i.",I-Ilillrtoll 0!1 "Li,,urt 191,;l @n(-! personr, Onow.?nd cop2r of the st-,-Lteirient dcvclc C -P C2! the Priial -Si-pr its mL@ctin-. ii n 1 AuFust. u 2. fie furtlici- clircu7,se-cl thr.--point.-, listed. o'L Cciicr.-l !,!oicz 2 rcvici.; .7ntl. r?v;,111,@tioli o.C WL11 con@'ii,rt tll(, C;Lnrc-, to f i:yj tl)c ciiiii.c@ P oi C (-rl 01-7c interviL.,i.7:;.' Ilp is se:,rchin-I C, pcrovii @ilio cpn Iii-Ti cii P. p;@rt tinr or tf2ral-)or;,rZT j.ull- tine 2 1')i- C) ty@ li--ve t-,@,on c;iif ... c 3 14 (See .me r-io to rlu 9 L) 2 of TE!chnic,-l Lrcn-. is n;:ii on7:--ni d.ii 'tiorl: i.;-,tli ttic pol.37 -r! -i-ii:Lc..i i j 4L"LT pi-ob.-@-ui3- li.,2vc %,alucible l'or 3 of Toclini(,al Arocl,-, - li@,pnosis - The F,,n,@l felt tliit i-.?Ifonn,-@tion ol obtainr-,cl uzylcr lil-pncriz Ti@i, 1-c iriclivicltt,-1-1 1-h:-.ntv,::ics t-rid 0 111.1@ circ:.n, s. Unt-il , iJiorou,-,Ii o-r li-,7s been m;)dc., ti-lo pilic', iiill drfer .,,ny st2,-itemeii'u 7s to .1 its ;o@c @n this project. 3 of rl.,%ii of P t.trck - Ttie rc.-ir-,oii for tli clcfcrrmiciii,.of -n c@v,)lu,-- tioii c)f i-rports2 -.I@ou c-Lil-ity i-- that cvz.lua- tion is unt@ I i-ic )iive firm rix of c-:!-,t:-bli.-,Iicd f.-,cts';@r-. -;liicii c:,n lici com-),rvd2'f'or i crc(lil)i-lity, 31 :rj l@f in!-, crO TIC,-L. bclij.nc3 in T),-,., i A-li A 0 P.,incl hi-icf i.n,-.-. oil ti%-iLLY n. i,ec2l lie i7.C@l i.@-lkc' kil ic)ll(-- @.liorour-l-L],; he ijiilcr3 the ppnol t.r., l@e-p n tont-iruinz-interest in t)-iis plil,sc of 'PiucbirJ.. Ile clesirc-d to folloi-i up@@@1c; iiitcrcc;t; b. Ti-@e ciiief Bi-Lieb:Lrd f iold opert- tion:7 ii-7ve C' o@-,cl -7 @o"in t;ic rf@,clulrrix)til tn t-.L" ;, out 6. rr., n;,-cmc,, iit n -.i I tliit for titt- l@o (.,Ct 2Po'@,,sibl-,@ use of t, Auam"md6- roject is to I t@ @&IMINW P i ri r @.,d -,linf7, r--::i.T con-tr@-!ctor 2 TnLnLc.,i- propi-i.,ttc. If clot of projcct,-,- :;Iioulrl L-,c -p@@ed iil)oii lioulli 1-c cci-ric,@liy o,itliiicd in th2e p C):Pccutcs tile pl.,@cin,, rif project cozitr,@ct.-, 1,-ter. 0 reTi-Li!v-l 1-hc pt:tc!i 'Uo ill ri-r-,o(i for dovelol)), ic ezioi.ve 'Ic ic'@10. him of tile mitri t@io -Ion c' P.Cencics of' cxi!:,2tin-I cl@nn!-,-Crr, tii(, iii(-loc,.'L.ritIp'tion of over- so@-s employee.-i. relative to icceptoxico of C -RIM 2 T) -z ocn sci,vo-mec t . 5 0 hi lic li"l ed )).c, I:nc, -,.ii r:-nei 2 -tiliich i-7ould prove the pozz;ibilit,,- of Ion!, tci-ri cbjylitionin[., of' zubjcc-Ls. 1.)c purcii-,rr--;d 2 of @@@@ui,i f or tile C.L -Li --@@,.,.pproved ilii:, A purchz,,-c 10. Tlin cliirt rclrti-ire -1-r, -ituatiollr, Ilyl 11:2@S T)3-0-.rCll effective of '53 - i,Ll, Itcn n the no-7t. i-pipar-l- iit incnn:-,- of f ocusin@-, ilc, 0 -.-I 1-ilcl,1:3. A fcrrine, to the quostinr7, nt: 2 !..urust 2(ltli C rc, csi,ed rclr@+,ilie to effc-cti-von@@s,-, of inci,ho@r, f.'roii F 2 ro e rec@ 110 'I.c -)C h,-.i-t t,,ill be f r mm ;@n I)ricfly the of' r@-fcr2eiiccs to L@J.uc- t,iic z: lic ur Llirc'nce pi,ojoct.-@ dci )C" @:rc rxi pop